
Know Any Guys who married strippers? How did it work out? What is your take on

Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:45 AM
I know of only one (don't know him personally and he does not know of me). He married a stripper (I am seeing her otc) he had been living with for 4 years back in April whom I have been seeing 2 years. This was her third marriage. I believe they marry guys they can control who won't balk at their stripping or suspect they are doing any whoring. From what I understand he turns over his paycheck to her, she has her income from me (pays her mortgage), money form working at a SC, and working as an insurance agent. When I first met her, I took her to CR and it ended in FS. My first motel meeting with her she said she does not believe in monogamy and that sex is her hobby. Her FB page describes her as happily married to her HS sweetheart. In bed her performance is superior to many other strippers I have done, POP has come down, and I believe her being married gives her a stability which makes her a very reliable sex enjoyment partner. I could post a ton of bik and nude pics of her here but for obvious reasons I have deferred. One of her GF (who stripped at same club) also does outcall work with clients and is also married. As I understand it they would team up and do threesomes. One specialized in BJ, the other (mine) would finish off the guy with sex. While her husband is certainly a cuckhold, I have to sometimes wonder if he has any inkling of her activities. She says she is not aware that she would allow guys in the club to touch or that she will play. I also wonder if she discussed her attitude about monogamy with him.


  • Player11
    14 years ago
    I meant to say in last paragraph - he is not aware...not she
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Just wondering what kind of career does her husband have? He sounds like a deadbeat if she is the one doing all this work and paying the mortgage.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    He is self employed in construction - window installer as I understand. One of his crew rents a room from them at their house (or used to); I sometimes wonder if she bangs that guy when hubby not around. No he is not a deadbeat or druggie thug bum but prob does not make that much either. She tells me when she comes to meet at motel 10 min from their house she tells him she is going to gym (if he happens to be home). A couple of times after paying her for the session she remarks she is going to the food store (which would also help her explain the missing time). These gals have their ways and are crafty.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    The other thing is that Houston is two way full contact and at many of the clubs extras are the norm. I have fucked strippers in 5 Houston SC's not to mention extensive otc. How can a guy marry one of these gals and be ignorant or ho hum of the fact that at her "work" every day guys are feeling her during lap dances if not taking extras or offering $$ for otc sessions. There probably is a trade off somewhere.
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    Met her at a club in Phoenix. She then moved to a better club, broke up with her boyfriend, moved in with me. That was 5 years ago. She has quit stripping (her own decision) and is getting her degree at ASU (2 semesters to go). We will be hitched in September. It has been great.
  • arbeeguy
    14 years ago
    My guess is that this guy is not particularly bright or curious. He is in a rut, and just goes about his business and doesn't spend a lot of time scheming and wondering how things work. A lot of people are like that. People who are involved with TUSCL most definitely are not. So we may forget that we are part of a very small minority.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Yes arbeeguy good point. Its possible too he is passified by getting to live with a really fantastic piece of ass and getting all the booty he wants. Of course she is the schemer in the family. Her goal is to go beyond her 2 year degree and complete law school. Which brings up another question: You have to wonder about a lot of these bright good looking gals in corporations or law - Have they done a lot of whoring along the way? Some stripping?
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I worked with a guy for 15 years that married a stripper that worked in the Goldrush Showbar in ATL. I met him back in 87 and they had been married for a long time before that. She quit working as a stripper and when he retired they moved to FT Meyers, FL. I last saw him 3 years ago at a retirement party. They were still married. Harry, you old dog you sure kept that quiet. I will tell our mutual friend. As for me, I have known gridget for 7 years. I'm 68. She just turned 33. If I were 30 years younger, I would marry her. But I am still enjoying the ride.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    I worked with a guy who's wife BECAME a stripper. They were at a amatuer contest in Key West and she joined in. Found it a way to make large sums of tax free money with little effort. Ended in a divorce when she was seeing a neighbor policeman.
  • bumrubber
    14 years ago
    A family member was with an ex-stripper for a long time. They were very much a family with her 3 kids and him acting as dad but never married. If you met her you'd be impressed - beautiful, intelligent, educated (masters degree), great job, nice house, all the trappings of success and having her act together, but... emotionally, fucked up beyond belief. She'd wig out occasionally, go to bars and go home with men, disappear for days, etc. Too bad for her kids that their mom couldn't make it work.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Marry a stripper and assume that every guy wants to fuck her and probably will. Can you, the husband, handle that?
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    remember that marriage of the two members on [view link] Here is a post from mediocrity (the female stripper) about what they have been up to: "A few weeks ago, as I stated earlier, I smoked crystal meth with my husband. My husband has a VAST background in chemistry; he's an organic chemist by passion and one of his many trades. Dude has so much education it's absolutely sick. I was terrified down to my bones, my hands shook and I nearly cried. BUT. I trusted him. It was one of the most wholehearted, honest, bonding sessions I have ever had in my life. We didn't do very much, but it was enough to open up, be honest, and know each other even more than we already do. I didn't feel speedy or crazy; I felt relaxed, clear headed, cozy, and safe. We have never, ever been closer. I'm not one for discussing my emotions, and even though he's a little more heart on the sleeve than I, he opened up to me too. We sat up in our bedroom, in our warm comfy bed and just chilled. The crash kind of sucked, I'm not going to lie, but he watched out for me, made sure I ate accordingly, and got rest. I've never had such a deep, wholesome trust for anyone, and it is an experience I DO NOT regret." [view link]
  • troop
    14 years ago
    can't think of anyone that i know that married one. i've dated/had relationships (they usually didn't last very long) with strippers, but i honestly couldn't see marrying one unless she was super super special and she quit stripping and promised to never strip again. and i can be a pretty cynical guy so she would have to be extremly trustworthy and convincing for me to take that step into marriage. prolly an impossible thing.. lol
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    A part time receptionist in our office once danced at Rick's. She married a guy who makes in the high six figures. Yes, she gave up stripping for him, and she only works for pocket money.
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    Strippers go for guys that can be easily controlled, make less money than her, etc. Alot of these women have grown being fucked by their uncles when they were young, never knew their father, date raped, etc. In general, they have a very negative view of males and feel a great deal of powerlessness. She is not accustomed to or has much much control in a relationship with a "nice guy with a good career". Maybe marrying a girl that worked for a few months in the clubs might be okay, but these women that work long periods in the trade are jaded/damaged goods. They see men as human ATMs--quick money takes priority over fidelity every time.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    New a dancer who was a very cute girl-next-door type, slender, shoulder length hair, just the right mix of conversation and shyness. She was always flirty, was a little wilder in her youth, but when she got to be late 20s and then 30 she mellowed out, never did anything crazy but remained a popular dancer with upscale customers. She married a customer who was a successful salesman. She had been studying for a college degree and continued that after she got married, but afterwardss worked mostly as club bartender with spot dancing. That remains the case to today. I don't really know the guy, but she was the better person, he was the jerk. They divorced and she's still pursuing her degree and working as described above. It seems to me that stripper marriages are like any others in this respect: put one jerk in the mix and it's probably going to fail. If both are OK, then the marriage has a chance. You can almost assess them from the start, because we sometimes know these girls better than their boyfriends, or maybe I should say, we sometimes find out mor aspects of their personalities (the hidden weakness or the hidden sparkle) that a normal friend might take longer to spot.
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    I work with two different ladies who used to be strippers/dancers. I believe the younger one never danced anywhere where she had to be topless. Anyone, this one got married to one of the bouncers of her club when she still danced. He ended up in jail for some reason and she divorced him shortly after that. One of the guys I work with has a crush on her (she probably ranks as the hottest lady there, but that don't take much) and wants to go out with her, and I always have to tell him she's trouble. I mean, she does her job decently, but on an interpersonal level, she seems like someone who's looking for a mark still.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    What is a stripper who no longer strips? There are ex strippers everywhere, but a they cease to be a stripper when they quit.
  • deogol
    14 years ago
    Ex-stripper is about as safe as one can go. One who has returned to and can function in the "real world." The current ones have all sorts of nonsense yacked into their ears by their girlfriends (just read the pink site). Relationships tend to be all about them (I mean, they dance for money, but they also dance for ridiculous amounts of attention.)
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Attractive women managers in the workplace - I wonder if they stripped or did extras. Would they ba a bitch to work for?
  • ApocAngel
    2 years ago
    I did
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