
Comments by bumrubber (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    I like to have some class, or at least lack of obvious low class - from both management and dancers. Can't stand chickenshit drink hustles or fat ghetto skanks who won't go away. I like eye candy (7+, thin/toned, and natural) but personality is just as important. Most southern CA clubs are just gross - dancers and customers alike are way too ghetto. I go for midrange. I'll gladly pay $10 to get in and $20 for a dance, but more than that is pushing it. The most important thing is a comfortable atmosphere, where I feel welcome, and my business appreciated.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Anyone Know Anything About This?
    I hear they shoot pornos inside the Girls Gone Wild bus. .
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Any clubs do strip poker?
    I wouldn't mind watching some dancers play each other instead of just sitting around... and maybe some celeb players like Jennifer Tilly...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What Fictitious Character would you like to bang ?
    Emma Peel FTW!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Mexican Drug Cartel Allegedly Puts a Price on Arizona Sheriff's Head
    Archie Bunker lives.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Do you occasionally get tired of visiting strip clubs after a while?
    sharkhunter, I go to Masters just to enjoy all that free ass in my lap!
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    14 years ago
    Know Any Guys who married strippers? How did it work out? What is your take on
    A family member was with an ex-stripper for a long time. They were very much a family with her 3 kids and him acting as dad but never married. If you met her you'd be impressed - beautiful, intelligent, educated (masters degree), great job, nice house, all the trappings of success and having her act together, but... emotionally, fucked up beyond belief. She'd wig out occasionally, go to bars and go home with men, disappear for days, etc. Too bad for her kids that their mom couldn't make it work.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sex in public...
    Anyone who came of age near Disneyland has dreamed of joining the Mickey Mouse Club!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    I like the Bartender
    Most SCs I've been to have horrible bartenders, ranging from indifferent/inattentive to downright hostile. I can't figure out how this works (they and their club able to make money) but it seems to go with the territory. I doubt anything to do with me -- I generally get on well it the world and make friends easily, including with bartenders.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Road Clubs
    I've enjoyed South Carolina the most, Myrtle Beach and Greenville. Not all the girls are beautiful but enough of them are, and are fun to be around, with interesting personalities. Lower percentage of burnouts. Vegas is great for eye candy but too hectic and expensive to have a good time. All business. You can probably get whatever "action" you might be looking for anywhere, with enough money anyway, but what about the rest of the experience?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Are there any clubs that are just dancing anymore?
    Captain's Cabaret in Lake Forest, CA is pretty stage-oriented. They do have couch dances but they're in the open with no touching. It still seems popular - every time I've been, there were more patrons than most other clubs. In general the women are better looking than most other clubs, with better "dancing," although I use that term loosely. Cheetah's in Hollywood seems more stage-oriented too. Then there's Dumbo's Clown Room...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Rate The GurlZ
    I'm with shadowcat. Looks wise they're all top notch. From there it's personality that would make the difference.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Anyone around Myrtle Beach
    I spend a lot of time in MB on business, plus I have family there. So I'm familiar enough with it. First, I think under-21s can get into Derriere's, an all-nude club that's BYOB. There may or may not be others. I'm pretty sure there are more SCs in MB than are listed here, and some of the ones listed may be gone (like the Pink Pony in Garden City). They all have their ups and downs - in general, and with the season. High season is spring and fall, for golf. There's definitely a high crime rate in MB. However, it seems to be limited to a drug and low-life culture that if you're not a part of, you don't need to worry about. I don't recall any news stories about muggings, carjackings, etc., that would indicate danger to tourists. There are a lot of car break-ins, but even that is nowhere near as common as in, say, Los Angeles. Drunk drivers are everywhere because the bars are open all night, and the main activity is driving (or riding motorcycles) from bar to bar. Don't leave valuables in your car, park smartly, watch out for drunks, and you should be fine. There's definitely a rough element in MB, and SCs attract it - same as anywhere else. Just keep your wits about you, and know when it's time to leave.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    WiFi at strip clubs
    Umm, laptops with webcams? Lotta clubs don't even allow phones inside...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Playing the Field?
    Playing the field is SCs greatest pleasure, interacting with and "trying out" a bunch of different women! When I'm in a relationship I'm completely monogamous (with no desire to wander), but if not then I'm game for anything! I don't have a type so I can't say I would ever have a theme -- though I did do a "Russian night" once at Master's in Myrtle Beach.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Close to home
    I know a couple of strippers who seem really honest, and don't make up a bunch of stuff, but then again I don't pry into things that could "expose" who they really are, so maybe I just haven't experienced their BS. Both have told me that it's just easier to be real. However both are excellent conversationalists so they could probably deal with anyone who was getting too personal or prying too much.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Seattle stripping vacuum
    If y'all are looking for extras in Seattle, why bother with SCs - just head north to Vancouver or hop the ferry to Victoria and take your pick of beautiful and legal escorts. See the perb.ca review boards. BC clubs are OK for stage shows but not much else - no reason for it.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Mid-late 20s, probably. Younger are usually witless and boring, older are usually jaded hoes who aren't too bright either and haven't found a better line of work. Sweeping generalization of course, but my faves have all been 24-30ish.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Are You a Day Guy or a Night Guy?
    Happy hour to evening for me too. It depends on the club, but most of the better looking girls show up in the evening. Get 'em early while they're still fresh! They're usually friendlier, more conversant and "present" mentally. In some clubs, another wave comes in around 10, which is a good time to be there too.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    South Carolina
    New term?
    Been to clubs where there's no one on stage, but the girls are wandering the room giving laps? It's like waiting for your turn at the dentist. Gotta wonder how well the "hygienist" is washing her hands...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Feature Dancers ?
    I'd never go on purpose but I've been to feature nights by accident. Feature dancers were nothing special to completely boring. But they do draw crowds, which draws more and better girls.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Take a stripper to your house for sex???
    samsung1, Palm Beach is the wealthy city, West Palm Beach is the middlin' to rough side of town, off the island and across the bay. The kind of strippers that would come to your house are probably the ones that you don't want there. Certainly not all of them are psycho but the level headed ones are less likely to go home with a guy they don't know either.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    It seems to be creeping down toward $10 everywhere - if not outright "list price" then for all practical purposes, with the specials they're always running. Some places cut songs way short though, while others run them long. so time/money probably works out to about the same.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    DFK ???
    You sure she didn't have any cold sores?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Topless Barber Shops
    Get your hair cut at a trendy, high-end salon, where there are plenty of hot young women working as stylists, colorists, makeup artists and assistants. The industry attracts people who love fast cash and partying. Sound familiar? 'Nuff said. (Every trendy salon probably has at least one stripper, just as every SC has at least one budding cosmetologist.)