
Extras clubs

Wednesday, May 11, 2016 10:50 AM
When a dancer goes to audition at a club (extras club), do the managers/owner tell her she's expected to do extras in VIP? Do they even tell her that extras are happening? Or is it just word of mouth? (Maybe if she's really hot, she can make good money in extras club not doing extras) How does it work? In my limited experience at extras clubs, the vast majority of girls working there are doing extras. That makes me think that at extras clubs for the most part management is expecting the girls to give extras. Or maybe they just let the girls do whatever they want? I know I'm kind of all over the place, but some insight on the topic would be greatly appreciated.


  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    They probably know before they audition. It's not exactly a secret when a club is basically a whorehouse but some people like to pretend that it is some big secret that nobody knows about.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I seriously doubt that even strip club management could be stupid enough to mention the extras expectations in hiring. Instead, they just depend upon competition. The girls soon learn from the competition that they either need to put out or get out. If they don't do extras they soon leave cause guys won't do VIPs with them. If they do extras then everybody's happy.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Girls who have worked other clubs in the same city all know in advance where the extras clubs are. I think for new girls, it's trial-by-fire. Whether or not they wanted to be extras girls when they started, for people in general, when a behavior is normative, it's very easy to get swept along ... so for new girls who were open for this, and new girls who were not, many will simply become extras girls. Often, the others end up quitting very quickly and moving to a non-extras club. Certainly, as a customer in a non-extras club, I have heard this story from girls "I worked at Club NC-17 for two days, then quit, now I work here at Club PG-13 where I don't have to blow my customers".
  • s88
    8 years ago
    A new college girl appeared at my contact ratchet SC. She only worked at a no contact SC in another state. She asked me on here 2nd day working there if it is an extras club since 2 guys asked for full service that night so far. I smiled and said "There is no such thing as a 100% clean SC [ATF]. If you cant do it ITC, there is OTC and nobody can control what 2 adults do. I can't tell you what I got from other dancers [ATF], but if you go on TUSCL or SCL, over 5 years, there isn't a single report of extras at this SC, while many write the VIP was satisfying, or they will repeat, but goto X club or Y club (2 miles away), every other VIP room review says extras, so if there are extras in the VIP room at this SC, they are very rare [ATF]". She is ultra low mileage so she is on my do not repeat list but this dancer is still here 2 weeks later.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Managers/owners would not want to tell a dancer to do extras--all sorts of legal problems. The dancers will figure out if extras are going on and will decide if they want to do them.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I see. I guess in a extras club, management lets the girls make whatever choices they want. I guess what I'm saying is the girls aren't forced to do extras in a extras club. The girls can decide if they want to do it.
  • ButterMan
    8 years ago
    I don't think they are usually forced by management, although I had a girl once tell me the reason she left a particular club is because a whale complained to the manager that she didn't 'take care of him". The manage called her in and said he spends a lot of money here and you had better take care of him. Keep in mind this is coming from a stripper so I don't know.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    It's been my experience that new girls rarely just show up at a club on their own. They have either worked at another club or more likely know someone at the club or their pimp/boyfriend tells them about the club
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    I think if it's a dancer who has worked in the area - she knows the reputation of each club - so she knows the extras clubs nearby. Fresh new girls are probably left to discover things on their own. The management won't tell the girls about the extras that are available - as that creates too many issues for the club. I think - in terms of learning the ropes - the girls see how little they are making when not providing extras - and they catch on quickly. It's not difficult to figure it out when you see the dancers in the dressing room and rest room.
  • chukko
    8 years ago
    Plausible deniability.
  • PredragDr
    8 years ago
    Word of mouth more likely than not. Some managers/owners may "test" out the girls for themselves, but it won't be part of the interview.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    If a club insists that dancers provide extras, then it has become a brothel. LE almost everywhere would shut down brothel.
  • AnonymousJim
    8 years ago
    I asked a particular extras club dancer who seemed fairly open about both the biz and her willingness to perform those services about this once. She basically said no, they don't tell you anything. The "shoes outside the curtain" thing is something you pick up on, either from the other dancers or the bouncers. She did say, though, the club kind of implies it with two things: What they tell you about rules and the tipout. If they give you a stern lecture about VIP room rules when you start and the tipout can be covered with a few lappers, it's probably not an extras club. If they don't tell you anything about rules other than what you should wear on the floor, and the tipout is really high, girls will find a way to get there.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "When a dancer goes to audition at a club (extras club), do the managers/owner tell her she's expected to do extras in VIP?" Obviously not. Most of the time they make her sign a sheet of rules telling her that she'll be fired on the spot and turned in to LE if ever caught doing any kind of a sex act and that they have cameras. The last thing management would want is to be complicit. In California pandering is a 3 year felony with a mandatory straight time minimum. The places where they do talk frankly is in AMPs and AAMPs, because they have ethnic solidarity. In those places the girls are coached. And this is why in AAMPs, even though you have no preliminary fraternizing, they are usually mind blowing GFE right from the start. SJG
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    In this day and age, if a club *insists* that the girls do extras, the club probably qualifies as a "trafficker" in most places. Certainly in Kentucky.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Probably not legal for the managers to tell the girls about extras. They will find out soon enough, tho. A few times I have met brand new dancers at notoriously dirty clubs who hadn't yet given their first lap dance (more likely to happen when they start during a slow dayshift). I gently warned them of what was typically expected at that club, and most stared at me with a deer in the headlights panic look. I don't think any of them lasted more than a week.
  • Cheo_D
    8 years ago
    Yep, agreed, virtually everywhere management overtly telling the would-be dancers that extras are expected is just asking for a raid. If they don't arrive having had the info already thru the grapevine, it will happen internally as part of OJT.
  • DandyDan
    8 years ago
    I know at my old favorite club, they never told them, but considering they put curtains in front of each VIP room and the general positioning of the chairs, it's not too hard to figure out what the rooms are for. Not that every girl did extras there, though.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    It is self policing. No need to tell new dancers. If they don't give extras in an extras club they probably won't make $$$ and will soon quit. If they want to earn bank they will quickly figure it out if they didn't know before applying.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Good insight, I appreciate it.
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