Private Shower Show.

avatar for inno123

I am working with a club owner on a design of a new club. In working on the layout it turns out that one side of one of the dancers' showers is against a wall of one of the VIP booths. This hatched an idea.

A private shower show where the girl would get all soapy, rug against the glass, and even if agreed beforehand, shave her privates. Obviously it would be a no contact dance.

Now, building an extra glass wall to a shower will be expensive and a cleaning hassle. The business question is, would it be worth the money? So....what would you pay for one?

  1. I wouldn't be interested in it at all. no matter how hot the show if I can't touch it why bother?
  2. I would pay no more than the price of a topless private lap dance in the club. but the option makes the club seem more interesting 3 I would pay no more than the price of a fully nude lap dance without extras in the club, but the option makes the club more interesting.
  3. I would pay more than the price of a fully nude lap dance without extras in the club. (How much extra: Half again, double, triple?)

Now, if it ware a two-girl shower show would the answer be any different (presuming prices would be doubled to pay for two dancers)?


last comment
avatar for JackKash
12 yrs ago

Been to a club once that had an onstage shower. Didn't do much for me. Even private, probably not as fun either - would remind me of the old time peep show. Sorry, no buyer here.

avatar for shadowcat
12 yrs ago

I would not be interested at any price. I can think of 3 or 4 clubs that have shower stalls that are just sitting idle because not enough customers were interested.

avatar for Alucard
12 yrs ago

Only interested if TOUCHING is allowed.

avatar for clevelandbrowns69
12 yrs ago

I agree with Alucard, only interested if TOUCHING is allowed. I once had a dancer tell me she was offered $600 to meet up OTC and take a shower together with a customer. She said she declined the offer.

avatar for chasman
12 yrs ago

A lot of Vancouver clubs used to have showers/fountains on stage, and they'd be used two or three times a night. I'd tip a few dollars more for a stage performance that included a shower show. I would not pay to get a private shower show, either instead of or leading up to a lap dance.

avatar for mmdv26
12 yrs ago

I would not pay extra for this feature.

avatar for rh48hr
12 yrs ago

I would probably not be interested. You can find porn for free to show you that. If it wasn't in VIP, offering it as part of the show it might be a good way for a dancer to drum up business. You could tip the dancer just as you would one on stage (don't know logistics on how that would work) and you could let them know you would like to see them for dances after they dried off (or not) lol.

avatar for farmerart
12 yrs ago

As chasman says, Vancouver clubs have (or had) this feature. No 5 Orange still has a fountain on stage that is used frequently. I don't care for a show of this nature but I do enjoy watching the girl's manipulations as she meticulously dries her pussy.

avatar for Electronman
12 yrs ago

Like the other replies, I would not pay for a private shower show unless touching and maybe "more" was included in the shower show, but the Detroit strip club scene may have skewed my expectations.

If a club could allow a nude or an interactive 2 girl shower show on stage (probably prohibited in most states), that would be worth some extra tipping and some follow up VIP dances.

avatar for vincemichaels
12 yrs ago

Long ago at the Landing Strip here there was a shower on the end of the room. I always sat on the other end of the room so I never was much interested.

avatar for bang69
12 yrs ago

shower shows arn't worth the money

avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 yrs ago

Not worth paying for and most dancers aren't interested in taking a shower in front of customers anyway.

Sounds like a third-world carnival show.

avatar for motorhead
12 yrs ago

Terrible idea

avatar for georgmicrodong
12 yrs ago

"1. I wouldn't be interested in it at all. no matter how hot the show if I can't touch it why bother?"

As a "VIP/CR" option, this would not interest me at all, even if there were two girls.

Now, what would be interesting is if this shower were another stage, where girls so inclined could take their showers in full view of the floor, just like a stage. A box tips, emptyable only from the shower side, would give customers the opportunity show their appreciation.

I would certainly feed a couple of bucks into that for the right dancer, just like I would at the stage.

But as for a shower show such as you describe, I'm with many others here, it's a no-go unless I get to do some washing.

avatar for Ermita_Nights
12 yrs ago

I wouldn't pay, and even if it was free I doubt I'd be very interested. There used to be hourly free shower shows at Mitchell Bros and for me they were curiousities at best.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 yrs ago

In this day and age of liberal two-way contact, anything that does not involve touching would be of very little interest; as the others have stated.

avatar for sclvr5005
12 yrs ago

I'll join the others in voting "not interested".

avatar for gatorfan
12 yrs ago

I need a shower

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 yrs ago

I don’t take showers – so why watch someone else doing it :)

avatar for sharkhunter
12 yrs ago

I once went to a club that had some shower shows for free in the vip dance room on occasion. I never paid much attention to it because I was paying a girl for lap dances unless the show was going on before the lap dances started. I might watch if the girl was hot but wouldn't want to pay any more than I would to pay a tip as if she was dancing on stage. I guess that means maybe a dollar or two if she's hot. With no place to tip or if I was doing something else, I would not be interested at all. What I saw was completely free before they stopped doing it.

avatar for sharkhunter
12 yrs ago

Maybe some guys in high end clubs might be interested.

avatar for sharkhunter
12 yrs ago

Now if she just put on a show all oiled up and rubbed her pussy and then put a cup in front for a dollar throw (where you roll up your dollar in a ball shape and take a shot at her cup in front of her pussy) I might take a couple of throws. I've seen feature entertainers (not all oiled up) get lots of dollars using similar methods but they offered a free poster for the guy who made the shot.

avatar for inno123
12 yrs ago

Thanks everybody, I had not expected the replies to be so uniformly negative. It seems quite likely that the shower show would never make back the money needed to build a custom shower versus a prefab one.

avatar for georgmicrodong
12 yrs ago

@inno: You should also remember that the regular posters to this list are not very representative of strip club patrons in general.

avatar for crazyjoe
12 yrs ago

I thought it would be interesting one club I went to before it was remodeled had one on the back of a stage that was never in use. I saw it used for the bachlor at a bachlor party and it was lame

avatar for HowdyPilgrims
12 yrs ago

This idea doesn't interest me the least bit. I remember seeing a shower show some years ago at Orange No.5 in Vancouver and I was completely unimpressed. I wonder if they still have it?

avatar for HowdyPilgrims
12 yrs ago

Ah i just saw farmerts posts that they do still have some semblance of it...guess I should have read the entire thread before posting lol.

avatar for inno123
12 yrs ago


Yes, I know that this is hardly a representative sample, but they do have a good indication of serious customers and have seen a great many clubs in operation.

The statements about 'I've seen the booths but never seen one used' tells me that it is more than just the commenters here that have worn through whatever novelty shower shows had.

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