
Picking the Least Attractive Girl

Tuesday, May 29, 2012 1:13 AM
We've all seen dancers in clubs and though 'how on earth is she making any money at this' and then realize what may well be the way she is making money off of it and think that maybe picking the least attractive girl might be a strategy. So have you ever done that? Picked the girl that you thought was the least attractive in the club on the theory that she had to be the one offering the highest mileage or extras? If so did it work out to be true?


  • jester214
    12 years ago
    No. It's not worth being with most unattractive. Ugly strange can be found elsewhere for free or cheaper.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    I want Playmate-type dancers whether or not they do extras. If I wanted fugleys, I would go to the mall.
  • DandyDan
    12 years ago
    I believe it to be a strategy that works if you are seeking out extras or OTC. I could tell the story of how I ended up banging the oldest dancer I've ever met, but the truth of the matter is, everyone, or at least every customer who ever came by himself, probably banged her at some point. I've also had my fair share of fat chicks, and I've discovered a lot of them have loyal followings.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Once several years ago at Henry the VIII South, I took a Dancer into the small open back room whose face at BEST was a 2 to 2.5. And I'm being Kind with that rating, BUT the rest of her body was 8+!! Boy did she know what to do with that body. Fabulous Sex!
  • Pokermon
    12 years ago
    I go to see 7+ women ..i can get fuglies on my own for free
  • Rabbit21
    12 years ago
    I want to be attracted to the lady I get dances from, so no I've never used that as a strategy. I have gone back with ladies I otherwise would not have gotten dances from because their attitude on-stage or their playfulness while talking to me got my motor running, but the one rule I will not break is no fat dancers, it's just not my thing no matter the other positive aspects.
  • just_sean
    12 years ago
    I'm a face man so fuglies are out of the question. though if the right body with a busted face approached me...
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    It's sad how many customers don't get it, but it's the most attractive girls that are the most likely to do OTC. I guess people just don't believe in win-win situations but they do exist. I guess only a few guys like me get this one though. Pity for the rest.
  • stenton1
    12 years ago
    No, never done that. What amazes me is that there is a dancer at one of the clubs who has a horse face like Mr. Ed, crooked teeth, Tetley tea bag tits, and disgusting prune like skin underneath her navel. Someone must love her because she has been there for years. A hideous mess!! However there is a house mom at another club who has made it clear that she wants OTC. She's older and in her 50s.....hmmmm LOL
  • magicrat
    12 years ago
    I was at a club sitting with a fav recently when a not too attractive dancer got on stage. Let's just say she was just a little dancing challenged. I asked my fav if she made any $ and she said yes, but not because of her dancing. Personally I wouldn't have fucked her with Shadowcat's dick, but that's just me. No offense my friend!
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    Uh, dancer's have faces?
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Mr. Happy would not put up with that. :)
  • thesamurai
    12 years ago
    some of the clubs I frequent have a wide range of dancers. Hell no, I wouldn't pick the least attractive because, to be blunt, at a certain point they should be paying me if we were to get together.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    I would check with vm, he's an expert in that field. :)
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    There are many times that the 9.5 in the club knows she is the best looking girl in the place and feels she does not have to give a good dance. Some of the worst dances are from the best looking girls. I have seen some girls in clubs that shocked me as to how they could earn a living. There was a girl in The Harem House in Indy that was about 19 5' 0" tall, had Small A cup mosquito bite titties and a 50 inch ass (built like a fireplug narrow at the top wide at the bottom). I saw her there over the course of several months. She could not dance and her lap dances(common lapper area) were she bounces on the customer's groin for the length of the song (looked painfull) and she had abusive personality to boot (always a nasty word when I refused a dance from her). I takes all kinds.
  • umissedaspot
    12 years ago
    To fully apply this theory, do you wait to see a full stage rotation before choosing? You never know when you might be missing out on that fugliest of the fuglies.
  • stenton1
    12 years ago
    Of course, even if I tried messing with a fugly dancer, Mr. Happy wouldn't be pleased and fail to cooperate. Now you've compounded a bad situation with the fugly thinking you are impotent!!
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    It's a pretty hard hypothesis to test in any case. In most clubs there is at least one girl so ugly that you would not have sex with her even if she paid you $3000!
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    Nah, I've never tried this and probably never will. But your logic makes perfect sense to me. I would assume that the ugly strippers, or should I say the least attractive, would be a lot more likely to go the extra mile because they probably aren't making as much as the rest of the strippers because of their looks.
  • canny
    12 years ago
    The pretty girls get lot's money from customers who get dances with them because they're pretty. The ugly girls have to do more to get money, so they're more likely to be open to extras.
  • mikeya02
    12 years ago
    @Canny, thats the way the market works. The hottie with the corvette would laugh at a $200 offer. Ugly one would not. To the guy trying to BS us, I would point out that a Seattle 9 would be a San Diego 4. Guess that makes Stilleto a 18!
  • inno123
    12 years ago
    Lots of interesting answers. I perhaps overstated the original question. Obviously one would not want to dance with a girl you found repulsive, but there is a lot of 'do-able' talent between the 'best' and the 'fugly'. Speaking personally I make attitude a bigger factor than looks. If a girl in the 'do-able' category has the right attitude I will take her even if she is a tier or two below the stunner in the club.
  • ButterMan
    12 years ago
    "It's sad how many customers don't get it, but it's the most attractive girls that are the most likely to do OTC" I can agree that there is some truth to this. And the most attractive girls probably make the most money and don't need OTC. I asked a dancer not long ago if she would be interested in OTC and she said no but suggested some of the less pretty ones might:) It's not always the case there is some truth to this theory.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    There might be some logic to avoiding the hottest girl, especially if she's a 9 among 6's and 7's. But I think that's a different discussion.
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    No, I never do this. I always choose the dancer who most closely fits my idea of a beautiful woman I would like to be with. This includes beauty, face, body, and personality. It does not include ugly girls. Ugly is more than not being beautiful by the way.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    No. Not when the attractive ones are so willing anyway. Dougster's right about one thing, the notion that the good looking ones are less likely to have sex is...not born out by empirical, albeit anecdotal, evidence.
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    I like to think I have standards. I don't bother with fugly civies, definitely not going to waste money on fuglies in a club. Now... mid-range talent vs. top shelf? I don't know. Never though about it that way. I can see inno's point that mid-range talent might be more accomodating. However, I'd rather aim higher since there is so much evidence they play as well.
  • samsung1
    12 years ago
    This is assuming the ugly girl has worked there long enough. Lots of strip clubs will hire ugly girls so they pay house fees but the fuglies will end of quitting after a couple months
  • ButterMan
    12 years ago
    I don't think were talking about ugly girls here folks. I am thinking more of 6-7 rather than the 9's that running around in the club. I'm a bit superfical when it comes to looks anyway I'll admit that. In and outside of the club. I try and noit date anyone less than a 7. And I have targeted these girls that are less attractive in the clubs if I'm looking for OTC. If I'm just gonna get LD's and enjoying myself in the club i'm going for the hotest chick in there.
  • just_sean
    12 years ago
    I like where this conversation has gone... and I wholeheartedly agree with mjx01. My one rule in regards to a strippers looks is that I would never give the time of day to a stripper that I wouldn't fuck in real life. There's one old cruela deville lookin' dancer at my regular club who always pulls from the 90's alternative stock that gives me shivers. As for mid-range talent, they can be fun to have around. Pad your numbers for cheaper if you want to look boss and have a group of girls at your table. Or perhaps you're interested in a fresh, new appetizer before your nightcap.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    I think there are also a couple of big mistakes with the underlying logic and assumptions here. First, despite what they will tell you, I don't think most strippers primary motivation is the money. (And no it's not to meet nice guys like alucard, mikeya02, txtittyfan, and other losers they won't have a chance with outside the club either.) Second problem is that even if money were the only factor these girls could very well have infinite desire for it. So attractive girls make less without doing extras. Doesn't matter because it's still not enough, so they do extras for even more. (And that "not enough" is your hint to what their real motivation is beyond the money.)
  • mikeya02
    12 years ago
    @GMD, my point is that the hotties that do play want way more money than the other girls. Sugar Daddy money, cause they dont need to put out for a couple hundred. The cheaper offers always come from the marginally good looking girls. It all boils down to personal preference and the pocketook.
  • Stiletto25
    12 years ago
    @mikeya- awwww that was a sweet comment. I think I'm am 18....in the face at least. I'm real picky about bodies and ill always find a part of mine that could use improvement but I wouldn't wish for a different face. Mines pretty good
  • steve229
    12 years ago
    "First, despite what they will tell you, I don't think most strippers primary motivation is the money." Now who's advancing crazy theories?
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    @steve: my thoughs exactly. If not for the money, why be a stripper? I concede that lack of any other job skill could be a reason, but again, if not for the money...??? If I didn't need money, I wouldn't show up to work.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "despite what they will tell you, I don't think most strippers primary motivation is the money" Since you profess boundless expertise, what is the motivation? This WINNER is curious if you REALLY know!
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Sorry guys, that is one secret I'm keeping to myself. There might be one other guy on this board who knows already. The rest of you will just have to work at it (But you probably won't you'll just kid yourself that strippers are in it to meet self-fancied "nice guys" such as yourselves whom they could never meet outside of work. And that you are the only one she does it for. What a fuckin' joke you all are. Could not get your heads any further up yours asses could you?) Nope I ain't gonna cast these pearls before the swine. I'll give you a hint, though, don't assume they think rationally when you are trying to figure it all out.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "And that you are the only one she does it for" I have NO illusions about that. Do You? "What a fuckin' joke you all are" You're the joke Mr Dougster + all your twins. LMAO
  • mikeya02
    12 years ago
    Dont take my word for it, look at the Eros Guide Los Angeles escorts. Pretty ones for 3,4,5 hundred, super hot ones for 1000/ hr. Obviously they want money, and a lot of it. And personally, my fave treats me every once in a while. She does have a boyfriend. @Dougster, why do you leave out the "squawk!!" after each statement?
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @mikeya02: "my point is that the hotties that do play want way more money than the other girls. Sugar Daddy money, cause they dont need to put out for a couple hundred. The cheaper offers always come from the marginally good looking girls." My experience differs from yours. @Alucard: Here's another bit of advice to which you won't pay any attention, primarily because of its source. Just because someone is an unmitigated asshole, doesn't mean he's wrong, despite how much you may want him to be.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "Here's another bit of advice to which you won't pay any attention, primarily because of its source. Just because someone is an unmitigated asshole, doesn't mean he's wrong, despite how much you may want him to be" I think He is wrong. As to being an unmitigated asshole, well you have tossed that name at him twice now gmd. So he must be 1 in your opinion. In the grand scheme of things my opinion is simply is my opinion, one of billions. To return for a moment to the original topic somewhat, pure looks is not as important to me as Personality, Sex Appeal[Part of personality & not a physical trait], Engagement, Enthusiasm and some intelligence. If Extreme Eye Candy is lacking in the aforementioned traits, well...I guess I'm not shallow at this point & don't wish to be possibly have my fingers & cock really Frostbitten! 15 to 20 years ago I was inexperienced & a bit shallow regarding Pure Looks. I learned my particular lesson quickly enough. The women who tried harder & put some of themselves into their approach & interactions with me started getting my patronage. It has been very, very rare for Extreme Eye Candy Dancers to be one of the women trying real hard & injecting more of themselves by being engaged & enthusiastic. Not to say that there are not a lot of Extreme Eye Candy Dancers who do possess the traits that attract me a lot. I guess I just have not encountered them except on very rare occasions. Back to other matters. I'll listen to good advice and try to mold it with my perspective on a subject & more often than not it becomes part of me. I won't however, just absorb the Blind backing of an opinion or perspective that IMO I feel is wrong & is not how I honestly feel. Every last one of you is entitled to express an opinion or closely held belief, as am I. I rate some sources higher than others, as I'm totally sure that my opinions & beliefs are rated quite lowly by some & quite highly by others or ignored by some. :)
  • mikeya02
    12 years ago
    @GMD Yes they are, partly because of location. I'm in sunny San Diego! Plenty of dudes with big money to give these girls big heads. And i'm not counting the super tatted, or girls that are needy for money for food, bills, kids, drugs,or have sob stories about personal relations. Don't want them, don't need them. And yes, the know it all asshole has been wrong on every petty assessment of me. Totally! Don't know why he does that. It should be live and let live. Anyway, I'm sure Stiletto knows more about location and what hot chicks do or don't do than me.
  • just_sean
    12 years ago
    I'll just toss this out there in regards to hotter dancers charging more for their "services" 100 dollars is always more than no dollars.
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