
Why webcamming is stupid (as is porn)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019 7:30 AM
I say that, not to bash the girl(s), because she is smart, but the practice itself. ANd I can never understand why people do it, instead of just working hard or saving up to get the real thing and then some. Its like window shopping, but your paying for it. Why pay for looking, but not touching when at the very least, you can go to the strip club and pay for touching boob. Some may say that's also stupid or pathetic, but hey at least the money you put in to watch a girl live on CAMERA behind YOUR computer screen is letting you touch boob and ass and not your penis. I kinda realized how annoying it was after I was looking at girls online and realized I was wasting time looking at girls instead of working hard to get the real live prospect to get with said hotties. After all, Id rather touch the girl than touch myself. Or perhaps I'm just being picky and being a millennial is artificially raising my expectations to an unreasonable level. Or poverty made me hasty for more than I'm allowed.


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Porn / camming is sort of the "Alamo" of getting your rocks off. I sort of feel the same way, though. Watching porn is sort of like watching footage of people riding a roller coaster. There's a lot of yelling, excitement, and motion. And often everyone is wet by the end. Ultimately, though, you're not on the ride...
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I sort of use 'sort of' a lot.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Porn just adds a little flavor to jerking off. Camgirls I don't fucking know why people pay for that.
  • TheeOSU
    5 years ago
    "Its like window shopping, but your paying for it." That's not totally correct. Although I definitely prefer the real thing in person I recently started viewing some cam sites where you can watch hot women's cams for free. Women, couples fucking, whatever, all free. You have the option to buy tokens to tip them or take them private but buying tokens is not a prerequisite for watching them. As I watched one girl's cam I saw some PL tip her over 12k tokens which although I don't recall what the conversion from dollars to tokens is it was definitely a cost of several hundred dollars to the tipper. Now that's just crazy!
  • AnonymousJim
    5 years ago
    I will sometimes go to cam sites, but I don't purchase tokens. Because many of the girls are on multiple sites at once, you'll get one that occasionally forgets to turn off her other feeds when someone goes into private and you get to see a pretty good show. I think there's a "you get what you pay for" element to all of it. Porn only costs you the price of your internet services and devices, but is a good way to see hot women naked you wouldn't see naked otherwise. No interaction, but if you've got a good imagination, it's stimulating. Cam girls cost a little more and give you an element of interactivity, particularly if you're into cam-to-cam (I don't think any women really want to look at me, so I'm not, but some guys are). But, unless you're 13,000 token guy, they shouldn't cost what a club does, and also have more limited reward potential, too. The club is the Holy Grail, but it's also expensive. Long story short, you get what you pay for.
  • Estafador
    5 years ago
    @[view link].Ishmael lmao I was just thinking in my head of the similarity between porn and a roller coaster. Ultimately I didn't write it because I didn't think it would relate as much. @TheeOSU but how much do you get to see for free. I used to try to do the webcam thing for free, but I never got more than a girl staring at her PC screen and hoping some putz would pay for the chat community to see her at large. Ultimately, every time someone paid, they took her to a private chat for a virlual session. Still, you don't get to touch her, you just get to watch her jiggle herself in your face, giving you blue balls. No feeling of her box on your jack Johnson.
  • Estafador
    5 years ago
    @AnonymousJim they same time is worth more than money. Can you really be happy wasting time instead of using it to earn money. SO you can go to that expensive club and do what many secretly wish they could do?
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I don't see them as a waste of time - I, as I assume most men, enjoy looking at hot naked women that turn us on - men are visual and enjoy looking at hot women especially if they are naked - saying it's a waste of time is like saying a naked girl on stage is a waste of time and she might as well not be on there - also, on a cam website one sees the ultimate variety of women - w.r.t. my particular taste, I see plenty of cam/porn women that I wish I could see/get-my-hands-on in a club but often I don't see those type of women (naturally super endowed). For me cam/porn is visually stimulating and these days I'm often more turned-on by what I see in cams/porn-sites than what I see in the clubs - having said this, yes I'd rather get the live interaction and be able to touch and feel that woman vs just looking at her thru a screen; so I prefer the club experience but that doesn't mean I find cam/porn-sites useless - my monger-funds have a limit and thus I don't find cams cost-effective since I rather save that $$$ for the clubs, but if $$$ wasn't an issue I'd do more camming (although it can get a bit frustrating seeing a cam-girl I'd love to have but can't have-her, but I still would find myself turned-on looking at her).
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    I've never done any camming and don't understand the attraction. But maybe you have to be 20-yrs-old and in a hormone-induced frenzy.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    I do watch some porn between strip club visits but I have no use for camming. Apparently most guys don't have much use for it either because I notice that the free cam site that was on TUSCL has been dropped.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    I never understood camming. I like to participate, not watch others.
  • Salty.Nutz
    5 years ago
    ^^dont you like watching your wife get rallied. ^^
  • chessmaster
    5 years ago
    Thirsty af beta cucks
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Estefador I’m totally with you. I saw this article the other day. This coming from a girl who I would reject for dances. 15K month wtf. [view link]
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    ^I think she's decent looking but 15k a month WTF? I don't know if the world has ever seen men become as pathetic as they are today. Sending a girl nearly a quarter of a million dollars a year who doesn't even let them touch her body. Bella Delphine is even worse. Literally makes a 7 figure salary to post Shit on snapchat and sell fake bath water to thirsty Fools. The fact that girls have the gaul to sincerely believe in and complain about "male privilege" is beyond me.
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    Oooooh, I hope CC’s attempt to derail this thread works. Saying idiotic things usually works, and he’s demonstrating just how good he is at it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    There's all types of PLs out there - there are people that simply do not like the strip-club scene - and there are PLs that for whom a good time is making it rain hundreds w/ zero-contact.
  • londonguy
    5 years ago
    Estafador, I don't care for it much either but it serves a purpose for some guys, those that can't get away from their partners, those that live too far from a club, those with disabilities etc. Each to their own.
  • Prim0
    5 years ago
    Exactly....to each their own. Everyone has different turn ons. I'll never understand guys with foot fetishes....but I can understand that something in it works for them. I remember LDK getting shit when he first came on the scene. All the cool guys said they couldn't get off without at least a handjob. Who cares? Each person has their thing that works for them. Hell, everyone here would be judged by the average folks out there thinking that paying anything for a woman to take her clothes off was pathetic. Fuck em all! You do your thing and enjoy the hell out of it. If it's cam girls....good on ya. The only real taboos are if the girls are underaged or not consenting to be part of the activities.
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    There was a former stripper with whom I maintained a relationship for quite a few years. She told me that she was doing some cam work and I checked her out online and she invited me to come watch at her house. She “broadcasted from her bedroom and spent a great deal of time in preparation - her appearance and the room’s appearance. She had a small vibrator she got new batteries. Watching from behind the camera or from the side was kind of hot. She offered me the process to be on line with her, but I didn’t think anyone would pay to watch an old man defile a young woman. My ATF would do just about anything for money when she was an active heroin addict. She asked me to investigate camming and in the process I spoke with a dancer, who crammed about 10 hours a week plus she had videos which she sold on another web site. She told me that she had about 10 videos running from a 4 minute video of her taking a shower ($5.00) running to a 30 minute video of her having interracial sex including anal, vaginal, and oral sex with a stud which ended with her having a mouthful of cum. That was for sale for $75.00. She was working 2 clubs, doing the camming, selling pre-made videos and would also make videos to order. She said the fetish market was the most lucrative, but that by busting her ass ( so to speak) she claimed to be making about $200k.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    I don't get it either, but as I always say, I'll never criticize how another grown man spends his money. Keep in mind too that there are plenty of guys who feel the same way about strip clubs. They think that watching girls onstage and paying for LDs is a colossal waste of money when one can just pay for sex straight up. So to each his own I suppose.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    My organization will make ample use of the Internet and technology. But it is not supposed to substitute for sex with a real female. All that is in our media is to give you ideas. But then you are to go out and find your own GF, Partner, long term short term, and then proceed with her. Not to be a substitute for real f2f skin to skin women. SJG
  • herbtcat
    5 years ago
    @Estafador, you may not enjoy it, but there are enough people around the globe paying for to watch adult web cam shows to generate more than $1 billion in annual revenue. For those of us much older than Millennials, who used things like the lingerie catalogs and the occasional stolen copy of Playboy or Penthouse to get off before there was an internet, the idea of seeing a live hot woman masturbating at our command seems pretty good. And IMO, the question isn't one of "choose one or the other," it's "choose all that you want to choose."
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    " lingerie catalogs" Yep! I actually am planning to be making my own. SJG
  • tusclfix
    5 years ago
    One thing about webcamming is: 1. You get girls from all over the world (unlike going to a local club) 2. You can technically talk to them (unlike just porn) 3. They’re not all the same pornstar look (unlike just porn) I think it fills a specific niche just like ITC, OTC, Amp, etc. fill different niches.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    @herbtcat I'm a millennial myself, or maybe even Gen Z. Idk. To be honest I don't remember if we've ever spoken. As far as porn goes though I can actually relate to that better than you'd think. My first masturbatory experiences were actually jerking off to R-rated films and HBO TV shows. I would also just look at images of girls in skimpy outfits to jerk off to when I was 13 and 14. Because I never looked for the hardcore fetish porn, I've retained a much higher level of sensitivity when it comes to viewing half naked girls and the like. I understand what you mean though, I've met other guys my age who are so desensitized it is terrifying. They talk about the female body like it isn't even arousing. I've legitimately had some guys seem genuinely puzzled by me considering a girl who is naked or in a schoolgirl uniform arousing enough to jerk off to. I understand porn perfectly fine, the main thing about the camgirls is that it seems to me like you're spending a lot of money on someone who isn't going to provide you as much satisfaction as you could get at the strip club touching a girl in the flesh. Since we obviously don't have unlimited funds, I can't help but wonder why someone would divert their money towards that when strip clubs with physical contact and touching are available?
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    The visual imagery of sexy women, it has been very important in my own development, I think the same for all of us. A guy needs that. Women need it too! My org will have that, to set our own aesthetic. But we are also telling guys to go find their own real girl. And this is for the online group., For our f2f group, girls will be jumping you continually. SJG
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    @SJG I feel very sad when I meet a guy who has burnt his brain out on extreme porn. To not feel any sense of pleasure or arousal upon seeing a girl in a short skirt or in short shorts, they really are missing out. The feeling of pleasure one gets from remaining sensitive to sexual stimuli is far greater than what one feels from watching extreme fetish porn to the point that your brain doesn't get aroused by anything but the most extreme content anymore.
  • AnonymousJim
    5 years ago
    @esta: I try not to measure myself by money. Call me a hedonist, but I like to measure myself by happiness. Yes, I can be happy wasting time. I work a lot, but I tend to work a lot of lower-paying jobs that are moreso self-fulfilling than bank-account filling. I work with non-profits, for instance. It's not always easy work, but it's rewarding in ways other than cash. When I'm not working, to be honest, just doing nothing sometimes makes me happy. I don't feel like that's wasted time, particularly if I need rest & sleep. And because I don't always have a lot of cash, the club isn't always an option. I usually have enough to make an OK visit happen every couple weeks. But I have to save up some before a trip to Detroit, for example. When I'm either low on cash or saving it for other reasons, in steps porn and cam girls (though I usually stick to porn; camgirls aren't really my thing). It's not as fulfilling as the club, but when you find new and good stuff, it still makes me pretty happy. I see a lot of people kill themselves to make cash. That's not me. Sorry, I don't want to be the stockbroker bilking people of their retirement funds with no regard for those people. I don't want to be the doctor fretting over life-or-death decisions. I don't want to be the lawyer who spends the best years of my life in law libraries researching obscure cases to help other snotty rich people hold onto their cash. I don't want to be the car salesman trying to get every possible dollar on every sale. I want everyone to be happy, not just me. I do work that's fulfilling to me, that I'm good at, that I'm rewarded nicely for but not handsomely. And, because the club is only a "sometimes" option on my budget, I have a diverse portfolio of ways of enjoying female pleasure, from porn to the club to my SO. In short, no, camgirls aren't my thing. But they're other folks' thing, and I can see why and how. I'm not here to dump on what other people like. Whatever floats your boat or finds your lost remote.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    5 years ago
    It definitely helps pay my bills though. I also don't have to worry about security or being manhandled. I don't have to worry about driving anywhere (I actually don't have to even leave my apartment). I also don't have to worry about getting sick or catching something from customers. Literally, all I have to worry about is people recording my scenes and performances. But it's a fear that any webcammer has to overcome if they want to do it. Plus, whichever site the cammer streams on owns the content streamed. Or at least MFC.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    as to being a WebCam customer ... I can think of worse ways to spend your money. but most certainly I can think of better ways. most definitely the girl right there in front of you in real life... perhaps even to touch her... better yet to even closely interact with her physically... vastly superior ...
  • MotherRussia
    5 years ago
    Plently of men disagree with the statement "webcamming is stupid" Chaturbate is one of the largest webcamming platforms in the industry. If you go onto [view link] you can see a live running tally of what all the top 100 girls have made in the past 30 days. Personally, I agree with the sentiment of wanting to actually touch boobs. But to each their own.
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    Now that porn is free, it’s wonderful! It’s a constructive way to spend a few hours. I’ve never gotten into cam girls or viewing cam girls. It costs money - and I find enough porn for free. I guess some dudes think cam girls really cum for them - because of their comments? I guess it’s a nice fantasy to believe...
  • Estafador
    5 years ago
    But folks, how many men in the chatboxes of these webcam shows talking about wanting to fuck, these women, marry, "am in love", "will do anything", "suck my dick", "let me eat your ass/pussy", etc. Even if these men are there paying to see a girl live on camera, they're are truly desiring and fantasizing about giving that girl on the camera a crispy pickle? The chatbox only takes them so far until they desire that actual vagayjay....which they probably will never get. That doesn't sound very fun to me; to lust and fantasize about a girl I won't get because I spent 3 hours masturbating to her washing the dishes. But I guess to each their own like others said.
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