Back when Trinity College, Hartford, CT was all male, the Big Event was the annual Interfraternity Council Week-end (IFC Week-end), held in the athletic field house. The field house wall was stacked with kegs of beer. Admission was $10.00 per. At IFC Week-end that year ('65) we had two acts, The Ronettes and The Temptations. The student body and dates got blasted during the concert which was held mid-day. The Ronettes came out in skin tight silver dresses and the guys, already loaded, went wild. Fortunately I was not in any of the photographs of this event that wound up in the annual yearbook, but I could identify a few clergymen, corporate executives, physicians and hedge fund managers who would not want their photographs from IFC Week-end circulated today. The class of 1967 is planning our 50th reunion and some of the guys want to have an encore in the field house. Not possible now that the college is co-ed and political correctness prevails. Also, it is questionable if ageing bladders could handle that much beer today. (The off-campus drug store ran out of condoms that afternoon despite having ordered triple the usual stock.) Ah, the days of my mispent youth.
Remember the early days of MTV? (When they actually played music videos). One of their staple songs they played a couple of times per day was Eddie Money's "Take Me Home Tonight". Ronnie Spector was introduced to a new generation of horny teenagers. At first you only saw her body in the shadows. She still had a tight, sexy body even in her 40's.
I was pissed when I saw this topic. I mean who would have the guts to name their self's "The Ronettes". Never did I think mikey was talking about THE Ronettes.
The Ronettes were hot, but to go way back, how about the Ross sisters, a trio of contortionists from the 1940s? The thought provoking positions these girls can get themselves into start about 1:00 in the below video:
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Good point, Esta! Kinda overshadowed now by Beyonce's mega single success, but they were definitely very popular in their day.…
Deal with it...……