
Telling Dancers About TUSCL

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Thursday, November 29, 2012 12:37 PM
The subject of telling dancers about TUSCL was recently discussed in Shadowcat's thread “PMs from Dancers”. The subject of telling dancers about TUSCL came up on that thread as it has at times in the past. Originally, I felt I'd rather not have dancers post on TUSCL since dancers and customers often times have opposing views (and motivations) w.r.t. SCing. Although we have some good dancer contributors, some dancers like to post their grievances (often times w.r.t. customers) on TUSCL and this aggravates most of us TUSCLers. But having though about a bit, perhaps having dancers at least read the TUSCL discussion board may be a good thing as it may give them a better/clearer understanding of the customer's perspective; likes/dislikes; expectations; etc. Any thoughts? P.S. I imagine this has probably been discussed at some length before but I can't remember a recent thread on it.


  • deogol
    12 years ago
    Long enough it isn't yet another discussion of how to go about OTC service...
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    No upside in it, but there are downsides.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    I've never thought most of the purported dancers added much, but hey we have plenty of male posters who don't add much either.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    To be clear, I meant only that I don't see much upside to telling a dancer in the club that you post on tuscl. I don't have any problem with a dancer posting here and if one of them wants to whine or complain, to me it is like smoke in the breeze, or a caged hen clucking, etc. I don't understand why some guys get worked up over anything that a dancer has to say. My only problem with the purported dancers on this site is that most of them are the products of one or more fucktards imagination rather than truly dancers. They are like bad parodies of real dancers. LOL.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    ^ @gmd: Great answer – I guess you are the strong silent type :)
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    Dancers always want to know how you find out about a club when you are from out of town. I avoid the question or tell them guys I am working with in town recommended the club. I have not yet mentioned tuscl to a dancer.
  • inno123
    12 years ago
    If they ask how I learned about a club I will say so, but in all honesty I first learn about clubs from billboards and such. TUSCL is more of step two in deciding whether to try a club. So I might mention it. But I don't make a mention of how I write reviews or will write a review of this trip. That will weird out the girl. Even restaurant reviewers try to stay secret about why there are there.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo: Well, silent anyway. What I *would* have said is that I can't imagine set of circumstances where letting dancers with whom I want to have sex know that I hang out here wouldn't result in adverse outcomes, on average over time.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    I see no real upside.
  • jerikson40
    12 years ago
    Bad idea all the way around. Personally, having dancers on here does nothing for me. Honestly I don't give a crap what they think, I go to clubs to have fun for a little while and that's it. I'm not there to cater to some whining stripper and worry about her needs. If they come on here, as some do, to find out what customers like, then that's fine, and I respect them for that. But chances are 1 in a million it's a dancer from a club I go to, and let's face it, if she really cared what I wanted she'd ask me while she's sitting with me in the club. And that's all I care about, not what some morons in the rest of the US want. And in spite of the super secret codes guys use in their reviews, there's nothing good can come from strippers reading reviews and finding out what her co-workers are doing. Best to keep in on the down low as much as possible. And telling them "Oh, you should check out this cool strip club site" should be grounds for automatic banishment for ANY TUSCL guy caught doing it. It's just stupid.
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    I don't tell dancers about TUSCL but I think it is different for every person. I would respectfully disagree with jerikson on banishing anyone who does it. I think shadowcat is different than most posters here and what works for him doesn't work for everyone. I also think most everyone would agree that stiletto has improved the discussion posts with her insight. I also think carolynne will provide good insight if she sticks around. Most dancers are not long lived or are just looking for quick intel. Maybe I'm not as cynical as some, but I think sometimes we take things way to seriously here. This is about STRIP CLUBBING!! It's supposed to be fun and light-hearted, that's why everyone loves juice. He keeps things light and fun.
  • davejones1978
    12 years ago
    I posted about this subject about 6 months ago. In my experience, it can go both ways. Curiosity can get the best of them or they can be wierded out by it. I used to tell dancers about it quite a bit. They mostly had a decent reaction about it. Unfortunatly, I also had a bad experience with this at one of my favorite clubs. I was getting a dance from a girl that recognized me from a prior visit. I jokingly said that I probably wrote a review on her. That was the wrong thing to say. It got very unprofessional after that. The mielage went down and she looked at me like I was some freak. She went on about how some dancer was stalked because of a review web site and someone who works there move here because of it. I paid her and she left. Not long after that I was getting another dance from a hottie and the previous girl a long with 2 other strippers tapped her on the sholder durring the dance and told her about me. She acted as if she did not care. I saw where this was going, cut my losses and left only to never tell a dancer about a reviews web site again.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I remember years ago I told a dancer about an online strip club review site. I said I routinely posted reviews of the club online. The dancer just about freaked out asking me questions like you mean anyone can post stuff about us online? You do that too? Well don't mention me or my name. She might not have used computers too much. I bet smart phones have changed that. Almost everyone is online now. I still don't tell anyone though.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I like to feel anonymous on here as well. If some dancers knew I routinely posted on here, they might be reading all my posts with a fine tooth comb and that would likely lead to more drama in strip clubs at times. To be safe, I'd probably just start using a whole new name again like I did a couple years ago. I should have very low drama right now. I'm not going out with any dancers.
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    I once showed an ATF a great review that someone on TUSCL did of her. I didn't tell her what the site was, I just showed her the review.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    I think that posting on local SC boards (like zbone, for us LA folks) can be very helpful in meeting dancers, and discussing local activities since we are all from the same general area. I've met several dancers and journeyed to new clubs that way. But TUSCL readership is too spread out across north america, so the odds of meeting a new dancer or discussing local events here with the one or two dancers willing to post here is less than ideal.
  • Electronman
    12 years ago
    Many businesses pay lots of money to get candid feedback from their customers. If I worked in the SC business, either as a club owner/manager or as a dancer, TUSCL and similar review sites would be valuable sources of information that might help me improve my customer satisfaction and ultimately my income and profit margin.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    jestie214: "[implies most claiming to be dancers are fake]... but hey we have plenty of male posters who don't add much either." And what does the jestie-girl think he contributes beyond "fuck this! fuck that! fuckin' fuck everything!" Would to know that. Rick: "My only problem with the purported dancers on this site is that most of them are the products of one or more fucktards imagination rather than truly dancers. They are like bad parodies of real dancers. " "purported dancers"? WTF is this stupid, paranoid fuck talking about now? I guess him and the jestie like conspiracy theorize together in the loony-bin. Hey, Ricky-boy, which "purported dancers" do you think are no legit? You've got one paranoid imagination there buds.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    People who tell dancers about TUSCL have a future career as FBI informants.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    I feel bad for dave jones and his post. Sad story bro.
  • davejones1978
    12 years ago
    Estafador- it is a lesson learned- never again will I let the dancer behind the curtain
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Please don't banish me from TUSCL for talking to strippers about it. I am new to the hobby and don't know WTF I am doing.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    LOL @ shadowcat. Lets look at it like this people. Resturant Critics don't go out of their way to tell waiters/waitresses or managers that their here to critique their food (or at least they don't until after they've had their fill) so why should you go out of your way to tell some chick your a freelance (emphasis on the word FREE) strip club reviewer.
  • scatterbrain
    12 years ago
    I've had a few dancers ask me about tuscl specifically. Not because I've told them about it, but just because they already knew about the site. So I think you/we/me may be deluded in thinking that not talking about it with them somehow "protects" us. Actually, I think it might be just the opposite...namely that the dancers know about tuscl and they are the ones that typically don't want to talk about it. They can get lots of intel in a very clandestine manner. I guess that's my conspiracy theory for the day.
  • ButterMan
    12 years ago
    TUSCL is not local, it's nationwide. So i'm most stripper probably don't know about or if they did they would most likely think the chances of their club or them being reviewed much was slim. If there was a popular local review of SC's I think it might be more likely to grab their attention.
  • jerikson40
    12 years ago
    Geez, we have a bunch of self-proclaimed strip club experts here who tout their hundreds of years of strip club experience and insights, but they do stuff that is freakin' stupid and rookie. You guys should know better. There is no fucking benefit from doing something so empty-headed like that. You KNOW that strippers will freak when they hear they're getting reviewed or when they hear about what the other girls are doing. If they really care about improving service, they'll ask you what you like in the club. Yeah, some club owners might come on to see what they can do better, and that's great. And yeah, some dancers can handle it okay. BUT WHY ????????? There's no freakin' reason to do it, and there's only downsides. Geezus, how freakin' stupid. And especially for the mileage dancers. It's tough enough to have to look over your shoulder so the manager and other dancers don't find out, but holy crap, if you now have to worry about being identified online to the whole world (even if it's not your real name, which makes no freakin' difference...). Talk about putting a chill on high mileage laps.
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    @jerkison: "I'm not there to cater to some whining stripper and worry about her needs." no one asked you to. and i'm not here to cater to your needs, either. in most cases dancers know there are review sites, and yes, most are appalled at the thought of being reviewed. it's like you're not really trashy unless you get reviewed. some dancers honestly lead double lives. they don't want any evidence floating around out there. others are worried about the cops, the managers, or the other dancers getting after them. even the extras dancers like to at least think they're selective, so they don't want every tom, dick and harry knowing they give it up routinely. some guys seemingly go to sc's just to look down on dancers - you wouldn't believe some of the things i've heard - and printed intel about promiscuity just gives them ammunition. i gotta agree with jerkison about this... it's better not to say anything to dancers about any review sites.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    IMO, people tell dancers they are part of TUSCL to feed their own ego and feel self important.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Tittyfuck: "IMO, people tell dancers they are part of TUSCL to feed their own ego and feel self important." Huh? How would that work?
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    The strippers who are on here just seem to use it for marketing. Seems like [view link] is where many strippers go to let down there hair, let on more what they really think. The marketing I get in the club is enough for me.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    I think the strippers who post here are very disrepresentitive of strippers overall. I don't think they are marketing either - their motivations for posting here very from each to each but I don't think for any it's primarily about marketing.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    "I think the strippers who post here are very disrepresentitive of strippers overall." To say the least. For starters, most real life strippers have tit and vaginas. ;) And you can bet that they aren't here for marketing. LMAO.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Don't be a paranoid pussy-boy, Rick. Explicitly name the dancers who you think are really males just pretending. Should make for a good laugh!
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    Caryolne, given all these high milage dancers, I would say you ARE there to cater to the man's need's. Or at the very least the needs that the CLUB pays you for (anything else is on you). I just thought of something. The fact that you willingly tell dancers you post reviews about clubs and dancers akin to them, I would think they find you don't have a life outside strip clubbing and your a sad freak of a story bro. Let's take davejones mistake and learn from it. If your considered too weird (eg. posting reviews about the dancer that just bounced her ass [or mouth] on your dick), the ladies will stray away. Though if THEY bring it up, then it shouldn't be so bad since she doesn't have a problem being talked about on the interweb.
  • rell
    12 years ago
    ive never told a dancer about this site because i dont think dancers need to know
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    Why would people who spend 20+ hours a week being bored to death listening to us want to spend additional time reading what we write on this site?
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    "Don't be a paranoid pussy-boy, Rick. Explicitly name the dancers who you think are really males just pretending. Should make for a good laugh!" LOL. Virtually all of them, with I suspect a rare exception. These "dancers", who invariably cannot tell you where they work and look like they shouldn't be anyway, are about as genuine as your reviews. ;)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    God, you are such a pussy-little weasel Rick. Won't name a single name, huh? Name some fuckin' names already or STFU! Once again, your typical MO. Vague accusations with nothing concrete to back them up. Oh, that is, until, of course, you get the sense others on the board might back you up on something. Never willing to go it alone. Jerikson was completely right when he described trying to pin you down to anything like "nailing to jello to a wall".
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    All. Every one. How about that Fraudster? Wouldn't be surprised if you were involved. But feel free to highlight any that you think are authentic - you might even find one... And ouch with all of that name calling. ;) You know, your doctors prescribed those meds for a reason. You really should consider taking them. Who knows, they may even help control your multiple personality poster disorder - lol. Btw, after posting over 3,000 comments, do you ever actually intend to provide anything useful to the members? I noticed that you tend to shut up when people are actually talking about specific clubs, which is obviously wise since you don't know anything about any of them, but it would be nice if you could contribute something relevant now and again. ;)
  • berge1
    12 years ago
    I always mention this site to my regular dancers. They like to know about other clubs in the area if they think about more work. I also read reviews and go visit other clubs for them. After awhile you do get to know what the dancers are looking for ($$$$). I have a very close ATF who is looking to upsel to a better club. BUT from the reviews I found a nice small local club that fits both our wants. She loves to just hang out with me and not be bothered with mngt. We go there once a week and love the place. If she feels like working the room, fine. If not we sit, talk and drink. If it wasn't for TUSCL we never would have found OUR favorite club.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Well, I take the opposite view as you, Rick. I think they are all real except one*. Stilleto I know for sure 100% is real because I've met her. Other ones I think are real - carolynne, judyjudy, chanel, lovemetiddys, kittykate. Unlike you I fail to see what anyone has to gain by posting pretending to be a stripper when they are actually male, so I just don't think it's going to happen. * Only one I ever thought was suspect was Daddysgirl, just because of how frequnetly she was posting and jumping chaotically from subject to subject. Reminded me of the juiceman. Right now it seems any trace of her has been removed from the TUSCL database, however - can't get to her profile or comments.
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