
Comments by inno123 (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Grinding Techniques...
    I was wondering on your opinion regarding face forward or face away grinding. I prefer face-forward.
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    12 years ago
    How to get a dance from the dancers friend??
    Is your concern regarding hurting the original dancer's feelings or seeming like a jerk? You could just say 'I'm kind of curious what her (the friend's) dances are like'. You aren't really saying that the original dancer is ugly, only that you are 'curious' about the other.
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    12 years ago
    Tesla Crowley
    Fake or Natural?
    Natural C or D, but depending on now much of your current F is not you you may want to think twice about a rapid reduction. your skin tissue has stretched and grown around the enlarged breast and you may have developed scar tissue around the implant. You could wind up with saggy and lumpy. I would definitely recommend not going any further larger and if you are going smaller get some good advice from an experienced surgeon regarding what your breasts will be like afterward.
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    12 years ago
    Picking the Least Attractive Girl
    Lots of interesting answers. I perhaps overstated the original question. Obviously one would not want to dance with a girl you found repulsive, but there is a lot of 'do-able' talent between the 'best' and the 'fugly'. Speaking personally I make attitude a bigger factor than looks. If a girl in the 'do-able' category has the right attitude I will take her even if she is a tier or two below the stunner in the club.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Boner etiquette in the club?
    I know what I have come to the club to look at and it it not other guy'a boners. As far as having a boner the dancers know that is pretty much the whole point. I tend to wear large mock turtleneck shirts so I just don't tuck them in and they disguise a lot of things such as boners, pants stains, etc.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    'Completing the Cycle'
    There are so many variables of girls coming on shift and ending their shift and being in the VIP that it is impossible in many clubs to know that you've seen the full rotation unless it is a really small crew. When I first get to a club I am looking all around at all the dancers sitting, walking around, coming in and out of the lapdance area, whatever, so I don't have to wait a full shift to get a good idea of what is available. Then since I have a particular body type that I am looking for it is pretty clear who are likely candidates. Moreover I avoid being focused on picking just one girl because she might be busy or go off shift before I get a chance. So when one of the girls who met my criteria come up I'll go with her.
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    12 years ago
    North Iowa
    No reviews for May 26
    I too posted one on Saturday night that didn't get posted until today
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    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Reviews by Dancers
    This particular review seems like a disgruntled dancer airing a bitch session. There is another 1-1 review on the club that seems to be the same. The general tenor of the rest of the reviews would put it well away from any must-visit list.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Shot-Girls fair game? a bit confused...
    I think it would be a very rare club that would let a waitress do a private dance because who would be selling the booze during that time! On the other hadn I could see a club looking the other way if a shot girl was letting the customers have a grope as part of serving a shot, because that brings in more drink sales and doesn't really compete with the dancers. On the other hand I would never presume that I could grab a feel from the waitresses. I would only try it if she was making it clear or if I saw other customers doing it with impunity. It would be different if I was thinking about OTC. Particularly if the waitress was outgoing, I would regard the waitress as fair game for OTC.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Bottom 40 list?
    There is a problem with the Bottom 40 list. A club only one great review does not make the top 10 list (I'm not really sure what goes into the score, but there must be more than the average or reviews. The problem with a terrible club is that it might have one terrible review because it really is terrible or because the one reviewer was in a foul mood. But if you need to have a minimum number of reviews in order to be on the bottom 40 list then it may be some clubs on the list are actually better than some clubs that are not on the list but to not have many reviews.
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    12 years ago
    John's Hot Spot 1/1 Reviews... new marketing campaign?
    If this was a shill review by club management the last thing they would do is shout out "Hey cops! Shut down my business and arrest me!". Even the dumbest club management must realize that police can and do look at the internet, as do 'concerned citizens'. So it may be one reviewer who can't remember from one time to the next what his last ID was so he just makes up a new one.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Top Ten List??
    You have repeated something I said a while ago, that the National top tens are pretty pointless because they are being judges by so many difference standards. That is why Founder responded with top lists for each city and state, which in my mind are far more relevant. However Founder no doubt watches page visits and so knows what attracts visits and hits.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    LD room vs VIP vs Champagne
    I have seen different terms used in even the same city. However in general if a club has both 'lapdance' and 'VIP' rooms the latter are always the more expensive. And I have never seen 'Champagne Room' used in a nonalcoholic club for obvious reasons.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Dive Bars ?
    If by a dive bar you mean a place that is no-frills and non-corporate then yes. If by a dive bar you mean a bathroom that is gross then no. If by a dive bar you mean a place I wouldn't feel at all safe in at 2AM then no. If by dive bar you mean a place with really ugly lighting and really awfull sound then no.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fantasy Reviews
    I count as fantasy any review that claims: 1. Bareback FS 2. Bareback Anal 3. Inexpensive Anal 4. Dancer gets so horny they gave FS for the HJ price 5. Customer is absolutely certain dancer did not fake orgasm 6. Dancer had multiple orgasms in less than a half hour. Now I know that those things aren't impossible, bur really?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fantasy Reviews
    I count as fantasy any review that claims: 1. Bareback FS 2. Bareback Anal 3. Inexpensive Anal 4. Dancer gets so horny they gave FS for the HJ price 5. Customer is absolutely certain dancer did not fake orgasm 6. Dancer had multiple orgasms in less than a half hour. Now I know that those things aren't impossible, bur really?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Vegas Crazy Horse 2 vs Crazy horse 3
    The original Crazy Horse was topless with alcohol. It sort of resembled the Bada Bing Club from the Sopranos. There was a large center stage and the bar wrapped around it. After dancing on stage the girls would come down to the bar and if you slipped a dollar in their G string they would bring the 'girls' up close. Later they remodeled slightly to add the new innovation of table dancing! I never did it myself but it seemed that if you paid the girl's tip-out fee they would leave work early with you (wink, wink)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Vegas Crazy Horse 2 vs Crazy horse 3
    The original Crazy Horse was topless with alcohol. It sort of resembled the Bada Bing Club from the Sopranos. There was a large center stage and the bar wrapped around it. After dancing on stage the girls would come down to the bar and if you slipped a dollar in their G string they would bring the 'girls' up close. Later they remodeled slightly to add the new innovation of table dancing! I never did it myself but it seemed that if you paid the girl's tip-out fee they would leave work early with you (wink, wink)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Once a Nerd, Always a Nerd
    Come on, it depends on your definition of better. She has been around him since the early days. Loyalty is important and you can't buy it, not really.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can a gay male do an objective review on a female strip club?
    @motorhead So, for example, could a gay man judge a beauty pageant? I think he could. He may not be personally sexually arrouses by the women, but he can tell if they fit our standards for what makes a beautiful woman. I do find it puzzling though that if he does not find the women desirable WTF is he doing in the club in the first place?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Condom HJ? WTF?
    I have had dancers ask to use a condom during a hand job and I always agree. Not only to keep my own pants cleaner but because I have to figure that it has to be difficult and gross for the dancer to get semen stains out of her costume. And in addition to having the dancer start out with a better attitude toward me it has had some other benefits. Occasionally a dancer will include rubbing it some against the outside of her pussy while still charging the HJ price. No way that is happening uncovered! Moreover once in SF I had a dancer do a neat trick. She put a squirt of lube on the inside of the condom before rolling it on. The result was a very wet and slippery HJ even with a tight squeeze. It as amazingly good.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Vegas Crazy Horse 2 vs Crazy horse 3
    Looking at Google Street view the Crazy Horse Too property is still there pretty much in original condition. Now here is a real test for you....do any of you remember the original Crazy Horse on Paradise Road?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can a gay male do an objective review on a female strip club?
    Wow, quite a lot more hostility here than I might have expected. Honestly I think that among the things that he commented on such as how clean the club was, how friendly the staff was, whether the DJ was a jerk are all things that you don't have to be hetero to evaluate and are all things I would include in a review. Whether the women were attractive is also something that a gay guy could evaluate. Now when it comes to the dances we may have a difference of opinion. Clearly he was not looking for high mileage ('slutty') so I will take it that the club did not do high mileage dances. Still, was the review informative? Yes.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Canada taking sex education to a new level.
    From that description I think that they were right to up the admission age from 12 to 16. That's a little too explicit for many 12 year olds and I regard myslef as fairly open minded.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strip Club Tax of $10 a Head Being Considered by California Legislature
    The stupid assemblyman has no idea of the business he is trying to tax. From the article: ... a nightclub, bar, restaurant, or similar commercial enterprise that does both of the following: (1) Provides for an audience of two or more individuals live nude entertainment or live nude performances. (2) Authorizes on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages, regardless of whether the consumption of alcoholic beverages is under a license or permit issued under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act." Nude clubs in California can't serve alcohol! So it would only apply to topless clubs. It would not apply to bikini clubs or to fully nude clubs with nonalcoholic beverages. And the idiot assemblyman apparently has also bought off on the myth that there is a link between clubs and violence against women.