
Comments by inno123 (page 9)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Online Strip Clubs
    Sure, its called a cam site.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    entry fee
    A small entry fee is what keeps the freeloaders from being freeloaders. If I was running a club even at slow times I would require a fee but give a free lapdance coupon and/or a free drink. It makes sure that they have at least a little money to leave at the club and not just sit there like a rock and watch.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Shift Change
    @mjx...have a mid-shift? I figure what's really going on here is that there is a day shift manager and a night shift manager and they are each being unwilling to share dancers. So the day shift manager hustles his dancers out the door well before he leave and the night shift manager doesn't want his girls showing up at all. Meanwhile the few regulars in this club have learned when not to go and the dancers learn it is pointless to show up on time because the club will always be empty...vicious circle.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Shift Change
    @pabloantonio...No need to have patience, I'm just going to go to one of the well run clubs nor far away that never have this problem, and I will hardly be alone. 1. Frankly if dancers actually were allowed to pick their hours some would work the mid-shift hours on their own. Problem solved. Management rigidity is what makes them be either day shift or night shift. 2. Well, if the customers have learned never to come in between 7 and 9 then it is no surprise that the dancers wait it out, but it is just a vicious circle of bad management, bad behavior, and fewer customers. 3. No, the customers are going down the street. I can certainly promise you at DV at the same hour there were five to ten times the PLs than this club had in a building with about the same footage.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    question about cameras in private areas.
    "At a club I used to go to, manager told me that the owner paid a guy to sit and watch the video from the night before. Now that would certainly add to overhead.." I have had to do some audio/video evidence work and what you do is you watch it at about 8x speed. It looks comical but watching somebody else's porn collection gets old almost right from the start. The worst evidence work I had to do was going through literally thousands of gay and transvestite photos and videos to verify that this person did not have even one piece of straight porn (he was accused of visiting a site having little girls).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Do you get hard during a LD?
    If the girls are not exciting you enough to get an erection my opinion is you either need a better club or a different way to spend you money and time, like maybe a massage place or escorts.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Shift Change
    @Alucard... I certainly will go someplace else, but it still is terrible lazy management. Three of the nearest clubs are: Spearmint Rhino City of Industry Synn, City of Industry Deja Vu City of Industry All of which I suspect you have at least heard of. And I can promise you that the only time those clubs will go a half hour without a dancer in evidence is when they are closed! When you are facing that kind of competition management can't be lazy
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Shift Change
    @Bang69 and Alucard: Why should I have to adjust my schedule to their bad management! There are plenty of other clubs, some only a 15 minute walk away! @Gatorfan...why is a mid-shift even worse? Few clubs are going to be experiencing their peak customer numbers as soon as they open or right before they close so having one or even two mid shifts spreads the supply better with the demand. @Shadowcat...actually that would be a better solution, since some dancers would decide to do a mid-shift, but apparently in this club you either decide to be a day shift girl or a night shift girl. As I said, lazy management. @ilbbaicni...unfortunately it becomes a vicious circle. There is nothing inherently completely dead about, in this case, the 7-8 PM hour OTHER than the customers have been trained to never come at those times (besides the customers who, like myself, took the lesson to be to never go there again). In addition in California, unless this club is breaking the law, dancers must be employees and thus must get minimum wage.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    question about cameras in private areas.
    I have some professional experience with small business video systems. First of all, the club is not going to make unauthorized release of the videos. The legal exposure would be huge. Second if something 'went down' with you then you are hardly alone and I doubt the club owner wants to have a lot of evidence of what is going on in the VIP rooms. These systems can be set to not record but the factory setting is for them to record to the maximum capacity of the hard disk and then to overwrite. Many of the stock hard disks are very small and are lucky to hold a week of video, a month at the maximum. In general the owner will want at least a short period of recording in case something really significant happens, like a fight, and they need to preserve the evidence of what happened in order to hold those responsible to account. Bottom line, it might be recording, but nobody really gives a crap.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Large-size condoms
    On the vast majority of men if a condom feels uncomfortable it is because it has been put on wrong. Surprizingly I have seen even a great many escorts and strippers, who presumably have done this enough to figure it out, doing it wrong. They put it on like they were putting on panty hose...pulling and stretching it as they unroll it between their fingers. Of course with that much stretching of a rubber item it is going to want to snap back to its pre-stretched size, and that puts uncomfortable compression on the thing it was stretched over (your cock). The right way, which will almost never be uncomfortable, is to place it with the roll to the outside at the top of the cock and then to unroll it down the cock with a series of stroking motions. It is unrolling only, using no stretching other than a little around the circumference to keep it snug.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    They Called Me a Stripper
    "yes most people look down on women who have sex for money, or at least those who do it with many men. But is there any logical reason for doing so? The typical escort or extras stripper exposes herself to communicable diseases, herpes being the worst of them. " Well, you mentioned the disease aspect, but family also tends to focus when evaluating other members boyfriends and girlfriends and whether they 'could have done better' as to whether they can provide a stable supportive relationship with their brother/son/etc. but also provide a good home life for any children. And it isn't even necessarily a moral condemnation to say that a stripper is not a good start on that. She already has you as an ATF that she can come crying to...how many others does she have. Frankly I think is stung as much as it did because she herself is ambivalent about her sex work. Not everybody has a neat and pretty job. Most of us get the courtesy of being able at a family gathering to leave the ugly parts of our careers away and just enjoy being away from it. She was likely hoping to be able to do the same.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    They Called Me a Stripper
    Considering that jackslash is from Detroit and this is his ATF I am presuming that she gives extras to just about every guy she dances with. And I would venture to guess that somewhere within the BF's extended family there is somebody who knows what goes on in Motor City clubs. So, even if they DID decide to out of courtesy not say anything out loud is there really any chance of her having a 'normal' relationship with her boyfriend's family once they knew her occupation? I completely doubt it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Favorite Looks
    @papi_chulo Sounds like Bombshell or Diva to me.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Favorite Looks
    @gatorfan The folks over at the pink site would be really upset to learn that all the effort they put into clothes and cosmetics is wasted. @Dougster You may be right about it being a regional thing. I certainly think that the percentage of Divas and Bombshells would be higher in Vegas, the percentage of Country higher in Texas and the percentage of Beach higher in Miami.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Greater Detroit Area
    Girls who shouldn't be dancing
    @georgemicrodong....which proves that society has become obsessed with skinny. Very few 5'4" women could achieve a 21 inch waist and also a 30 inch hips no matter how much dieting they did. That's why we are starving women and then expecting them to get implants to breasts and butts. And then complain about fake parts.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Favorite Looks
    @dougster re. schoolgirl: Yes, that is a tough one to pull off if the underlying body is not right. A lot of the girls trying for 'schoolgirl' might be better off switching to 'nerdy' or 'anime'.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Favorite Looks
    @juicebox. Surprising as always, I never would have expected goth and country as co-favorites from anybody.
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    12 years ago
    Favorite Looks
    @Dougster...Yes I know the hippie/newage type of woman, but honestly I can't think of a single example of a dancer trying to come across like that. Have you? For example many women dress the career woman image but I have never seen a stripper try to take that on.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Favorite Looks
    @ilbbaicni...sounds like 'beach look' to me. @gatorfan....so the rest of the appearance and manner is irrelevant? @mikeya02...Interested in what you regard as a 'babydoll' face, because when I do a google image search on babydoll makeup I get all sorts of things. https://www.google.com/search?q=baby+doll+face+makeup&hl=en&tbo=u&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS490US490&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=pNffUPyWJKTvigK7zoGQCg&ved=0CDsQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=677
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Detroit 2PMer.
    Makes me wonder, did they have those guns inside the club?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Greater Detroit Area
    Girls who shouldn't be dancing
    The only girls that shouldn't be dancing are the ones that can't make any money at it. If there are guys that want to spend time with them, be it because of looks, personality, or mileage then why be snooty and judgmental? In recent years we have become overly focused on skinny. According to Art Historians, the Venus Di Milo, long considered the epitome of western concepts of beauty, if 5'4" tall would have measurements of 37D 26 38 I suspect that many folks would regard her as too big to work in a club.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    In the list of looks that one sees in a club Goth is way down on my list. The Liz Vicious video above barely qualifies as goth it is so mild.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    10 Mistakes Guys Make at the Strip Club
    I would add to it Never bring more money to a club than you expect to spend. If there is a reserve you expect to need to, for example, pay the cab home reserve it in a separate location that you do not touch. It also helps to have your singles for tips and your tens and twenties for dances already separated in separate pockets outside of your wallet.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The bigger you are the better
    ethical question
    Unless there was something specific in the agreement, but still.... be completely safe, he doesn't deserve an STI for his money. be completely available to him. No being too tired by the time it is his turn.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Site Accuses Women of Prostitution, Demands Money to Take Their Private Informat
    there may be no end to the internet, but I believe that we have finally hit the bottom.