
Top Ten List??

How many of you guys been to some of the clubs on the list. I have been to several and could not understand why they are there. a Good examle is Brad's in Indy. It is a mediocre topless club with a few lookers and no privacy or Hip Huggers in Kokomo IN, it is a topless dump(the last time I was there) with no lap dance area other than a chair against the wall with at best 6 or 7's on stage. It used to be know for OTC in the parking lot. I have found the "ratings" are influenced by shills or rookies and the only way to evaluate a club is by digging through the reviews. How about y'all.


  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I agree. Also some clubs are resting on their laurels. They were once great clubs but have since died down but due to their high nuber of reviews, it is very difficult to get their ratings lowered.
  • Rod8432
    12 years ago
    I've watched Brad's though fall off the Top 10 list - used to be like #2 or 3, and now it's not even there. So I think there can be some movement, but admittedly is slow.

    As for Hip Hugger, I think it continues to get high ratings for being authentically what it is - a high-mileagle, low-priced, no-bullshit club. We all want that in the end (games are highly over rated, IMHO) and HH delivers every time.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    I quit trusting this list soon after I joined tuscl and visited Industrial Strip in Hammond, In. which was then figuring very highly in the Top 10. Huh? Top 10 club with dancers wearing band-aids over their nipples? I don't think so.

    I just looked again at the Top 10 and see that The Brass Rail in Toronto is now included. Give me a break - that joint is not even in the Top 10 of just Toronto clubs.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago

    Oops! Head up my ass. Brass Rail is in Top 10 for dancer quality. Shows how often I even look at the various Top 10 lists.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I pay little heed to the Lists.
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    I think Savanna's of Harrisburg is #6 on this list right now. What a fricking joke. I wouldn't put it in the top 10 in PA let alone top 10 over all.

    The (value + club quality + dancers)/3 formula is flawed IMO. IMO dancers and value carry a much higher weight that how 'nice' the club is. I don't want to go to a dumpy club, but a high end club vs. a mid range club doesn't make one bit of difference to me. Plus, there is no clear cut way to factor in mileage. If there isn't at least two-way cotanct allowed at a club, it shouldn't be in the same rating range of TJ clubs or a club like Mons.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    I feel similarly with shadowcat's statement. Clubs like Brad's used to be quite good, they raised prices, the hustle factor went up, and the quality of the dances went down.
  • TxVegas
    12 years ago
    I use the ratings as the starting point when traveling. Then, I read the reviews to see if the numbers match the experiences. It is often helpful to read other reviews from guys that review the club. You can compare to clubs you have been to and get a better feeling about the experience. I believe the ratings give additional weight to those with large numbers of reviews, so their ratings seem to have a large impact on final scores. I say the ratings are generally helpful, but we all have been to clubs that we think are too high or too low.
  • samsung1
    12 years ago
    I once drove 90 minutes to visit Cheeks when it was ranked number four on the list. I went there and liked the club but there was not enough privacy in the lap dances for me to think it was worth the long drive.
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    I haven't been to any of them so far. But in mid July I'm going on vacation to Las Vegas, and you better believe I'll be going to Spearmint Rhino. :)
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    "I pay little heed to the Lists"

    I am in total agreement. I start with fact the top two clubs in the value category often are clubs in Mexico. Hell might freeze over before I visit a TJ strip club.

    I agree with what others have said. Brad's BF has always been overrated. I like the Hip Hugger and will always go when in the area, but a top 10 club? No way. Sure it has cheap beer and cheap dances, and because of that, one can have a nice time, but it's nit worthy of a top rating.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    I used to live in Dallas (`til 2 years ago) and Baby Dolls was the first SC I visited when I moved there in 2000 – found it by accident. I always had a great time whenever I went to Bds as it often had a large no. of dancers which were more often than not friendly and attractive. I’d recommend BDs to anyone visiting Dallas.

    I guess the only downside is that I “think” extras may not have been available at BDs– I say I “think” b/c I never really asked and no dancer ever propositioned me.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Top 10 list? I only go to the bottom 10
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I hadn't looked at the top 10 list in a long time. Maybe we need another category called Two way contact to help us quickly spot that about a club. A 10 would be no holds barred two way contact. A 1 might be only air dances. A 5 might be spotty.
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    @shark: I'm down for that as long as there is a well defined scale. I prefer extra being extras and not part of a standard contact rating.
  • snowtime
    12 years ago
    I haven't looked at the lists in a long time. Did so just now and I have only been to two of them. I don't have a problem with the lists as they are going to be very subjective. On the other hand, I think most of the regulars on TUSCL would come up with a very different set of clubs. I think most of us rate a club on 3 factors : dancer quality, mileage available, and value for our lap dance dollar. A lot of the infrequent reviewers tend to be focussed on things like club decor, food and beverages available, music selection, lighting, parking,etc. I think most of us regulars would not be particularly concerned about any of these superficial qualities. At least in my case, a top ten club is one that offers ATTRACTIVE DANCERS willing to give HIGH MILEAGE DANCES at an AFFORDABLE PRICE. If a club offers those three things I can put up with any music, any decor, any or no alcohol, uncomfortable chairs, unpaved parking lot, poor lighting, etc.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Eh, it has to be taken with a grain of salt. Plus not everyone posting a review is as diehard as some of us. Thus what seems a 9 to the infrequent visitor is a 6 to those who go more often.

    Hell Adelita's tops the list and in my opinion it's not even a strip club. Even if you want to argue that it is, the people posting reviews about it aren't using it as one.
  • inno123
    12 years ago
    You have repeated something I said a while ago, that the National top tens are pretty pointless because they are being judges by so many difference standards. That is why Founder responded with top lists for each city and state, which in my mind are far more relevant.

    However Founder no doubt watches page visits and so knows what attracts visits and hits.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    I have spent a little time in 2 of the top ten overall, but not much.

    In any event, I don't pay any attention to "Top" lists. As inno pointed out, experiences are regional and something that earned an overall rating of 8.3 in the boonies might earn a 6 or 7 somplace else.

    I will also say that I very rarely spend much time in the top rated club in almost any city that I visit. My criteria for what makes a great club differ a bit from the way the ratings are assigned here.

    I'll use BabyDolls in Dallas as an example. I cannot stand the place - it is like ESPN Zone except with strippers. Now there is a lot of eye candy to be seen and the facility is nice, but it is too corporate and sterile feeling for my tastes. Also, the hustle factor is high with a lot of "wanna dance" in play. And what fucking club desides to put BRIGHT SPOTLIGHTS DIRECTLY POINTED DOWN IN THE FACES OF PATRONS SITTING AT THE BAR. No thank you - there are many better options to be had in Dallas, all of which are rated lower on here than BDs.
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