
Comments by MrDeuce (page 33)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Trash cans in VIP rooms
    When I was negotiating my first-ever ITC BJ at Palace in the Pines near Youngstown in 2013, I asked her if she insisted on a condom. Her answer: There are no wastebaskets back here, so I might as well just swallow!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What are you looking for in a strip club viait?
    So far this year I've been all over the place on this issue. I've been to three different strip clubs a total of six times this year and have enjoyed one CBJ in a VIP room in Washington Park, one HJ in a VIP room in Indy, and two lapgasms at my all-time favorite, relatively low-mileage club (same dancer both times, including last night -- she makes it her mission to grind me to ecstasy). But the other two club visits were for the purpose of, and resulted in, only some eye candy and high-contact lappers. In addition, I've indulged in a couple of nights of 138 with my ATF. I would say I'm always looking for 2, will settle for 3, and hope for 4 where extras are available. I never go to a strip club aiming for 1 or 5. In my experience unsolicited OTC offers tend to just happen. For example, at the end of our first VIP last April (which ended with 69 and a good time by all), my now-ATF said "Would you like to meet me for dinner sometime and do the same sort of thing in a hotel room, but with less clothing?"
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Demi Lovato Tuend Into A "10"?
    Here's a slideshow of a nude photo shoot that Demi did for Vanity Fair in 2015. I especially like pics 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, and (most of all!) 9: http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/photos/2015/10/demi-lovato-spontaneous-nude-makeup-free-photo-shoot Look at those hips in #9!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    1. What is the WORST pick up line that you hear? This could be an opener that girls often use or the worst you've ever heard in general. I *really* hate hearing a litany of woes -- "I've only made $10 tonight. My rent was due yesterday. My boyfriend does nothing but play video games and smoke weed." -- as soon as a dancer sits down with me. 2. Do you have your "spot" in the club? Like, your go to seating area and why did you pick it? Like lopaw, I usually sit at a table close enough to the stage to make tipping easy but not so close that I'm pulled unwillingly into a dancer's stage set. 3. What makes you want to be a regular (*cough*PL*cough*) for a girl? Conversation? Tits? Handy Js in the VIP? Actually all of the above, though nowadays I'm shooting for more than just a handy in the VIP :) 4. What gets your cock hard, classy or trashy? Stripper chic or a girl who looks like a high class escort for DC professionals? Or maybe you like the girls who OBVIOUSLY are dancer newbies, like street clothes on stage. A beautiful stripper who cares about her appearance but is a *little* trashy hits my sweet spot. 5. Does intellectual conversation turn you on or do you want the fuckin bimbo. Even if she's smart, would you rather her play dumb? I prefer intelligent strippers. They also have to laugh at my jokes. 6. Ever jizzed on a girl during a dance while she was not expecting it. Was it lulsworthy or were you so embarrassed that you just didn't even want to tell her. After many hundreds of stripper-induced lapgasms, I can remember jizzing on a dancer only twice. Otherwise it's always been very . . . contained. Only one of the two jizzees was pissed and demanded an extra tip. 7. You guys smell the shoes, right? I mean..c'mon. Stripper feet can be FUNKYY and I find it hard to believe most guys don't notice. Like *everyone* else who has responded, I have literally never smelled a stripper's feet. *You* might be self-conscious about stinky feet, but customers *never* notice. Just make sure your breath and coochie don't stink. Welcome to TUSCL, MilaniCashhh! Now it's time for the obligatory showing of the tits.
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    8 years ago
    Pheromone smelling : The aroma of Strippers!
    I prefer a freshly showered stripper with little to no perfume and just a hint of deodorant. I also have no objection to a stripper sweating for my enjoyment during lap dances or a VIP. Sometimes they apologize for perspiring; I just say "I love it when a woman sweats for my pleasure!"
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How long do your favorites last? How many times do you see them before the disap
    I've really only had one OTC favorite, and I've spent roughly one night a month with her since August, most recently two weeks ago. Every time I think it's over, she lets me know that she's available for another date. Now she's trying to decide between two boyfriends, one of whom would let her continue to have "dinner dates" with customers (which, based on my experience, would involve considerably more than dinner) and the other would make her stop stripping altogether. Obviously I'm rooting for BF #1, but I'm careful not to tell her that. So we could be finished already or we could continue for another several months.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Four new articles posted
    I wrote an article titled "Strippers Lead Complicated Lives" a couple of weeks ago, submitted it, and forgot all about it. When I read it this morning, I realized that I had revealed too many details about my ATF that could have gotten her in trouble with her boyfriends (yes, plural) or at work, so I asked Founder to delete it and he did. Thank you to those who read it and commented favorably. Even Founder, after he deleted it, wrote "Too bad -- good article". Now forget what you read! :)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Valentines Day - PLs Pay Up
    Nothing, not even for the ATF. It's not a romantic relationship for her (except during dates!), so why should I treat it as one?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Valentines Day - PLs Pay Up
    Shailynn, you are absolutely right about strippers' love for the Olive Garden. Last summer I offered to take my first overnight OTC girl wherever she wanted for dinner and she chose the Olive Garden! Now I'm no food snob -- I rather like the OG, Red Lobster, Chili's, and other "casual dining restaurants" myself sometimes -- but on a date, especially if someone else is paying, I would choose something less generic, like an actual ethnic restaurant or a non-chain steak or seafood place.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How soon do you DATY?
    I *never* dined at the Y with a stripper until about two years ago. Now I have once with each of three strippers and *many* times with my ATF. In fact, with the latter our first VIP, and every VIP and OTC date since, has featured 69 (at least). I never thought I would, but these four blew me so well and presented their sweet coochies so tantalizingly in front of my mouth that I thought it would be rude not to.
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    8 years ago
    Going in for the kiss
    If I really like a girl that I'm in the VIP room with, I *love* doing some DFK with her. I guess I've been really lucky at my favorite day shift club: over the past 2.5 years I've done multiple VIPs with each of five girls there, and four of them have initiated DFK as soon as our half hour started. (The fifth one hasn't kissed me ITC yet but is spending tomorrow night in my hotel room and has promised both DFK and BBBJCIM!) So, flagooner: Does this mean I'm looking for 5 GFs rather than GFE with 5 strippers?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Lacey Banghard gets nekkid
    lopaw, your taste in women and mine agree to a remarkable degree. If I ever get to LA again, we're gonna have to hang out in a strip club!
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    8 years ago
    Leap of faith: into the abyss
    By the end of October I was quite obsessed with strip clubs and strippers, plus I experienced a couple of health issues during November-December, so I took a two-month break except for one two-day, four-club bender in Washington Park, IL in mid-December. Now I'm back to being obsessed with strip clubs and strippers but have cut the frequency down to once a week instead of 2-3 times. Sometimes it's best to step away from the hobby for a while and spend your time and money on other interests until the urge comes back.
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    8 years ago
    Dancer Hygiene
    I'm a clean freak myself: shower and shave (also down there) before I hit the VIP room. A stinky dancer is a one-and-done (at most). Often parents have failed at their jobs in teaching these girls to be clean. This is where house moms should step in. It's also true that drug-addicted strippers often don't care how they reek.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Petition To Have Larryfisherman Go Away
    Many TUSCL trolls are ignore-worthy. SJG and larryfisherman are, in my opinion, not among them.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Taking a phone call in VIP
    She started with a BBBJ to get me hard but didn't want me to finish in her mouth. She doesn't mind dick in her mouth; it's jizz she objects to!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Petition To Have Larryfisherman Go Away
    NO! Like NinaBambina, I don't understand the hatred for larryfisherman. He's young and naïve but harmless and often interesting. I would prefer that we shun whoever it was that she was exchanging posts with, consigning him to the outer darkness of SW.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Taking a phone call in VIP
    To clarify: * My fellatrix in this story was *not* my ATF, but she does give an outstanding CBJ (though covered is not my preference). * I don't take a condom to this club because it's seldom required. She insisted on, and supplied, the cover. * I have never taken a call in VIP before, but we had just started our 30-minute session and I happened to see that it was my boss. I just thought it was hot to be fellated while I was taking a business call -- and so did she!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Do you have a little Italian in you?
    Has a dancer ever SQUIRTED ON YOU ?
    I've heard of this mythical beast, the "squirter". My guess is that most squirting is actually peeing.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    OT: Age
    Sorry, OP, I'm 62 and don't remember what it feels like to be 30 . . . or 35 . . . or 40. I'm lucky to bust a nut twice in a week, let alone twice in an hour. My looks were past their prime when I was in my prime. It seems like I've always had random aches and pains. I do remember the last time I came twice in two hours -- when I enjoyed BBBJCIMs two hours apart in a VIP room in September 2015 -- and the last time I had a lapgasm -- oh yeah, that was just last week :) I also know that my average number of orgasms per week has declined in the past few months from two or three to one, though I'm taking steps to improve my general state of health, partly in order to get that number back up again. I also know that my money and perhaps a certain amount of charm allow me to have fun with strippers both ITC and OTC who would be *way* out of my league as civilian girlfriends.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Does it make a difference to you?
    It's very important to me that my sexual partner cums, whether she's a stripper or a civie. When all I got was lap dances for 20 years, strippers didn't cum (though a few moaned enough to make me think they did -- I hate that fake shit!). In the last couple of years I've engaged very selectively in DATY, once with each of three strippers in the VIP room (either while or just before they blew me) and many *many* times with my ATF, both in the VIP room and in her apartment. I remember the first time I DATYed a stripper to orgasm a couple of years ago. I wasn't planning to, but there was this sweet pussy right in front of my face, and I knew she was about to blow me, so I went for it. Afterward she looked at me with a mixture of shock and pleasure and said "You made me cum!" My ATF is mutli-orgasmic every single time we get together. During 69 she'll come 2-4 times in the time it takes me to cum once. On one overnight date last fall she came 8-10 times all together. As strip club customers, we shouldn't always assume that strippers are simply whores whom we're paying to pleasure us. Some of them are actual people with their own sexual needs :)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    She offered to pay for her meal
    For several months I've been seeing my ATF on dates that begin with dinner at an upscale restaurant at 8 or so and end with brunch in late morning, sandwiched around sleep and two rounds of adult fun at her place. Though she never offers to pay for anything, there are several things she does (besides the obvious sexual stuff) to maintain customer satisfaction: * she asks me where I want to sit in restaurants * she asks me for permission to order a cocktail, dessert, or slightly more expensive entrée * she fixes us coffee in the morning and always offers me a soft drink or ice tea for the road * this past Thursday morning she actually cooked breakfast for us -- and she seldom cooks! It's hard to separate her motivation for doing such things into genuine niceness, fondness for me in particular, and a desire to keep a valued customer satisfied. Sometimes strippers do kind things for us because they are nice people, sometimes they actually like us, and sometimes they want to ensure our continued interest in them.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I'm gonna say: orthographically challenged troll
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Future sister in law
    Great joke! I think I'll tell it in the club on Thursday :)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The 28 Best Nude Strip Clubs in America
    I've been to only 3 of the 28 nude clubs listed -- Cowboys in Lexington, XTC in Austin, and Palace in the Pines in Lowellville, OH -- so I don't have much to say except: (1) Palace in the Pines is noteworthy only for the easy availability of extras in the lap dance booths, nominally $10 per dance (but tipping well gets you whatever you want). It is a dive and the dancer quality is sketchy. Drinks range all the way from water to Coke, fetched by yourself for $1 from a fridge. (2) Even a relative nude club virgin like me knows that Mons Venus should be on the list. In fact, I would swap Palace out for it. BTW, do you any of you mongers have any idea how many nude clubs there are in the U.S.? A list of the top 28 nude clubs out of 500 is more impressive than 28 out of 50! All I know is that the states where I do the vast majority of my clubbing, Illinois and Indiana, have few and none, respectively.