Comments by Cheo_D (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Posting just to get y'all going
    "almost" hideous, motorhead? but yeah, needling and yanking your chain is one thing, outright shit-stirring trolling just for the sake of how much can you piss off how many is something I'd rather not deal with.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Extras clubs
    Yep, agreed, virtually everywhere management overtly telling the would-be dancers that extras are expected is just asking for a raid. If they don't arrive having had the info already thru the grapevine, it will happen internally as part of OJT.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Shadowcat update (Friday)
    Good to hear that -- yeah, all kidding aside he should focus on following instructions and getting himself back to speed, if this can be a place to get his spirits up then all the better.
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    8 years ago
    Wed. Shadowcat Report
    Thanks for the update, snowtime. This time is to focus on recovery so he can be all himself when the girls welcome him back.
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Shadowcat surgery
    Here's to soon hearing the report of the celebration having happened! Best of luck and best of medical skill... My dad had Big-C surgery 5 years ago, I'm sure he would have appreciated having that offer waiting, would have speeded up the recovery for sure!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Kate Upton and Justin Verlander are engaged
    Well, well, some pretty high appearance standards from this crowd. Considering any of us stands about as much of a chance at scoring a SI model as Lincoln Chafee had of becoming President...
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Cruz has dropped out of the primary, and Trump is the presumptive nominuee
    Lesson 1: Political parties: when someone shows up with either the money or the support net to stick around for the long run, TAKE HIM/HER SERIOUSLY, whatever's in their past and whatever's in their current platform. The would-be "serious" GOP contenders held their fire for too long because they all thought Donald was in this just for shits and giggles and they wanted to pick up his followers when he left; by the time they realized he was going for it with live ammo it was too late. Lesson 2: News Media: will you now understand that covering the "freak show" side of the campaign is giving FREE PUBLICITY to the freaks? If Candidate X says/does wacky thing Y, sure, lead the newscast with it if you must, but don't give 18 out of the next 24 hours to it, especially if it's merely stupid rather than criminal or if it was a spouse/child/in-law who did/said it. And since when is Twitter a source, it's right in the name, it's a gathering of twits! I swear at times it looks like you'd want the election to end with -nobody- winning so there's THAT big story to cover. As for Ted, well, here we have someone of whom other conservatives said if he got murdered in the middle of a Senate session you could not find one witness, and called him "Lucifer incarnate" and the most miserable S.O.B. they ever met. He only lasted this long out of sheer cussedness, his delusion that God wanted him to be the candidate. and because he had better cash support from the old-school FundaMENTAList groups (so one good thing is he proved Evangelicals are NOT the monolithic block everyone thought they were who can make or break the election).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Have you ever been refused entry to a strip club because of their dress code?
    Never had this trouble but then again my -normal- way to dress casual is pretty conservative and easily layered. At my wildest it has just been commando golf pants a-la-Papi. Estafador, "business professional only" is a bit silly from Cheetah's NYC which is not such a swank joint for Manhattan standards. But I suppose it's clear who they are targeting...
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    How strippers feel about sober patrons
    Yes, really, the non-alcohol beverages are still making a good mark-up (in most SC's). Keep the cash flow in their direction is what they should care about. My experience is of not that different relative approachability whether I'm drinking or not. And since in most cases I'm driving myself around I end up trying to stay on the safe side anyway and nursing a light beer until it reaches room temperature.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Controversial strip club ad pulled from Texas State campus newspaper
    True, JohnSmith69. I notice that from the report, those actually running the paper, including a number of women in different offices, had the ad reviewed at multiple levels before running it. You can bet it was some parents/alumni who must have started calling threatening to pull their money, making it not worth it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Japanese porn
    Look, for a long time it was censor -- really censor -- or have nothing (and it was the US occupation authority that left that in place -- pre-WW2 Japanese erotic art was quite explicit; we brought them live-action porn AND censorship). Which was why their porn animation got so bizarre: you could show anything EXCEPT human dick and pussy. Now it's just honored just symbolically by their big porn producers with a minimal blur or bar, to show they are meeting "respectable" standards.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    North Iowa
    Yet another magazine goes all digital
    "I never thought this would happen to me but..." Ah, the fine, fine fiction ;) BTW, Penthouse had already "bit the dust" once before, the late Bob Guccione ran the whole business into the ground in the early 00's after trying to take the magazine extra hardcore (watersports, really) and missing the bus on media evolution. Out of the bankruptcy the company and the name were parceled out by parts and the magazine became a shadow of its former self. For the print publisher to go online-only was a matter of time IMO.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strangest song you've seen a stripper dance to
    heavy-electric version of Leonard Cohen's The Partisan (look it up) Then again it WAS in Paris...
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Lost Another One
    Constant transformation of both the art and the artist, across various different forms of performance. From Major Tom to Lazarus, ch ch ch chaaanges, indeed, was in his essence. In an interview he once said something to the effect, of, I'm comfortable writing and producing for others, but not so for myself, so I create these characters, and write for them, and then get on the stage and play their roles. And yes, he made it to the point he was able to do what he wanted and if it was a hit, great, if not, move on. And to live to see himself the subject of a hugely succesful exhibit at major world museums. Gone too fucking soon.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Get your guns!
    Great. Just what I needed another run on the market to make it a pain to get ammunition...
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I'd better be where I can Look AND Touch
    That's some Real Estate...
    Well Papi KOD is apparently still up and keeps a FB page more active than many other clubs, advertising many events, but I would not be surprised however if a such a self-styled "baller" club would not get mass attendance on non-event/non-feature nights. I mean KOD sometimes makes it sound that unless you're raining down several bricks of greenbacks you should not bother to come within 10 feet of the stage. Hype, sure, but may make people think twice if there's no star attraction. And speaking of the general area, Black Diamonds is also right on US1 even closer to Aventura than Dean's, and though it's kind of wedged into remnant land between the rights-of-way of US1, Dixie Hwy and the RR, the lot could still be susceptible to be upscaled or family-friendlied if the market on that piece of road begins going up.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Two ex-strip club employees sentenced to 16 weekends in jail for role in blackma
    Jesus really... drugging up people and ripping them off for hundreds of thousands and you just get weekend jail? You or I pull a scam for a couple thou and we're looking at several months in stir. And the thing is, these doctors and lawyers are high-income but it's not like they're filthy rich who can afford to not care. But part of their problem is they were not brought up in a personal-assault ripoff culture. They know about fraud done with papers and signatures, not by knocking you out, and are used to impressing girls who are looking to reel them in, not to clean them out. So yeah, the rapper/baller may go broke losing his savings quicker to bad investments and leeching hangers-on but is not going to get rolled like this, 'cause he's used to using cash and watching his back.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I'd better be where I can Look AND Touch
    End of Era in Ft. Lauderdale?
    @laplurker sure, but underlying this is a deliberate campaign by the Fort Lauderdale business interests to make life harder for adult entertainment places and drive them into the swamps. And to be fair Peters just doesn't seem to want to change his schtick either, how come he just let a 10 year grandfathering run out w/o a visible move to adapt in one direction or the other. In Florida the strip clubs seem to be mostly on a local-ordinance level, there is no state uniformity -- Tampa for instance operates under the California rule but next door Pasco County is nude-and-booze. In SE Fla the standard is full nude/full bar, with a medium to high chance of extras. On can see how it would be a risk to change that if you would be the only operation in three counties doing so.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I'd better be where I can Look AND Touch
    End of Era in Ft. Lauderdale?
    @TxVegas, yep, full gown to full nude, good grinding mileage in the lapdances, and (expensive) above-and-beyond care in the CR. And I must disagree with the last couple of posts, in my experience gay power does -not- particularly work against adult entertainment venues (but if it has taken over Ft. Lauderdale then that's a deliciously ironic twist on the civic conservatives who launched the original drive to "clean up and upgrade").
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Pole Dancers Using the #NotAStripper Hashtag Get Well-Deserved Pushback From Str
    Love it, @motorhead. However, yes @Rech, that is too often what you do see at the club (except last fall at Tootsie's where, wonder of wonders, I saw someone REALLY strip AND really DO polework in the same set. So have faith brothers) And yeah, I agree, it's lame to try and deny where the pole dancing fashion came from.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What do you like to do on vacation?
    Depends on the vacation and the location. For proper vacations I like to travel somewhere where there's worthwhile history or scenery or entertainment with some time budgeted to chill and splurge on myself. If there are decent stripclubs, hit them, but not go out of my way for it. Other times I try to time work/family travel so I can stay out of town for a couple of extra days and then either stay in place or stop elsewhere on the way back and have a couple of nights out on the town.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    @TxVegas especially if you are not independently wealthy and have people who depend on you. And never mind strip clubs, the CORPORATE credit card does not go out on your person after business is over, period. Definitely a fascinating read, a look into how people can convince themselves that their crimes are not that bad because the victims somehow deserve it. I liked how the co-conspirator who began having misgivings about this was actually thinking about long-term profit and how it was foolish to just clean people out to the max at once and piss them off, burning through customers and "subcontractors". Plus, really, if Scores claims they had absolutely no idea something weird was going on with the customers these ladies rounded up, they are declaring themselves the biggest bunch of spazzes in NYC. I have far more respect for the common extras girl who is just offering a fair trade of service for cash.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Edmund Fitzgerald
    Back last month when the El Faro was lost I could not help but hearing the music in my mind. (Does anyone know where the Love of God goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours...)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    This is so sad
    Time waits for no one -- what did people expect? Immortality? But hey, he had a good run; the business went on for 60 years and he was rich and celebrated. Things are winding down for the magazine and for Hef, as one day they had to, so let's be glad for what was -- sic transit gloria mundi.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Papi yes I noticed the lack of reviews at SW, but heck, even in the guys' section the "trip report" thread is down to a trickle... I try to write good informative reviews but often there's not that much to add. Heck there was one location in the past where had I had my druthers my entire review would have read: "This place should be renamed Hos R Us. They're not even bothering to pretend." Plus it's not like I have the budget to go about like Guy Fieri on a nationwide Grand Tour; and once I find some places that are more or less reliable I will start stopping there rather than burn money exploring around.