Fat Fuckers Die Young!
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Medical advice often falls on deaf ears.
Most people hate listening to advice in general. They are particularly resistant to unsolicited health warnings delivered by people they don’t know, don’t trust and can’t relate to. What self-respecting, meat-loving, beer-swilling, Cheetos-chomping, cigar-sucking guy who hasn’t seen his feet or his pecker without the aid of a mirror since the Reagan administration is going to take seriously health advice delivered by a young, malnourished, Perrier-sipping vegan of indeterminate gender?
Ain’t gonna happen!
If the audience can’t relate to the person offering the unsolicited and often inconvenient health warnings, the pearls of medical wisdom will be totally wasted.
I’d like to see an anti-smoking TV ad featuring a tough-looking redneck in his early 50s who coughs, gasps and chokes on camera for 45 seconds, spitting up blood clots before tearfully sputtering about how badly he’d like just one last cigarette.
Imagine the graphic impact of a 450 pound, forty-something year old guy who is about to undergo open-heart quadruple by-pass surgery making a brief televised statement about the joys of greasy, bacon laden cheeseburgers. The lights go off as they put the anesthetic mask over his chubby face and then, as the lights come back on, we see the same guy with a distinctly blueish hue being zippered up into a black body bag while a gruff voice (like Sam Elliott’s) solemnly says, “Fat fuckers die young!”
I think THAT might get the message across!
Most people hate listening to advice in general. They are particularly resistant to unsolicited health warnings delivered by people they don’t know, don’t trust and can’t relate to. What self-respecting, meat-loving, beer-swilling, Cheetos-chomping, cigar-sucking guy who hasn’t seen his feet or his pecker without the aid of a mirror since the Reagan administration is going to take seriously health advice delivered by a young, malnourished, Perrier-sipping vegan of indeterminate gender?
Ain’t gonna happen!
If the audience can’t relate to the person offering the unsolicited and often inconvenient health warnings, the pearls of medical wisdom will be totally wasted.
I’d like to see an anti-smoking TV ad featuring a tough-looking redneck in his early 50s who coughs, gasps and chokes on camera for 45 seconds, spitting up blood clots before tearfully sputtering about how badly he’d like just one last cigarette.
Imagine the graphic impact of a 450 pound, forty-something year old guy who is about to undergo open-heart quadruple by-pass surgery making a brief televised statement about the joys of greasy, bacon laden cheeseburgers. The lights go off as they put the anesthetic mask over his chubby face and then, as the lights come back on, we see the same guy with a distinctly blueish hue being zippered up into a black body bag while a gruff voice (like Sam Elliott’s) solemnly says, “Fat fuckers die young!”
I think THAT might get the message across!
I have a mid fifties old sister dying of (started in lungs) cancer.
Sucks big time.
Maybe her beautiful, smart (except on cigarettes) daughter will change in time.
Sorry to hear about your sister.
I have a younger brother who seems to be perversely proud of being massively overweight.
I don’t give him a hard time about it. He is intelligent and well educated. He knows the risks he is taking.
I just hope he survives his “wake up call.”
Cancer is a different topic, but smart people try to stay on the healthy side by avoiding bad habits that are detrimental to their health.
Sorry about your sister @gSteph, and @Rev you might try to get your younger brother some help, maybe get him to join a gym, and meet him once or twice a week to get him into a good habit, I did that with a friend and it worked well.
Ironically, he is a regional food service manager for a company that owns and operates high end senior living centers across the country. So I’m certainly. he KNOWS a lot more about healthy eating than I ever will.
He likes to look on the bright side.
He says that being overweight and smoking will definitely take years off your life, but the years you lose are the ones at the end and they tend to be pretty shitty anyway.
Good luck with him.
With few exceptions it is impossible to loose weight eating three meals a day. Fat people hate being fat.
The population should be taught about intermittent fasting instead of the food pyramid.
Eating is a form of recreation for many Americans.
I would know. I was born & raised in the USA.
On my very first international business trip, when I landed back on U.S. soil, walking through an airport terminal lined with fast food restaurants, I was immediately impressed with how incredibly many fat people there were.
I had never really noticed that before.
And I wasn’t returning even from a poverty ridden country where people struggle to get enough to eat.
I was returning from London.
I was never “fat” but I was probably 20-25 pounds heavier than I needed to be when married. Had little motivation to lose weight because I felt I didn’t need to impress anyone.
After the marriage dissolved and I got back into the game, I was highly motivated to stay in the best shape possible and stand out among men in their mid-50s. Mission accomplished and I’m proud of it and determined to keep the weight off and make myself as appealing as possible to women, even though pros pretty much take guys in all shapes and sizes.
Wish I would have started sooner with the high-intensity workouts, but better late than never.
Eat well!
Stay fit!
Die anyway!
I've given up smoking, I don't drink as much as I used to.....I even eat more white meat than I used to. But to give up every vice in an attempt to avoid health issues can go too far as well. Shit, how would it be if you did everything right, had perfect health and then got run over by a fucking bus tomorrow!
Live your life.