Discovering OTC

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
When and how did you first learn about the world of OTC encounters?

Corollary question... when and how did you first experience your first OTC experience?

Yes, I'm riffing on samiel's recent thread.

For me, it was the mid 2000s (maybe later? ... it's a bit of a blur). I was more of a regular at the Cadillac Lounge at the time, because back then it was a great club.

My CF there was a very hot, petite AA dancer with gorgeous natural breasts named Melissa. She and I had accumulated three very rewarding experiences upstairs on "the couch", which was a full-size couch surrounded by very heavy drapes.

On my fourth night with her, I remarked that I always had fun, but I'd prefer to have more room to maneuver and didn't love the loud music and crowd sounds during our time together.

(Also, I'm pretty sure a blacklight would turn that couch into a giant Rorschach test...)

I honestly wasn't shooting for OTC because... well... I was entirely ignorant. Anyway, she didn't blink. She gave me her phone number and told me that if I booked a room on one of her nights off, she'd be there. We settled on a reasonable price, she set some reasonable conditions, and it was off to the races.

We probably had six great OTC encounters before she moved to the West Coast. She also spoiled me for future OTCs... never late, never begged for extra cash, and never brought drama to my doorstep.

If I could be so fortunate ever again...


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avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
I discovered such by going to an extras club. After very fruitful VIP sessions, the 3 gals I danced with wanted my number for OTC. I would not give it to them, so they gave me theirs. For whatever reason, every dancer (multiple SCs in multiple states) that I have taken to VIP has given me their number and ask that we set something up OTC next time around. I have yet to ever do an OTC encounter of the sexual variety. Someday, perhaps. At this time, I good with fuck and flee ITC ! Holy shit, that almost sounds poetic.
avatar for AnonymousJim
5 years ago
I had always known it was a possibility. I thought the second girl I ever got a lapdance from offered the second time I saw her. In reality, she was using a fake accent, I couldn't understand what she was saying and a bouncer made it clear to me she wasn't telling me to wait after closing for her. That wasn't cool.

The first time I executed was at a popular Indianapolis club that was among the top-rated on this site for many years. I mentioned I was staying at a nicer hotel downtown. She asked if I wanted company.

She was not great company. Needed a psychiatrist moreso than an OTC partner. Raided the room's minibar. Spent a lot of time talking about how important her daughter was to her on the verge of tears. Not a good experience.

I've only actually executed OTC three times in my clubbing career. Only once was it worth it. The Midwestern ethos, my high standards and my limited resources don't make it easy.
avatar for ewire
5 years ago
I have had ITC a few times, but never OTC I think I like it better on my terms ITC I can come whenever I want and leave any time without any entanglements
avatar for samiel
5 years ago
Everything I learned about SCs and front room make out sessions, I learned from TUSCL! Seriously, it was TUSCL that opened my eyes to activities ITC and OTC.

OTC appealed more to me since I'm paranoid ITC. I was regular seeing a dancer ITC who strictly did not do extras ITC. One day she let it slip that sometimes she'd meet people OTC. It wasn't until a bit later I asked her about OTC. She never actually brought it up with me. It was definitely not something she did regularly.

We were always super comfortable around each other and really I wasn't looking for OTC FS at the time. It was just the perfect storm of being comfortable with her, me knowing she never did ITC extras, and me knowing she wasn't a high traffic girl.

Everything we did was covered and super safe. Her safety and our comfortable relationship led to more OTC encounters. She started traveling for work and eventually stopped texting me. I don't know what happened to her, but I hope she's doing well!
avatar for ewire
5 years ago
You make a good point if ITC is not available but they will do OTC then I may do that. I have been lucky and all the girls do ITC so no need for OTC
avatar for prevert
5 years ago
I learned it earlier this year right here on this site. I always assume if it was available it would be super expensive and out of my reach.

I still haven’t done it. I’ve been satisfied with what I’m getting inside.
avatar for Prim0
5 years ago
When I was young and dumb, the clubs were all air dances or maybe they'd let the girls get up on your table and dance in front of you. It was sad. I'm not sure when things transitioned into lap's all a bit of a blur. But I probably suspected ITC and OTC had to occur. It just never happened to me. A few dancers gave me their numbers but being young and half-way decent looking, I thought they wanted to date. I was VERY young.

I have dated a couple of dancers but nothing really happened with them. I didn't want to get sucked into their lifestyles. A good choice I think. Plus I was dating plenty of civvies at the time.

Now all I want is a nice lapper and maybe a blowjob from a nice looking younger lady. AND IT's SO GODDAMNED HARD TO FIND!
avatar for Huntsman
5 years ago
For me it was about 15 years ago, shortly after discovering that extras ITC were possible. I was in VIP with a hot young lady and she suggested OTC and gave me her number. I didn’t take her up on it but it opened my eyes as to the possibility. It was probably another 7-8 years before I actually became experienced with it.
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
It was over 30 years ago. I stopped at a strip club on my way home from work. The clubs then did not have any touching or illicit activities. I bought a hot dancer a drink and chatted with her. I asked, "What do like to do when you're not dancing?" She replied, "Make money." The implication was clear, but I did not act on it. I was supporting my wife and children and so had little money. I might even have believed in faithfulness back then.
avatar for FishHawk
5 years ago
In the mid 70’s I was in the Navy in California I went to a club and a dancer named Heather caught my eye. There was only stage dancing no private dances at all. She served drinks when she was not dancing. I tipped her on stage and bought drinks from her. She slipped me a card from a massage parlor where she also worked and told me we could have a lot of fun there. I never went.
avatar for FishHawk
5 years ago
Answer to the 2nd question. No OTC yet. The right dancer hasn’t tried to seduce me yet, but there is always hope.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Similar to ITC-extras, I guess I also discovered OTC via TUSCL.

Not being an extras-guy during the first-half of my PL-career, and not being into fave/particular dancers (preferring variety), OTC (in terms of paying a dancer for OTC services) was not something that really crossed my PL-mind - sure, very early on I thought I would like, and thought I could, date a stripper I had met at the club that was "really into me" or so it felt as a green-newb, but that erroneous-fantasy didn't last long) - early-on in my PL-career I imagined that perhaps there were guys that saw dancers outside the club but I thought it was more like a regular date (non-paid) and perhaps not even sexual and thought it was more about appeasing a good custy and not losing him (which I assume does happen) - OTC as an art where guys work a dancer as a regular then pay her for OTC services (sex + dinners, etc), and guys specifically/mainly looking for this, it was not till I joined TUSCL that OTC in this sense became clear to me as a branch of the PL-sciences.
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
I actually did my first OTC before ever doing ITC. Around 1992 i got my first lap dance at Danny's in Memphis and was so shocked that I asked my dancer if she would come to my hotel. Her reply was "I don't know you well enough".

About 4 or 5 years later I made it back to Memphis and went looking for Danny's only to find that it was out of business. I did see a bill board for a club called the Platinum Plus and I wound up going there.

I soon met a dancer that asked "Do you like red heads with big tits?" I said yes and she joined me. We had a drink or 2 and she brought up private dances. I was emboldened after my visit to Danny's a few years earlier and asked if she would rather go to my hotel room. I was surprised that she said yes. It was still early in the evening and she asked me for $40 up front to pay for her tip out. Knowing what I know now, I might have balked at doing it but gave her the $40 and went back to my hotel room at the Red rood Inn.

She showed up about 45 minutes later her hair still wet from a shower. Nice touch. I forgot the exact amount of money but it was well within my boundaries.

Soon after that I discovered TUSCL and started doing anonymous reviews mostly on Memphis clubs.
avatar for Assmanjoe
5 years ago
2013. Union, New Jersey. I "hit it off" with a gorgeous west indian girl at Hott 22 on a very quiet sunday night. the place was empty and we got very comfortable with each other ITC but no FS. At this point in my PL career I had done fs ITC a couple times and gotten a few strippers numbers but never followed through with an OTC. That was a whole 'nother realm shrouded in foggy mystery that I wasnt "cool enough" for. This was also many years before I discovered TUSCL. But this girl was so chill and so hot that I finally said "WTF bro? text her and see what happens" genuinely not knowing if she wanted a regular date or a p2p scenario. After further discussion the agreed upon approach was to just meet for a drink and "see what happens". It was basically framed as a regular casual date with undertones of "will i just pay her to fuck me if i bomb?" so kind of a weird vibe. At one point it got awkward and she goes "I dont think this is going to go anywhere but we can fool around in your car for $200." Being still young and proud and feeling a little duped, like she had it planned the whole time, i declined and we went our separate ways but it was a valuable learning experience - set the parameters early and just keep it professional, much easier that way. To most people the lesson would have been "dont date strippers you dumbass" but thats why Im on TUSCL... and most people are on prozac.

I headed back to the civilian dating world and a successful OTC didnt occur until last year. Like Papi says, there is an art to it and its not easy to pull off but experience is crucial. *Depending on the club* I actually prefer ITC "fuck and flee" LOL since I find you usually wont have the same energy/vibe/connection/whatever when meeting outside of the club. Granted ive only done it a couple times, but thats been my experience.
avatar for Corvus
5 years ago
The year I started going to strip clubs, in January and found TUSCL, in February, I started learning what could happen and what kind of fun was available. In August of that year after some nice but not outrageous fun ITC, a fine looking blonde dancer approached me in a Tucson club and very quickly offered to provide OTC fun. I am convinced she was a working girl who used dancing as a way to find customers. Never saw her dancing again.

We finally made it happen a couple of days later and while it only cost me a couple hundred bucks that time, it has ended up costing me many thousands of dollars over the intervening years. That shit gets addicting man.
avatar for ginotheginny
5 years ago
My first time was this year, my CF offered it after I had been seeing her in the club for a while. She was always at least 1 hour late and had to cancel almost half the time. When we actually got together it was fun, but wondering whether or not she was going to show up caused a lot of frustration. It got to be not worth the money. I can get frustrated by civvies for free. In need the German Enigma machine to try and decode stripper logic.
avatar for Htxx
5 years ago
Early 2000’s, I had had itc with her many times at a local club in Detroit. She gave me her #, I waited a long time before acting on it. It has been great, always go to her house, always smoke her weed, always stay for a few hours and last but not least always leave covered head to toe in her fucking cat hair. Like 15 cats or more. Her pussy is tight & some of the best I’ve had (hers not the cats) still see her even though she’s mid 50’s now, just not as frequently as there are so many other younger options. But hey for $200 and leave stoned she’s hard to beat.
avatar for Skin4Win
5 years ago
Met a sexy little 21 year old and got some dances with her after which she says “you’re fun I should give you my number”. After a couple months of texting and seeing her every couple weeks at the club and getting dances and handjobs I came to see her one night. I head into the club and she’s nowhere to be found. She texts me after about 15 minutes telling me she just got fired and can I follow her to another club she can work at. Then she asks if we can just go to my place. She ended up staying the night which turned into about five years of great sex and crazy drama. There’s something completely insane feeling when you don’t want the drama of the next text but still can’t wait to get it. Glad i ended it but probably wouldn’t change the journey.
avatar for Ch3ll
5 years ago
I'd have to say I learned it was possible through TUSCL. I stumbled upon TUSCL sometime after I started clubbing and got my first stripper number. I soooo thought she wanted to date me!

Anyway, after a few VIP visits with her which was kissing and fingering we eventually agreed we'd OTC. The OTC didn't actually happen until like the fourth time planned, because all previous times she flaked. It was probably luck of the draw the fourth time, because I was driving nearby the club, texted her to see what's up and she was down for it and needed a ride home too since it was close to closing time

We checked into a hotel about 10 minutes away and had some fun. All in all three times in that short 4 - 5 hours we were together.

My mistake/learning experience came when I was headed to take her home that morning. We hadn't agreed or mentioned any amount and when we get to the apartment complex she asks about last night and needing to pay her car note. Well I gave her like $120 which was all the cash I had on me. Through us mildly arguing and/or me allowing myself to be suckered I go take out like $160 - $180 more to give her.

A few days after, she tried to run an "I'm pregnant, need abortion" hustle. Luckily I didnt fall fool and a friend of mine told me to offer to be at the clinic to see if she was being for real, and she never texted back on the subject.

I think we had OTC once more, maybe twice after that initial one.
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