Stripclub Movies

avatar for 3LeggedMan
Chicago, IL

What movies would you consider the best that feature strippers or stripclubs?


last comment
avatar for motorhead
12 yrs ago

My favorite strip club scene was in a football movie.

I loved the scene where the high school boys went to a strip club and discovered their teacher was a dancer. The scene was supposedly filmed in an actual club - The Landing Strip in Austin, TX.

avatar for motorhead
12 yrs ago


Varsity Blues

avatar for shadowcat
12 yrs ago

Dancing at the Blue Iguana.

avatar for GoVikings
12 yrs ago


avatar for deogol
12 yrs ago

Best representation probably will smith's character's girl friend in Independence Day. That said, part ii of that stripper movie is out.. forgot its name but in the video rental stores.

avatar for deogol
12 yrs ago

Ah showgirls 2

avatar for inno123
12 yrs ago

Well, if by best you mean the most realistic then I would have to go with Dancing at the Blue Iguana.

avatar for jackslash
12 yrs ago

Showgirls is sleazy, trashy, dishonest, and meretricious. It's only redeeming feature is that it shows some boobs.

avatar for jackslash
12 yrs ago

There are no good stripper movies if we are talking about good movies that deal with the lives of strippers. The movie-makers take the easy way out and give the audience shallow titillation.

avatar for xedin5436
12 yrs ago

The strip club is kind of secondary to the plot, but I liked Exotica. Reality points earned: incredibly annoying DJ.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

Showgirls was so bad it was good, IMO.

avatar for vinstud
12 yrs ago

Forest Gump.

avatar for crsm27
12 yrs ago

Powder Blue... Not really a good movie about a strip club. But you get to see jessica biel get naked and this is totally awesome!! She plays a stripper in it.

avatar for steve_ny
12 yrs ago
  1. Natalie Portman in Closer
  2. Varsity Blues
  3. Kristen Stewart with Gandolfini in Welcome to the Rileys
  4. THe Girl Next Door had a great strip club scene

Eurotrip also has an Amsterdam sex club scene that is classic.

Showgirls was hilarious. She was so bad, during the sex scene I though she got electrocuted or something.

avatar for carolynne
12 yrs ago

i have some great video on my phone...

avatar for Longneck
12 yrs ago

Player's Club without question.

avatar for gatorfan
12 yrs ago

Zombie Strippers

avatar for JacksonEsskay
12 yrs ago

Striptease was an awful movie . . . but it had Pandora Peaks, who I once say as a feature and got a lapdance from, so I will go with that one :-)

avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 yrs ago

Movies about whores are always handled better by Hollywood (Stagecoach, Leaving Las Vegas). With strippers? I still haven't found one I really liked. Just watched Yellow (2006). It was kind of idealistic and amateurish and not very entertaining.

That said, I am finally writing my script. I got a couple approvals from clubs to film and will shoot the short next summer. If you're interested, I'll keep you guys posted.

avatar for carolynne
12 yrs ago

looking for a lead whore?

avatar for samsung1
12 yrs ago

Here is a good summary and torrent collection of strip club movies.

I liked jessica Biel in Powder Blue

avatar for samsung1
12 yrs ago

here is the link that was suppose to be in my last post:

avatar for samsung1
12 yrs ago

A lot of main stream movies are getting strip club scenes or references such as The Hangover part 1 and 2. Got a good laugh with those movies

avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 yrs ago

Thanks for the link to that site!

I agree, though I think Powder Blue is a flawed movie, Jessica Biel, Ray Liotta and Pattrick Swayze's hair metal sc manager all kill in it!

Think I'll wartch this Blue Iguana movie; it's on Netflix.

Carolynne, yes I have not cast anyone yet. As soon as I get the script written (3-4 weeks), I'll start on my lead. May need to send her to pole classes after all, since acting and pole dancing experience is mostly what I'm looking for. Looks can come after that. Luckily Dallas is a huge market, so hopefully I can hit all three! :)

avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 yrs ago

I just realized no one mentioned Salma Hayek's tequila dance in From Dusk Till Dawn.

avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 yrs ago

OK, from a dramatic standpoint, DATBI was pretty fucking good, maybe the best yet. From a cinematic standpoint, it was dull. I can shoot something way better.

I'm starting to get excited about this shit.

I'll hunt down Player's Club, next.

avatar for motorhead
12 yrs ago

I liked Flashdance. Welding wire gives me a woodie.

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