I will be conducting my own 10 questions, much like Shailynn has done for plenty of members of this board (I never expected him to ask me 10 questions and I believe I was correct on that). The first 10 legitimate questions will be answered. I'm suuure with all the trolls I have obsessed with me that I'll get super lame questions and have to weed them out, which is why I only answer the first 10 of actual substance. Also, I implore you to use the private messaging as well to ask questions; and, if you want your question to be posted anonymously just let me know in the PM that you wish to remain anonymous and no one will know it was your question. So, you can ask them here or in private messages and within the next week or so I'll have a list of 10 questions with 10 answers.
You've been a prominent dancer presence on the TUSCL boards for a while now. About how many TUSCLers, declared and undeclared, would you say you've met IRL?
What is your fave sex-act or position? Do you *enjoy* performing oral for your partner or is is something you do to please hm - or you don't like to do it at all?
Here are three questions If you had unlimited funds and could do anything your hearts desired what would it be? Would that include a partner, and would that partner be male or female ? You have written more than once about a desire to marry, have children,and settle down, would that partner be aware of your past as a stripper, and would you tell your future children ?
You are an active participant at stripperweb, and also know the consensus tuscl view of that place. To what extent do you think it's fair? To what extent is it unfair?
What is your ethnic background? I think you mentioned that your step-mother is Filipina. Are you also Filipina? Do you think your ethnic background affects your income in the club?
Your such a whore Nina... ooooh look at me! I didn't get 10 questions. I cant wven cum up with my own 10 questions. I will make everyone else do it for me so I can get the credit....
Trich_club_lusf wtf are you talking about, I widely surpassed 10 questions to that I might have to make a 20 questions list with possibly 2 parts... The dude who does the usual 10 questions is not interested in asking me a "10 questions," and I wouldn't expect him to, but I know many posters here would love one and clearly that is evident...
My boyfriend's dick is in your mouth? That's weird, I didn't realize I currently had one. Hehe. I didn't realize doing my own Q & A was whorish.
Look at me, look at me! Im so hot, give me money. I tell the giys in your dreams... and give me your money for looking at my no ass and no tittys... says Nina..
"My boyfriend's dick is in your mouth? That's weird, I didn't realize I currently had one. Hehe. I didn't realize doing my own Q & A was whorish."
Lmfao... exactly. You need more practice. No wonder I have your boyfriend now. You cant suck dick to save your life
And flagooner very rarely do people do a random 10 questions except Shailynn, who doesn't seem to like me, and since I others would like to see one I asked the guys here if they have ajssfions. Apparently many do.
Come to think of it, he never asked me 10 questions either. Fucking Shailynn. Who does he think he is? Writing only what he feels like on his own damn time... that fucker. LOL
Not sure if I'm the only one, but I got a kick out of people who were, apparently, disappointed that they weren't asked the 10 questions, so took it upon themselves to pro-actively answer the 10 questions themselves. Nina, wasn't the only who did this, it happened in many of the threads, but I think she is the only one to start her own thread for it.
If you had a smoking hot young niece (e.g. 17 y/o) that you love ask you how she could turn here sexiness into one million dollars, what advice would you give here?
As the originator of the 10 Questions May I interject.
1. To not clog up the message board and make people bored I have decided to space out asking 10 Questions.
2. I have chosen to ask people who I thought are interesting or ones that I am curious about. Because I haven’t asked “you” yet (“you” meaning anyone reading this thread) doesn’t mean I won’t do it eventually. Everybody knows the exploits of Shadow, Papi, crazyjoe, etc. do we really need a 10 Questions for them?
3. Doug, I agree 100% and think it’s stupid when I ask one member 10 Questions and some dipstick answers them as well when the questions were specifically made for one person. To me it shows desperation for attention.
4. Nina, I’d ask you questions but I already know so much about from your posts that I really don’t have any questions to ask. You seem to have it under control anyway as ANY female posts on here PLs automatically flock to her no matter what the post is. Take advantage of it.
- Do you get more enjoyment from the PLs that fawn over you on the forum, or by taking out some aggression dressing down the ones that try to insult you?
1. What Detroit clubs do you dislike and like? 2. What's the craziest thing a custom asked you to do? 3. What made you get into dancing? 4. Why did you join TUSCL? 5. Do you look down on or judge men who club for hobby?
I'm guessing you've answered this before, possibly indirectly, but here goes -
I've heard folks say that no girl wants to become a stripper (not sure who said it - but I think it was a dancer). I'm not trying to offend you, but how will you describe this time in your life, when you are no longer dancing? Do you plan to simply tell folks that you were a dancer? Or have you come up with a different way to describe your occupation?
I've known ex-dancers, and I've found that when they don't tell others that they were dancers, it seems to fuel the curiosity of others (and creates lots of speculation and gossip).
In my simple minded opinion, dancers shouldn't hide their past, as there's nothing wrong with their job (and others shouldn't judge harshly).
"I will be conducting my own 10 questions", for which no effort is made on her part as she asks men to take care of her needs; again!
I wonder how in her mind she spins it and rationalizes this as "her own 10 questions"? I think she feels down on herself for dating a faggit who went to prison, and this is a desperate attempt to validate her existence. That and telling people she will be a lawyer. The old saying is true, tell a lie enough times and maybe people will begin believing the lie.
I'm going to answer the questions and post them. Sorry Flagooner, that I got way more attention than you did when you made a "bye" thread to announce your hiatus that lasted, like, two days. Talk about attention-seeking.
last commentMeant to say "along Sirlap's question"
If you had unlimited funds and could do anything your hearts desired what would it be?
Would that include a partner, and would that partner be male or female ?
You have written more than once about a desire to marry, have children,and settle down, would that partner be aware of your past as a stripper, and would you tell your future children ?
You could ask the same thing about life itself, you know.
Lots of good questions so far! I wasn't planning on giving my answers for a week or so. Maybe I'll have to do a 20 questions instead of 10!
Can you name all the clubs you have worked at, and which one you liked the best and which one you liked the least?
What is the most you've made in one night stripping?
Between dayshift and nightshift, which do you prefer working and why?
When business is slow, what do you do to stay motivated?
What is the craziest thing you have witnessed while working at a club?
What is your favorite Detroit restaurant?
If you could take a one-week vacation to your dream destination, where would you go?
Favorite sports team? (doesn't have to be Detroit)
Eminem or Kid Rock?
Is there a hobby that you enjoy outside of the club, if so what?
Will Trump be impeached, and if so, when you do you predict it will happen?
Please Nina... go suck another dick
My boyfriend's dick is in your mouth? That's weird, I didn't realize I currently had one. Hehe. I didn't realize doing my own Q & A was whorish.
Nina, Why do you want to be an Attorney?
Nobody was stopping them from creating a list on their own.
I'm debating between OMG and WOW.
"My boyfriend's dick is in your mouth? That's weird, I didn't realize I currently had one. Hehe. I didn't realize doing my own Q & A was whorish."
Lmfao... exactly. You need more practice. No wonder I have your boyfriend now. You cant suck dick to save your life
And flagooner very rarely do people do a random 10 questions except Shailynn, who doesn't seem to like me, and since I others would like to see one I asked the guys here if they have ajssfions. Apparently many do.
Writing only what he feels like on his own damn time... that fucker. LOL
1. To not clog up the message board and make people bored I have decided to space out asking 10 Questions.
2. I have chosen to ask people who I thought are interesting or ones that I am curious about. Because I haven’t asked “you” yet (“you” meaning anyone reading this thread) doesn’t mean I won’t do it eventually. Everybody knows the exploits of Shadow, Papi, crazyjoe, etc. do we really need a 10 Questions for them?
3. Doug, I agree 100% and think it’s stupid when I ask one member 10 Questions and some dipstick answers them as well when the questions were specifically made for one person. To me it shows desperation for attention.
4. Nina, I’d ask you questions but I already know so much about from your posts that I really don’t have any questions to ask. You seem to have it under control anyway as ANY female posts on here PLs automatically flock to her no matter what the post is. Take advantage of it.
- How many PLs from here have you met IRL?
- Do you get more enjoyment from the PLs that fawn over you on the forum, or by taking out some aggression dressing down the ones that try to insult you?
1. What Detroit clubs do you dislike and like?
2. What's the craziest thing a custom asked you to do?
3. What made you get into dancing?
4. Why did you join TUSCL?
5. Do you look down on or judge men who club for hobby?
Well, trick_club_lust, he is in prison... So I guess that makes you a gay dude. Send him my regards.
I've heard folks say that no girl wants to become a stripper (not sure who said it - but I think it was a dancer). I'm not trying to offend you, but how will you describe this time in your life, when you are no longer dancing? Do you plan to simply tell folks that you were a dancer? Or have you come up with a different way to describe your occupation?
I've known ex-dancers, and I've found that when they don't tell others that they were dancers, it seems to fuel the curiosity of others (and creates lots of speculation and gossip).
In my simple minded opinion, dancers shouldn't hide their past, as there's nothing wrong with their job (and others shouldn't judge harshly).
I wonder how in her mind she spins it and rationalizes this as "her own 10 questions"? I think she feels down on herself for dating a faggit who went to prison, and this is a desperate attempt to validate her existence. That and telling people she will be a lawyer. The old saying is true, tell a lie enough times and maybe people will begin believing the lie.
Excellent question, Subraman! I admit to being curious about the answer, too.