
Giving everyone the benefit of a doubt by assuming that you actually have some, what are you minimum standards for:
Clubs – High (upscale), Medium (mid-level), Low (Dives)
Dancers – High (8's+), Medium (6-7's), Low (5's and lower)
last commentMine:
Clubs – Medium – Doesn’t have to be glitzy, but needs to be reasonably clean, comfortable, and safe.
Dancers – Medium, I’m fine with a fun and flirty 6 or 7 if that’s what is available.
i guess that i prefer mid level clubs.
regarding dancers, my standards are mosty high although i have bought dances from a 5 a couple times, and i've never seen a 10 dancing so i usually go for a minimum 6 and shoot for the 8's.
but then again, as my rate the gurlz thread showed awhile back, we all have different opinions on what a 5-6-7-8 etc is.
For me to want to continue visiting a club, there has to be something to offer to me. Good looking friendly girls, beer that is cold and not expensive, sometimes good pizza and fries can help a lot too. If I get hungry and there is no decent food, I leave the club and often don't come back, at least not in the same night. Change offered in one dollar bills helps too. If they don't offer that, I go somewhere else first. The club and dancer lose out on hundreds of dollars because patrons go elsewhere first because stupid club management thinks dancers get bigger tips if they only have two's for change. Meanwhile I drinking another club's beer, and getting dances at a different club because of that policy.
No edit feature, meant to post I'm drinking another club's beer, and getting dances at a different club and saving my one dollar bill change because Platinum Plus thinks dancers get more money by only offering change in two dollar bills. Just think of all the money the club loses by me spending money elsewhere for several hours. Then I always tip in one dollar bills anyway and so do most people if they even tip. I'm kind of glad club management never reads this stuff, it makes it easier to choose the dancer of your choice and only tip her a dollar whenever you want to. Stage tipping hasn't been too busy when I've been visiting strip clubs. If a guy wants to show a dancer he has money, he tips her much more than a dollar anyway. I've seen 5's, 10's, 20's even on stage tips. Not me.
Clubs I prefer midlevel and as far as dancers I usually get with the 6-7 range in looks. I have done some 5's and even 4's when a club did not have much too offer and I had driven more than a hour to get too. Hooking up with a 8 or above is all "gravy" for me.
One standard I have is avoiding places that require payment in advance for lap dances.(Misty's and Private Dancer). Also another standard is with avoiding clubs that have bouncers stand/sit nearby to watch the lap dance and strictly forbid contact. I guess I have standards when it comes to mileage but not so much when it comes to dancer quality (after enough beers lol) or physical club.
On clubs, I'm a mediumguy.
Dancers-depends, but mostly medium or high. Actually, I'm lookng for natural.
My standards:
Clubs – The used condoms are at least hidden under the fuck chair and there is no semen in sight.
Dancers – 6 is usually a minimum standard and I normally hang in the 7-8 area, but I have had a couple of drunker 5 moments ;)
Clubs: Dives are fine, though I'd prefer no guns in evidence. Other than that, what rick said.
Girls: About a 5 is the minimum, depending on personality and skill set. Tolerance on the looks scale is inversely proportional to pleasantness of personality. If she's a bitch, she better be a looker and be able to suck a golf ball through a straw.
Simple answer:
Clubs - Mid to high with the occasional dive.
Dancers - Mid to high with the occasional LOW.
I'll try anything once! Twice to make sure!
I remember getting a sort of dance from a 300lb woman that was part of a review. My friends payed a hundred bucks to force me to do it. "I Jiggled with Giggles" was written on the pair of panties that she pulled up over my pants as I came back out in front of the crowd. It was fun and funny.
I've had some great dances from 5s and lousy dances from 9s. I try to look for a combination of attitude and appearance when selecting a dancer...or I just grab whatever is available. Depends on the mood.
I usually go to nicer clubs but I occasionally like to go to dives too. Just to see what they're all about. I've got some pretty good stories about fresh stitches on waitresses and clubs that were half sunk into the ground.
All I can say is figure out what you enjoy and don't be afraid to try something new.
in my younger days, a dive was kinda fun. but now, for whatever reason (maybe cuz I stopped drinking?), i would much rather be surrounded by really pretty girls with good personalities and have dances with minimal contact, than get full contact from a bunch of mediocre ones (looks and personality both).
I generally prefer midlevel clubs, but I've been known to go to many dive clubs. I don't even want to talk about some of the dancers I've bought dances from.
I like dives with 8+ scale dancers.
Clubs---I like midlevel clubs mostly. I don't like dives, just because dives here are powderkegs of violence.
Dancers--I like to see 7s or higher, but I have met some 5s who were really entertaining.
Easy questions.
Club - Can be any of your three as long as I am comfortable in that particular club.
Dancers - Same as clubs. Any of your three choices as long as I enjoy spending time with that particular dancer.
Same here Clubber
I could be mistaken but I think it's troops picture causes a slight slow down as you scroll down the page. The old TUSCL format never slowed down because of the animated pictures.
I mean Prim0's picture.
Mine moves as well, but I see no slow down. Perhaps it is your video that is the problem.
Well, because I like moderate to high mileage, it depends on the region/city.
Here in Phoenix, the three nicest clubs are Christies, Bourbon St., and Hiliter. The dances there are as good as any other place in town, and the girls are better looking. I think many parts of Florida are similar.
In New Jersey and CT, there seems to be an inverse relationship between club quality and it's off to the dives. I think the quality/mileage trade-off places include Detroit, Columbus OH, and Dallas.
I like mid level best but a dive with good contact is fine. I stay away from high class clubs as I find you cannot have fun there unless you are willing to spend way too much money for a Champaign room. It also seems to me that the girls in the fancy clubs are less friendly and less likely to provide me with a good experience. Also most strip clubs I have been in over the years have at least one dancer that will get my attention. This is true even at the dives.
As for dancer level I like young, petite and natural. As long as she fits that criteria and has a pleasant personality she will work for me. My rating on girls would differ from a lot of guys since I would usually not get a dance from a girl with bolt ons. I would rate a "natural" dancer much higher, everything else being equal. My 9 or 10 might be somebody's 5 as this type of rating is very subjective.
i mostly stick to dives with a few mediums in between, the way i
go S-Clubbin, i go with the intent of "milking my pants" and
in my experience, the dives seem to be the best venue for this.
as for the women, i stick to 6 and lower, mainly because if the
7up crew is around then the 6 and lower have to work harder to
compete with the best, and in my experience, the 6 and lower crowd
gives better contact and happy endings, plus i like to be that
nice guy that comes in gives them the time of day and make them
feel special since most likely been getting rejected for most of
their shift.
i avoid the high class clubs at all costs.
I like to have some class, or at least lack of obvious low class - from both management and dancers. Can't stand chickenshit drink hustles or fat ghetto skanks who won't go away. I like eye candy (7+, thin/toned, and natural) but personality is just as important.
Most southern CA clubs are just gross - dancers and customers alike are way too ghetto. I go for midrange. I'll gladly pay $10 to get in and $20 for a dance, but more than that is pushing it.
The most important thing is a comfortable atmosphere, where I feel welcome, and my business appreciated.
What a lot of people call "upscale" is just tight-ass, unless you're willing to drop 4 figures. So I wouldn't ever rate an "upscale" club as "high", as you mentioned.
That said, it depends on a few things:
In general, I'd agree with you on the clean/safe thing. I wouldn't go for something less than that just to go.
However, I did follow two dancers from one club (that shut down) to another that's in a pretty shitty part of town. Thankfully, the first club is back again as is one of the dancers, and soon the other one.
What attracts me to a dancer is so all-over-the-map, that I'm probably the worst judge on TUSCL for rating dancers (though in my reviews, I try to look through the average guy's eyes).
For example, being an old fart, I'm (at least initially) drawn to older dancers. I'm sure that, for a lot of guys, the age factor alone would cost the girl a point or three in rating.
Isn't "high class strip club" an oxymoron? Seriously.
Some may be more expensive than others, but...
I never thought of something you mention. I think you may be on to something about the "old fart" factor. I, too, am often drawn to the older dancers. However, I have attributed it to the fact that the younger seem to mostly be airheads, which I find un-sexy.
Hmm. I guess I'm a shallow old fart. I like 'em younger. I'm not gonna turn down an older one just because she's older, but the younger ones will catch my eye first.
I try to avoid the "upscale" clubs. You spend way too much money. Everything from drinks to vip to dancers are too expensive. I choose mid-level clubs. More value for the dollar. I avoid dives, no class at all, the clientele is rough, and the girls are usually below 5. (Why would a 6 to 9 work in a dive?)
I would prefer 8+ dancers in a mid-level club if I can get them. Problem is they know they are 8 and above and many of them won't give you quality time unless you hit it off with them.
So I usually look for the best "7" in the club and go with her if she meets all that I am looking for. Body is first, then personality, then looks. It is hard to explain, I just know them when I meet them. Mid-level clubs have the best value, beautiful (just not perfect girls) and reasonable prices.
My personal favorite is a beautiful 8 or 9 as far as I am concerned. She works at a mid-level club. We go together like peas and carrots, and that is what makes her special even though she has a little extra weight. But to me she is the perfect woman.
There is a large variable in what one considers "old". When I was 21, someone 50 was old. Now, at 61, some over 90 is old. At present, and young dancer would be under about 30. Above that, older.
Clubber, yeah, I'm with you on the "younger are mostly airheads" (although my ATF is the exception that proves the rule - she's all of 22). And that's probably a good part of my attraction to older dancers. I don't want to have to say "Oh, will you please shut up, give me my LD, and then go the hell away!!"
Clubber: Yeah, no disagreement there. My current (and only!) ATF will be thirty in a couple of months, but she doesn't really look it. That's just about the absolute top end of my interest, but there are exceptions.
I met my ATF when she was 20. She is now closing in on 30. She was more intelligent than most ever dancer I've ever know or heard of. She was very frugal, invested well, and retired. She has dabbled in a few things (real estate now), but basically doesn't need to work.
My ATF will (unfortunately) be semi-retiring at age 23. She'll probably only dance once a week to get her fix of getting naked. She just got a day job that provides even more money than dancing (which tells you how insane SC patrons are in Atlanta).