
What are you looking for in a strip club viait?

layin low but staying high
Friday, February 17, 2017 10:39 AM
I was just wondering where most people are these days. What are you primarily looking most of the time when you go to a strip club: 1. Good high contact lap dances but no orgasm. 2. A good lap dance with an LDK. 3. Eye candy-- just watching some attractive nude women. 4. Extras/sex. 5. Shopping for an OTC partner. I used to be looking for 4 and 5 but I'm transitioning into primarily just looking for #1.


  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Freebies' )
  • ime
    7 years ago
    The mythical DS
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    3. Eye candy and when possible
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    ... 1. High Mileage LDs, though at a no-contact club, I rarely get it. So I focus and plan on #3. Clubbing is a stress reliever and mood enhancer for me as a supplement to my stamp collecting, rickdugan steak grill-outs with the 'fam. I stay out of the clubs as long as possible to maximize the value. I return when I personally can't take it any more or the wife kicks me out and says "GO!" "Go stuff some dollars into a stripper's g-string and don't come back until your better." That's where I'm coming from.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I love women - love the way they look *and* feel - I also love variety - thus I mainly look for VHM dances (good 2-way contact topless dances). Since I like variety and getting w/ many different dances; I don't like to bust a nut b/c then I wanna leave after that and if I'm having a good-time then I wanna spend at least 2-hours in da club - also b/c I like variety I will often avoid extras b/c I wanna have enough funds to sample many different dancers vs spending most of my funds on just one dancer via extras. But - I've been doing so much SCing in the last year that I've kinda burned out a bit and in the last year have done more extras than in years past and extras have been on my mind more in the last year - but I'm hoping to get back to moslty enjoying VHM dances.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    number 1 is fun and doesn't get old no matter how much I do it. number 2 i'm not capable of. never LDK'ed from strictly a lap dance and i really doubt it'll ever happen number 3 is fun, but its not something i can solely do. in other words, i can't go to clubs and just watch. the only exception is if its a club that has over-priced lap dances. All PL's are different though, i've seen customers who are perfectly content with just tipping lots of money and watching the dancers on stage. not me! number 4 can be really fun, but its not available at every club. and some of the dancers will give uninspired/robotic extras..........so its not always as great as it sounds. number 5- NOW THIS IS WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR. i'm usually not the type to be a regular to one dancer, but right now i have a favorite. and i'm trying to get her OTC, but i don't have any experience with OTC. but it ain't rocket science either. so we'll just see what happens
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I'm out for 4 & 5 but usually wind up with #1 and still go home happy.
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    #1 and/or #3 depending on the club.
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    LDK Takes a while to find the one that is hot enough and dances well enough. So mostly just enjoy high mileage with variety while I search for the right one.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    7 years ago
    I am looking for 4 and 5 with a DS. John do you care to elaborate on why are you transmission out of it. I hope is because you are going to help your DS and make her your Sugar Baby/Mistress and are going to marry your DC. Like a wealthy French Gentleman would.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    I'm always looking for options 1 & 3. To just look and not touch sucks. I gave it a try on one visit to Orlando, but I've gotten too spoiled in other clubs. In the same turn, who wants a grind from Miss Piggy? I don't LDK. It's never happened for me, I don't know if it could, I don't know if I want to. I've done 4 & 5, but it's not my reason for going. If I get drunk enough, turned on enough, and she's hot enough it has happened; but that's never my purpose in going.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I find most clubs can be put in two categories: a club you can easily get extras in and a club you can't get extras in, or if you do, it's going to cost you an arm and a leg. Naturally since I travel I look for extra clubs so I usually go with #4. If I want to club and only "non extra clubs" are around me, I still go and am okay with #1. I'm kinda in the same boat/funk JS69 is in right now, I have come across several outlets where I am able to get free quality sex with attractive civvies that I haven't been banging many strippers as of late. Eventually they will end and I'll be back at the tip rail.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Oh JS69 omitted some options: 6. Go for the food, specifically Chackin Fangers - Juice 7. Go for a fruit roll up snack and a bedtime story - larryfishsticks
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^8) Lobster Heck
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    I prefer pretty college college girls who have their head on straight for something discreet, long-term, unprotected, and at my house. Strippers are rarely stable enough for that kind of thing. I've been seeing the same 24-yr-old Asian grad student since August, and I'm only in strip clubs occasionally. As far as sex ITC, what's the point? It's usually awkward and rushed. I did meet a cute, skinny, 21-yr-old stripper this week (septum ring not withstanding) and she seems interested, but the risk and drama probably isn't worth it.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Going to strip clubs strictly for lap dances is something I understand even less.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    3, 4, and 5 I can enjoy a visit to a club without extras if I have eye candy to stare at. However, I usually get extras in the Detroit clubs I frequent. And I'm always interested in finding a girl for OTC.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    So far this year I've been all over the place on this issue. I've been to three different strip clubs a total of six times this year and have enjoyed one CBJ in a VIP room in Washington Park, one HJ in a VIP room in Indy, and two lapgasms at my all-time favorite, relatively low-mileage club (same dancer both times, including last night -- she makes it her mission to grind me to ecstasy). But the other two club visits were for the purpose of, and resulted in, only some eye candy and high-contact lappers. In addition, I've indulged in a couple of nights of 138 with my ATF. I would say I'm always looking for 2, will settle for 3, and hope for 4 where extras are available. I never go to a strip club aiming for 1 or 5. In my experience unsolicited OTC offers tend to just happen. For example, at the end of our first VIP last April (which ended with 69 and a good time by all), my now-ATF said "Would you like to meet me for dinner sometime and do the same sort of thing in a hotel room, but with less clothing?"
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I have multiple goals, all inter-twined: 1. Get some fun drinking time with my buddies -- SCing is one of those things we all make time for 2. Drink and get as much mileage as possible with a hot stripper... though I mostly go to low-touch alcohol clubs, so "high mileage" in this context is FIV, FIA, etc. No sex. 3. Set up OTC Every one of those things is as important as the next.
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    JS69, why the change to option #1??
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    Personally, I'd only go for 4 or 5, but my failure in that pursuit has made my strip club visits more and more infrequent. I've only gone maybe 2 times in the past two months.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    1 but if 2 happens, that's good too
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Our local clubs are zero touching. So its the visuals, plus getting to know the girls through talk. Learning how to talk to beautiful young women. When I break camp and take to the road, it will be getting to know girls, GFE -> FS, or whatever is possible, and then continuing to see them outside. I'll pay them if that seems to make them happy, but I will always treat them first and foremost as civilian's, and never try to use money to persuade them to do anything they wouldn't otherwise want to. SJG
  • IHearVoices
    7 years ago
    ^ What flagooner said.
  • TeoTommy
    7 years ago
    Beer + Eye Candy, High mileage LD x2 with stripper #1, Beer + Eye Candy, High mileage LD x2 with stripper #2, and finally, Beer + VIP15 + LDK with stripper #3 That is what I want, in that order, every single time. Oh, stripper #3 is usually my ATF if this is at my regular club.
  • grand1511
    7 years ago
    Deep discussions of geopolitical challenges and #2.
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    Donna in the purple dress!
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    2 and 4.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Oh really, dickbreath ?? Ever hear of MENSA ?? Of course you haven't seeing as how unintelligent your stupid ass is. I'm in MENSA.
  • rockie
    7 years ago
    A dancer that ignites the flame of lust in this 58 year old man! Yes it still happens, but it's more a personality melding than a look or feel.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    1 , 4, and 5 sound good but in strip clubs, it's been a long long time just getting 1. I'm no longer routinely visiting strip clubs. I can't remember the last time my bank account had this much money in it. I think I will think about finding a new job and possibly moving. I'm just not sure where. I'll spend my time updating my resume instead of going to strip clubs. Bound to be some place better. It's just so much work moving or even getting ready to move. I had this one thought to write the president and inform him I would be willing to do pr work for him and offer advice from a middle class guy about whatever he wants to know as long as I'm well paid for a middle class guy. However that sounds crazy. He could have possibly avoided the whole immigration mess by running it by me. I would have immediately said don't ban people who already traveling with valid visas. Just vet the visa process instead of making people fight it at the airport. To be fair, include all countries with terrorists unless they are our allies. On speeches, stay presidential and stay on target. Remember Star Wars. Stay on target. On ordinary people making supposed insults, ignore them, they aren't important to you are they? If everyone is important, well I should get hired. 200k a year sounds like a good middle class job salary. I understand it would likely be temporary especially if you listen to democrats or John McCain or Lynsey graham. These people are all butt hurt about losing or losing face or getting disrespected. On the other hand, are there good strip clubs in DC? I guess I might end up traveling a lot. I would also need a large budget to collect information from other departments and or to do economic studies on potential decisions. One study I would like done if not already is how much would it cost to build up our national defense in an area where we are most vulnerable to attack. EMP attack that could knock out our entire national grid. Supposedly the death toll of Americans would be 90% after a year. What are we doing about it? Trump said the best way to avoid war is to make it so that you are so strong, no one wants to attack you. Well if your defenses are so weak, they can kill 90% with one or two warheads, that makes us vulnerable like nothing else. Ok my rant for tonight.
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    5 then 4. Partying with my favorites to keep 5 going.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    lol I love sharkhunters posts
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    Since I moved, it's mostly #1 and #3. I hope for #4, but don't know anywhere close where that's a real possibility. #2 and #5 just happen without any real planning involved.
  • Cowboy12
    7 years ago
    I usually go for #1 and #3. Hoping for option 5, lol On second thought, with all the drama stories on TUSCL regarding option 5, it may not be worth it!
  • sp
    7 years ago
    It really depends on the situation. If I'm alone and have enough time I would say 1 hoping for 4 but sometimes just ending up with 2 or 1. If I'm with the guys at a game and then head to a club it would be 1 or 3. Pretty much the same, 1 & 3, if I'm away on business and there are a few of us out. One of my old business friends would always look for 4 and let me know if it was a good time or not so I would sample once in awhile. Would like to try 5 but never had the balls or money to do it.
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    Any given day might change the answer....if OTC action is occurring with regularity, then I'm much less driven to 4&5.
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    Mostly #1. Never #2. Often #3. Rarely #4. Sometimes #5 I usually go in with the intent to get a few dances, but sometimes I'm just in the mood to just look, with maybe a little mild stageside feeling. Its rare that I go in with the intent of anything more, but its not that uncommon that I end up doing more. For whatever reason, it seems like lately a lot of girls are asking about OTC.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    3 and 5. I'm in clubs often enough that not every outing has to result in 5, but 3 is a must for me. What's really fun is when i'm watching a girl who satisfies my desire for 3 while also knowing that she'll be taking care of 5 later on. Once every year or two I will also take 4, but the privacy conditions must be ideal. I am long past the point in my life where i'm going to have my dick swinging around in some semi-open lapdance or vip room.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    1,4,5 and to a lesser extent 3.
  • rl27
    7 years ago
    All but number two. I am always looking out for the best eye candy. Then I try some of the eye candy in the back, hoping for a least some good high quality high contact lap dances. In most cases there is no finish in these dances. I I happen to luck out and obtain extras then I have a winner and she usually becomes a favorite. Otherwise, after I get my eye candy fix, its off find one of the prettier slutty dancers for extras. If she really good and I get a good vibe from her, then I see if she is open for some OTC action.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^ What was interesting about Donna was that when I first saw her she was outside washing her car. So the intended selections process was short circuited, and so what ensued was mind blowing. But regrettably Donna dies of leukemia some years back. SJG
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    So what #'s would that be SJG, 2 and 4? Or maybe 1 and 3?
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The thing about Donna, and the reason I originally mentioned her, is to show that the selection process is everything, getting out of the box. I had to turn down four of their girls before someone realized who I was talking about and went and got Donna. So when we got into the room we melted into each other's arms and intense GFE, leading to FS ensued. All because she knew I really wanted her, and it was not just because she was what was on the menu, and because I never treated her as a prostitute. SJG Great Album Cover [view link]
  • Ch3ll
    7 years ago
    5 then 1 then 3. However, if 3 happens each visit, I've enjoyed my time/money. Going through a 5 drought right now.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    3. Eye candy. I found that along a good evening drinking and chatting with couple hotties last night. Mission accomplished. :)
  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    2 or 3.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The reason I don't go along with the extras concept is that it amounts to the girl performing a service upon you. So even if it is FS, she is still going to be dissociated, rather than just opening up to you. If instead of steering it that way, you can just get her to open up, best with makeout session, and to be able to lead it, should be front room, then it will be completely different. SJG
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I forgot to list front room free GFE. We'll call that number zero.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    It should be the gating item before anything more happens, and before you let any girl get you into a booth or backroom. But sadly, guys let girls sell then dances, and so they give up their money, and they get dissociated P4P sex acts. And they make it harder for those of us who appreciate when a girl just opens up to you. In SF places where front room GFE was completely impossible, and there was nothing else to do except maybe for ejaculation services, I have enjoyed DATYing dancers. That works well. But I would not return to places where front room GFE is not possible. The exception is our local no touching clubs, where there is lots of talk and the costs are much lower. SJG Peter Levenda; The Angel and The Sorcerer ; the occult origins of Mormonism [view link]
  • NoReviewTroll
    7 years ago
    So, since San Jose Guy never answered OP's question, and instead went on a lengthy tangent spouting nonsense like he normally does, we'll put down his answer as "none of the above" Survey says? No dice. You lose. Thanks for playing. Try again another time. Maybe you'll learn how to answer a question one of these days, but probably not.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    NoReviewTroll, you worthless good for nothing idiot. This forum is a discussion, not a series of interrogations. SJG
  • NoReviewTroll
    7 years ago
    SJG, go finish licking all of those used butt plugs clean. You missed a spot. Enjoy your dinner.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Butt plugs are only for when truly needed. And once properly installed, they are never removed. Think about it. SJG
  • NoReviewTroll
    7 years ago
    Oh, come on. You enjoy pulling them out and licking them. We know. Then, when you are done, all of the shit you just ate, you vomit it up here on TUSCL in the form of your ridiculously long, nonsensical posts.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Negative, always coated with Crazy Glue. That was invented for brain surgery. The cement does not let go until such time that the patient reaches thermal equilibrium with the environment. And even then, the troll will be interned in a mass grave, with the butt plug still installed. These are only installed when their is a true case of a useless and good for nothing troll. Think about it! SJG
  • NoReviewTroll
    7 years ago
    Once again threatening violence. I'm beginning to think that you are even more psycho than we think and that you may have killed Motorhead and Mikey. Sicko.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ NRTroll Brass does not corrode. Shown full sized. [view link] Think about it. SJG
  • NoReviewTroll
    7 years ago
    Enjoy your dinner. Good night crazy man.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Silencing useless good for nothing trolls is an ugly job. But someone has got to do it. SJG
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