
Comments by inno123 (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fair Rate
    $5 to the club on a $25 lap dance is a very low cut for the club, so a free HJ with 4 dances at that rate is not a bad deal for the dancer. Were you ripped off? I wouldn't say so. After all in COI I would have expected to pay $40 for the dances but then tip $40 for the HJ so you are not much out of the same range.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fair Rate
    Well, it is hard to say without knowing what the behind-the-scenes numbers were. Is $25 per dance what the laps would have cost without the HJ? How much of the $25 does the dancer get and how much does the club get? Is a HJ with 4 dances considered normal here? Around COI a $40 tip above the cost of the dances is enough to get a hand job, but the topless dances are usually $10-15.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Private Shower Show.
    @georgemicrodong: Yes, I know that this is hardly a representative sample, but they do have a good indication of serious customers and have seen a great many clubs in operation. The statements about 'I've seen the booths but never seen one used' tells me that it is more than just the commenters here that have worn through whatever novelty shower shows had.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Private Shower Show.
    Thanks everybody, I had not expected the replies to be so uniformly negative. It seems quite likely that the shower show would never make back the money needed to build a custom shower versus a prefab one.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    whats the point of going to a Nevada SC?
    Nevada brothels are a fair distance out of town and are quite expensive. Vegas nude clubs have a very good selection of dancers as it is where showgirls from the strip make money between gigs. Best bang for the buck, literally, is with call girls, as it is with most cities.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    3-song stage sets, why?
    I am discussing a concept for a new club with the owner that if there is a dancer waiting behind her a stage appearance can be as short as one song HOWEVER a dancer is required to make a stage appearance after finishing one private dance session of whatever length and doing another, resulting in a steady supply of dancers wanting an appearance on stage.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    First they came for your guns, now they are coming for your whores
    It passed by unanimous consent, so don't blame one party or the other. The funny thing is that while calling for backpage.com to shut down it included encouagement on training to recognize child sex trafficing. Which is interesting because you won't find underage girls on backpage.com It is too public, too well monitored by police. If you see an item indicating that an escort is underage on backpage and it is still there in ten minutes it means that it is a police plant done with the cooperation of the site.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Rick's Cabaret International Inc. reports $95.2 Million Revenues for 2012, with
    Before March we expect to open the Los Angeles club that we are doing as a joint venture with another multi-club operator, Anybody got some information on this? I had not heard of it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Joe from NJ
    New York
    Bringing your cash into a club.
    I am not nearly as complex as that, but I do keep these things simple. I put the singles in one pocket and the other bills, usually 29's, in the opposite pocket. The wallet does not come out unless I need to show ID. The credit cards and ATM card are never brought out period and I only bring in as much cash as I expect to spend.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Complaining to Management
    I would complain to management if: 1. It was a subject that management could really do something about. 2. It was a subject that the management could acknowledge. So for example complaining that I did not get the full service that was promised isn't going to get acknowledged because the club management can't admit that there is prostitution going on. 3. That was significant. I often feel that the music is too loud and the lighting is too dark, but I either leave or live with it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "Allowing smoking generates so much business we just pay the fine every month"
    In general when cities put in smoking bans business in general increases. The economics of this one club owner can work only if he is one of only one or two clubs that are avoiding the rule. He gets all the smokers, of course, but in the process his club becomes REALLY smoke filled and drives ALL of the nonsmokers to the smoke-free clubs. Currently just under twenty percent of adults smoke in the US. So let's presume there are six clubs in this club owner's market. By getting all the smokers his business is better on average, But if two clubs try it. they are now splitting the 20 percent of smokers while their four competitors are sharing the 80 percent. If I had a dumpy club that was otherwise having trouble attracting customers and could be certain of being the only club that could get away with it (say perhaps by being in county rather than city land) It might be a tactic I would try. On the other hand (a much more likely scenario) if I was in a market where the other clubs were being sloppy about the smoking ban I would take the tactic of being the genuinely smoke free facility.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    hour of power ¿?
    With escorts an hour generally means two shots. I have no idea if it also does in VIP but I doubt it since the VIP needs to be more discreet.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Telling Dancers About TUSCL
    If they ask how I learned about a club I will say so, but in all honesty I first learn about clubs from billboards and such. TUSCL is more of step two in deciding whether to try a club. So I might mention it. But I don't make a mention of how I write reviews or will write a review of this trip. That will weird out the girl. Even restaurant reviewers try to stay secret about why there are there.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    In my experience anything more than a peck is rare, and that is even from girls offering extras. Partly it is because there is an elevated chance of infection risk and they can't really get much extra money for it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Interesting late night discussion on CNBC on tv, should every airport add a topl
    Certainly there are bars and sports bars and such at airports. Many airports are run by quasi-public appointed boards so politically it may be a no-go. Just like everything else at the airport prices would be high because rent is high. You would be looking for a hub airport with a lot of connections in a fairly compact airport in a city with a fairly liberal attitude about adult clubs. First choice Las Vegas McCarran, Second Choice Phoenix Sky Harbor, Third Choice Atlanta Hartsfield
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Club policy and OTC
    Unless the club is somehow getting a cut on the action I doubt any club will condone OTC any more than any other business would allow their employees to moonlight for the competition! But unless these dancers are in some sort of human trafficking thing where they are being held in prison-like conditions when not working there is not any way for anybody to know. So I think that it is SS.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strippers that portray the good girl image
    Much like the school girl outfit of the other thread it takes the right girl to pull off the 'good girl' image. Lots of ink, piercings, sleazy costumes, etc. with kill it. Putting myself in a dancer's shoes, if I could pull off the good girl angle I would go for it. The reason is that guys are going to be less likely to treat me like crap with the good girl image.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Are Schoolgirl Outfits REALLY a Universal Turnoff?? Please Tell Me (I'd Also App
    As to universal mistakes...too much or the wrong kind of odor, glitter, and makeup that even though it might look good on stage is downright freakshow up close.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Are Schoolgirl Outfits REALLY a Universal Turnoff?? Please Tell Me (I'd Also App
    Well, I think both can be true, that on the right woman the school girl fantasy can work well but on others it can be a mistake. And when it is a mistake it can be a huge mistake. But unfortunately a lot of dancers see some other dancer making money off of a school girl costume and think 'I'm just as (young, pretty, sexy) as her!'
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Prepaying Dances
    It is overly complicated and expects you to be able to judge too much from just a picture. The full-refund less than a minute rule is in particular complicated to enforce. And there will be jerks who will be demanding 30 second samples from every girl in the place, creating a lot of ill will.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Chicago, IL
    Stripclub Movies
    Well, if by best you mean the most realistic then I would have to go with Dancing at the Blue Iguana.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip club destroyed.
    Read some more and learned that the club was open, and that the manager came through and told everybody to leave immediately. No doubt saved a lot of lives with that.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip club destroyed.
    Chances are the club decided to open late because business in the afternoon following thanksgiving would have been terrible. On the plus side this may have saved a lot of lives. On the negative side it might have allowed the gas to build up. Gas needs to mix with air to reach a particular concentration range before it will explode. That takes a volume of closed space.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    massage parlors
    The typical MP bust goes like this...the vice squad send in a guy undercover to get a massage and is offered extras. They will continue until they either have or have not gotten offers from everyone on the shift plus ideally some statements from the mamasan indicating that they know and are in on the deal. Then they swoop in and arrest everybody. They will question/intimidate the customers who are present hoping to get somebody stupid enough to self-incriminate but in reality they know nothing about the transactions between any other customer and the massage provider. You were just there for the massage, right?