The inquisitive stripper.

avatar for MilaniCashhh
Hey guys!
I've always wondered some things about customers and I figured maybe my questions would be best recieved here. I never ask guys at work because it seems to be a total boner kill to find out a stripper has a brain or whatever, lol.
I'm looking for SUBJECTIVE answers, not what you think most guys think. Honesty would also be cool, ya know..I can't make all the strippers hate you when we're computer screens and internet connections apart :p

My fuckin questions----
1. What is the WORST pick up line that you hear? This could be an opener that girls often use or the worst you've ever heard in general.
2. Do you have your "spot" in the club? Like, your go to seating area and why did you pick it?
3. What makes you want to be a regular (*cough*PL*cough*) for a girl? Conversation? Tits? Handy Js in the VIP?
4. What gets your cock hard, classy or trashy? Stripper chic or a girl who looks like a high class escort for DC professionals? Or maybe you like the girls who OBVIOUSLY are dancer newbies, like street clothes on stage.
5. Does intellectual conversation turn you on or do you want the fuckin bimbo. Even if she's smart, would you rather her play dumb?
6. Ever jizzed on a girl during a dance while she was not expecting it. Was it lulsworthy or were you so embarrassed that you just didn't even want to tell her.
7. You guys smell the shoes, right? I mean..c'mon. Stripper feet can be FUNKYY and I find it hard to believe most guys don't notice.

Most of you on here seem to be fuckin' trolls so I don't expect many serious answers but whatever, give me what chu got.


last comment
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
1. Worst pickup line, "Oh, SJG, he's being the strong silent type."

2. Obviously a place conducive to front room makeout sessions would be best. But where I am the local clubs are no touching. So someplace easy to talk with a girl is best.

3. I have to like the girl. Not just only looks, more that we can talk well.

4. DFKing is always the best.

5. No, I want a smart girl.

6. Not really interested in jizing, until it is GFE-FS. Local clubs strict no touching.

7. I love to see girls in high heels, and strapped on so they stay on. No, I don't worry about what their feet smell like.


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avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Oh I see Clackport/Larryfisherman has a new account.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Shailynn, you don't know that. Your mom is pissed!

avatar for MilaniCashhh
8 years ago
@SJG- Ouch, horrible pick up line! Aw, you like brains and personality..where can I find more like you? Send them to my club in droves PLEASEEEE! *bats eyelashes*

DFKing is great BUT you know what I mean xD
avatar for MilaniCashhh
8 years ago
@shailynn The free time of forum trolls is astounding, lol. I would hate my life if I was so deprived of basic human interaction that I would need to make multiple accounts on a strip club forum...fuck. Sounds worse than stripping 7 days a week.
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
Welcome to TUSCL, Milani. I like dancers to post here. Some people will think you're a troll, a man posing as a dancer. I hope and trust that you're real.

My fuckin answers----
1. What is the WORST pick up line that you hear? This could be an opener that girls often use or the worst you've ever heard in general.


2. Do you have your "spot" in the club? Like, your go to seating area and why did you pick it?

3. What makes you want to be a regular (*cough*PL*cough*) for a girl? Conversation? Tits? Handy Js in the VIP?

4. What gets your cock hard, classy or trashy? Stripper chic or a girl who looks like a high class escort for DC professionals? Or maybe you like the girls who OBVIOUSLY are dancer newbies, like street clothes on stage.

5. Does intellectual conversation turn you on or do you want the fuckin bimbo. Even if she's smart, would you rather her play dumb?

6. Ever jizzed on a girl during a dance while she was not expecting it. Was it lulsworthy or were you so embarrassed that you just didn't even want to tell her.

7. You guys smell the shoes, right? I mean..c'mon. Stripper feet can be FUNKYY and I find it hard to believe most guys don't notice.

avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
"... where can I find more like you? "

More like SJG? Have you checked the insane asylum?
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago

Of course it is very hard to ever know who a new member is. But my position remains that we should treat people with respect and accept them at face value.

SO welcome to TUSCL. This forum benefits when we have female members.

And please accept my personal apology for the number of trolls we have and the level of belligerence.

Also, about girls and talking to them. Some girls resist brainy talk, I think just because they are insecure, and they don't want to be made to feel dumb. This is their problem. The girl I told you about and the strong silent type thing, she was a ding dong. She made this clear every time her mouth opened.

With most strip club dancers, their looks are not their limitation. It is their unwillingness to open up emotionally.

But on the whole, I find that the dancers in strip clubs are quite smart, way above average. To do well their they have to be. And this is all the more so in our local clubs, as all you can do is look and talk. So one learns how to talk to pretty girls. A good deal. We get that, instead of jizzing.

Someone here gave a link to a discussion on stripper web, where a girl was saying that she was smarter than 90% of her customers. I believe that this is common.

Also, in a sex biz paper we used to have, Spectator, they interviewed girls at the Pink Poodle ( nude, no touching, no alcohol ) . They described how just by being out on the stage and getting the tips and all, they become very knowledgeable about human psychology and neediness.


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avatar for HolaTX
8 years ago
1. I REALLY need to make $x tonight!

2. Usually I'll take either the bar or someplace not directly in front of a speaker. It depends on the club, though. A quiet corner can be great at a smaller club, but might not get any approaches at a larger one.

3. A warm personality and leaning into me is a good start.

4. More classy or girl next door for me. Newbies can be good. As for my actual physical response, it depends more how she does what she does than her type.

5. A little bit of intellectual conversation can be cool if it touches on shared values. If it gets too in-depth or heavy, not as much though. A girl can display wit, intelligence, and savvy without intellectual conversation.

6. Aren't there liquid lapdance pants for that?

7. I remember smelling a dancer's feet once when she took off her shoes for the private dance. She noticed it, too, and did better in the future. Really, though, her feet are generally what is farthest from my nose during a dance, so they are not the primary concern hygiene-wise.
avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
Oh I can't resist this one.

Ok here are my fuckin answers:

1. I've never heard a pickup line in a stripclub directed towards me that didn't do it's job.

2. I prefer a table seat about 6 feet away from the stage so that I don't have a mile to walk to tip someone, but I'm not stageside so that dancers will approach me.

3. I don't want a regular. I am there for the variety. I already have a wife at home....I don't want another one in the club!

4. What gets MY PUSSY WET is heavily dependent on my mood and the type of club I'm in.

5. I insist on a dancer that can at least spell her own name. You'd be surprised.

6. Yup - alot. And when a dancer pulls her hand (or tongue) out of my wet box she always has a very satisfied look on her face, as do I.

7. I don't let her shoes get anywhere near my face, even in a 69.
avatar for MilaniCashhh
8 years ago
Thank youu! I am very much a woman, well..I was since the last time I checked!!
I used to lurk SW but it's so dead and the majority of it is bitching. I think this site is awesome because it's not often I can converse with men who LIKE strip clubs and dancers but also allow them some kind of anonymity. Plus, I get to lurk on all the "guy talk" :O

1. hahahaha! That is the WORST and I won't lie...I've dropped the "WANNA DANCE?!" on one toooo many guys. We all have to start somewhere, right?

2. Best seat in the house, IMO.

3. YES..all three are CRUCIAL.

4. I always go for the upscale stripper look but I've been thinking about trying "trashy stripper" on for a size.

5. Intellectual conversation from a dumb bimbo? God...sounds like the dressing room and I already have a headache!

6. Well, you must be under 50 then xD <3

7. Good. Maybe it's just us then, hahaha.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Echoing some of what Jackslash posted, yes, "Wanna Dance" has to be deflected. But the girl is just trying to make a living. So she is not wrong for trying it that way. Front room makeout session, and of course without having a discussion about it.

At the most extreme US clubs, as written many places, the girls really don't give a guy much choice about the front room makeout session.

And high heels, strapped on so they stay on, and makeup are the most important things in a stripper's attire. After all, the rest of it is just going to come off anyway.


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avatar for MilaniCashhh
8 years ago
@SJG...okay, I might get gushy on this one. Honestly, I think it's actually extremely awesome that you recognize to be a good dancer, it does require a level of intelligence and observational skills..especially to be a CLEAN dancer that does well. I feel like a lot think we are dumb and that stupidity is solely what landed us in clubs (although, I think some stupidity lands ANYONE in a strip club lol).

With the unwillingness to open up emotionally, I think it's hard to be open as a dancer in the club. We are subject to so much scrutiny..who wants to be judged on how they feeeel? I'm not suggesting you would but the fear is there, you know? Emotional vulnerability in a strip club can be dangerous for either party.

avatar for MilaniCashhh
8 years ago
@flagooner...hahah, I work in mental health....How did I miss the signs?!?!?! I guess it's all becoming clearer now.

avatar for MilaniCashhh
8 years ago
@HolaTX Leaning in is a good one. That body language!
avatar for Digitech
8 years ago
1. What is the WORST pick up line that you hear? This could be an opener that girls often use or the worst you've ever heard in general.

- "Wanna dance?" or any of its variations.

2. Do you have your "spot" in the club? Like, your go to seating area and why did you pick it?

- If the club has roomier seats I try to pick those, or a couch (when it the club isn't busy). The reason is so that the dancer can get close when she sits next to me, or that its easy for her to sit in my lap.

3. What makes you want to be a regular (*cough*PL*cough*) for a girl? Conversation? Tits? Handy Js in the VIP?

If I'm going to be her PL, she has to be a star at all of these - See my answer to 5 about conversation; D cup minimum; it can't just be cranking through HJs mechanically either.

4. What gets your cock hard, classy or trashy? Stripper chic or a girl who looks like a high class escort for DC professionals? Or maybe you like the girls who OBVIOUSLY are dancer newbies, like street clothes on stage.

Well, I do like a bit of 'trashiness' in that they come across more laid back and fun. But I absolutely don't go for the ones who have that substance abuse look or are obviously high when I talk to them.

5. Does intellectual conversation turn you on or do you want the fuckin bimbo. Even if she's smart, would you rather her play dumb?

I don't care about intellectual conversation at all. A better term might be 'engaging conversation,' where you feel some genuine connection, regardless of what you're actually talking about. It's hard to fake that. No need to play dumb, because it's easy to see through anyway..

6. Ever jizzed on a girl during a dance while she was not expecting it. Was it lulsworthy or were you so embarrassed that you just didn't even want to tell her.


7. You guys smell the shoes, right? I mean..c'mon. Stripper feet can be FUNKYY and I find it hard to believe most guys don't notice.

I've never noticed a bad foot smell. I've noticed other bad smells from strippers, though - Breath, armpits, and...well, you know.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
No, for a girl to do well in strip clubs, she has to want a bohemian lifestyle. And to last long she also has to stay clean herself.

At our local clubs, the money is less and the talk is more. Most of the girls will open up if they are treated well.

Sobriety of course helps.

In say San Francisco, they push harder for dances, so talk is less.

But one can still feed them front room money.

Lots of guys here clearly disrespect the women they are giving money to and engaging in sex acts with. That goes to the ancient idea of dividing women into two categories. I have never gone along with that.

avatar for MilaniCashhh
8 years ago



3. Dude, I get this completely. I never understood the regulars shit. Strippers are psycho and regulars seem to either want to be the boyfriend or the dad.

4. I agree on this completely. Sometimes I love one, sometimes the other. Also, some girls can just rock ANYTHING and be gawwwwjus.

5. LMFAO! I wouldn't be! I work with a girl right now who is literally the cutest idiot I've ever met. Hearing her talk kills my brain cells :p

7. Too bad, I love kissing feet...I'm a dirty little sub tho, bahaha.

avatar for MilaniCashhh
8 years ago

Thanks for your response on 5. I have been considering trying to bimbo act on for size but i feel like It would ultimately just be bad acting. I think I might ditch that tactic.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
1) I haven't made any money today.
2) I like to sit at the bar unless I'm with a group
3) not really a regular but I do have a few girls that I will hang with if I'm in the mood
4) want me to get a hardon for you , be a combo of sweet and provocative also don't be so young that I think about my children
5) generally I like smart people female or male, if I dont have any connection I'm generally not interested
6). No
7) most of the girls I've met in strip clubs have excellent hygiene, I get a whiff of stank I think druggie right away and lose them.
Now that we have given you some answers how about showing us your tits ; )
avatar for houjack
8 years ago
I'll bite.

1. "Wanna Dance"
Yes, but talk to me first. lol.
2. Somewhere where I can see the stage and I'm in the path strippers walk around the club. So I can flag down someone who catches my eye before others see them, lol.
3. Tell me I'm handsome and stuff, hahaha. Great grinding for jizz.
4. Clothes don't matter. But easy on the makeup if you can pull it off.
5. Smart is cool. Not required though.
6. I keep it to myself. Not embarrassed anymore. If she notices and acts impressed that she succeeded, bonus!
7. Don't notice feet smells. A lot of grinding/dancing can cause sweating, so smelly is no big deal. Smell nice at start is a enough.
avatar for MilaniCashhh
8 years ago
@SJG Bohemian lifestyle? Do elaborate!

I work in VA so things are probably a bit different.
Where I work, talk is treated like a waste of time. Girls always tell me, if he doesn't buy a dance by song #3, he's a waste of time.
I take my own approach but things can be fast paced, there's a lot of hustlers at my club. I've wasted too many nights having "good convo" with dudes who wasted so much time. I gotta stop being so nice about it, so that's on me anyways.

It's always nice finding that customer who tips, has good conversation, and sets up a space where I actually feel comfortable with emotional divulging..but, usually I had at least a glass of wine.
avatar for GoVikings
8 years ago
1. Wanna dance

2. This isn't very important, but I tend to sit away from the stage, but not by the bar either. I get up close to stage once I see a girl I like

3. I usually don't have favorites, but I currently have one. She's got a good attitude. Strippers are generally good looking women. Attitude is what makes one stand out from another.

4. Trashy I suppose.

5. I don't want her to play dumb. Intellectual convo doesn't turn me on. She just needs to be able to carry on a convo

6.'s never happened. Not even close

7. I don't notice feet. But here's a fun fact: Quentin Tarantino is my favorite movie director and he has a foot fetish
avatar for MilaniCashhh
8 years ago
@twentyfive...Uh, that'll cost you! *holds out garter* ;)
Yeah, I'm one of those assholes!!

avatar for MilaniCashhh
8 years ago

1. Well, if I ever catch you at Rouge..I know what NOT to say, huh? :)

3. I agree..nothing turns me off more than a beautiful woman with no personality or a bad attitude.

4. Second response for trashy! I think I've gotta try this look out. I always stick to looking fancy..I need to ratchet it up, huh?

7. Wow, learn something every day! That's awesome...I like feet too :3

avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
I gave you at least my 2 cents worth hope you got stockings on to catch th make it rain in coins I use wooden nickels )
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
About front room talk, and more, a guy can just feed the girl money. Better if he can get her just to accept it as a show of respect, rather than as payment for anything in particular.

"@SJG Bohemian lifestyle? Do elaborate! "

Most of the best dancers in our local clubs, and even more so in San Francisco, is that they want to live beyond the pale. They don't comply with normative standards. These girls are the most interesting, always.

And of course the most normative of the standards is the Good Girl - Bad Girl divide.

Now to do well they still should stay clean of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco.

But as far as sex, no, they want to have as much sex as possible.

So usually these girls are miles ahead of most of the customers, and also ahead of the girls who would deride them.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Milani, perhaps you might like to weigh in on this issue:…

avatar for MilaniCashhh
8 years ago
I look at guys who tip while I talk to them as a sign of respect for my time. Guys who don't tip me while I talk to them, I consider to be people who do not respect me/my time/my presence...or are simply broke and/or do not find me attractive so I should leave lol.

-Hm, I agree. Being a successful dancer requires to some degree a "bohemian lifestyle" or mindset. When I was younger, I was very "fast" and "free" which has given me a lot of experience and perspective that many of the women I know who are my age (21).
As far as sex, do you mean just wanting to fuck or being willing to do extras, OTC, GFE, etc?

sure, I'll comment on the thread!
avatar for HolaTX
8 years ago

It sounds like a good rule of thumb to limit pre-dance hustle to two songs. It's always easier to have the dancer take her leave on her own than the alternative if a dance isn't in the cards...

About the regulars thing, from my customer perspective, it's more of a spectrum from regular/CF/ATF, where a regular is more someone who merits a repeat. CF or ATF might be more of a club wife where the customer doesn't get dances from anyone else. The situation at different clubs can vary quite a bit, too. At some, there might be 3 or 4 guys total spending money on most shifts, while at others, there might be 30. The ones with only 3 or 4 guys spending tend to be the ones where a dancer would cultivate regulars and take more of a slow hustle approach.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
As far as sex, well mostly I mean wanting to fuck, probably off site and lengthy sessions. And of course GFE always.

Doing 'extras' at the club, that is a different matter. But that is mostly how girls make the money, as it goes faster.

When I was younger I was more reluctant to pass out money. Now I see it as I want the girl to "let me take care of her". So the money is more because she has expenses, like high heels and makeup, and she also has bigger expenses, like rent and retirement. So it is always about respect, never strict P4P.

avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Hi Milani. Welcome to Tuscl! All the cool kids hang out here. :)

> 1. What is the WORST pick up line that you hear?

The worst is when a dancer insults my wife like, “what do you like about me that your wife does haven’t have? My ass? Are my tits better than hers?” I’ve had a dancer try that once, completely unprompted, within seconds of getting down. Did not care for it. “Wanna dance?” .. is a close second worst. Unless it’s super busy and moving (like 11:45PM on a Fri night) I’d like you to sit with me for few minutes to build rapport.

> 2. Do you have your "spot" in the club? Like, your go
> to seating area and why did you pick it?

Not really. I do sit in a table in the main area, not the bar. Some nights I sit in the tables on pervert’s row. Those days, I’m shopping off of or from the stage, and I’m being proactive. Other days I sit near the back or near the VIP/LD area, in the case, I want to to approach or I’ll try to make eye contact and flirt with you first.

> 3. What makes you want to be a regular (*cough*PL*cough*)
> for a girl? Conversation? Tits? Handy Js in the VIP?

The ability to hold a basic conversation is a plus. Nice ass, pretty face, great legs, nice tits. You ability to use seduction will keep me coming back for more or at least stack dances tonight. If you’ve helped me unwind for the night, you’ve done you job.

> 4a. What gets your cock hard, classy or trashy?

Trashy 80%. Classy 20%.

> 4b. Stripper chic or a girl who looks like a high class
> escort for DC professionals?

Stripper chic. “Stripper-fied” and supergamorous. Make-up, heels, the whole part.

> 4c. Or maybe you like the girls who OBVIOUSLY are dancer newbies,
> like street clothes on stage.

No, I don’t care for newbies. Not enough confidence. Too prudish. Not for me.

> 5. Does intellectual conversation turn you on or do you want the
> fuckin bimbo. Even if she's smart, would you rather her play dumb?

Intellectual convo, but it should still be light “cocktail talk” or small talk.
I don’t care for bimbos. Sex for me is almost as much between the ears as between the legs. I love free flowing convo where random shit just
falls out of your mouth. I want you to have the confidence to say want you want to say and just say it. :) I just love how free the whole encounter usually is.
I’m also the kind of PL that might tip you for your time, assuming you are
amusing enough.

> 6. Ever jizzed on a girl during a dance while she was not expecting it.

No. Not yet at least. The dances here are no contact or low contact, though. I’m old school, so I appreciate the tease.

> 7a. You guys smell the shoes, right?

Nope. I never notice.

> 7b. I mean..c'mon. Stripper feet can be FUNKYY and I find it hard to believe most guys don't notice.

srsly. I never notice it. I think all of the blood rushes south, even when she swings her legs over my head and shoulders. srsly, we don’t notice nor do we care. At best, we notice your VS Love Spell boy spray.

We *do* smell your funky pussy, BO, unwiped ass, or if you reek of cigarette smoke, we notice that. But the other? Nope and nope.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
about this subject of 'extras'. I also put it in quotes. I don't really go along with it. Mostly it means ejaculation services.

Lap dancing started as lap sitting, all front room. What else happened varied widely.

The key to the San Francisco legal battles was that it was all front room, hence and audience participation cabaret show, not just for sexual gratification.

After that battle was won was when the booths and back rooms came in. Mostly all they do is let the house take a deeper cut. They also make it easier for the dancers to not open up to guys, stay in total control.

My 'intitiation' was with a very cute little black girl at SF New Century. She ended her set by bringing another girl up on stage and engaging in lots of showy open tongue kissing. Then next she was on my lap. That made for an explosive situation. That she could be so open with a total stranger really changed my world view. I wanted my life to be based more on the bohemian views which she clearly held. I am still adapting to this.

So I expect that before going into any back rooms.

And then in the clip joints, the places which prohibit front room touching, I still don't need to ejaculate. Don't need blue balls either. I have found it works good to turn it around and DATY dancers. That does soften them up, and they don't get that all the time.

For real sex, AMPs have been far better for me. Usually just by treating the girl in a 100% civilian manner, I can get it to be a mind blowing GFE session. Don't need to discuss it with her, I can just make it happen.

avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
typo. It should be "super-glamorous" in my post above.
avatar for HolaTX
8 years ago
@Dominic77 "We *do* smell your funky ..." HAHAHA - way not to put too fine of a point on it. :-)
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
typo. I should be "VS Love Spell body spray." but I think one won't take CSI to deduce. ;)
avatar for MilaniCashhh
8 years ago
@SJG I get what you're saying but I also know a lot of dancers who are clean and refuse OTC, ever...and make a lot of money. The top earner at my club is a lesbian who does not accept OTC experiences, even to the extent of dinner. She clears at least $1,000 a night on weekends and that's excluding stage tips. I don't do OTC anymore or extras. What one has to realize is that going OTC makes you an escort in terms of sex workers and doing extras is prostitution/escorting in most states by law and by terms of sex workers.
Strippers don't do extras and they don't go OTC, it's not what a stripper is. A girl going OTC and giving a GFE is an escort, even if she doesn't consider herself to be one (or if you have too much pride to call her one)..she provides the same services as an escort at whatever cost she decides.
She's a stripper...and fucks you in exchange for material or financial gain? That is an escort or your sugar baby. Sure, she may be successful but it's two different beads on the same thread.

Most of the people I've seen comment on here would probably chew my asshole for me saying that but in the land of sex workers, I calls it likes I sees it.

So, I completely disagree that going OTC or doing extras is what makes you a "successful stripper"....being down to fuck is arbitrary if you are truly a good dancer. YES, I made more money when I was doing those things BUT the money I made in the club from actually "being a stripper" didn't really change THAT much.

Honestly, I hate talking about the OTC/GFE/Extras shit because I don't do it anymore, have strong opinions about it (that aren't negative, they just are rose colored), and I charged way more than what I see people claiming to pay on here and from what I've heard people have claimed to, it's a topic I tend to stray from..Especially here, most contributes seem to want OTC or extras so it's a lot of bias on both ends. Sometimes I miss escorting and sugaring though, twas fun..good money.

TLDR; I disagree.
avatar for MilaniCashhh
8 years ago
Let me rephrase, strippers can do extras and OTC but then they're not just strippers anymore*
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
1. What is the WORST pick up line that you hear? This could be an opener that girls often use or the worst you've ever heard in general.

"Buy me a drink?"

2. Do you have your "spot" in the club? Like, your go to seating area and why did you pick it?

Yep. Depends on the club. I don't know why I gravitate to the spots I do. It's just where I feel comfortable.

3. What makes you want to be a regular (*cough*PL*cough*) for a girl? Conversation? Tits? Handy Js in the VIP?

Consistent high mileage. A girl that remembers what I like.

4. What gets your cock hard, classy or trashy? Stripper chic or a girl who looks like a high class escort for DC professionals? Or maybe you like the girls who OBVIOUSLY are dancer newbies, like street clothes on stage.


5. Does intellectual conversation turn you on or do you want the fuckin bimbo. Even if she's smart, would you rather her play dumb?

I prefer a girl that can hold her own in a discussion.

6. Ever jizzed on a girl during a dance while she was not expecting it. Was it lulsworthy or were you so embarrassed that you just didn't even want to tell her.

Yes. It was lulsworthy.

7. You guys smell the shoes, right? I mean..c'mon. Stripper feet can be FUNKYY and I find it hard to believe most guys don't notice.

Never noticed.
avatar for MilaniCashhh
8 years ago
We hate that shit but I know some guys get a good laugh out of it xD
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
"I look at guys who tip while I talk to them as a sign of respect for my time. Guys who don't tip me while I talk to them, I consider to be people who do not respect me/my time/my presence"

I feel the same way about the strippers who don't tip me.
avatar for MilaniCashhh
8 years ago
@flagooner fuckin' bitchez
avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
"The top earner at my club is a lesbian who does not accept OTC experiences, even to the extent of dinner."

I want a shot at her! ;)
avatar for MilaniCashhh
8 years ago
@lopaw she's so fucking hot..I want a shot at her too, goddamn.
avatar for FTS
8 years ago
My fuckin questions----
1. What is the WORST pick up line that you hear? This could be an opener that girls often use or the worst you've ever heard in general.

----- Don't really have one line in particular, what annoys me is when a girl just goes through her routine lines, "hi, what's your name, where are you from, what do you do, etc, etc, hey, wanna dance?" Like... you could have just as easily walked up to me and said, "would you like a dance?" 9 times out of 10, the answer will be the same regardless of whether or not you through in all the BS small talk.

2. Do you have your "spot" in the club? Like, your go to seating area and why did you pick it?

----- Yes, because it's where I sat the very first time I went to the club.

3. What makes you want to be a regular (*cough*PL*cough*) for a girl? Conversation? Tits? Handy Js in the VIP?

----- 1. For me to get a dance with a girl to begin with, I have to find her attractive. 2. For me to get more dances with her, she has to do TWO things; a) convince me that she actually likes to dance for me, and b) stay attractive, i.e. don't gain 20 lbs.

For a customer like me, this would be super easy for the girl, just do a few things: 1) stay physically fit and healthy. Thin. 2) a little makeup, maybe some tattoos and piercings, and 3) Approach the guys that you (the dancer) are attracted to. It's that easy.

4. What gets your cock hard, classy or trashy? Stripper chic or a girl who looks like a high class escort for DC professionals? Or maybe you like the girls who OBVIOUSLY are dancer newbies, like street clothes on stage.

----- Three things 1.) youth, 2) good health, and 3) serenity

5. Does intellectual conversation turn you on or do you want the fuckin bimbo. Even if she's smart, would you rather her play dumb?

----- A smart girl knows how to turn a guy on.

6. Ever jizzed on a girl during a dance while she was not expecting it. Was it lulsworthy or were you so embarrassed that you just didn't even want to tell her.

----- Never happened.

7. You guys smell the shoes, right? I mean..c'mon. Stripper feet can be FUNKYY and I find it hard to believe most guys don't notice.

----- Never noticed. Then again, I'm not a blood hound.
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
1. What is the WORST pick up line that you hear? This could be an opener that girls often use or the worst you've ever heard in general.
I *really* hate hearing a litany of woes -- "I've only made $10 tonight. My rent was due yesterday. My boyfriend does nothing but play video games and smoke weed." -- as soon as a dancer sits down with me.

2. Do you have your "spot" in the club? Like, your go to seating area and why did you pick it?
Like lopaw, I usually sit at a table close enough to the stage to make tipping easy but not so close that I'm pulled unwillingly into a dancer's stage set.

3. What makes you want to be a regular (*cough*PL*cough*) for a girl? Conversation? Tits? Handy Js in the VIP?
Actually all of the above, though nowadays I'm shooting for more than just a handy in the VIP :)

4. What gets your cock hard, classy or trashy? Stripper chic or a girl who looks like a high class escort for DC professionals? Or maybe you like the girls who OBVIOUSLY are dancer newbies, like street clothes on stage.
A beautiful stripper who cares about her appearance but is a *little* trashy hits my sweet spot.

5. Does intellectual conversation turn you on or do you want the fuckin bimbo. Even if she's smart, would you rather her play dumb?
I prefer intelligent strippers. They also have to laugh at my jokes.

6. Ever jizzed on a girl during a dance while she was not expecting it. Was it lulsworthy or were you so embarrassed that you just didn't even want to tell her.
After many hundreds of stripper-induced lapgasms, I can remember jizzing on a dancer only twice. Otherwise it's always been very . . . contained. Only one of the two jizzees was pissed and demanded an extra tip.

7. You guys smell the shoes, right? I mean..c'mon. Stripper feet can be FUNKYY and I find it hard to believe most guys don't notice.
Like *everyone* else who has responded, I have literally never smelled a stripper's feet. *You* might be self-conscious about stinky feet, but customers *never* notice. Just make sure your breath and coochie don't stink.

Welcome to TUSCL, MilaniCashhh! Now it's time for the obligatory showing of the tits.
avatar for mjx01
8 years ago
1a. "Wanna dance?" - seriously pretty much anything else is better, make a little bit of effort.
1b. "buy me a drink" is a close 2nd, IME, not a good sign when this is the lead off
2. main stage
3a. Friendly, consistent performance, doesn't brink her shit into the show. I go there to get away from my shit not listen to her shit.
3b. doesn't short change you on mileage. By this I mean: don't try to sell me an air dance in a club where full 2-way is the norm. Not saying to 'break the rules' but do keep up with the competition.
4. It's different strokes for different folks. I tend to go for girl next door type, but "not bat shit crazy" maters a lot too.
5. Yes to brains (OT... and facts). I like being able to think you have the capacity to be a functional citizen outside the club scene and not be a depressing lifer.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
The worst pickup line is when she walks up to you and the first thing that comes out of her mouth is "wanna dance?"

What would make me become a regular is a girl I find really attractive who gives great dances.

I don't care for conversation.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I'll bite on this.

1. What is the WORST pick up line that you hear? This could be an opener that girls often use or the worst you've ever heard in general. I agree buy me a drink sounds bad. Wanna dance is bad too but I have occasionally said yes. Have I heard worse? Depends upon your pov. One dancer who was a con artist asked you want a BJ or sex?
2. Do you have your "spot" in the club? Like, your go to seating area and why did you pick it?
I have 2 or 3 spots in one club. I like having a spot with a great view and a comfortable seat, no bright lights in my eyes. I don't like it too crowded so if a club gets crowded later at night I may have a backup spot or two.
3. What makes you want to be a regular (*cough*PL*cough*) for a girl? Conversation? Tits? Handy Js in the VIP? I don't remember trying to become a regular but if I enjoy seeing and talking to a particular dancer and she at least seems to as well, it seems to happen more often than not. If she is talking about activities not related to strip clubs a lot with me, then I might think she actually likes talking to me.
4. What gets your cock hard, classy or trashy? Stripper chic or a girl who looks like a high class escort for DC professionals? Or maybe you like the girls who OBVIOUSLY are dancer newbies, like street clothes on stage. I like what appears sexy to me. Pretty face, hot body, very little or no tattoos but that's not a deal breaker for me. If she seems very friendly and clicks with me, that is a turn on. If she finds out what turns me on and makes a decent effort to do so, then that is a dancer that will become one of my favorites. Lots of guys on here seem to have different tastes in what they think is pretty or sexy.
5. Does intellectual conversation turn you on or do you want the fuckin bimbo. Even if she's smart, would you rather her play dumb? Well I'm not stupid and even though I've met dancers who are studying for a law degree, I'm not too interested in that topic. Now if she wants to discuss Astronomy, science, business, or a number of other topics I know and am interested in a lot more, I might not mind if I thought she could hold an interesting conversation about it. I've never met a dancer who was studying astrophysics so far. In college I met up with another student who had a 3D representation of all the nearby stars within about 50 light years and said something about it. He told me he was studying astrophysics and that I was the first visitor to get the 3D model correct. Now if I've been drinking too much, I hope she doesn't start talking quantum mechanics. I heard guys may be at a disadvantage when they see a girl they think is beautiful because it temporarily lowers their reasoning ability.
6. Ever jizzed on a girl during a dance while she was not expecting it. Was it lulsworthy or were you so embarrassed that you just didn't even want to tell her. No. I need sex or a BJ for that. That's not happening where I visit. If I've been drinking I might not even get that sexually excited by the dance. I think it's sad that many of the dancers in the local club don't even look that great to me. I know I won't be spending money on them unless they have managed to hook me with something other than looks.
7. You guys smell the shoes, right? I mean..c'mon. Stripper feet can be FUNKYY and I find it hard to believe most guys don't notice. I try to avoid putting my nose near feet. Clubs are smoky and stinky where I live so the stench of the smoke overpowers a lot of other smells.
If a dancer reeks an awful smell just standing or sitting near me, I'm not even thinking about the stink coming from her feet. I just want her to go away. I usually think the stink comes from other places.

avatar for LecherousMonk
8 years ago
1. I go to a club to, at worst, get lapdances from beautiful naked women, and, at best, receive sexual favors from them. What matters to me, therefore, is the dancer's body and only her body. If a girl is my type, physically, she could greet me with a Klingon battlecry for all I care. If she did ask for a dance straight away, I would happily oblige. I often ask dancer's myself if I get tired of waiting. On the other hand, if she were not my type, she could have so many common interests with me as to be practically my clone, but I would never give her any money.

2. I don't have a System! (TM) for finding my ideal seat yet, as I'm still using TUSCL training wheels. I would echo what I've been reading regarding the desire to have a good view of the stage without having to tip every dancer, though.

3. I would never be "exclusive" with a stripper--what would be the point of that? She could earn a spot in my bullpen, so to speak, but only by being hotter than the competition. I have four criteria: age (35 or below), weight (150 lbs or less), cup size (C or greater, natural), and hip measurement (36 in. or more).

4. I don't care how they dress: lingerie, bikini, schoolgirl, whatever. . . . The more revealing and the more quickly shed, the better the stripper-wear.

5. The kind of stimulation I'm seeking is not intellectual. I don't care either way.

6. I did this once at 4Play in L.A. Only five minutes into the VIP and I busted. When the stripper asked me I denied it out of embarrassment. That was an awkward 25 minutes.

7. I have never smelled stripper shoes, but I've heard tales of the stanky stripper pole.

Oh, and, Milani, show us your tits or GtFO!
avatar for 4got2wipe
8 years ago
MilaniCashhh, no disrespect, but how would a guy jizz on a girl during a dance and her not know it? ;)

Seriously though, great thread and welcome. And I'll add another polite request for images of what I'm sure are brilliant tits! ( . Y . )
avatar for Array
8 years ago
A good intellect can be verrryyy sexy!
avatar for James1557
8 years ago
1. "Wanna Dance" or indeed any variant on it.
2. Somewhere where I can see the stage and strippers as they walk around the club. So it all depends on the club layout.
3. Touchy feely dances (which are rare here in England)' but see also 5.
4. A sexy long dress with nothing underneath it (think 586 maxi dress ay wicked always does it for me.
5. Real conversation, and that cliche a connection, matter quite a bit to me most of the time; I like girls who can talk about a range of subjects. Sometimes we discover a common interest or a place we have both visited. But sometimes (depending on my mood) a really sexy girl with little conversation can get me. Recently, for example, in one of the raunchier clubs in London a girl wearing just a thong and a short loose jacket but no bra got me despite her limited English; she was also very good at touching in private dances and (very rare in England) undid my trouser zip and put her hand in.
6. It hasn't happened often but usually I just tell the girl because I will usually then leave the club quite quickly.
7. I really don't notice feet smells though I like it when a girl says that she likes my smell (Hugo by Hugo Boss!)
avatar for HighLife2
8 years ago
1. What is the WORST pick up line that you hear? This could be an opener that girls often use or the worst you've ever heard in general.

I really don't like lazy people. So any body language that is lazy, presumptuous or half-hearted turns me off. I suggest smiling, upbeat, top-of-world type attitude. I came to the club to be in a good mood.

2. Do you have your "spot" in the club? Like, your go to seating area and why did you pick it?

In the club by me, I like a sofa in the back. The girls here to the tip walk, and they have to go out of their way to see me. I am a day clubber, so most of the time the club is not that busy.

3. What makes you want to be a regular (*cough*PL*cough*) for a girl? Conversation? Tits? Handy Js in the VIP?

I want the GFE. My girl at the club has many regulars, but when I see her (a couple times a month) she greets me, tells me how busy she is that day so I know how long I might have to wait. I don't like waiting for her and she knows it. She takes great care of herself and is one of the few that treats her job as a business and a career. I like talking business strategy with her. We've discussed OTC, but we've yet to consummate that.
She's got a little rocking body and always turns me on.

4. What gets your cock hard, classy or trashy? Stripper chic or a girl who looks like a high class escort for DC professionals? Or maybe you like the girls who OBVIOUSLY are dancer newbies, like street clothes on stage.

Everything gets it hard. Just has to be done well. Bad classy or bad trashy is just lazy. Do your act well.

5. Does intellectual conversation turn you on or do you want the fuckin bimbo. Even if she's smart, would you rather her play dumb?

I like people who aren't lazy. They usually end up being smart enough. I like smart people.

6. Ever jizzed on a girl during a dance while she was not expecting it. Was it lulsworthy or were you so embarrassed that you just didn't even want to tell her.

Never jizzed on a girl during a dance. Ever. They've made me cum, but precautions were taken ahead of time. It's my girl's goal to get off and get me off.

7. You guys smell the shoes, right? I mean..c'mon. Stripper feet can be FUNKYY and I find it hard to believe most guys don't notice.

I like feet. My girl has nice feet. She buys new shoes often.
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
I have no subjectivity on these points but I do have objectivity. One thing I can't stand is the half educated. You know the word but not the meaning and the rest is posing. I really like smart strippers-I think-I haven't met any yet. Dress well ,don't smell and keep the chit chat to a minimum.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Milani, like I was trying to say, I don't go along with the 'extras' idea, because it means the girls is performing a service upon me. So she will be dissociated, instead of opening up to me.

Girl does not have to, but what I want is for her to open up to me. Then what happens happens, both onsite and likely offsite.

avatar for ime
8 years ago
Don't believe anything psycho lloyd says, guy is nuttier than squirrel shit and a pathological liar.
avatar for IHearVoices
8 years ago
1. What is the WORST pick up line that you hear? This could be an opener that girls often use or the worst you've ever heard in general.

Like futuretrackstar (and maybe a few others said), the whole "what's your name, where are you from, what do you do" bit...especially since 90% of the time I've already decided whether to get a dance before she opens her mouth. I would so much prefer the "wanna dance" to all that. I spend my first few minutes scoping the club and deciding who I want dances from. It's almost impossible for a girl to ask her way into a dance, but she can certainly ask her way out of one.

Side note: if I say no, a girl needs to accept it and move on. "But it'll be fun"...just stop. Please. Quick story: Saturday I turned a girl down and she left it at that. I actually sought her out later because I felt bad (and the girl I really had my eye on was in VIP). Four dances later, we were both happy.

2. Do you have your "spot" in the club? Like, your go to seating area and why did you pick it?

Exact opposite. I walk around all the time. I don't want to miss anyone, and I just feel like a sitting duck if I stay in one spot.

3. What makes you want to be a regular (*cough*PL*cough*) for a girl? Conversation? Tits? Handy Js in the VIP?

Good dances. That's all, that's it. First bad experience - or even a dropoff - from a girl, I will not go back to her. Ever. Most of the time I won't even go back to the club.

4. What gets your cock hard, classy or trashy? Stripper chic or a girl who looks like a high class escort for DC professionals? Or maybe you like the girls who OBVIOUSLY are dancer newbies, like street clothes on stage.

Trashy, or at least showy. If she has on a one-piece - or even worse, a dress or gown - she can hang it up.

5. Does intellectual conversation turn you on or do you want the fuckin bimbo. Even if she's smart, would you rather her play dumb?

An actual convo would be cool. Doesn't even have to be intellectual: could be about sports or whatever. I'm not sure how things would get to that point given what I said above, but who knows.

6. Ever jizzed on a girl during a dance while she was not expecting it. Was it lulsworthy or were you so embarrassed that you just didn't even want to tell her.

Nope. If she's not expecting it, she's not for me. Not even saying I want to, but I need a girl who's about that action. Most girls I find seem to shoot right past "expectation" and have that on "goal" status.

7. You guys smell the shoes, right? I mean..c'mon. Stripper feet can be FUNKYY and I find it hard to believe most guys don't notice.

What? Shoes?
avatar for beekers
8 years ago
1. What is the WORST pick up line that you hear? This could be an opener that girls often use or the worst you've ever heard in general.

"Wanna dance" irritates me when I first get seated in the club. If I've had a while to get interested, I might go for it. A simple name introduction and an offer for company work best with me.

2. Do you have your "spot" in the club? Like, your go to seating area and why did you pick it?

I tend to find a seat away from the stage. If the music is way loud, I'll find the quietest seat I can.

3. What makes you want to be a regular (*cough*PL*cough*) for a girl? Conversation? Tits? Handy Js in the VIP?
If we have connected on a personal level, been able to laugh about some things, and her dances are fun, chances are I'll seek her out often. She has to appeal to me physically, however. If she remembers me on a return visit and conversation we had, that impresses me.

4. What gets your cock hard, classy or trashy? Stripper chic or a girl who looks like a high class escort for DC professionals? Or maybe you like the girls who OBVIOUSLY are dancer newbies, like street clothes on stage.

I like outfits that seem to project her personality and body type. A cutie in a brief sailor suit can do it, or a plaid skirt. It doesn't have to be classy or trashy, though. One thing I don't like is heavy perfume that ends up on me.

5. Does intellectual conversation turn you on or do you want the fuckin bimbo. Even if she's smart, would you rather her play dumb?

I'm not looking for intellectual conversation, but if she can carry on a decent conversation, that's important. Flirty works too - dirty - not so much. I like her to make me feel good, even if it's brief and she could actually care less.

6. Ever jizzed on a girl during a dance while she was not expecting it. Was it lulsworthy or were you so embarrassed that you just didn't even want to tell her.


7. You guys smell the shoes, right? I mean..c'mon. Stripper feet can be FUNKYY and I find it hard to believe most guys don't notice.

I don't get close enough to the feet to notice.
avatar for rl27
8 years ago
What is the WORST pick up line that you hear? This could be an opener that girls often use or the worst you've ever heard in general:
Most common is Wanna dance. When I hear that, unless the dancer is either super hot or very well reviewed, I skip her.

2. Do you have your "spot" in the club? Like, your go to seating area and why did you pick it? I go for whatever seat is available.

3. What makes you want to be a regular (*cough*PL*cough*) for a girl? Conversation? Tits? Handy Js in the VIP?
Great body, great attitude and very good in the VIP.

4. What gets your cock hard, classy or trashy? Stripper chic or a girl who looks like a high class escort for DC professionals? Or maybe you like the girls who OBVIOUSLY are dancer newbies, like street clothes on stage.
Either, It all depends on the dancer. Some dancers can pull off trashy, others classy.

5. Does intellectual conversation turn you on or do you want the fuckin bimbo. Even if she's smart, would you rather her play dumb? Again it depends on the dancer.

6. Ever jizzed on a girl during a dance while she was not expecting it. Was it lulsworthy or were you so embarrassed that you just didn't even want to tell her. A few times, and in each case it was impossible for the dancer not to noticed, and every time I gave a good tip.

7. You guys smell the shoes, right? I mean..c'mon. Stripper feet can be FUNKYY and I find it hard to believe most guys don't notice. Nope
avatar for TeoTommy
8 years ago
1. Third worse = Wanna Dance? Second worse = Wann dance in the VIP? All Time Worst = Buy me a drink! Best all time = Welcome to (club name), how about a little company? Spent $500 on that woman in less than an hour.

2. I like a table with a spare chair near the main stage, where a dancer can dit down and join me.

3. A happy dancer and a lot of stick shifting, while talinking dirty in my ear.

4. See #3. Also I like to see some effort put into her dancer persona.

5. Variety is the spice of life. But if she is a trashy bimbo, I want her to be a trashy bimbo all over my lap.

6. Nope.

7. I can rarely smell anything other that tobacco smoke and stale tobacco smoke.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
8 years ago
1. "WANNADANCE", unless a rapport has been developed.
2. 6 feet in front of center stage.
3. I'm turned on by a friendly attitude and a demonstrated willingness for DFK.
4. Trashy! No game playing.
5. Conversation is good, but nothing too serious.
6. Never jizzed on a dancer.
7. I rarely notice funky shoes, will even give foot massage some times.
avatar for AbbieNormal
8 years ago
1. Wanna Dance is definitely a buzzkill as an opener.

2. Depends on the club and what they offer. DC with no privates or lap dances, it's usually perv row. Higher milage clubs a bit further back unless there is stage mileage to be had.

3. Personality, almost always. Physical contact can be a part of that if the girl seems physically affectionate, but not always.

4. That can be heavily mood dependent. I can be in the mood for a girlfriend-like natural girl, but then sometimes I'm in the mood for the pro. The obvious tit job, gym-sculpted body, bought tan and near professional make-up. I can be turned on by the natural girl more often, but sometimes the woman who has obviously dedicated serious effort to be an over the top sex pot just pushes my buttons.

5. I like a good conversation. More often than not that means a reasonably smart girl. Bimbo in general isn't a turn-on.

6. No. It has only happened when it was the outcome she was obviously working toward. I was a bit embarrassed and laughed the first time it happened though.

7. Never really noticed. The vanilla body spray usually overwhelms the senses.
avatar for stripperlover777
a month ago
👽 I Like Chillin', Good Conversation & Whatever Can Make Da' Sparks Fly. Watchin' Da' Strippers On Da' Pole, Hearing Good Music, The Good Food.
Pvt Dance 2nd, But Her Playin' With Mi Cock, & Kitty-Pussy Scent Would Get Mi Dick Hard!

Since I Really Like Da' Hot $Strippers Skin In Da' Clear Top Platform $Stripper Shoes, I Drewel & Pant @ Seeing Da' Outer Look, So Da' Scent If They Slide Out Of Da' Platforms Would Be Yummy!
Luveee Da' Scent Of Da' Whole $Stripper!
Weight Scent & Waiting For Clientele Is Lust, Love, & Sinn!!!
For Fav "Go Spots" In Da' SC, I Like Back Seating Table's For Chillin', Some Pole Bar $Dollars Cashin'. For SC'S Dat' Have Pool Tables, I Would Play Pool For Long & If Hot $Stripper Comes In For Lil' Play, Then Dat' Shows She Likes, So Lil' Good Sign She Not Inta' Head Games.
Talkin' Bout' Music With Da' $Dancer & Lil' Fav's Song Requests @ DJ For Me Would Be Fun! Sharing Music With $Strippers Is Forever Fun, Coz Ya' Wanna Be High Spirited For Rockin' Da' SC !

_🤠 Smokin' Cigs/Vapes/Cigars Is Fun

With $Strippers, Inside Or Outside SC.
Rockstar Drinks Originals Is Best For
Dat' Energy Boost!


🚬🤠 Let Your $Stripper Know She's

Smokin' Hot $ $ $

avatar for ww
a month ago
That someone would search long enough to bump an 8 year old thread is pretty sad.
avatar for Icey
a month ago
1. What is the WORST pick up line that you hear?

The Cuban.... Un tip papi

2. Do you have your "spot" in the club? Like, your go to seating area and why did you pick it?

I always try to sit at the same bar stool in every baf or club i go to. I guess its just out of habit. Ive had my own table at clubs before. Girls would make sure it was empty for me if I'd come

3. What makes you want to be a regular (*cough*PL*cough*) for a girl? Conversation? Tits? Handy Js in the VIP?

We just have to vibe. There has to be a real connection no matter how vapid

4. What gets your cock hard, classy or trashy? Stripper chic or a girl who looks like a high class escort for DC professionals? Or maybe you like the girls who OBVIOUSLY are dancer newbies, like street clothes on stage.

A little ghetto

5. Does intellectual conversation turn you on or do you want the fuckin bimbo. Even if she's smart, would you rather her play dumb?

I love a woman with a mind

6. Ever jizzed on a girl during a dance while she was not expecting it. Was it lulsworthy or were you so embarrassed that you just didn't even want to tell her.


7. You guys smell the shoes, right?

Any kind of bad odor from a stripper is an automatic deal breaker
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