
Over the counter ED meds.

Atlanta suburb
There are a dozen or so of them out there that claim to cure ED, make your dick bigger, etc. Horny goat weed seems to be a popular ingredient. Today my CF told me that she had heard the DJ talk about using "Black Panther". I had never heard of it and looked it up on the internet. The FDA has a warning out for buying it because it contains a hidden ingredient...sildenafil which is Viagra.

It is a lot cheaper than Viagra for which I do have a RX . Just wondered if anyone has tried it or anything else that works as good as the 3 main RX ED meds?


  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    I think you should try it....think about it. Going from "Shadowcat" to "Black Panther" would be like "Clark Kent" to "Superman".... a real superhero transformation.

    Sorry...couldn't resist.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    shadow, while I have not tried any of them, in general this entire area of the supplement industry does not have a good track record. Keep in mind, in general supplements are not regulated by the FDA, which is why independent testing labs such as ConsumerLabs are very commonly finding supplements contaminated with heavy metals, toxins, and yes, often elements of prescription drugs (often at dangerous levels). Some areas of the supplement industry tend to attract shadier operators than others, and ED supplements are among the worst.

    As far as horny goatweed, if you are the skeptical scientific type, you'd say there hasn't been enough research to be convincing, but there's an indication it has a mild effect based on research so far. On the other hand, these supplements rarely come without risks. In this case, don't take it without consulting your doctor if you have heart disease, a hormone-sensitive cancer, or are on medications that treat high blood pressure, that thin your blood, for heart disease, for thyroid disease, or any medications that cause irregular heartbeat as a side effect.

    I would not play in this area of supplementation at all, but if I did, I'd: 1. only try a supplement that's been tested by an independent testing organization like Consumer Labs, 2. Do some research on the company and its safety track record, 3. avoid any of the signs that the supplement may illegally contain possibly harmful levels of medications (e.g., if it works in under 60 minutes, rather than providing a slower long-term boost, it almost certainly has an ED medication in it)
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Well I could use a little tiger in my tank. :)
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Okay, I did a little research for you on consumer labs:
    Of the 11 supplements CL tested, 7 were not approved on safety (e.g., lead contamination) or ingredients (that is, labelled ingredients were not present) grounds. This is among the worst I've seen, and among other independent testing, even worse results have been obtained (e.g., yohimbine supplement tests http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.10… )

    Anyway, it's a pretty horrible area of the supplement industry, very little evidence that it works, lots of evidence that many of these supplements are contaminated or have other problems, and also there are risks even for "clean" supplements... in short, this is the "just give me $500 to go to the champagne room, I'll make sure you have a good time" of supplementation. I'm sure you'll make a wise choice :) lol
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Subraman - rest assured that I've never tried any of these snake oils and never will. I was just curious if any one else has.

    I am curious to see the fall out in December when Teva's first legal generic Viagra goes on the market.
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    Subraman hit it out of the park! We all desire to be at the top of our game and many of those supplements prey on that desire.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    Subraman already nailed it, but I will chime in because I do research health supplements on a regular basis.

    Being that I workout regularly, I take a ton of supplements to aid me in my mission to have a beach body. I mostly take whey protein, amino acids, creatine, multivitamins and testosterone boosters. In hindsight, I probably take more supplements than I should, but I always do my research before deciding to try something.

    The only thing I really have tried that could give me a boost in my sexual health would be natural testosterone boosters. In order for them to work, you have to take them in cycles, usually 8 weeks on followed by 4 weeks off. IME, my body becomes immune to most test boosters within 7-10 days, and then it suddenly loses its effectiveness. Besides, the ones a sales associate at GNC or similar stores will try to sell you will cost anywhere from $150-$200 as they try to convince you that the product is as effective as the price tag suggests. IMO, that money would be better spent at the club.

    I have not been intrigued to try any supplements that specifically focus on boosting my sexual health, but I see them on the shelf every time I shop at GNC.

    Some of the supplements that are common are L-Arginine, Maca, Yohimbe and as mentioned already, Horny Goat Weed. There are also many over-the-counter supplements that are a blend of multiple ingredients and often contain the ones I just mentioned. GNC has its own product known as Staminol. Another one I have seen at GNC and my local Meijer stores is Steel Libido.

    These products are getting mixed reviews, and all of them have been reviewed by people that experienced side effects, some of which could be life threatening. The one product to stay away from for sure would be Yohimbe supplements as those have gotten the most consistent reviews from people who experienced a dangerously high increase in heart rate after taking the supplement.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    "You'll never see an eighty-five year old vegan who needs Viagra."

    I can't say I've ever seen an 85 year old vegan. They probably exist.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    I have not tried any supplements but recently my Doctor placed me on Cialis daily to treat my BPH. It has had an interesting effect on my ... sex life and is covered by my insurance as well because it is treating a medical condition. God bless pharmaceuticals.
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    Yohimbe was popular some time ago...never realized it was still around as a alternative.

    I never tried any of them and have no desire to do so.

    Sadly for me at least even the products that have been proven to work have no impact on my ability to enhance performance. I've tried Viagra a few times over the years......gives me a headache.....makes my nose run.........and nothing else.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    The thing the supplement industry is best at is advertising - now that I'm older and have had a few health issues I believe natural is the way to go - i.e. a well-balanced diet of quality foods (and super-foods which means those naturally high in nutrients) is the way to go - and getting a good-amount of rest/sleep and decreasing stress as much as possible - as well as not smoking of course and probably not drink too-much.

    I'm not a vegetable eater and about 2 years ago I started to take a multi-vitamin that was well regarded - something in-it my body did not tolerate well and my liver-enzymes sky-rocketed - they subsequently went back to normal when I stopped the multi-vitamin - my brother had a similar episode 10 years back w/ another multi-vitamin product - and my aunt recently had a similar issue b/c she was taking some vitamins and also an Herbalife shake - she stopped that and her liver enzymes went back to normal from very elevated.

    Everything has side-effects (supplements; prescription meds, etc) - IMO the more one takes the more one is taxing their body processing all that shit that usually the bod does not need - best to keep it natural and not try to be super-man, IMO.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Walking into a SC seems to resolve any ED issues I may have been previously experiencing.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I use a natural form of Viagara for my erections - "a big-booty ebony"
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
  • WetWilly
    7 years ago
    Fresh kale, and fresh spinach.
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