
Bourbon st, New Orleans clubs

Avatar for Mikeybush

I've noticed that most of the "independent" (my word) clubs meaning the non-"chain" (Penthouse, Hustler) seem to be operating under one corporate umbrella at least on social media. Does one entity own the small, independent clubs in NOLA?

THAT would be tragic.


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Avatar for Cheo_D

At least Centerfolds, Scores, Temptations and Stiletto's, IIRC (there could be one I'm missing or transposing) are under one same local "parent" who markets to different segments that way.

They merely license the "Scores" brand for that one club, they are not otherwise corporately linked to the NY club. Also the two "Rick's" clubs on Bourbon, I believe, have or had some legacy link to the original chain but AFAIK were not directly part of the publicly stock-traded Rick's corporation.

Something to bear in mind is that many club names are franchised/licensed with varying degrees of rigor, from periodic inspection and report down to merely "if check clears, continue to use name and logo". Even well known chain names may just as well attach to indie-merely-renting-the-name, franchised with oversight, or directly corporate-owned-and-controlled, depending on where you are.

Clustering and consolidation IS a phenomenon in many locations, e.g. the virtual monopolization of San Fran clubs by DejaVu as parent company. It may be that the only way to face the likes of a DV in some locations is to create a smaller counter-conglomerate.

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Also, the NOLA Penthouse franchise used to be under the larger VCGH corporate umbrella but is now under Kirkenwood Mgmt, a smaller Louisiana-based regional chain.

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Scores Mansion, Temptations, Stilettos, Lipstixx, Centerfolds, and Scores West (in Harvey, LA) are all owned by the same individual. He also owns a bunch of bars and t-shirt shops on Bourbon Street and in the French Quarter, even a gay club. Price structure is similar at all five of the Bourbon clubs.

Babe's is independent as far as I know.

Deja Vu, Larry Flynt's Hustler Club, and Larry Flynt's Barely Legal are under the same ownership. The same entity also owns a small hotel and gay club.

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