
Comments by MrDeuce (page 32)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you swim?
    I learned to swim in Indiana lakes when I was about 5 and since then have swum many times every year all over the world. Also, my first high school was right next to a YMCA, my second high school had its own pool, and both had mandatory swimming instruction in gym class. However, there have always been a surprising number of people who can't swim.
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    8 years ago
    Dancers of mixed race or nationality
    Yum and yum! A favorite of mine at Jimmy's a while back was 1/4 black, 1/4 Latina, 1/4 Italian, and 1/4 other white. What a looker!
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    8 years ago
    How many countries....
    My list is unimpressive compared with yours, mainly because almost all of my clubbing has been in the Midwest, which doesn't attract as many immigrants, or foreign-born dancers, as places like SoCal, Vegas, SoFla, and NYC. Dancers' nationalities that I know of are: US, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Russia, Lithuania, Romania, Greece, Iran, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, China, Korea, and Japan.
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    8 years ago
    @25, I have no beef with you and am not sure what has riled you up this time. 1. In a post to Hugh.G.Rection quite recently you wrote: ". . . if he wouldn't insist on making it political and personal(like all liberals (which I am not) all progressives which I am) . . .", which implies (I think) that you self-identify as a progressive. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but doesn't that put you on the left side of the spectrum? 2. Yes, I acknowledge that our PMs have always been civil, never personal. 3. You may have gotten snark out of my grouping you with gammanu, but none was intended. My lame attempt at humor was to pretend to equate two TUSCLers who are *clearly* not identical, simply because you both answered my question within the same minute. 4. OK, here's me showing some cojones: I have no interest in joining your vendettas against gammanu and skibum. In general I'm not interested in fighting with people on this discussion board. Can't we just concentrate on our shared love of strippers, titties, and ass? Shalom . . . Deuce
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    8 years ago
    Viagra before going to a stripclub?
    If I'm going to a club where I know I'm likely to get a blowjob, I don't bother with pharmaceutical assistance -- BJs almost always do the trick. If I'm spending the night with my ATF, I'll surreptitiously take a quarter of a Vitamin V early in the morning before Round 2 because Deuce Jr. isn't as cooperative on the second pop of the night as he used to be. Ah, getting older: when the time between orgasms is measured with a calendar rather than a stopwatch :)
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    8 years ago
    Gentlemen, simmer down! Clearly the identification of 25 with gammanu was meant to be facetious and rockstar was not intended to be part of that grouping at all. Note the placement of commas: rockstar, 25 and gammanu, and imamutt But seriously, rockstar: What could possibly be "left of Sanders" and why would you want to be there? Yikes! One of many reasons that I, a lifelong right-libertarian, opposed Trump throughout the seemingly eternal 2015-16 election cycle is that "the Right" means something honorable to me in an American political context and it is NOT the populist authoritarian nationalism of the Orange One. Now that he is the titular head of the Republican Party, his incoherent and unprincipled worldview is taken as an example of "conservatism", so that people say things like "He's right of Trump". (sigh)
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    8 years ago
    Thank you, rockstar, 25 and gammanu (simultaneously -- and here I thought you guys were one and the same!), and imamutt for the explanation. I understand now.
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    8 years ago
    This is needlessly obscure. I'm pretty adept at picking up pop culture references but have little interest in 70-year-old movies. For those of us who have no intention of watching a two-hour movie from 1944, what is "gaslighting"?
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    8 years ago
    Sleaziest Club you have ever been in
    VM, you are correct that I haven't been to H8S for a couple of years. Have they remodeled since June 2015? Did they also remodel the dancers? And the waitress? Not only was Henry's South an unattractive dive when I was there, but the strippers were not worth looking at and the waitress was exceptionally rude. The only reason I even went to H8S was to experience its notoriety for myself. From where I stay in Romulus near the airport, several other clubs are closer, better choices: Flight Club, Bogart's, Henry's North, Landing Strip, and (a personal favorite) the Silver Criket [sic]. Yes, STL2, I would rank Wise Guys third among the 9 (?) strip clubs in Washington Park, well behind Hollywood Show Club and Larry Flynt's Hustler Club but way ahead of the others.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    No disrespect to those taking on skibum609, but I hope skibum609 doesn't become
    4got, despite your goofy handle and quirky persona, you are a voice of reason and respect on TUSCL. This board would be a more pleasant place to hang out if everyone showed the civility and respect for others that you consistently do. Without naming names, I have found that judicious use of the Ignore feature has greatly reduced the noise level of the discussion board and made it less irritating to visit in recent months. As for SJG, though I find him to be wrong on almost every issue, I have never considered ignoring him and just read his interminable posts very selectively. Skibum doesn't bother me in the least and I don't really understand the degree of hostility directed at him.
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    8 years ago
    Sleaziest Club you have ever been in
    As a veteran of both 6th Avenue Dancers *and* Wise Guys (as well as numerous other Washington Park "pleasure palaces"), I think that there are far sleazier clubs than either of them. The former is admittedly not much to look at, either inside or out, but often has some beauties working. Just in the past couple of years I can cite Fantasy, Germany, and Mackenzie as absolutely *lovely* dancers at 6th Avenue (who have, of course, moved on to better places.) The point is that there is always a sprinkling of hotties at this club. The couches in the lap dance room aren't that bad and the $20 lappers, which are *very* hands-on, offer good value, as does the "Champagne Room" (actually just a curtained off couch) at $100 for half an hour. Terre Haute, by the way, has barely 60,000 inhabitants and actually counts *five* colleges: Indiana State University, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, St Mary of the Woods College, Ivy Tech (a two-year community college), and Harrison College (a two-year business college). You are correct that surprisingly few of the ISU girls just a mile down 7th Street show any interest in stripping at 6th Avenue. As for Wise Guys: hell, it's not even the sleaziest strip club in town! IMO Dollie's, Blondie's, Cheeks, and C-Mowe's are all sleazier and have a lower class of dancers working than Wise Guys does. At Wise Guys, as at 6th Avenue Dancers, you can often find a dancer or two who hasn't yet discovered that she can do better elsewhere. A current case in point is Talia, a gorgeous white girl in her mid 20s who is also a rapper and an honest-to-goodness college student and is fun to hang out with, both in the "front room" and in the VIP room. I think the sleaziest clubs I've been to, besides the ones I named in Washington Park, are Palace in the Pines near Youngstown, OH, Bogart's and Henry VIII in Inkster, Henry VIII in Southgate, and Fluffers in Sparland, IL (near Peoria).
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    Retrograde vs Hyperspermia
    Wow! A whore drowned in jizz! Now *there's* an occupational hazard I've never heard of.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Paying Too Much?
    I can relate to what Meat72 said about tolerating a woman for only 15-30 minutes -- with rare exceptions, I can tolerate any given stripper for only, say, a couple of hours at a time -- but one reason my ATF is, well, my *all*-time favorite stripper is that I can be with her for 16 hours, only half of which are sleeping hours, and still not be sick of her. She was touched the other night when I told her that she was one of the few people in the world that I can stand to be with for more than a few hours at a time.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Paying Too Much?
    Outside of Las Vegas, any stripper who tells you that she makes $1000+ every time she works is almost certainly lying. In my part of the world, a lot of dancers are content to clear $300 and often go home with $150 (or less!). My ATF tells me quite openly that she usually makes $400-700 for a six-hour day shift in a club where extras (HJs and BJs) are fairly common in the VIP room. She is willing to accept $400-450 to spend the night with me because she doesn't have to hustle for my business and she knows that I'm clean, fun, and attentive to her needs compared to her usual ITC customers. Besides, a night with me takes no time away from her day shift work, and for the vast majority of a 16-hour date with me, she is either eating fine food, sleeping, or cumming :)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Paying Too Much?
    I agree with Subraman's negotiation points: see her a few times ITC first, be respectful, make the first offer, and don't pin down too many details, such as the exact nature of the services rendered, but propose a date that sounds as fun as possible to a hot young woman in her 20s or 30s. When I started seeing my ATF last August, we had already done half a dozen UHM sessions in the VIP room since April and had already casually discussed meeting OTC, but she had to cut a boyfriend loose first. As soon as she was free of him, she called me to say that she was available and the short negotiation went like this: Knowing that a half hour in the VIP room cost $150 plus a $50 tip to her, of which she kept about $150, I proposed $350 for an overnight date including a fine Japanese steakhouse for dinner and an upscale brunch spot the next day. She agreed and I ended up giving her $400 -- which, as twentyfive pointed out, became the new baseline. Other such dates last fall were compensated at a higher level because of an unfortunate decision on my part to offer to pay her rent in exchange for a certain number of dates. The problem was that I was stuck paying rent for a while but the dates didn't always materialize :) I learned a big lesson there. This year we've spent three nights together, for which I've paid $350, $450, and $450. They always start at 8 or 9pm and last until somewhere between noon and 3pm the next day and always include an expensive dinner (i.e. $65-110 for two -- this is the Midwest, after all) and an expensive brunch ($30-40), except for the time that she fixed bacon, eggs, and hash browns for us. After the first date, which was in a $60 hotel room (again, Midwest!), we have always stayed in her apartment. She will be moving in with a boyfriend at the end of this month, so our OTC fun is almost over, but we are currently negotiating for two more overnights and an "afternooner" for a total of about $1200-1300. Even after she moves in with him, I suspect she'll be agreeable to some evening "dinner" dates or morning "brunch" dates for about $250 for three-four hours, including adult playtime in my hotel room. Yes, you can absolutely negotiate with these girls, especially outside of Las Vegas, but you probably can't negotiate *down* from what the first date cost. Quite possibly you can get more time for the same price.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Paying Too Much?
    I agree that $1000 is high for 2-3 hours, but if you have the money and can spend it on these two young lovelies with no regrets, then the price is OK. There is no "right" price -- it's whatever you and she can agree upon. My only real basis of comparison is what I spend for overnight dates with my ATF. Many times since August I have picked her up at 8pm or so, taken her to dinner, and then retired to her apartment for bedtime fun, a full night's sleep, and morning fun, culminating in a nice brunch at about noon. Total for about 16 hours of her time plus two rounds of adult fun and complete GFE: $350-450. I should mention that I was paying her rent for a while last fall in lieu of payment per date, which raised the average price per date. This is in a large Midwestern city. Another favorite extras girl in another large Midwestern city will blow me in the VIP room for about $200 but wanted $500 for an afternoon date or $1000 for overnight -- with no GFE whatsoever. I politely declined and we have kept our activity ITC.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Do you pleasure your whores?
    Generally my sexual activity with strippers has been all about me, but it has been dramatically different with my ATF since we starting seeing each other OTC last August and really ever since our first VIP last April. Our preferred activity since that first VIP has been 69, which almost always gets both of us off (multiple times in her case). On our most recent date -- from 9 last night until 3 this afternoon! -- we started at bedtime with her fellating me while I finger-banged her and then resumed this morning before brunch with a nice round of 69. I would say that giving her pleasure is just about as important as my own orgasms.
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    8 years ago
    Knowing too much info
    I met my ATF in a club with a VIP room with UHM, i.e. HJs and BJs are de rigeur. In fact, we engaged in 69 on our first VIP and and have continued to do that (or more) on almost every subsequent VIP or OTC date. So it's no surprise to me that she sucks dick for a living. Even when she tells me, as she did after our first VIP, that she does that only "for a select few, because I felt a bond with you", I chalk it up to SS and think no more about it. OTOH, I don't want it to be rubbed in my face. I have no desire for her to tell me "Well, I need to make $500 today so I'm going to blow five guys!" On dates she will tell me a little about her boyfriends (yes, plural) and their sex lives, but for the most part we pretend, for the duration of a date, that we are lovers. If you let it bother you that extras girls do extras for guys other than you, then strip clubs are not the place for you. I know what she does for a living; I just choose not to think about it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Demoting a CF
    For a while last summer I had *three* CFs on day shift at the same club. In fact, one afternoon #1 sat on my lap, #2 sat next to me, and #3 was behind me massaging my shoulders! However, this inherently unstable condition couldn't last. It ended when #1, who was actually my favorite, took an extended break from stripping and became my OTC girl, which she remains to this day. In the meantime, #3 quit stripping and #2 told (and still tells) outrageous likes about #1 to try to destroy our OTC thing. More recently she's been telling outrageous lies about me to try to get me banned from the club! I don't know if it's possible to peacefully demote one CF and promote another on the same shift. I liken it to traipsing, drunk and blindfolded, through a minefield. Good luck!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    All these years I've been doing it wrong
    I learned this on a tour of Sri Lanka in the 80s. Every day the tour guide bought a different kind of bananas for the tour group and showed us the "right" way to peel them. I still peel them the "wrong" way :)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Golden Trio of Moves Increases Chances of Female O
    skibum, I never knew that you were a former blogger on the Guardian! Does that make *you* an extreme leftist? Your posts here over the years would indicate otherwise :)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    I betting that this is a MrDeuce kind of girl!
    You know me well, 4got!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Land of strippers, drugs needs knight or fairy godmother
    I liked this line in the editorial: "Washington Park is a very sad place. It is hard to imagine a happy ending." Actually, I don't just imagine happy endings in WP. I get one or two every time I'm in town :) I may be there on Thursday afternoon.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Stripper Progression
    Q: What's the difference between a stripper and a strip club waitress? A: About two weeks.