Petition To Have Larryfisherman Go Away

avatar for shailynn
Please respond if you'd like Larryfisherman to go spew his dumb thoughts "over there" instead of here:…


last comment
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
Count me in.
avatar for WTFlock
8 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
I think that Poor Little Larry is an asshole, and his main problem is he doesn't think before he posts. If you send him over to Stripper Web his blood will be on your hands.Those girls are mean in ways that no-one here could ever think of. Send him instead to PBS kids an educational website I think it will be safer for Little Larry.…
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
"his blood will be on your hands"

I can deal with that, I once fucked a stripper on her period and had to deal with blood.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
^^^HAHA Poor Little Larry.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
--> "Bye, Felicia" ...….
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
I could say the same about SJG, on the other hand it's fun having a punching bag around.
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
I don't get the hate for LFM. I understand why some guys don't like me here (I can come across as conceited, I am confident and a lot of you guys like women with low confidence so they'll actually fuck you, I don't do extras so no chance of me sucking your dick, etc). But LFM doesn't do much harm. Are you guys bitter that he's allegedly much younger than you oldheads?

And twentyfive, "those girls are mean in ways no one here could ever think of." Um... are you kidding me? Gammanut95 called YOU a porch monkey and compared ME to a racist blackface stereotype character while simultaneously telling me that I'm "well on my way" to having 12 kids and falsely accused me of being a weflare queen (related fact, I have 0 kids and the only assistance whatsoever that I get from the government is student loans).

Obviously gammanut95 felt stupid to say such non applicable things and he's one of the biggest nutcases on this forum, but hit me up when you see a stripperweb girl call another girl a porch monkey and everyone act like it's OK. Not to mention Dougster, another infatuated hater of mine, constantly bringing up my anxiety and making false allegations of my education being from a community college and other various false allegations of my personal life, and does this on a regular basis, while disguising it as "trolling" to make it OK. Furthermore Dougster must have a mental illness himself that involves self destruction as he starts with me all the time and I always finish with him. He's like a person who gets beat up and keeps coming back for more.

So twentyfive, you might want to rethink that statement.

Anywho, LFM claims to be young and well off and apparently that warrants threads to be made specifically geared towards talking shit about him. Happened to me before, I was flattered.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Stiletto was confident, and intelligent. Nina, by contrast, is just a nut job.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
I haven't enough of larry's posts to have an opinion on the guy one way or the other. The people who go into meticulous detail about the details of their strip club visits just bore the fuck out of me. JS69 easily takes the cake for that but I just didn't read those posts. Now the exception, of course, is RickyBoy. I love reading his posts about his strip club visits because they usually provides tons of evidence of his self-confessed "personality damage".
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
Well then Nubster you must be an idiot, because I've wrecked you in every argument we've had. You are lucky I even engage in conversation with you at all, as I don't usually even bother to argue with men who have one inch dicks.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Nina: " I've wrecked you in every argument we've had."

That's not what the consensus of those who read the exchanges was. The opposite actually. I'll give just one example: your call that trump would win the election. Now supposedly you have 120 credits in the basket weaving subject of political science from you obscure community college. Meanwhile I only had 3 when I went to college. Nevetheless I called it right and you called it wrong. Shows the absence of value of what you study. And shows the typical pattern: Dougster = right. Nina = wrong.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Nina you should read what I said, having gammanut and skifag hate me was a source of pride if little Larry hadn't called me stupid and told me to name ten folks who hate him he wouldn't have gotten all of these folks riled up he brought you up,not I and no question the stripper web girls don't use racist language but they are very militantly anti PL understandably, maybe your white knighting is misplaced. As far as the rest of your rant I don't believe I have ever mocked you for your goals and ambitions my issues with you I have always been straightforward , if you have a problem with dougster take it up with him. BTW I have addressed the other racists many a time,as far as poor Larry is concerned he is a jackass never said he was a racist,if you like him that's your perogitive I think he is a loser and a fool and has been since his very first post I called him on it, and he is a whiny crybaby about it ever since. I never made a post geared to talking shit about anyone but I participate if I am directly involved, if that is your problem go complain to the moderator,oops no moderator guess little Larry might need a big sis to fight his battles for him.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Anyway, I'm sure it will be clear to all what Nina has is not "confidence" but an anxiety disorder! Kind of mutually exclusive. And it contaminates all her posts. Such as the ones in his thread.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
BTW Your boy little Larry used gammanut and skifag against me he ain't the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
I have confidence in myself because I choose to. In my opinion I am attractive, I am intelligent, and living a good life pretty much on my own terms. If that confidence upsets you, too bad. I'm not going to be sorry for loving myself just because you hate yourself.
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
Twentyfive I also think you should read my post, as the rest of my "rant" was giving examples of what the foul, vile characters on this forum have said to others. I never accused you of doing the things I just mentioned. And there's no white knighting going on, it's the truth. The people on here have made way worse comments than what you will find on SW, my examples are the tip of the iceberg and that's the truth. "Militantly anti PL understandably" as you said, is not the same as your statement that the girls on SW will say worse things than what is said here.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Nah, you're anxiety disorder is pretty clearly in control of you. Anyway people can just read your posts and make the call for themselves.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Methinks you are too easily offended Nina, this is still the boys locker room, I sent little Larry to the kiddie locker room and I bet you a dollar that the girls on the pink site will be all over that child regardless.
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
I'm not offended at all by what you said, I was just pointing out that it's false. Lol, plain and simple. Again, lmk when a SW girl calls another SW girl a porch monkey and then you have a case. And if this truly is in fact "the boys locker room" and SW is just "the kiddie locker room," wouldn't that prove my point that the people over here are worse? Or did you mean something else by the locker room comment? Think about it.
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
And Nubster the fact that you think no one with an anxiety disorder can be confident is more proof of your mind-numbing stupidity.
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
And Nubster you are delusional. In relation to the arguments we've had the genetal consensus is I whooped you lol. Numberous users here stated it. You fucking LEFT THE WEBSITE for months after I first demolished you.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
No Nina SW is not the kiddie locker room click on my link, not shailynn' than you should get my joke you need to read the posts at the top I think mine is about #5.
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
General* I LOLed at that.
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
Numerous* sorry a blunt is in my hand while I'm typing.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
No, the consensus was definitely that I annihilated you many said so. And again I see you still haven't learned about the "post hoc ergo procter hoc" fallacy. Better work on those logical skills!

As I've said many times, people can just read your posts and decide for themselves whether they scream out "confidence" or whether it's "anxiety disorder".

Again Stiletto really was intelligent, and confident. Things you say you are, but she behaved nothing like you.
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
"^^^ N uve dun taekn 2 meny ov ur medz 2dey tryin 2 fend Douchester off."

Meds to fend off Nubster would be a Nobel Prize and gift to humanity.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Not good - we all have our different personalities and how we express ourselves on TUSCL - if someone annoys you too much then best to just ignore their posts or just put them on ignore - ganging up on someone is not rhe way to go - plus this is TUSCL, no need to take anything on here too seriously
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
It's fun.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Papi on ignore ' )
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago

I bet she goes back into laying low and hiding for a few months again. What she usually does after each time I annihilate her!
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
I've never hid for a few months, that was you Nubster the revisionist historian.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Sure you have. Since November when I last annihilated you.
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
Nubster, lying again or possible delusional of yours. How was I gone from here since Novemeber but I posted several times in December and even more in January? Do you tell the truth about anything, ever? The first time we went at it (you started it of course) I obliterated you. Total victory for me. Then you hibernate for like 6 months, or however long it was. You're a spineless pussy now stfu please.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Hmmm... I didn't say you were gone altogether. I said hiding and lying low. Scared!

And go back back and look at the original thread. The first time I annihilated you, well I annihilated you. And because you are a stripper on a board for of PLs normally they will form a line a mile long to kiss your ass no matter what you do. In this case the majority of people who commented said I destroyed you. Even getting one person to say anything bad about a new stripper is an accomplishment. But I got several and the majority. And check, this out, some were scared to comment publically, but contacted me offline about how badly I annihilated you and how funny it was.

But several other people have annihilated you over your time here.

And, Nina, quick question for you? If A happens after B does that mean A happened because of B? If you were a rooster you would be telling the world the sun came up because of your crowing. Get a clue. Learn some basic logic.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
God, I sure hope she doesn't get accepted into law school if she is going to argue:

"But, you're honor. The murder happened an hour after the defendant is know to have bought a gun. Therefore it was because he bought a gun!"

What a fuckin' dumb fuck.

(And yes, I was mocking here so called "logic" above, lol!"
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
NO! Like NinaBambina, I don't understand the hatred for larryfisherman. He's young and naïve but harmless and often interesting. I would prefer that we shun whoever it was that she was exchanging posts with, consigning him to the outer darkness of SW.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
txtittyfag: " Queston? If nina wuz a rooster wud she still suck cock? ROFL"

Hilarious! A cock sucking cock. Kinda like her fellow detroiter: vinceygirl michaels!
avatar for K
8 years ago
Why waste time and energy on someone you dislike? Ignore him.
Larry is harmless. His posts may be BS but they are on topic which is rare some days. He gives us a chance to respond to topics many newbies and lurkers may have.
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
Count me in on that petition. I've had that troll loser on ignore a long time now.
avatar for ime
8 years ago
Only if sjg has to go too.
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
I don't understand the hatred of Larry. But I have been very busy in sexual nirvana with my DC so perhaps I missed something.
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
Many TUSCL trolls are ignore-worthy. SJG and larryfisherman are, in my opinion, not among them.
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
Ah...I actually like #LarryFishstix.

I'm trying to help the poor guy understand that strip clubs are the province of old guys coming to grips with their mortality and proving that they're still attractive to teenage girls. Unless @LittlyFishy is a trust-fund baby, he should not be pissing his money away; instead he should be investing now and taking advantage of the magic of compounding. Why the addiction to strip clubs in your 20s? Don't get it?
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Haha I like how deuce just called him a troll.

avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
I abhor witch hunts, no matter what witch it happens to be. Sets a bad precedent.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Shailynn, I just spoke to your mom and she is pissed. You are to stay in the attic, and without internet.

She is trying to be reasonable in that she is holding off on the bread and water rations until this matter of the 21 cats and West Texas Christian Glee Club van is fully investigated.

And Larry makes some of the best threads on this forum. Nothing wrong with the kinds of topics he raises.

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