Bringing your cash into a club.

avatar for Joe from NJ
Joe from NJ
New York

There was an earlier discussion about an Inner Room ripoff, but I though that I would follow that up with my way of safeguarding money.

I always worry about being removed from my money at a club, so I always spread it out. I never carry a money wallet anyway, just a money clip. I leave the phone in the car. Many clubs will not let you bring in a phone anyway.

This may seem "weird" or excessive but I have never been ripped in a club (I have probably now junks myself).

I spread my money around. First of all I decide how much money I want to bring in the club first, I leave the rest in the car, somewhere not that obvious like the glove compartment, but under the mat for the rear seats, etc. You can always go out for more; any door man will let you go get more money.

The rest I distribute around my body. I start with a couple of $50s in my right sock and a bunch of $20s in my left sock. I usually wear crew socks, and the money goes on the inside. It may feel funny at first, but one quickly forgets about.

Then spread money around. Right pocket gets the moneyclip with the $20s. Left pocket gets many $1s. I use a large paperclip (the triangular type) for the $1s (and 5/10s). I am usually in a pair of khaki pants, with deep pockets.

In my left rear pocket I put $5s & $10, which I use for drink orders, with the change (usually in $1s) going into my right front pocket.
The left rear is reserved for the driver's license, if required. I usually go in without one, and occasionally have to go out to the car for it. I don't want that to get ripped off either. Never bring in a credit card.

This may sound like a strange system. But I am very use to it, so I know exactly where to go for a particular purpose. I go the the restroom to retrieve sock money, or if the club is dark enough, bend down "to pick up my napkin".

There is a added benefit by having only some money in the moneyclip that I pay the dancers with. So they see only a modest bankroll, and not take you for a "high roller" to remove you from much money. You show that you are good for the next dances, but don't try to talk me in the $300 VIP room.

So if I am stolen from, I have minimized my losses.

What do you guys do to protect yourself?


last comment
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 yrs ago

I safe.guard my cash with a back hand and a fuckin gun

avatar for inno123
12 yrs ago

I am not nearly as complex as that, but I do keep these things simple. I put the singles in one pocket and the other bills, usually 29's, in the opposite pocket. The wallet does not come out unless I need to show ID. The credit cards and ATM card are never brought out period and I only bring in as much cash as I expect to spend.

avatar for JuiceBox69
12 yrs ago

Bitch slap dat hoe

avatar for harrydave
12 yrs ago

I leave money I don't want to spend in the car. I put an initial 100 or so in my pocket. The rest stays in my wallet.

I have never been ripped off and I have been in many low end clubs. However, I don't drink that much and I think that may be a factor.

avatar for jerikson40
12 yrs ago

Joe, first of all I don't think you'll junks yourself. If anything, you'll only jinx yourself. Don't worry. It's not as bad as junks'ing yourself.

Whatever the fuck that is...

Secondly, dude, are you one of those guys who gets out of his car, locks it, then has to go back 5 times and do things in the exact same order to check if it's all locked or else he has a panic attack?

Really, you need to lighten up. Nobody is going to steal your money.

Well, maybe in Jersey, but in the rest of the US it's really not a problem. And I go to clubs in South Central LA, and I've never been robbed.

avatar for JuiceBox69
12 yrs ago


avatar for jackslash
12 yrs ago

I think I would lose my money if I had it spread around to my left sock, right sock, this pocket, that pocket, and jock strap. And I think the lying, thieving whores would be able to steal it more easily.

Keeping money in my car would also not work for me because most of my regular clubs have valet parking.

I keep all my cash in my wallet, in the front pocket where I (and the strippers) can feel the bulge. The wallet only comes out when I part with some cash.

avatar for JuiceBox69
12 yrs ago


avatar for rickdugan
12 yrs ago

I had my pocket picked once, but one time is not enough for me to go through extraordinary procedures. Instead, I am just more careful about which girls I will let rub up all over me outside of a dance area (my pocket was picked by a naked girl in a cold smoking room if you can believe it).

Live and learn.

avatar for shadowcat
12 yrs ago

I separtate my cas too but for a little different reason. It is so dark in most clubs that I have a problem reading denominations. Therefore 20s go in my wallet, 1's in the right front & 5's & 10's in the left front. I never take anything larger than a $20.

avatar for farmerart
12 yrs ago

In US clubs I separate bills by denomination in different pockets because all yankee money is the same freakin' colour - the only country in the world so retarded as to do this!

I had a very expensive lesson about this in a dark American SC where I mistook benjies for washingtons.

Anywhere else in the world I keep my wad in one pocket; no special contorted security procedures. I no longer bring my wallet with me into the club after having a Toronto dancer once attempt to pick my pocket.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
12 yrs ago

I go to the same local clubs and do not worry much about being pick pocketed. If I was going out of state or country I would definitely take more precautions.

I've found the biggest risk to my cash comes from the bartender or waitresses shortchanging me versus being pickpocket or even being overcharged by a dancer.

avatar for vincemichaels
12 yrs ago

But Art, green money is so aesthetic. :)

avatar for harrydave
12 yrs ago

@Lone_Wolf - yup, that is the common issue. Count your change.

avatar for Corvus
12 yrs ago

Oh, shit. I don't wear socks.

Never take my wallet into a club. I leave it in the car along with my belt and phone. I use a small leather business card wallet/holder for my ID and all the cash I plan on spending. This fits neatly in my shirt pocket or any pants pocket I may want to put it in.

And based on past experience I now will not count money to pay a dancer unless I can see well enough to not mistake 100s for 20s. I can't afford that kind of mistake.

avatar for JohnBuford
12 yrs ago

I like to wear lots of layers,with hidden compartments,pockets and linings.I keep the $1,000 bills up my ass for emergencies,I roll the $500 bills very tightly and insert them in a catheter inside my penis.I tape the $100 bills to my forehead.I put the $50 bills in between my toes.Any bill smaller than that I have no concern with and allow them to dangle freely from pocket.I find this system works well and was surprised the Judge disagreed when I spoke at my Fitness Hearing.

avatar for Estafador
12 yrs ago

That's incredibly ridiculous and complicated for no damn reason. Wallets were made for a reason chuckles. The most I do is, seperate my immediate paying cash from the rest of it. Usually the cash I'm gonna pay for the dance will be in one seperate pocket and the rest in my wallet in my other pocket. Its easier for me since I never carry cash on me, thus I HAVE to go to an ATM before going to the club.

avatar for crazyjoe
12 yrs ago

I do similar to Shadow Cat. I never put money in my socks. Ive had too many dancers start feeling my leg and go down to my socks. If you forget its there it may not still be there.

avatar for sclvr5005
12 yrs ago

Wow talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. Money in wallet. Nothing in socks except feet. If I have to establish a tactical plan for my money before entering a strip club I'm either extremely paranoid or else clubbing in the hood, where I am already taking my chances.

avatar for rh48hr
12 yrs ago

I don't use a wallet, so I put ones and fives in my left pocket for tipping and 10's and 20's in the right pocket for dances. Its easier than fumbling through a lot of cash when I just want to put a couple of singles in the girl's g-string at the stage. But that is for convenience not because I am worried about getting jacked. I would agree if you have to separate all of your cash like that to be safe maybe you should find a different club to go to.

avatar for jester214
12 yrs ago

I separate it in clubs too, but for simplicity not security.

avatar for georgmicrodong
12 yrs ago

I also don't usually take my wallet into a club anymore, not even my ID, since either they recognize me, or a look more than old enough to avoid being carded. I generally put 20s and 10s in my left pocket, and 5s and 1s in my right (I'm right handed). If I'm bringing 50s or 100s in, rarely, I'll put them in a pocket that buttons.

I can't recall even putting money in a sock...

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 yrs ago

Most dancers are there to make money hustling LDs/extras and pickpocketing in not on their radar.

But a thieve is a thieve and thieves will always pounce on an opportunity.

Most SCers haven’t gotten pickpocketed b/c most dancers are not pickpocketers IMO.

But one should always take precaution in the unlikely event one runs into a pickpocketer dancer.

I got pickpocketed while visiting a black dive in Houston in March of this year (wrote a review about it). In this particular case, having my small denominations in one pocket and my high denominations in another, mostly for convenience, caused me to lose about $15 dollars I had in one pocket vs. the $300 I had in the other. The ROB couldn’t get to the $300 b/c she was actually on my lap and sitting on the side where the $300 where.

As others have mentioned in other threads – when there is alcohol, sex, and $$$, involved; extra care may be in order.

avatar for HowdyPilgrims
12 yrs ago

In honor of my destination on clubbing nights, I use the KISS method when it comes to my money. 1's in front left pocket. Others in right front pocket. Never had a problem, theft, wrong bill given as pmt, etc. And I do enjoy excessive amounts of libation. My method so simple even a drunken sot(meself) can keep it straight.

avatar for motorhead
12 yrs ago

I didn't realize Rainman liked strip clubs

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