…Why is this relevant ? 2 reasons I guess.
- I have seen a lot of islamophobic rhetoric on here. Disregard for "islamophobia" as a legitimate term is proof in itself of some of your islamophobic beliefs.
- I have also seen content on here regarding judicial statements and decisions.
last commentHatinf and fearing do not have to be mutually exclusive .they can be mutually inclusive properties.
Islamophobia is a term that pertains to those who fear Islam, because there are people who fear it
The Supreme Court also said at one time that slavery was a -o.k.
Yeah but that same court also struck down a prevuous fuck up does not automatically imply that every subsequent judicial decision thereafter will be a fuck up.after all, it's nice to gain recognition .
That’s not an endorsement by any means.
No, they acknowledged more than that.
They did not state that the placement of the political figures in particular signals respect for great lawgivers, but rather that the placement of the political figures alongside the religious figures (I.g a combination of people like Caesar being placed next to ppl like Muhammad) is what signals respect for great law givers..
The liberals are the most tolerant of these types of intolerants. Completely wrong, and one of many reasons why you should not defend the Islamic faith as you claim.
Trump was talking about Muslim Bans. He was fondling his xenophobic base.
But such a ban would violate the Constitution, and the courts would later tell him so.
At the Convention a Muslim couple spoke. They challenged Trump, asking if he had ever read the Constitution. They were Naturalized Citizens, having as much right to be called Americans as does Donald Trump.
They lost one of their sons, 27yo, while he as serving in Iraq, as a US Army Captain.
But Trump makes fun of them.
And that is totally wrong, he makes fun of the Muslim Couple, he makes fun of all immigrants, and of all who have descended from immigrants, and he makes fun of all of those who have served in our military.
Donald Trump has no idea at all what this country is about!……
I hope not because if they did, you would've surely been killed for something.
The Quran is not any different.……
This Ahl-e Haqq is a Muslim esoteric group. There seem to be lots of such teachings. I suspect that this somehow connects to Yazidi, which are mostly Kurdish. And then their may be some connection to the
Ismaili Nizari Shia…
Quite a bit of esotericism and occult teachings in Islam.
Kurdish Belly Dance…
Occult Secret Orders of Islam…
Yazidi women struggle to return to daily life after enduring Islamic State brutality…
Yazidi women: Slaves of the Caliphate…
Terrorized by ISIS, Yazidi refugees find welcoming community in Nebraska…
Kurdish & Yazidi women fighting ISIS - BBC News…
Esotericism of Sufism: Connections to Thelema & Islam…
Thelema & the Yezidi "Devil Worshippers" OTO…
It seems to me that in the Middle East, the people who get the wealth, the power, and the military toys, are the people who control the sea ports. That is where the oil goes out.
And they use religious fundamentalism to control the populace. Kind of like how it works in the United States too.
But the Kurds, they don't live down at sea level, they live in the mountains where the countries join together. Their lives are more simple and peaceful.
Their religion is more like esotericism, more a kind of philosophy than a set of rules and an identity.
Thelema & the Yezidi "Devil Worshippers"…
Esotericism of Sufism: Connections to Thelema & Islam (OTO, Blazing Star)…
Religious Minorities Find Sanctuary in Kurdistan…
What is the Yazidi Religion?…
Compass: The Yazidi – People of the Peacock Angel…
THE DENIED YAZIDI FESTIVAL - The voice and future of the Yazidis…
Who are the Yazidis?…
La rencontre surréaliste entre Donald Trump et la Yazidie Nadia Murad, prix Nobel de la paix 2018…
Yazidi in Winnepeg…
Omaha Newspaper editorial…
Joe Bonamassa - Slow Train - 11/29/18 Queen Elizabeth Theatre - Vancouver, BC…
300 N 27th St Suite C
Lincoln, NE 68503
Amal Clooney……
Not finding in libraries any books about the Yazidi religion. Just books about the Isis abductions, something I don't really want to read about.
This book is widely availalbe:…
Can't see that above says anything about their religion or culture.
Consider this, widely available:
Sinjar : 14 days that saved the Yazidis from Islamic State / Susan Shand (2018)…
Again, seems not to have the kind of material I am looking for.
What is the Yazidi Religion?…
Compass: The Yazidi – People of the Peacock Angel…
What is the Zoroastrian Religion?…
What Is The Ancient Religion Zoroastrianism?…
What is the Baha'i Religion?…
A Brief Overview of Zoroastrianism…
Kurdish community revives ancient Zoroastrian faith…
Are Persians Zoroastrian or Muslim?…
15. Zoroastrianism | World Religions…
Here's Why ISIS Is Targeting Yazidi People…
Most Iraqi Kurds follow Sunni Islam.
But the Yazidi religion draws from Zoroastrianism, Islam, and Christianity. ( I would add that it also seems to draw from sources we do not understand which are much older, from that Mesopotamian region.)
It shouldn't matter in this country which religion you belong to or practice or don't practice. The greatness of this country is that each person should be judged by their actions and not by their titles (ie/ race, gender, age, religion, etc.).
The constitution and the laws might have come from a more Christian background but the founders knew that this wasn't to be a religious state. The Bill of Rights says you can follow your religions and meet and worship. The only restraints on that are if those religious rites trample on the individual freedom of others. Worship satan....but don't try to kill a sacrificial human. Wear a burka, but don't demand infidels do the same. Circumcise or don't, it's up to you.
It ultimately comes down the the basic rules.....if all involved are willing participants, and of legal age, it shouldn't be anyone else's business what they do. That's what's been forgotten. The right wants to put their christianity on everyone else. The left wants to put their secularism on everybody else. The anti gun folks want to put their beliefs on everyone else. The anti prostitution folks want to put their beliefs on everyone else. All of that is bullshit. Live and let live. The government should only step in when minors are involved or if one or more parties involved were not willing to participate.
That's my 2 cents anyhow.
They say that the Yazidi faith is derived from Zoroastrianism. But I know that others consider it to be older.…
okay here, an official Yazidi Site, this is what i have been looking for!……
So here they are saying that the Yazidi faith goes back to 4000 BCE, so this is 6000 years. They say it started, I guess in Persia or the Middle-East. But they are also saying that it connects to the Hindu faith.
Peacocks are native to India, not to the Middle-East.
Their two scripture books go back only to the 11th and 12th Centuries, CE.…
okay, this has their scriptures, and some critical discussion…
Islamic State Fighters taking Yazidi Women into Sexual Slavery…
Yezidi Communities In Other Countries, like the US…
Peacock Angel…
A comment, it has always seemed to me that the first half or so of Genesis was probably a refutation of earlier narratives. But if you do not know that those earlier narratives are, then you will probably misinterpret the intent in Genesis. Well it seems now that the Yezidi have part of this earlier tradition. Expanding on the same root narratives, but in a different way.
Ron Lelito
Thelema & the Yezidi "Devil Worshippers" (OTO)……
This connects Gurdjieff to the Yezidi influence
Deconstructing Gurdjieff : biography of a spiritual magician / Tobias Churton (2017)
This talks some about Yezidi
In search of truth : Augustine, Manichaeism and other gnosticism : studies for Johannes van Oort at sixty / edited by Jacob Albert van den Berg [and others] (2011)
Look like very interesting books, but not in libraries
Devil Worship: The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidis by Isya Joseph (2016)
Cauda Pavonis: Esoteric Antinomianism in the Yezidi Tradition by Peter Lamborn Wilson (2019)
Yezidi Holy Books by Gregory K. Koon (2016)
The Black Book of the Yezidis by Jon Lange (2017)
The Yezidis: Their Sacred Books and Traditions by Isya Joseph
Tobias Churton
This man's books are extremely well researched and written. His thinking goes very deep, and so his books can be quite a challenge.
Here I am starting out in the middle with an entire chapter he has on the Yezidi. And he also has other book references, which is what I wanted.
Devil Worship: The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidis ( originally 1919 )
Isya Joseph.…
^^^^^ not in academic libraries, and I have no idea why. Seen as Occult, as Satanic? Tell that to 250,000k people at the junction of Iraq, Syria, and Turkey.
a novel, talks about Peacock Angel
The most beautiful night of the soul : more stories from the Middle East and beyond / Sándor Jászberényi ; translated from the Hungarian by Paul Olchváry.
here, 1937
The Mandaeans of Iraq and Iran; their cults, customs, magic, legends, and folklore, by E. S. Drower ('E. S. Stevens')
Woman wrote lots of books,…
But libraries do not have her 1940 book called Peacock Angel
We do find this in libraries
Survival among the Kurds : a history of the Yezidis / John S. Guest (1987)
Yezidism : its background, observances and textual tradition / by Philip G. Kreyenbroek (1995)
The Yezidis : the history of a community, culture and religion / Birgul Acikyildiz. (2010)
The Yezidis, Salubba, and other tribes of Iraq and adjacent regions / by Henry Field and J.B. Glubb (1943)
Yezidis in Syria : identity building among a double minority / Sebastian Maisel (2017)
The Stockroom, based in Los Angeles
Blues Greats………
Yezidism : its background, observances and textual tradition / by Philip G. Kreyenbroek (1995)
and yes, in academic libraries
In search of truth : Augustine, Manichaeism and other gnosticism : studies for Johannes van Oort at sixty / edited by Jacob Albert van den Berg
The religion of the Peacock Angel : the Yezidis and their spirit world / Garnik S. Asatrian and Victoria Arakelova
Asatryan, G. S., author (2014)
The religion of the Peacock Angel : the Yezidis and their spirit world / Garnik S. Asatrian and Victoria Arakelova (2014)
Heirs to forgotten kingdoms : journeys into the disappearing religions of the Middle East / Gerard Russell (2015)
look at the different models used for the various colors
by Geraldine Brooks (Author)
read some of this already, most telling, and most disturbing. The Christians would make it like this here, if they could get away with it.…
I find it funny the same people who wore pussy hats and marched against Trump look over look that little fact. I think the War in Iraq was a crime against humanity. I think the Afghan war was a nation building failure. But that being said, I've seen the proof of gays hanging from buildings and women being whipped and stoned and having been over there, I know about what young boys go through in some islamic cultures... I think it's morally abhorrent and I get violently angry when I see it.
I'm not a moron. I don't see muslim dude in the street of my city and say "hey, he looks like the guy on live leak...i'm gonna commit battery and beat his ass." But if I were an occupying force in a country and saw a women getting pelted to death with rocks while they make her wear a black bed sheet for clothing... I would sleep soundly at night after taking anyone with a rock in their hand out with an M249. why, because they are literal murderers. I don't give a fuck if it's ok in their book. Lots of shit in the christian book is not moral and should never be followed too.
The logic train of "if you don't believe what we believe, you are the exact oppressor we are fighting" by the post modernists in this world is what makes me angry the most. Nuance and debate is dead with so many of them. I just genuinely believe they are stupid people who didn't find a god or family to fill their lives with meaning. So they make a large group of people who aren't with their ideology the enemy. It's not the first time in history this has happened, and it won't be the last. But they are just stupid people. They scream during debates with people to silence them. They are adult children throwing temper tantrums. If someone of my own political leanings and religious beliefs behaved in the same way, i'd label them as stupid adult children throwing a temper tantrum.
Stop watching TV news and reading internet news. Question all authority. Ask questions if something doesn't make sense. Be kind to everyone unless they give you a reason not to. Prepare for the worst and hope/work for the best.
If the thought they could get away with it, our Christian fundamentalists would be doing the same things.