OT: Age

avatar for larryfisherman
Fellas, at what age: do you become too old to hang out in nightclubs? Too old to be able to pull a girl in her early 20's without her just being in it for the money? Can no longer bust a nut twice in a hour? Are no longer in your prime when it comes to looks (face)? Start to get random aches and pains?

I was gonna say 30, but I'm thinking it's more like 35.

What do you think?


last comment
avatar for Spirit_of_Alucard
8 years ago
At the age when you can no longer be DIGNIFIED sir. LOL!
avatar for DallasCowboys
8 years ago
I would say maybe 40.. Depending on how you age really. I've gone to a club and seen an old ass man pullin bitchez and not tipping any of them.. All strippers are in it for the money. They don't actually like you.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Yeah; I'd say 40 also - 40 is kinda a milestone an a fairly big-change IMO.

And as Dallas mentioned, how you look also matters - if you're 32 and overweight and balding thus making you look over-the-hill then you would probably be in the same-boat as the 40+ PL.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
35 should be the cutoff for most. After that definitely out of place/pushing your look, but might get away with it.

If you are an actor or other famous person not going to apply as much.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Think the OP here was talking about regular nightclubs not strip clubs.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
Yes Dougster is right, I'm not talking about strip clubs.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Fishsticks you're too young to go to nightclubs - you're still in middle school left so you're a good 4 years off before being admitted to an 18 and up club.

Don't plan too far ahead - you may be dead by then.
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
We sophisticated and debonair geezers still pull in the hot babes:

avatar for Electronman
8 years ago
I can't remember when I got too old! Of course, memory loss is one of the benefits of aging. I don't recall the other benefits.
avatar for londonguy
8 years ago
When you are old enough to be the father of most of the girls.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
When they can no longer relate to your jokes

avatar for Cowboy12
8 years ago
40 to 45
After 40 I really started to see a difference in how I felt...having less energy.
As well as my hair turning much more gray and looking older.

Need both the look and energy to keep up with the night club crowd.
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
Sorry, OP, I'm 62 and don't remember what it feels like to be 30 . . . or 35 . . . or 40. I'm lucky to bust a nut twice in a week, let alone twice in an hour. My looks were past their prime when I was in my prime. It seems like I've always had random aches and pains.

I do remember the last time I came twice in two hours -- when I enjoyed BBBJCIMs two hours apart in a VIP room in September 2015 -- and the last time I had a lapgasm -- oh yeah, that was just last week :) I also know that my average number of orgasms per week has declined in the past few months from two or three to one, though I'm taking steps to improve my general state of health, partly in order to get that number back up again. I also know that my money and perhaps a certain amount of charm allow me to have fun with strippers both ITC and OTC who would be *way* out of my league as civilian girlfriends.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
Right on Mr. Deuce.

Jackslash lol.
avatar for ATACdawg
8 years ago
Anyone two years older than I am should retire, except shadowcat. ;-)
avatar for gawker
8 years ago
When I was 64 or 65 I did a three way and busted 3 nuts in 90 minutes. Two nights ago in 90 minutes I was hard as a rock thanks to Vitamin V but couldn't get off. I had a gorgeous young woman sucking and fucking bareback, any position I wanted and just couldn't get there. Now both those times were chemically enhanced and the girls were being paid so it probably doesn't directly address your question. At age 40 I had a beautiful blonde Scandinavian 28 year old seduce me. We had a 6 month affair (I was separated from my wife at the time) but my point is age is a state of mind if you take reasonable care of your mind & body. The body's largest erogenous zone is the brain. It's a shame more strippers don't have one.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
MisterDouche: " and perhaps a certain amount of charm allow me to have fun with strippers both ITC and OTC"

Now there's a real lack of self awareness. MisterDouche definitely one of the dullest fellows on the board. Guess he is so dull though he is able to seriously believe a statement like the above or other non-sense strippers tell him. Kinda funny!

avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
i'm gonna say if the guy is more than 15 years older than a 18 yr old girl... definitely the money becomes the driving force.
at my age... totally money. but it is a nice fantasy to think that a beautiful young stripper girl is actually and honestly attracted to me.
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
I still get strippers thinking I'm younger than them or the same age. When you got it, you got it!

The problem is I can no longer carry the youthful conversation of liberal ideology after knowing that life is about reality. You can't bullshit a bullshitter and having heard every angle a stripper has heightens the bullshit radar. So other than busting a nut only once per session, my biggest deterrent is the inability to relate to their stories for any sustained connection.
avatar for K
8 years ago
Random aches and pains? I know where every ache or pain comes from. A life time of stupid mistakes that resulted in broken or fractures bones. Poor health choices that lead to cancer. Headaches from dealing with stupid people.
avatar for Estafador
8 years ago
The owner of my company looks really good for his age and he's hitting 50. He's also bald probably since he gotten grey hair. He works out and competes in high endurance athletic competitions (his favorite is cycling). If you keep in shape, you can only be too old when you're back gives out.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Money is certainly the fountain of youth. The more it flows the younger I get.
avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
I've found if you only club during the day, then you're too old for the night life.
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