"Allowing smoking generates so much business we just pay the fine every month"

avatar for samsung1
Saw this quote in a recent review when he asked about why they allow smoking inside. Any other clubs like this in the country?


last comment
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I imagine there are. The city's administration should crack down with an iron fist.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
All 5 of the Platinum Plus clubs plus the other clubs in those same cities. Columbia & Greenville SC, Lexington KY.
avatar for rentz2
12 years ago
No one is forcing anyone to visit a place that allows smoking in it
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
Giving out free blow jobs would increase business even more.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
One club in denver allows smoking. They somehow became exemt by being a cigar bar.
avatar for igloo9999
12 years ago
there are 3 in Akron that I know of that allow it. due to lack of enforcement in general, I don't think any of them have had to pay the fine.
avatar for GoVikings
12 years ago
One time I was at a club on a Friday night and it seemed like EVERYONE was smoking. Many of the them were dancers.

I HATE cig smoke. I can't stay in a public place with a lot of people who are smoking anymore than an hour or so before I get sick of it. It's a shame too because I like to drink at bars and enjoy conversation with people, but if it's not a smoke free bar, I have to pass on it.

avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
I was in an Atlanta club and sat at a bar. i asked if cigar smoking was allowed. The bartender brought me a very ice cigar ash tray and that answered my question. Same club a bit later I moved to another bar. The barmaid there said smoking was not allowed. When I questioned her on this she replied, "Yes, but I am allergic to smoke." I told her she was in the wrong business. Being the nice guy I am, I did take another seat at a table. Still, I was a bit pissed.

I do try to be considerate, but as rentz2 said, "No one is forcing anyone to visit a place that allows smoking in it" or work there!
avatar for GoVikings
12 years ago

Well no, nobody is forcing anyone to visit a place that allows smoking in it. But sometimes you don't know it's a smoking place until you get there.

Plus, where I live, there are only 7 clubs in a reasonable driving distance. Only 2 of the 7 are smoke free. The rest of them allow the customers to smoke in the club. It's so irritating. If it were up to me, smoking in any public place would be banned. You want to slowly kill yourself? Cool. But it shouldn't be allowed to effect the people around you.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I see what it does to Lungs. VERY Ugly!
avatar for samsung1
12 years ago
Sinbad's in Columbus allows smoking during their night shift with the explanation that the health department closes at 5pm and it's unlikey they will get busted. Ironically though the lap dances are very low mileage there.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I think the bust would be for allowing smoking, not UHM dances.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Thanks for reminding us if the risks of smoking alutard. None if us where aware of that until you mentioned it.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
You all bitch about smoking (a legal activity) and in the next sentence want extras that are 'illegal' in everywhere in North America and carry higher health risks than a couple hours of 2nd hand smoke exposure.
You can either have the government holding your hand and cutting off your balls in payment or you tell the government to butt out. When will you idiots learn the government is the problem, never the solution.
BTW I am a non-smoker and never have smoked but think the government has no right dictate whether I buy a Big Gulp Soda or fruit juice. Every club, bar and restraunt has the right to not allow smoking or require a tie it is their right to decide what business thay want.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago

FYI, doors work for going in AND going out. Also, you mention your convenience, "Plus, where I live, there are only 7 clubs in a reasonable driving distance." yet don't take into account the convenience of others. Can't have it both ways.
avatar for sinclair
12 years ago
ESL clubs allow smoking inside, despite a statewide indoor smoking ban. I think they just pay the fines or pay off the inspectors. The state government might even turn a blind eye because it is the asshole of the state. Cairo would be the herpes-infected schlong.
avatar for Revo
12 years ago
Right on traveler. Government is the problem they never made anyone healthier.

Govt. does not take your freedom outright.mthet assume your responsibility. Such as protecting you from cigarette smoke and strippers. Then the next thing you know you are a slave and there is nothing you can do about it.

One day when all freedom is gone you will dream of the time when someone will have the simple annoyance of a cigarette. As our society slowly slides back into the dark ages.
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Michigan bars and restaurants are legally non-smoking establishments. Not surprisingly, it is often ignored. Complain to the authorities if you choose.
avatar for Revo
12 years ago
I do not smoke. I hate cigatettes and I hate cigarette smoke. But I hate tyranny worse. And I would take cigarette smoke any day of the year over the government telling me or you what to do with our lives.

Smoke is an annoyance in the club just like, the loud bad music, the shady characters, the ugly strippers that wont leave you alone. We just deal with them. You cannot deal with a the government pointing a gun to your head. There is no dealing with pure ignorant, oppressive force.

They same nanny state beauraeucrats that take away your right to smoke in the private property of the strip club owner, are also taking away your right to even go into the strip club, and enjoy the women in there.

One makes the other possible.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago

And your point is...?
avatar for samsung1
12 years ago
Detroit area clubs are interesting. They allow smoking inside the club but only in certain sections. For example, at Penthouse they allow smoking upstairs but not down stairs.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Would be nice if the smoke stayed segregated. LMAO
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Agreed, Dracula.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago

Well said. I agree.

I hate smoke too but for close to 30 years I just dealt with it. I wanted to go to strip clubs so I just dealt with it. Didn't like it but dealt with it. Now Michigan is (supposed to be) smoke free. Selfishly, I'm happy, but what's next? It better not be my Big Mac or my Nachos Supreme or my Japanese car.
avatar for inno123
12 years ago
In general when cities put in smoking bans business in general increases. The economics of this one club owner can work only if he is one of only one or two clubs that are avoiding the rule. He gets all the smokers, of course, but in the process his club becomes REALLY smoke filled and drives ALL of the nonsmokers to the smoke-free clubs.

Currently just under twenty percent of adults smoke in the US. So let's presume there are six clubs in this club owner's market. By getting all the smokers his business is better on average, But if two clubs try it. they are now splitting the 20 percent of smokers while their four competitors are sharing the 80 percent.

If I had a dumpy club that was otherwise having trouble attracting customers and could be certain of being the only club that could get away with it (say perhaps by being in county rather than city land) It might be a tactic I would try.

On the other hand (a much more likely scenario) if I was in a market where the other clubs were being sloppy about the smoking ban I would take the tactic of being the genuinely smoke free facility.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Only 20%, seems like one hell of a lot MORE!!
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
L.A. is rabidly anti-smoking, and it's been outlawed in public places here for so long that I can't even remember when it was allowed. There is zero tolerance for it. I don't recall ever seeing someone trying to sneak in a puff or two....they would probably get a fire hose turned on them. Or they'd be arrested.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Sounds nice lopaw.

I presume without the outlawing LA would be so smog choked you all would asphyxiate. What are cigarette sales like?
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Lets be clear, these laws aren't forbidding smoking in public places, they are requiring the owners of private property to provide for someone else's preference.
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