
Strippers that portray the good girl image

We all know there's different groups of strippers. Some strippers will prove that they're whores to you right away by offering OTC services and ITC services to you right away. Some strippers won't offer, but they will accept if you ask. Some strippers hang in the dressing room all night etc.

I find myself most intrigued and interested with the strippers that try to portray the good girl image. These strippers try to make you believe that they're normal girls that just happen to be stripping. Some of say they're in school, they say they don't do drugs, and they say they DON'T do extras. I find myself most interested in them because I find it as a challenge to try to bend the rules with them, I love challenges. With these girls the dances and VIPs build anticipation because you're not sure what you're gonna get. It could be lackluster, it could be extremely sensual and good.

Case in point my ATF is one of those girls that portray the good girl image. She is so nice and beautiful, but she usually doesn't take off her bra for lapdances and she didn't like to be groped.The more she got comfortable with me, gradually I was allowed to do more. The last time I had dances with her, it consisted of making out, sucking her tits, kissing all over her body, fingering her pussy. There's no blowjob or sex, but I find myself eager to see her every couple of weeks.

I still like the strippers that are whores and know it, but after a few visits I get bored because it's the same thing whether it be fucking or sucking or whatever. I like the chase of the good girls strippers. The strippers that portray the good girl image are the ones who become my ATFs and the ones who get most of my money.


  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    The first shit dance that a dancer gives me is the last, I'm not giving her the chance to maybe get better gradually. There are good-hearted whores and virgins who deserve the hottest fires of hell. Most people, male or female, who don't have much sex it's because they're ugly or have a low sex drive, not because they're better than anyone.
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    I should add something, I'm not saying they are good girls, I'm saying that's the image they try to portray to the customer. I'm also not saying they won't eventually do extras at the right price, I'm saying that they tell the customers they don't do extras.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Many who try to portray themselves as good girls are just lying, thieving whores.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    Most strippers seem to have the rule of thumb that you can't keep a regular long-term, eventually they will want more than they can get, or just get bored. I would guess it's just your ATF's technique with regulars. Whatever her limit is on what she'll do, she thinks you'll get bored with her once you find that limit. She's trying to make it take longer for you to find her limit.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    If you club long enough, that "good girl" image that some veteran strippers try to portray gets old pretty quickly. I have seen my share of bright-eyed newbies that really were innocent, but we all know that that innocence doesn't last very long in the sex industry.....to keep trying to portray that sweet innocent school girl type just winds up coming off as ridiculous.
  • harrydave
    12 years ago
    In general, I like people who are what they appear to be. Depth and complexity are fine attributes. Subterfuge is not. (which begs the question, why do I go to strip clubs?)
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    HD, to paraphrase Woody Allen, it's a superficial experience. But as superficial experiences go, it's one of the best.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    " There are good-hearted whores and virgins who deserve the hottest fires of hell." Wait a minute so is that a good thing or a bad thing. I would assume its bad because hell is depicited as bad and being burned is bad. You really confused me there ibbaicnl. Personally, if they could keep up the good girl image to a high degree, then it gives me much more conversation to have. I don't mind stopping for an hour just talk with it having nothing to do with sex.
  • mroo
    12 years ago
    Good girl means they're trying to string you along. They didn't get into the stripping business because they got up at 5AM every morning since they were 12 to shovel snow and put that into their college savings... they got there because they've consistently made shitty choices and took the easy way out at every opportunity.

    Stripping is easy cash. 20 year olds aren't doing it because they like to hang out with fat middle aged divorcees.
  • inno123
    12 years ago
    Much like the school girl outfit of the other thread it takes the right girl to pull off the 'good girl' image. Lots of ink, piercings, sleazy costumes, etc. with kill it.

    Putting myself in a dancer's shoes, if I could pull off the good girl angle I would go for it. The reason is that guys are going to be less likely to treat me like crap with the good girl image.
  • jestrite50
    12 years ago
    My ATF and I used to talk about her job constantly and she used to have me look for clubs for her to work at. She will only work where she doesnt have to take her bottoms off. She is fine with topless but hasnt worked her way up to going nude and shes been dancing over 2 years. She also tells me (not sure if its true) that I am the only one she lets touch her boobies. I am working my way along to see what i can do next and see how far i can go. Kinda like the high school girlfriend you want to fuck but shes moving slow. I think its a turn on or a challenge for me.
    12 years ago
    Hard to argue with mroo and even Dougster on this, lol...lopaw said it just right...
  • DandyDan
    12 years ago
    There used to be a girl at my favorite club like that. She wouldn't let anyone do anything that guys would do to other girls. Of course, the ugly truth is she was banging the club owner, at least until she went into rehab and quit shortly after returning from rehab.

    I can't say about every girl who pulls that act, but for most, it is just SS.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @inno123: "it takes the right girl to pull off the 'good girl' image. Lots of ink, piercings, sleazy costumes, etc. with kill it."

    <shiver> Mmmmm. *I'll* take those girls off your hands, thanks. :)
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    as long as the piercings aren't excessive and the tattoos are all in the right place (back above hip), I'm game.
  • davejones1978
    12 years ago
    I once walked into a club and noticed I 1 of about 10 patrons. I decided to stay for a while because I had paid 4 drink and cover. It did not seem like many dancers were there. The nastiest tated and pierced woman I ever seen came on the stage. I noticed noboty had tipped her and she was going to get off stage. I was not attracted at all but decided to give a pitty tip. I talked to the waitrs afterward and complained about how the club had lost its beauties. I cited the girl will all the tats. She laughed and said she just quit.
  • davejones1978
    12 years ago
    I am okay with the whores just as long as they still look like a good girl.
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    I do agree that the good girl shit can get annoying sometimes.
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