Comments by Cheo_D (page 8)

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    10 years ago
    Help. parking at mons.
    Great review and good info in the thread, thanks concheeta, good to see different points of view. My last visit to Tampa was in early 2013 and yes, at the time they had the guy watching the Mons' lot directing people to where to park at Joe's next door.
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    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Good porn ruined -- just me?
    Heck... major-studio porn pretty much stopped that theme in the late 80s after the "Taboo" movies because they feared a crackdown from the Ed Meese types. But sources of Internet-porn have been flogging imaginary incest far and wide since back when USENET's was reachable through BBS on dial up @2400bps. Just think that meanwhile someone, somewhere on the web, has no trouble at all with this but it is badly squicked by furries or BBWs or raceplay or ass gapes or foot play or cuckold fantasies or what of a couple hundred other fetishes. The revulsion factor is not as universal as some may think. Let's face it, all those twin and triplet sets in Playboy were not only popular with men who would be imagining a 3some in which each sister only touched him...
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    10 years ago
    Fuck-Marry-Kill:Asian Playboy Edition
    Sorry, with this set here it's Fuck SHL, Marry Reyes (if only because she's age-appropriate for me, Fuck Hiromi. I will not consider a kill for any of these ladies. Oh, if absolutely have to do something mean to one of them, at worst I'll consider keeping Hiromi captive in my basement for a long time...
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    10 years ago
    Old Strip Club Cartoon
    In fact it's only done retro-style, it's from 2003 by two creators with major studio credentials: I love it!
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Founder...petition to add LDK to glossary
    I agree wth Papi and lopaw, the glossary should be useful for the reviews and the reviews should be useful for the person interested in information about the clubs, not in immortalizing discussion-section in-jokes. It's not about us it's, about the information.
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    10 years ago
    i should've worked at KFC
    In the words of Leonard Pinth-Garnell: "Well, that was not very good at all, was it? Rather it was quite awful."
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    10 years ago
    Poll: Which is a bigger threat to end extras in strip clubs?
    Biggest threats: Lame music, lame stage dances, cheap customers and idiot management.
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    10 years ago
    The Ronettes.....cute/hot/sexy?
    At that time, yes, all three were all three.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Myself, if I'm sitting at the rail watching the show I am tipping, It feels wrong to be up that close and not showing appreciation. If I'm left flat by what's onstage and don't feel like tipping for that I take a table or barstool away from the stage and approach to tip whan a dancer does impress me or if wanting to get attention. With lapdances, like P_C if I feel the girls are underpaid (or the housefee structure is too high), I will supplement for the sake of being fair, otherwise in full-price clubs a MODEST tip for good performance in lapdance/private, with an ocassional better one while letting her know how she was above the norm, doesn't hurt. Lavish tipping is to be rare and reserved only for extraordinary situations. The "tip walk" is an annoyance, for the reasons described by P_C it tends to keep me away from South Dade. Of the cities I visit ofthen, just about the one place I don't mind it is in Wash. DC, where the girls cannot sell lapdances at all and there's an arm's-length rule when she's onstage.
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    10 years ago
    OT: Travel Tips from the CDC
    To be fair, it shows refreshing realism on the part of CDC to have their second (after the very sound and obvious "Come on, don't go there, man") line of advice be: "Um, dude, you know your health insurance may NOT pay for airlifting you to the Special Isolation ICU in America if you catch some nasty shit in Africa?" Because for a LOT of our general public, only THAT will focus their mind.
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    10 years ago
    Siamese Twins
    Being serious for a moment with the hypothetical: conjoined twins are distinct individuals before the Law for all purposes, so you'd have to pay in full to each of them for any service rendered jointly. Legal personality is assigned per brain. If they are extensively conjoined (say to the extreme of the Hensel twins -- look them up), they will probably have by adulthood worked out a system by which they alternate who's primarily involved or when they act jointly; so it can be "OK, THIS next dance is with SISTER, you pay HER..." and then you'd feel obligated to buy at least one with each sister in charge. (The ability to actually do that would be highly dependent on neuromotor integration i.e. what parts of the shared body each controls or both can). I'll file this one under "thought exercises" in the drawer for "things I do not expect to have to deal with in this lifetime".
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Free Dances
    So we face one more example of the principle of TANSTAAFL -- There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free L(unch/apdance)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Dancers win $4.3M class-action suit against three Manhattan strip clubs
    ...and by having it be a *settlement* (not a judgment for the plaintiffs, which the headline misleads) the clubs avoid what must have looked like a high likelihood of having a court *actually*rule* that the dancers *were* actual employees (AND of having to pay the full $10 million suit). They can now redraw their contracts forms to avoid running into the same issues while retaining the contractor status for now.
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    10 years ago
    Dancer Named Felony
    Y'know, I'd want the lowdown on how she picked the name before I did anything not in plain view at the main floor.
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    10 years ago
    DV COI
    @jerkinson40: "Cheo, since you're clearly knowledgeable on the subject, how would a strip club stage be something that fits under the ADA requirements? Is it basically anywhere a human travels must be accessible? Just seems so strange..." Firstly, ADA-based regulations apply to any "public accommodation" (food and beverage businesses; hotels; entertainment, sport and event venues; retail shops, etc.); in full if built or remodelled after passage, as best you can and resources allow if not. If you can show a certain adaptation is just structurally impracticable, it's exempted (e.g. historic structures). Accommodation has to be provided in all regularly occupied areas but that does not necessarily mean ALL of the area must be equally accessible. A stage, platform or dais in the main room of a venue IS usually covered. There are provisions for reasonable exceptions and variations but you have to make and argue your particular case, you can't just say "it seems fucking unreasonable". Secondly, HOWEVER, THIS specific example is from LA County, California. I would not be surprised at all if this owed far more to *State of California* law and regulation and LA County business ordinances than ADA itself, but I'd be speculating. At least from experience I have seen numerous stages in clubs elsewhere that do not have any such adaptation even when the rest of the club looks ADA compliant. So chalk it up to living in that very peculiar environment. @jerkinson40: "As do ramps on every curb of every sidewalk corner in the city, unless maybe it can be shown that maybe there are some disabled people in that part of the city that might actually USE them." By this standard we'd have to wait until someone comes downtown with evidence of disabled people around to then request the building of wheelchair ramps, which (1) doing it piecemeal is more expensive in the long run than just doing a bunch of them at the same time; and (2) would create an upfront hindrance to the disabled moving in or taking a job there to start with, or for disabled visitors or business customers to come spend their money in that part of town. You don't ignore potential future tax base. In the world of public-safety works, curb ramps are a relatively cheap improvement. The last time I dealt with that (almost 10 years ago), it did not create a "massive" setback to the budget for regular upgrading and repair of curbs, gutters and drains to the point of requiring additional taxes or foregoing other essential work. YMMV in your town, of course. It's not like they had to do the whole city before end-of-FY to the detriment of everything else, they took years and are still at it.
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    10 years ago
    DV COI
    ADA does not make distinction by whether it's a strip club or regular bar or dinner theater: AIUI, the law says that if a business is a public accommodation and greater than X square footage, or Y number of staff, or Z volume of patrons, then it has to provide accessibility (just like the law about restrooms). In some establishments it's just easier to conceal or merge the adaptation into the general architecture. To be fair, Braille keys and instructions in a drive-through ATM are there because at the factory that makes ATM keys and faceplates, once they set up production of Braille-equipped ones for regular ATMs, they're not going to keep open two whole separate assembly lines in order to also produce Braille-LESS ones; that would be inefficient business management. And cutting in the wheelchair ramps on the sidewalk harms nobody, plus I can testify it's a convenience if you're carrying boxes in a handtruck or dragging a rolling suitcase 3 blocks to Penn Station. If I ever through accident or illness end up wheelchair bound I damn well would appreciate NOT being relegated to the status of "housebound invalid" because of a 6 inch curb, when the adaptation is trivial.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Dancers win $4.3M class-action suit against three Manhattan strip clubs
    Well, yes, JS69, that has been the dancers' argument in a lot of places around the land for years now. Management often gets the "Hey, what are the bitches gonna do about it?" attitude and gets complacent, and then this happens. And it's not exclusive to the clubs, "independent contractor" status is often used by other businesses so as to not have to comply with a whole bunch of labor laws that apply to payroll employees. So the labor regulators have been drawing the lines tighter -- and so have Social Security and the state and federal tax agencies, not insignificantly in order to crack down on off-the-books cash transactions.
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    10 years ago
    Ever see this?
    Plaudits to any dancer who still bothers to try and have an "act" or put on some sort of show other than just spreadin' 'em in front of whoever bothered to tip. (BTW one thing that happened long ago is that strippers no longer really strip *during* the dance -- they go to the back or wings of the stage during the segue to perfunctorily take off whatever is the turn to take off then do the whole dance in one same status)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    No Oral For You
    JS69: "I think what was really going on here besides the guy she’s dating is that she didn’t want to be told that she had to perform a certain sex act. Once I agreed, and it was her choice to do that for me, it became no problem." I can see that, absolutely. It's fundamentally about self-determination -- and when it's sex work, you HAVE to concede that space. "Saving it for those she's intimate with" is just the form that the drawing of borderlines takes. In "normal" jobs there is such a thing as being told "too bad if you don't like that part of the job, earn your pay", but "normal" job descriptions do not include putting your boss' dick in your mouth.
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    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Full Scrotum Protection from That Nasty Hoe
    Oy... what next, they'll have a merger with the makers of Liquid Lapdance?
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    10 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    What a crock of shit.
    Many crocks in this list. The notion that our spouse is to have not only exclusivity as to committed intimacy, but a veto power as to any and all human interaction, is an unreasonable expectation that ruins more marriages than it saves. You have to be loyal and bear true faith to your spouse, but as partners, not as mutual bound hostages. Then again fundamentalists do tend to believe in it as a form of bondage to a higher power...
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Real or fake? You be the judge.
    Agree with others: Staged set-up for the sake of the show.
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    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Now I know how you Detroit boys feel
    Dammit, now I gotta go to Detroit some day...
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    10 years ago
    Bourbon st, New Orleans clubs
    Also, the NOLA Penthouse franchise used to be under the larger VCGH corporate umbrella but is now under Kirkenwood Mgmt, a smaller Louisiana-based regional chain.
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    10 years ago
    Bourbon st, New Orleans clubs
    At least Centerfolds, Scores, Temptations and Stiletto's, IIRC (there could be one I'm missing or transposing) are under one same local "parent" who markets to different segments that way. They merely license the "Scores" brand for that one club, they are not otherwise corporately linked to the NY club. Also the two "Rick's" clubs on Bourbon, I believe, have or had some legacy link to the original chain but AFAIK were not directly part of the publicly stock-traded Rick's corporation. Something to bear in mind is that many club names are franchised/licensed with varying degrees of rigor, from periodic inspection and report down to merely "if check clears, continue to use name and logo". Even well known chain names may just as well attach to indie-merely-renting-the-name, franchised with oversight, or directly corporate-owned-and-controlled, depending on where you are. Clustering and consolidation IS a phenomenon in many locations, e.g. the virtual monopolization of San Fran clubs by DejaVu as parent company. It may be that the only way to face the likes of a DV in some locations is to create a smaller counter-conglomerate.