
No reviews for May 26

North Iowa
Monday, May 28, 2012 12:14 AM
I was just looking at the reviews, in the event a place I go to made it and I found it odd that no one wrote a review on the 26th. I realize it's a 3-day weekend, but I still found it odd that no one would have wrote one then. I always thought in the past the review got put onto the date it was written. Is it still like that or is it listed under the day it's reviewed?


  • 23cambyman
    12 years ago
    Seems fishy, I say an internal investigation should be conducted. Also, I wonder if [view link] is hiring?
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Usually the same day it's written, it gets posted. Hard to say what's going on.
  • DandyDan
    12 years ago
    Vince, I've noticed that if I don't write one at some early morning hour, they will have it up within 5 minutes, so I have to say a whole day without reviews is weird.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    I don't think I'll think to long or hard about this.
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    Yeah, I noticed this too. I was going to post a thread about it, but it looks like you beat me to the punch!
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I know that snowtime submitted a review on Saturday that has not been published. It was a long one and he is worried that it is lost and may have to resubmit it. I told him to wait a few days. Founder may have been taking a Holiday. However many years ago there was a glitch and everything had to be resubmitted. During that one, founder did post a notice on the discussion board.
  • Corvus
    12 years ago
    I posted a review on Saturday and also updated club details but the review did not come through. The club details were changed. And when I clicked on the club name and then "review this club" link I received a warning I had already reviewed the club within the past 30 days and would not get VIP credit for an additional review. And my stats do not show I have reviewed a new club either. So something went wrong besides no one submitting a review that day.
  • Corvus
    12 years ago
    I now found my review from Saturday and my profile shows I've reviewed a new club but I had to look in my profile details to find it. Still no reviews shown for Saturday's date though.
  • samsung1
    12 years ago
    Probably just limited staffing. They do a great job posting reviews daily so I don't mind if they take a holiday on memorial day weekend.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    The review that snowtime submitted on Sat, the 26th, has now been published on today's date.
  • inno123
    12 years ago
    I too posted one on Saturday night that didn't get posted until today
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Everyone was on shadowcat hiatus that day
  • Corvus
    12 years ago
    My review from Saturday was also posted today. Thanks TUSCL.
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