
I like the Bartender

Saturday, July 24, 2010 12:42 PM
I'm at the bar with her...

When I visit the club in the early afternoon the waitresses usually aren't working yet, so I got in the habit of sitting at the bar and chatting with this one bartender.

One time I noticed she was having a bad day, dealing with a bunch of loud drunks all wanting their 2-4-1 beers at the same time (cheapskates!), and muttering under her breath about “does anyone ever ask what I would like?” So when she came over to me and asked if I wanted the usual, I said “Sure, and what would you like?” She gave me a nice smile, poured herself a shot and knocked it down.

Now it's a regular thing for me to buy her a drink, and spend some time chatting and exchanging inside jokes about other customers or dancers. It even outs, I often return from the back to find a fresh drink at my spot, and when I reach for my wallet, she just waves me off. Nice.

So, who else likes the bartender?


  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    I do. Along with the drink break (though, to be fair, I only drink water and diet coke, so no big break there), my favorite bartender will usually cut me a break on the VIP room when it's not busy, and seldom watches the clock very assiduously when I'm back there, even when it is busy. She's the only reason I even bother with VIP on nights when I a little short for OTC. :)

    And like you, all for the price of a tip *every* time she does something for me, even when she gets me a free drink, a kind word, and not bitching about it when she's busy and can't get me a refresh right away.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    It's always a good idea to be good to the bartender (spoken from an ex-bartender) You bet, they are going to take care of you. They are making a living, and assholes don't make it any easier.
  • 59
    14 years ago
    A lot of the places I go the bartender turnover tends to be high. Start to hit it off with one and she's gone.

    I also tend to go to larger places who employ many bartenders. Some have been there for years but they switch shifts around a lot (not sure if it's the club that does it or the girls). I tend to have my strategic bar stool locations but they also rotate the bartenders to different stations. Very long winded but it's not often I strike up a lasting friendliness.

    I also was kind of burned years ago by a bartender that gave the impression that she was interested and available. In the end it turned out neither was true. So I tend to pursue acquaintances with dancers before bartenders or waitresses.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    If a bartender ever complained to me like that I would think she was a loser (unless she was really hot)

    Just wondering steve229, if this club change their policy and said that now all drinks bought by customers for the ladies will cost $20 and the lady gets a percentage of the sale, would you still continue to buy them drinks? I thought about buying a drink for a bartender who was flashing her tits and ass to us but decided not to because $20 is a rip off (although another guy I was sitting at the bar with did buy her a drink for that price)

    Sometimes I have been at a strip club at night and the hottest ones there are the waitresses and bartenders.

    One thing I like about bartenders is they have not seemed to care about serving an ice water with lemon (for a tip) unlike some of the waitresses I know that claim "you're not allowed to order that - just bottle water". It seems also that waitresses will try to hustle you for tips by increasing the price of a drink to include a tip plus get tip on top of that. I think she does this to either increase her income or to also tip the bartender who gives her the drink to come serve.

    Also, I usually dislike male bartenders at strip clubs but there is one at Club X who is really cool and probably one of my favorites.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    My ATF bartender was Misty. She was the day shift bar tender for years at the Columbia Platinum Plus. It's a good thing she was not a dancer. She would have cleaned my wallet out. What a doll. A 9 in any man's book. A killer body and just a hint of Asian in her eyes. She was friendy as hell, intelligent and very witty. Her: what would you like. Me: You. Her: I don't think I would fit in a glass. A few years back we had a similar topic on here. I posted my compliments of her and printed it. When I showed it to her, she was thrilled. I have been working here for years and no one, including the management, has ever paid me such a compliment. But she is gone. Her BF was the general manager at PP. Jerry(Gerry) bought Chastites Gold Club and changed the name to Savannah's and she went to work there as a day manager. Then he sold it and it is now Crush. I wonder where the two of them are now. I know that gridget and pop will remember them.
  • dudeanonymous
    14 years ago
    I've been in a lot of places where the bartender is the hottest girl in sight, as well as being the best conversationalist and the biggest flirt. That being said, I've lately run into some really, really bad bartenders and waitstaff. Waiting at the bar tem minutes for a drink when it isn't busy. Watresses who remove you half-finished drink from your table and never return to ask you if you want another. Perhaps it's the economy and people taking these jobs who shouldn't be employed in any customer service capacity?
  • uscue13
    14 years ago
    Most places I've gone the bartender and waitresses aren't allowed to drink
  • Clubber
    14 years ago

    I have a favorite that I've known for about 20 years. She used to be a dancer, but no longer. She even calls me if a dancer she know I like is in town, or a new one starts she things I'll enjoy. I always buy her drinks, if she will have them.
  • bumrubber
    14 years ago
    Most SCs I've been to have horrible bartenders, ranging from indifferent/inattentive to downright hostile. I can't figure out how this works (they and their club able to make money) but it seems to go with the territory.

    I doubt anything to do with me -- I generally get on well it the world and make friends easily, including with bartenders.
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    Never experienced great bar service at a titty bar, but have met some great ones at regular bars/clubs. At a lounge I frequent, there will be four bartenders behind the bar at night, but I will only buy my drinks from one, Nicole, a perfect 10. I found out the hard way, all the other bartenders will overcharge you any way they can. I became something other than "just another customer" due to not treating Nicole like a piece of meat, which most guys do. Controlling your sex drive can pay dividends in the long term.
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    I go to BYOB clubs more often than ones that serve alcohol, so I don't deal enough in places with bartenders, and the ones I've gone to most often have male bartenders. However, there is this one dive bar in Topeka, Kansas named Sasnak (Kansas spelled backwards), which had a bartender/waitress who was the absolute best bartender ever. She wasn't the best looking bartender ever (she had a weight problem), but she always let me suck on her titties (which were the biggest I've ever seen), and I'd eventually end up buying lapdances from her rather than the regular dancers (who, in all honesty, probably weren't much hotter than her). I didn't care that she was too fat for her job, I just enjoyed her company. The only other one who was memorable is this one at the Foxy Lady in Lincoln, NE. She always wears a bikini on the job and she has the body to make it work.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Are bartenders at BYOB strip clubs actually bartenders? Shouldn't they be called servers?
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    Most of the BYOB clubs I've visited have a vending machine full of overpriced pop, Gatorade, bottled water, and Red Bull. Some of them have a lady or two at the door who will do stuff like break a $20 bill or get you a pop if they sell them behind the counter. I don't know what their official title is, but it's safe to say it's not bartender.
  • gatorjoe2
    14 years ago
    My favorite club down in WPB has amazing bartenders, the turnover seems low, they are always hot.

    Actually, one of the few reasons why I love going during happy hour time is that I know that these bartenders will be there and they are going to have fun. Sometimes, they are more fun to talk to hang out with then the girls.

  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    So is Atlanta the only city where most of the bartenders are male? I keep reading down this thread and seeing "she" over and over. ;-)

    There are a couple guy bartenders that are just good guys to hang with. Butch, the main bartender at Main Stage is pretty cool. When there are very few dancers at MS (which happens a lot) he's good to shoot the shit with. And he does take care of me -- if there are few enough dancers there that night, he never charges me for my Cokes.

    Pink Pony usually has a girl working the showbar bar. And Tiffany's bartenders were all girls, and they were HAWT! I was disappointed that neither of them were dancers. Though one did dance some (behind the bar) now and then. Maybe even flip her skirt up.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    LeeH, I live in an ATL suburb and have since 1987. I have met snowtime, TimboATL and strip shopper and share PM's with them but have NEVER met any of them in an Atlanta club. I meet them all at The Columbia Platinum Plus(The real PP). I have been to about a dozen of the 50+ clubs in the metro area and have found that the bar tenders are mixed. Some clubs only have men, some only have women and some have both at the same time. I just read some of your reviews and none made me ready to check them out. Timbo is currently in love with Follies. So I guess that I might have to check it out soon. snowtime says that he has not been to an ATL club in the last 20 years but might join me. Are you interested in meeting up?
  • 59
    14 years ago
    Here in NY/NJ/PA male bartenders are very, very rare. In over 20 years of clubbing I can only recall one.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    There was a bartender that worked at Blue Diamond and she stole the money one night while closing up and never showed up again.
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