New term?

avatar for Shekitout
In strip clubs there are ladies who dance on stage and ladies who never dance on stage but do lap dances in the VIP/champange rooms-are they still 'dancers' or is there another term that should apply?


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avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
Yeah. Whores.
Knob polishers
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
Let's be politically correct "sexual plumbing maintenance engineers"
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
Wow, the 'Council of Elders' has spoken, slamming the club 'DH'.

I've seen what Shek is referring to, but it's primarily been at non-extra clubs. And yes, I was disappointed because I wanted to see the gal & her set before doing business with her. At least I had the opportunity to say no because my interest had not been adequately addressed.
avatar for mmdv26
15 years ago
Have run into the "not on stage" chick three times. One had massive stretch marks from a recent pregnancy, otherwise OK body. I got one dance from her, and could actually feel the stretch marks. Not nice.

Another fucked the owner and let everybody know of her special status by not having to demean herself by dancing on that unsanitary stage with its foul-smelling pole. She wanted $10 extra per dance. Nice looking, allowed hide the finger...yeah, the unsanitary one.

The third one was in her early 40's, average looking and did dances plus $100 extra for FS. Never got interrupted because she had to go on stage. I think she had a special arrangement with the owner as well.

So Shek, I would call this type of dancer either a slacker or a whore depending on her mileage.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
15 years ago
Generally in life, plenty of trouble will find you, you don't need to make a special effort to bring it on youself. If you're around people, and you don't think they should be called what they want to be called, staying around those people is a good way to bring trouble on yourself. But if it's a turn on to call a dancer nasty names, just ask, most of them will happily accomodate that if they are earning with you.

Clubs will give all kinds of special treatment to the dancers who make the most money for the club. For the gossip I've heard, special treatment does not seem to be related to who the dancer is porking. But I have no confidence I know what's really going on.
Shekitout, we both frequent the same club. I do not have a name for dancers that do not dance on stage but I will tell you this. The club policy used to be that all day shift dancers must take a turn on stage. This is due to the smaller number of dancers working. The night girls have the option. The night dancers fall into two categories. Those that are fuglies and have no wares to advertise and those that are so popular they do not have to advertise. I would put the number of dancer that do not dance on stage at less than 2%. Also stage tipping is more profitable for the girls on day shift because the customer clientel is mostly old farts like us. The night shift switches to a younger crowd. Beer drinkers with fewer bucks in their pockets. I have seen dancer after dancer not make any tips on stage at night. Btw all of my favorites take their turn on stage.
avatar for zef8mich
15 years ago
At one time in Detroit, some dancers doing this told me they were freelancers? They must have wanted to give the impression they were independent in some sense.
avatar for bumrubber
15 years ago
Been to clubs where there's no one on stage, but the girls are wandering the room giving laps? It's like waiting for your turn at the dentist. Gotta wonder how well the "hygienist" is washing her hands...
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
For whatever reason this topic has me wondering if there are any 1 legged strippers.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago

I think they most all have one.
avatar for DoctorDarby
15 years ago
I think it depends on the type of club and the way they schedule. Some places have a certain number of girls scheduled, which means that they have place in the stage rotation and are expected to perform. To pad the number of girls in the club, management in these places seem to have a number of semi-regular free lancers (or holdovers from the earlier shifts)who just work the floor doing dances. Since few, if any, clubs pay an hourly wage for the scheduled girls (some used to do this in the old days) I'm not sure how the scheduled girls get anything for their extra commitment if the walk-ins can make just as much money. In more structured gentleman's clubs, all the girls seem to have to get on stage unless they are off doing a VIP, which is usually passed along by the house to the DJ so he doesn't call them when their turn rolls around. In a scruffy little place like Gatsby's in Ohio where the stage is not very important to the overall atmosphere, it seems up to the girls whether they go up more than one time per shift, if at all.
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