Comments by Cheo_D (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Another PL getting burned w/ his credit card @ a SC
    Frankly, beyond filing a dispute with the Credit Card issuer afterward, not much the PL can do except some preventive due dlligence: If using CC, it is essential that the customer ask to be clear what is being charged in each and every slip, each and every time he signs. The CC issuer may or may not side with EITHER the customer or the merchant in the dispute depending on a bunch of factors of where it happened, is there past history, how much is it, is it worth going to arbitration or court over it or is it easier to settle, etc. but better them than you, most of the time. Even if it comes down to using the CC because there's no choice, just an open-ended CC tab for any and all goods and services whatsoever as may come up, so you don't know what you'll on the final ticket, is unwise; if I'm confronted with adopting that business model or else, I would call the night over rather than take it no matter how epic the tits in front of me. Some clubs I've been to may open a continuing bar tab on the one hand, strictly for drinks, and on the other a separate room tab specifically for every hour or half-hour session; up front the first item in each such ticket is the hr/half-hr rate; at the end you can then add tips in the appropriate line. Couple of times the VIP hosts lowered the price substantially without being asked, as soon as I said it would be all cash. Credit cards are always processed at a premium at the SCs anyway, just as is the ATM, and just as with the "funny money"/Dance Dollars for those places that still use them the money gets double-dipped ( you get socked a commission when buying them, AND then SHE gets socked for one AGAIN when cashing them).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    2 drink minimum – can clubs legally enforce this shit ?
    James SD: "It seems like some clubs have their drink policies but only enforce them sporadically." My experience too. Depending on how's business that night they may forget about the second drink, or even the first drink. Or may not care how long you nurse your first drink as long as you are tipping generously and getting dances. Others however do make you purchase one or two drink tickets as you pay the cover. As has been said, all fair game under the law as long as nobody's forced to ingest alcohol.
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    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Mia Khalifa
    Hey, she's OK looking. Would not refuse her at the club. I liked her reply to the "ur head will be cut off soon" tweet: "as long as it's not my tits: they were expensive"
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Questions from strippers....Where do you live? Occupation?
    Well, I don't give them the full briefing, but just saying the kind of work I do (not the name of the employer) and the general region I'm from. In any case they're sizing you up as to whether you have a good income stream and whether you are a potential regular or not.
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    10 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    50 Tips for Strip Club Managers
    hehehheh... tha whole first block of tips would please our own Papi_Chulo, who has been tormented by DJs who think it's their show. (#1 I like myself, I detest having to YELL at a woman whose company I'm trying to enjoy) These are all pretty sensible policies, the clubs I have liked most have a lot of them in place. It's no revelation -- but at the same time so many places fail even the most basic ones. I like the ones that are aimed at "make your online presence provide useful information or else don't have one". Really, something as basic as an accurate indication of are you open or not today, and at what times; and what are your regular dates and hours? That should be consistent enough to appear on a seldom-updated page if you put the effort towards fulfilling that schedule. Also that if someone IS tipping and spending, be very hesitant to apply the hard sell to try to wring him out (this of course has its converse in customer etiquette: DO tip; DO cover the drinks minimum; don't waste dancers' time if not interested). Me, no prob with the female customers as long as the scene is strictly genderblind as to how the dancer and customer behave (and really, policies about no unescorted females are likely to be struck down by a court sooner or later). Though meltdowny girlfriends should not be dragged in: everyone of either gender should be at the SC because they WANT to be there, not because there's a point they're trying to prove. And most definitely not opposed to female staff, if they can wait tables they can bartend, host VIP or run the register.
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    10 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    Strip Club Attire
    lopaw of course takes every unfair advantage she has ;) And now I have to imagine the dancer's face when faced with a gentleman in a kilt, wearing it the authentic way (though a real kilt is thick and wooly). I prefer darker smooth-fabric pants, or light loose khakis -- though the ideal color would probably be the color of spray-on fake tan, in case some of hers smears on me (has happened). Myself I prefer to dress a bit more squareish, it's an effect of lifelong conditioning and I'm just not a shorts-and-tee type even at home. Also keeps me from having to guess as to whether there's a dress code.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Boobs vs Booze ?
    I join in the general consensus that it's more a matter of the attitudes of management (both the top overall management and the individuals running operations onsite on a particular night) and the local authorities. Like JS69 said, there are clusters of very high mileage and extras-loaded clubs with alcohol (as in, almost everywhere in South Florida [nudes] or Detroit [topless]). Though I must recognize, as mentioned by jackslash, that where there IS a liquor license that is something more that The Man can hold over the club's head -- and for some clubs an ACB [or whatever it's called in the state or county] query into a license violation is far more terrifying than any police raid.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip Club Wins City Holiday Lights Contest
    Now that's some spirit of holiday cheer -- and from the article, the club does seem to want to be a responsible business citizen. Good story all around.
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    10 years ago
    Joining the Army!
    OK, the first bunch seems normal, but what's that other group the segment kept lingering on? The 5087th People's Stewardesses Squadron? Company A of the People's Assault Tour Guides Regiment? I'll also take the Israeli Army girls:
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    How well does the SC handshake work on you ?
    Depends on circumstance, of course -- the location and the dancer. As in any interview/introduction, the handshake must be full and firm but not too clutchy. Unlike an interview/introduction however it need not be brief ;) I know it's part of a sales strategy, but in the right place or from the right girl it gets me listening to her sales pitch.
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Tales from the stage – according to the SW ladies
    I liked the one who was hungry and the customer would think she was giving him a look of desire, but it was desire for cheeseburgers.
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    10 years ago
    Spearmint Rhino Vegas VIP
    ^azdd, the Vegas Rhino as of this past summer HAS instituted a drinks tab requirement for all dance rooms including the 3x100 (it had been one of the last to hold out on that among the topless/alcohol clubs). The drink prices for the dance rooms are charged at a serious premium vs. the floor or the bar. That said, hell yeah these are some fine looking ladies... The "packages" at Vegas clubs are essentially a promise that you will have a table on a busy night, and telling you upfront how much you are paying for the bottle service -- since at Vegas everyone is into the BS of putting a "Reserved" tag on virtually any flat surface in sight. A key thing as mentioned is to NEVER use a cab to get to a Vegas club; instead call for the club's OWN shuttle/limo pickup, which for the cost of driver tips gives you ride + entrance through one of the side doors with no cover. In the case of the Rhino the cover STARTS at $33 but yes, the cabbie cartel in Vegas extracts an obscene kickback that can easily double that on a busy night.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT: And still they couldn't break our spirit and resolve !
    Last year I visited the Churchill War Rooms (the bunker beneath the government buildings) in London. Impressive. I have a lapel poppy that I often wear in November even here. And yes, Total War, Total WORLD War... is utterly nasty, mean, ugly business. But when who you're fighting are those who would make the world their "Living Space", who claim to be the "Master Race" and to have the "Final Solution" for anyone who isn't... it's time to be very, very nasty.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York City
    10 Million in Back Pay
    This happened to Rick's NY, it has also happened with the Flashdancers chain and the Larry Flynt's Hustler location in NYC, also to Sapphire's in Vegas and it seems to be coming the way of like six other major Vegas as well as various franchisees of Spearmint Rhino and Deja Vu. Basically it's to a huge extent a matter of whether the "independent contractor" thing is the club just trying to weasel around certain labor and tax obligations(*) while de-facto treating the dancers as wage workers. Many of these lawsuits could have been avoided had the club owners taken the bother to draft a proper contract, as JackKash said, "setting some rules clearly but respecting the autonomy of an independent". There's nothing unreasonable about a dress code or a requirement that you provide X number of hours or else the contract is rescinded, but it has to be clear how far can each of the parties go. It's really not such an impossible task, the clubs should be able to pay a lawyer with experience in entertainer gigs or general labor to draft a fair contract. (* and also, to avoid responsibility/liability for what the dancer does or if something goes badly) In the case of the NYC clubs, there is also the element of the large value of the "nut" the dancers have to put in upfront, house fees which can be several hundred dollars, plus fines that are imposed for absence or tardiness (i.e. you miss a day, the next day you start TWICE as deep in the hole). Elsewhere I've read that some clubs have started providing the option of signing on as EITHER employee vs. contractor, and most dancers then sign on as contractor, as they prefer it themselves for many of the reasons mentioned above. According to Arnold Snyder over at ToplessVegas, in that town the dancers would rather not choose "employee" since in Vegas, there's tip pooling (all tipped employees must put in X% of their tip into the pot to be split so nobody goes home completely tipless, this is something that's ususally more relevant for food servers who make below minimum wage; in some other states it's not legal) Another workaround for the "employee" status could be that the dancer's status becomes akin to that of a salesperson on commission -- i.e. she gets a base wage plus a cut of the sales (of drinks, of private room time, of dances) she makes, plus the tips. But she may not negotiate below a certain price point w/o management approval. As to whether employee dancers would start asking for a lot of overhead benefits -- well, in many cases those laws apply to full-time employees, so the clubs could just limit how many hours they are hired according to the laws of the state in question. This is already standard practice for many employers. Just NEVER demand more.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Sorry Kim K, Sir Mix-A-Lot says JLo still has the best butt
    While we wait... To be perfectly fair, there's more to butt than merely big, and when dealing with comparable assets we have to realize JLo's admirable ass is a dancer's derriere. Not just large, but well toned and not just from a gym routine but from actual real-world vigorous movement. Those Boricua buttocks will remain nicely rounded for a while longer. Meanwhile Kim K has to be acknowledged for overall corporal curvacity and particularly those gorgeous gluteals but OTOH seems to me continuously at peril of slipping past the line into fatbutt territory. That Armenian arse is going to take some maintenance to hold up. Given fully free choice I'd have one of them press her butt to the right side of my face, and the other to the left. But in the end I'd take JLo if forced to choose (oh, I know, the K sisters have the sluttier reputation, but being as it's equally implausible, I might as well have the one with talents other than just "I have a big ass and I fuck rappers").
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What are the best Florida Strip Clubs for high mileage
    From reading the Detroit reviews and discussions here, ISTM the opening price quote vis-a-vis level of service in one of the "nice" clubs in SoFla may make someone who's used to "Detroit style" choke on his beer. SE Florida is commonly understood to be extras territory, but it varies and enough people actually pay up for regular stripping and lapping and pole trickery to make extras, well, worth extra. Of Papi's particular Tootsie's/Solid Gold/Diamond Dolls set, I'd say DD is the one where I've had the more reasonably priced offers pitched at me (and more blatant, too). Considering the "upscale" affectations of SG and the upstairs at Tootsie's, it's no surprise that the Girls Who Will, will ask for far more. Listen to what the man said and make sure you test and interview before putting down a large down payment. The Cheetah of Florida chain is most definitely Not Detroit, never had any gal at Cheetah of Pompano or Hallandale even hint at anything and at the WPB Cheetah there seemed to be expensive take-out only.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Money talks. Good new for Atlanta club goers.
    The town was incorporated in 2012 -- one of those things where local leaders "create" a municipality just so the County does not get to decide where their tax money goes ... And so they can rule their neighbors. Thing is, that makes them smaller, weaker and much more susceptible to needing the money than the County would be (Hmm... I see in my sources that they used to be part of an older city that itself got dissolved in the early 60s).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Is there a greater concentration of hot chicks than in large colleges/universiti
    Oh, yes, absolutely, be around campus during fine weather and feel invigorated by the parade of fine young ladies seeking an education. Especially in the more northerly campuses, around the time in March where you get your first break of good weather after the winter and they hit the quad lawn in very little... Then get brung down by the realization that -you- had already started paying off your student loan before -their- parents had even got engaged... Then notice the ladies of the administration and faculty and it's back on! Oh, and @EarlTee, actually, DO forget the high schools. Too high a risk-to-benefit ratio to even be seen checking it out.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    This Year's Most Popular Stripper Halloween Costumes?
    Sexy completely naked girl, of course.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Femists Rule our Country
    Nevermind people with a caricature of "femists" in their mind -- this particular incident is at fuckin' West Point. Y'know, "Duty, Honor, Country"; "not lie cheat or steal or tolerate among us those who do"; etc. The standard is supposed to be somewhat more straight-edged than OSU's or UT's.
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    10 years ago
    Pictures of clubs on tuscl
    ^@motorhead -- now, now, I want the ones with the "In case of Rapture this car will be unoccupied" stickers. Heh, there's an advantage of back-in parking. But actually because of my pattern of SC'ing it's not an issue for me at this time (always when travelling out of town, so it's a rental if I can't just get a cab or transit).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip club music is serious shit in Brooklyn, NY.
    Quote: Club Lust was throwing a bash Friday night celebrating the release of rapper Charlie Hustle’s new single, “Drug Dealaz.” Obviously the sort of event that draws a highly refined, sensitive crowd. (And does this thing have a correct/delete post button somewhere?)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip club music is serious shit in Brooklyn, NY.
    Quote: << Club Lust was throwing a bash Friday night celebrating the release of rapper Charlie Hustle’s new single, “Drug Dealaz.” >> Obviously the sort of event that draws a highly refined, sensitive crowd.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you pray for strippers? And I don't mean to find them :).
    The debate on Agustinian vs. Arminian theology is fascinating but far smarter men have gone over it for 1600 years without resolving it. I'll leave it to the pros. Do I pray for strippers? I pray that the stripper remains in good physical and mental shape, gets home safely to whatever dear ones she has, avoids scumbag boyfriends/managers/pimps and communicable diseases, gets to the end the month in the black, and can keep pretending to like me and getting naked and bumping and grinding on me -- until it's time to move along in life and that she then does so on her own terms and knowing what's next. Like the other guys said: You do not need a list of names to pray for them. God knows all his/her children.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Where were these teachers when I was in high school?
    Indeed. That is the key point of failure in these situations. Teenage boys have horrible impulse control and sense of discretion.