I have one girl in particular that I have been seeing for almost 15 years she has gotten a little chubby and I don't see her very often any more but I still enjoy her compan both in and out of the club.
The longest term with a CF was 1.5 years for me. That involved regular visits - either ITC or OTC. Initially it was mostly ITC - then it moved to mostly OTC.
After awhile, I want to try other girls. I won't drop my CF, but I will move her to a once a month rotation.
The longest would be about 3-4 months of regular visits of a solid run (no breaks for buzzkill behavior, leaving the area, etc).
With more infrequent visits, around 2 years. That includes inactive periods when a dancer leaves to work at a club that I didn't like or is otherwise unavailable for an extended period.
Three to four years of seeing my ATF just about every week, and another four going on five where we catch as catch can as we each visit the other's city.
The MILF is going on I think two or three years, I'd have to go look at texts. That's only once every month or so, though.
I don't think anyone else has lasted more than about 6 months.
I had a CF/OTC thing going for about 8 years. She was 19 when we started and abt 27 when things ended. it wasn't a monthly thing but about once every 2 or three months and sometimes more often.
i've known my CF for 2 years now. but unfortunately she's a few hours from me and i only get to her club 4-5 times per year because she's not local to me.
i like variety......my CF is the *only* stripper that i actually know a bit about.
her objective is obviously $$$$. litterally. a shallow girl. butt... can i blame her for that attitude??? fuck. maybe if i was reallly rich it'd be different.
A parallel thread to this on StripperWeb indicated they only expect to wring about 3 months from a regular... Around that point he begins asking for too many extras, assumes she will sit with him for free, tries to meet OTC Yadda Yadda.
^^^ You mean the “parallel universe” we like to call stripperweb?
Where every PL has unlimited time, money and patience?
And never asks for extras?
But gives them all the money they want and buys them whatever they want and takes them on trips whenever they want?
And every guy is understanding and wants to listen to their sob stories and give them money just for sitting with them?
My longest ATF relationship was about 12 years, but we were out of touch many of those years. Continuous, my longest ITC ATF relationship was probably 3-4 years; my ATATF is 5 years and still going, but most of that time she's been a civilian
I do, most assuredly, expect that the longer we are ATF/FR (favored regular), the more benefits will show themselves -- more mileage and/or time in the club, non-sexual OTC contact such as dinner before her shift and of course OTC itself. If this isn't happening, I would have moved on
The longest for me was 4 months, and that was earlier this year. She is the only one I would give the favorite label to. But now her status to me is FF (former favorite) because I stopped going to her club 3 months ago.
Two years of 3-4 per week. Only stopped because I developed feelings for her and that shit just isn't smart. She still texts me all the time but I don't initiate them anymore. Meeting a "new" one today around noon for our second OTC meeting. It's funny though as I'm comparing all the time the two of them and the similarities it's a little weird...
1 year with my ATF DS. I see her a few times a week right after work. Today I asked her if she was sick of me yet. She said no and that she thinks I'm cool. I care about her besides the obvious attraction, but at the end of the day we have a business friendship.
Mine has been ongoing for a little over two years with my fav. We don't get together on any interval, but we keep in touch. I'd say our otc hookups are like once or twice every two to three months.
My ATF relationship was about 4 years; she's retires but we just texted a couple days ago. My longest regular was about 15 years. She also retired and I haven't talked/seen her since.
it was sadly funny. i briefly talked with my sober ds/atf that i've never fucked and she told me that she cannot do another dance with me because t take advantage of her...
my frikkin brain simply went blank with that...
i ve pushed the envelope with her... but except for following thru on full on sex with her she has initiated what pleasures we have enjoyed together... i love her when she has a buzz on... she has been absolutely fun when she is buzzed.
so... am i indead wrong of enjoying her to whatever limits when she is under the influence of adult beverage? ( she is now 24.) i've known her for over 4 years.
After awhile, I want to try other girls. I won't drop my CF, but I will move her to a once a month rotation.
With more infrequent visits, around 2 years. That includes inactive periods when a dancer leaves to work at a club that I didn't like or is otherwise unavailable for an extended period.
The MILF is going on I think two or three years, I'd have to go look at texts. That's only once every month or so, though.
I don't think anyone else has lasted more than about 6 months.
i like variety......my CF is the *only* stripper that i actually know a bit about.
Where every PL has unlimited time, money and patience?
And never asks for extras?
But gives them all the money they want and buys them whatever they want and takes them on trips whenever they want?
And every guy is understanding and wants to listen to their sob stories and give them money just for sitting with them?
THAT parallel universe?
The others lasted around 2-6 months.
I do, most assuredly, expect that the longer we are ATF/FR (favored regular), the more benefits will show themselves -- more mileage and/or time in the club, non-sexual OTC contact such as dinner before her shift and of course OTC itself. If this isn't happening, I would have moved on
my frikkin brain simply went blank with that...
i ve pushed the envelope with her... but except for following thru on full on sex with her she has initiated what pleasures we have enjoyed together... i love her when she has a buzz on... she has been absolutely fun when she is buzzed.
so... am i indead wrong of enjoying her to whatever limits when she is under the influence of adult beverage? ( she is now 24.) i've known her for over 4 years.