
avatar for jerikson40
Wouldn't it be nice if strippers felt obligated to work hard to receive tips? Instead of expecting to get tips just for showing up, they put in an extra effort to EARN a tip. Instead of having the attitude "well if you don't tip me I'll get all upset and pissy and I won't perform".

And why do customers buy into this bullshit? So many of you guys have this attitude, "well, if you want her to feel good and perform you'd better tip or you're a lowlife loser". You're buying into the standard stripper manipulation bullshit.

Is it that much to expect a dancer to put in some extra effort before she gets a tip? Is it that wrong to expect her to maybe learn some awesome and sexy dance moves, or wear some really cool outfit, or be all smiles and energetic and treat her customers well FIRST?

Yeah, maybe that's too much to expect. Because there are so many customers who will fall for their stripper shit and reward dancers for doing shit, phoning in their performances, and just being lazy and arrogant. Why should they bother?

When I first started going to strip clubs many years ago, I went to this small dive where the hottest dancer I've ever seen to this day was performing. Not only was she insanely smoking hot, but she prepared these strip tease routines that matched the music. She had costumes and props and this chick would just ooze sexy and erotic. To this day she is one of the few dancers that stick in my mind as a unicorn, something that you experience only once in a lifetime, if you're lucky. I couldn't pull tips out of my pocket fast enough for that chick. Because she brought something very very special to her performance. Unlike most strippers who just get on stage, same old outfit, no energy, do her standard routine dance, and then get all pissy because guys aren't tipping her.


last comment
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
So don't tip them, jerkoffson. Remember they already get a pretty high rate per minute they work. It's not like they'll drop you if they don't.

Just man and grow some balls and don't tip if you don't think they deserve. Try that one instead of running to us and whining here.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Gosh, jerkoffson. You are always trying to get us here to believe what a "real man" you are and you can't figure that one out? I really don't know about you.
avatar for ime
10 years ago
Hey Jerikson is whining and complaining again. Nice to see a change of pace from him.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
Most strippers I encounter have a good, appreciative attitude about earning tips, not feeling entitled. And the ones who don't aren't difficult for me to avoid. For any customer who has a constant problem with this, I have to wonder whether you are going to the wrong clubs or bringing out the worst in strippers with your own attitude.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
Gimme a break....tip entitlement is very common in many businesses. Waitresses, strippers, bellhops...we can make a list a mile long. People who carry your bags or park your car and put their hand out. You cant be serious you haven't experienced that a lot. Is it because you have a shitty attitude?
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
And what I'm talking about is dancers who get on stage and get pissy that nobody is tipping. Instead of putting in an awesome performance, they do their standard boring routine and expect everyone to make it rain.
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
Hey Jerikson, looking at a naked girl is not the same as waiting for your bacon and eggs at Denny's. If looking at a naked girl isn't worth a buck, then you're cheap, or you go to a crappy club.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
I don't know, jerkoffson. I've found very few "demand" tips. Usually the high per minute rate they are getting paid is good enough for them. Why are your experiences always so much shittier than everyone else's?
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
Ahh, okay Mikey....I'll guess we'll put you down for the "yes, it is too much to expect a dancer to put in some extra effort before she gets a tip?" group huh? A naked girl standing on stage is all you need. Got it. Thanks.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
Okay, I have heard a few complaints about the fat ass booty shakers making so much more on stage than my faves, who are in good shape. I agree with them. So maybe you should mark me down as buying into their manipulation bullshit.

Mainly, the only bitching I hear is about not wanting to go on stage. It's either that or the DJ isn't putting them on stage enough. Whatever. Strippers being strippers.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
In my experience, strippers do work hard for their stage tips. They deliver what they can.

Now of course they have their minimum expectations. Like if you gave them .25, they would turn up their noses at that. In most places the base line is $1, but maybe there are some places now where it is higher.

One of the explanations the girls give for why things are as they are is the emotional stress they are subjected to. It does hurt them to dance and have no one pay attention and no one tip. They want to see that they are driving you crazy, and they want you to show it with both your attention and your money. If you don't do this, they won't like you.

Other than that, I have always seen that they do work hard for their stage tips. At dives, your money does go further, and it goes further during the day time than during the night time.

Also, FWIW, I do often flirty with Denny's waitresses. And when they have gone along with me, I do tip them extra. I have not taken one home with me, yet, but I've had lots that wanted that. I was married. Now, it is going to be different, and I will be bedding down with women I've just met in lots of different towns.


Rolling Stones, Forty Licks
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
^^^ Okay, until now I have skipped SJG posts b/c they are tl;dr. But I read that one all the way through. Not bad. Only thing I take slight exception to is him saying they "always" work hard for stage tips. Slight overstatement but nothing that bad.

Did I just happen to pick one better than average post of his or is all the complaining about him overdone?
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
No Jerickson, you don't get it. Why are you the only that watches girls so horrible that they are not worth a buck tip?
avatar for VeryBigDawg
10 years ago
jerikson40, you got that right.

Saw this recently and made me laugh. The management at the club MADE the strippers thank every guy that tipped them, after they completed their set. This was a hug or peck on the cheek. A good idea showing a little customer appreciation. Here was strange part, have you ever seen half crazed 20 YO stripper try to remember every guy who gave them a buck on stage? They did their best to remember, but lots of mistakes. Had to give them A for effort.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
Just the fact that any woman can stomach being in the same room as jerkoffson makes her worthy of a sizable tip.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I spend a fair amount in SCs but I’m not necessarily a big tipper.

Tipping is something that is supposed to be voluntary but in some SCs dancers make you feel like it’s an obligation on the PL’s part.

Down here in Miami there are several clubs that have a tip parade – every dancer thinks she is entitled to a tip just b/c she was on stage – again tipping is voluntary and one should tip the dancers that one wants to tip – not every dancer just b/c – and some of the dancers doing the tip-parade will just come up to you w/ not even a smile and just pull their g-string aside and ask for a tip – wtf – even worse; there are dancers that use the tip-parade to hit up custies for tips even when they have not been on stage – i.e. they’ll circulate the floor just like the girls that got off stage and ask for tips making the PLs think they just got off stage when they did not.

In Miami LDs are $25 for a 3-mintue dance – I think that is payment enough – I sometimes still tip and extra $5 or $10 but only if I’m in the mood and feel the dancer treated me well.

But; I mostly go to black dives here in Miami where dances are usually $5 and sometimes $10 – I do almost always tip under these circumstances especially since I def get more mileage in the black clubs with the $5 dances than I do in the white clubs with the $25 dances.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I agree with Papi. Tips are usually necessary only at cheap places with $5-10 dances unless the girl is a real bitch or she sucks in a non sexual manner of sucking. At more expensive clubs a tip is unnecessary, and is usually not requested, unless she makes you cum. If you cum you must tip. It's in the constitution somewhere.

Since jerikson only goes to dive clubs, and gets dances for .45 cents each, it's no wonder that she is always asked to tip. However, I do understand that a dishwasher's salary only goes so far.

Dougster, eve a monkey typing random keys will occasionally come up with something intelligible. I wouldn't read too much into it.
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
I think everyone one here knows that Follies is my favorite club. What you may not know is that I have probably spent less than $5 total on stage tipping during the last 12 months. There is just no reason for it unless you want to get a dancers attention. That is where my few dollars have gone. In the club and a lot of others stage dancing in nothing more than a way for dancers to advertise their wares. Many choose not to even go on stage and pay a higher tip out. Those that do go on stage do 2 song sets and are lucky if they male $5.

There is not much need for the customers to tip as most of the girls move around like bees do from flower to flower looking for the nectar(money) doing table dances. And if a customer does go up to tip on stage he risks losing his seat to some one else. Not tipping certainly has not hurt my image or my fun.
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago
Tipping bitches who moan about receiving a dollar, I just make fun of these dancers.

There was this dancer who works a certain club here, I found out she really hates me to the bone.

She was dancing on stage and when I tossed a dollar to her, she gave me a scowl that I would not forget. My initial reaction was to simply stand up and move away which I did.

Then later on, I figured she could ruin my night if I don't do anything.

In the next round, she went up the stage and sure enough I went back and tossed another dollar. She passed by and just wiggled her booty.

Man she was mean, but I just kept watching her dance.

It turns out she was a mean bitch to those PLs who toss a dollar to her. Learned she has a minimum of at least two dollars.

Two dollars!!!
avatar for Dolfan
10 years ago
I usually tip girls that entertain me. Sometimes its just cause they're hot, naked & on stage for my viewing pleasure. Sometimes its more direct. I generally avoid tipping girls who don't entertain me. There are some exceptions, but Its really that simple.

IMO, there is some truth to Jerikison's rant. At least in my local clubs, there's a number of girls who go up on stage and don't do shit until after they get tipped. Meaning, they keep their clothes on and and basically stand by the pole. Others approach customers and solicit tips directly. I was just at a club where a dancer did exactly that, she went up on stage and remained clothed the entire 3 song set because no one tipped her. She got off stage and came over asking if I enjoyed her dance (translation: tip me.) Luckily, the following girl was energetic and already had her top off, so my answer was pretty obvious... I just got up and tipped the girl on stage & sat back down. The next girl was like the first, so when she came over to ask for money I just got up and left, leaving half my beer on the table.

I don't see myself as a cheapskate. If the girls on stage are entertaining, I'll tip. If I enjoy a dance, I tip. I don't tip entitled, unattractive, lazy dancers though. Although, I did recently make an exception, I was kinda making a point when I did it. Fucking bitch came over and hit me up for a dance, when I declined she wagged her ass in my face pulling her g-string out to make room for a buck and either farted or failed to wipe her ass. I handed her two dollars and told her she needed to use one to wipe her ass and the other to ask the bathroom attendant to teach her some manners.
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
I tip for pole tricks and good technique in the VIP. The only reason to tip otherwise is to be seen in the act of tipping so that that the girls think you are a shooter. Girls who do nothing don't get tips, neither do I care. Some people make this all out to be a bit more than it really is. If you had a normal relationship outside of the clubs maybe you would not take it personally when someone who doesn't care about you does nothing for you. Strippers exist in a non-rational world. Get used to it.
avatar for skibum609
10 years ago
I tipped on my champagne room last night because: a) she was amazing; b) she never asked for the room or the tip; c) she waited until halftime of the patriots game and watched it with me d) she was cuddly and incredibly touchy feely throughout. Strangely after we were done and I resumed watching the game she had another cocktail with me, was even more touchy feely and spent another 40 minutes with me.
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
Jerikson, I am not remotely surprised by this thread. It is just a continuation of your inability to cope with basic bs. Why do you care how dancers feel or behave, unless of course they take it directly to you? Why do you take lazy, inattentive, unmotivated, (etc.,etc.) dancer behavior so personally?

I tip the ones I like and don't tip the ones that I don't like. In my experience, others guys also give more to the hotter and more fun ones and less to the lazy and unattractive girls. Net-net, the sub-par dancers reap what they sow. So just vote with your wallet and focus and the good ones.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
And Dugan, I am not remotely surprised by your disagreement with fucking everything I post. I mention the prevalence of "tip entitlement", and effectively propose "pay for performance" instead of giving in to the whims of service providers, and you respond by saying I'm unable to cope with basic BS, and I'm taking it personally.

Dude, are you fucking serious? And after that you effectively agree with my premise, that we should pay for performance.

Let me add this to the childish debate tactics.....this one is a bit more complex. Act like you're discrediting and disagreeing with the OP, while at the same time effectively agreeing with the issue he proposed.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I usually tip a dollar when I tip. When you value money back to 1910, that dollar is now worth only 4 cents with inflation and overspending elected officials. I think I'm getting my 4 cents worth most of the time.
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago
"And why do customers buy into this bullshit? "

At the back of our male heads, we are conditioned to honor a concept that is not even possible with these ladies.

And by conditioned response some men (including me 102%) act that way.
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
Jerikson, I am not disagreeing with your premise that we should reserve our cash for girls who deserve it. What I don't buy into is this notion that some large % of customers are as eager to hand over their cash as you seem to believe. In my experience, getting guys to the tip rail in many clubs is like pulling teeth nowadays and most sub-par dancers get paid accordingly.

I also don't understand why you care so much about the way that unmotivated dancers behave that you feel the need to rant over and over. Yes most clubs have a certain % of girls who behave badly. It's like saying that water is wet or that fire is hot. Just don't pay them. Simple.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
About the tip parade, they do something like that here in Sunnyvale. They call it a tip's rounds. They want everyone to give the girl $1 per set. This was at the Hip Hugger ( tragically closed ) and at Sporty's Bar.

I think it is no good because it ads a negative emotion to the whole thing. They should just try to get their money from the guys who sit at the stage, as those are the guys who like them and who want to tip.

But I know the reason that they do it, it is a concession to the dancers because the rules are so restrictive. They need to have some way to make money, but the club owners don't want them to feel pressed to break any rules.

In loser places, like where their can be off stage pawing and maybe even kissing, I would not think there is any need for such a tips round.


Rolling Stones
Let It Bleed
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
Dugan sez: "I also don't understand why you care so much about the way that unmotivated dancers behave that you feel the need to rant over and over."

It's simple. Poor performance by anyone in a service industry is something that is worthy of comment and critique. That's how things improve. Capitalism. And if you can get others to agree, then you can maybe begin to change attitudes and make things better on a large scale.

You seem to think the topic is not worthy of discussion or criticism, and it's something that I should deal with alone. According to you, it is what it is, and if I don't like it then I shouldn't pay. Fine, but isn't it more effective if you can get a large group of people to reconsider and start implementing a "pay for performance" attitude?

Tip Entitlement is not something we should, as a group, encourage. You seem to agree, although you also disagree. Go figure. I'm suggesting a customer revolt, or at least an awareness. You can't change attitudes until customers realize how they're being played. And as a seasoned veteran of strip clubs, I'm sure you're well aware that many customers are being played, and blindly go along because they don't know any better.

Except you, of course, because you're a seasoned veteran.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
So jerkoffson fancies himself a rebel, huh? Just like alutard did. The spirit lives on and even more in common than I thought.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
Bumping as this is one of the best debated post this month, and one all noobs should read.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
Tipping the girls on stage is lots of fun. If they ask me for a VIP dance, I'll ask them when they are on stage next and offer to sit at their stage. Sure it is a delaying tactic to conserve funds, but it is also just so much fun to interact with them, and it does help them to warm up to you.

You can't compare this to other service industry jobs, as what the girls are doing is so much more personal. It hurts them greatly when no one pays any attention or gives them any money. So when you do, they really like it and it ingratiates you with them.

Of course they are all watching to see which one you really like. And they are all talking about this.

So you can't demand some level of service. It is just not like that. But I have always found that the money spent in small stage tips has been extremely worthwhile.

You can go to the Sunnyvale Brass Rail at lunch time and buy a bowl of chilly and a soft drink at the lunch counter prices. Then you can wait until your favorite girl is up, and you might just say a word or two to her first. The best stage to watch her on alone is number 2. You can feed her a series of $1 tips and she will really put out for you. You will have made a big impression on her just in how you look at her, and so you can leave feeling good, and still not have gone over $20.

Or if you want you can spend a bit more and have her sit down with you and buy her a drink and give her a bit of a sitting tip and get her lined up for civilian dating. She will really like this, but you must then follow thru with what you have initiated. Most guys don't.

The Brass Rail is a fun place. It is a cool place. It is like this because of the easy going nature of the family which started it in 1960 and has run it ever since.

When people set up more upscale or higher mileage and higher cost clubs, they often are not really fun places anymore.

Brass Rail


Procol Harum
avatar for Cheo_D
10 years ago
Myself, if I'm sitting at the rail watching the show I am tipping, It feels wrong to be up that close and not showing appreciation. If I'm left flat by what's onstage and don't feel like tipping for that I take a table or barstool away from the stage and approach to tip whan a dancer does impress me or if wanting to get attention. With lapdances, like P_C if I feel the girls are underpaid (or the housefee structure is too high), I will supplement for the sake of being fair, otherwise in full-price clubs a MODEST tip for good performance in lapdance/private, with an ocassional better one while letting her know how she was above the norm, doesn't hurt.

Lavish tipping is to be rare and reserved only for extraordinary situations.

The "tip walk" is an annoyance, for the reasons described by P_C it tends to keep me away from South Dade. Of the cities I visit ofthen, just about the one place I don't mind it is in Wash. DC, where the girls cannot sell lapdances at all and there's an arm's-length rule when she's onstage.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I keep reading about tip rails. Do stages in some parts of the country have a rail all the dancers stay behind while on stage? I am familiar with tipping dancers on stage and I see stairs or a slight elevation for the stage but I'm wondering why some people call it a tip rail. Anyone have a rail they stand behind while tipping?
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
Sometimes the tip rail is transparent Plexiglas. Sometimes it is not transparent. Basically it separates the stage from the drinks ledge. So nominally the girls should keep herself on the stage area, and stay off of the drinks ledge.

Where I live, yes, they do have to stay behind the tips rail as the clubs are no touching.

Anyway, typically you fold your money in half and put it on the rail. She will perform in front of you. Often then she will take the money and toss it to the center of the stage, suggesting that you might put more.

One place had a sign up claifiying that once you put it on the rail, it belongs to the dancer. She will not always be able to dance in front of everyone who puts money on the rail. Time may run out.

Often they will come to round up their tips from the rail and to say thank you. This can be a great time to try and say something to her.

Tipping at the stage in SC's is lots of fun, and compared to booth and VIP dances, it can be a good moderate cost way to engage.

Is it done some other way where you are at?

avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
The dancer comes up to me and Holds out her garter or on a few occassions bikini, and I slide a dollar bill in somewhere. That's if I'm not in a club where she's grinding on me or rubbing up against me. She usually pulls out her garter to let you know she's ready for a tip. At Myrtle Beach, I did meet some dancers who seemed to just want the money on the stage. That was pretty hands off there. A couple of times I've had dancers want me to put a dollar between her tits and then she gets the money by moving her tits towards the dollar bill. For some odd reason I see more dancers do this with me and not very much with others. It's still rare except with certain dancers.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
Once or twice I had a dancer grab my hands and put them right on her tits. Now that is a move that always takes me by surprise when I'm tipping a girl on stage. It's very rare. I only remember that happening once or twice with a stage tip.

One dancer likes to put her legs up around my head during a stage tip. That is fun as long as she doesn't gyrate too much. One dancer once took off my belt with her teeth during a stage tip. It sounds so boring to just put money up on the stage and hope a dancer comes over.
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