Comments by Electronman (page 78)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Guide to Asking for Extra's at a Club
    Sure fire lines?? I've got money, do you have a gag reflex?
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    11 years ago
    Where should I go?
    Dallas^^^^ DR sounds interesting, especially Puerto Plata and Sousa (I was not overwhelmed with the scene in Punta Cana but my mongering opportunities were limited so maybe I missed something). The hotel prices are all over the chart on Kayak. Are the lower priced places decent-- that is clean, no bed bugs and safe??
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    RIP Ken Norton
    Norton was great but he ranks behind Foreman, at least on the grill marketing scale.
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    11 years ago
    Where should I go?
    I agree that TJ is difficult to top. How about a trip to Bangkok or the DR? If restricted to the states?? Houston or LA?? Looking forward to a report.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    what do you call your 100 billz ?
    BJ coupons.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    sundowner stript club
    Welcome to TUSCL. A couple of hints-- Hint #1. Learn how this web site works before you post a question in the discussion section, especially a request for information that is readily available under the Sundowner club page. It's simple. Click "Clubs" in the banner at the top of the home page. That will open a page where you can click on the area of the country where the Sundowner is located. Presumably you are talking about the Sundowner Strip Club that is located near Niagara Falls (but it would have helped if you had been more specific-- recall that this site has readers from all over North America and beyond). So find Canada and click on Ontario and then click on Niagara Falls. Then read the reviews of the Sundowner. If you want directions to the club, click on the map icon. Alternatively, just insert "Sundowner" into the search box and you'll be able to find the club's page and reviews. In either case, its pretty simple. If you read the reviews and don't find what you're looking for, then a post in the discussion thread will generally be met with helpful comments. Hint #2. Try to minimize spelling and punctuation errors and try to write in complete sentences. I'm not trying to sound like your high school English teacher but decent spelling and punctuation make it so much easier to understand your question and to respond appropriately. Happy browsing on the web site.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Does the ABSENCE of extras influence your club rating?
    I agree with Shadow Cat on this one. Air dance clubs and clubs with very limited 2 way contact get poor ratings from me, even if the dancers are attractive and the clubs have nice facilities. If high mileage, extras friendly clubs were not available in my area (Michigan), I would spend much less time and money at strip clubs. However, I prefer strip clubs (the extras friendly variety) over brothels (such as Adelitas as mentioned by Rick). I like the party atmosphere, the stage performances and the dancer selection process over the brothel or AMP experience. As a side note, Hong Kong is more of a strip club scene than Adelitas, where the women do not dance but hang around the perimeter of the club for men to select. The clubs are nearly adjacent to each other in Tijuana but they offer different experiences.
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    11 years ago
    Athletic Shorts
    Dark shorts, smooth fabric, commando style. Dark shorts don't show wet spots (either from me or from her) as much as lighter colored shorts. No to athletic shorts-- not enough pockets to store money, keys, phone, condoms, wipes and all the essential supplies for a good strip club visit.
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    11 years ago
    G.I. Commando
    During warm weather, I typically go commando and wear shorts. I was getting a nude lap dance in one club and the dancer, after running her hand up my shorts, commented "Wow, you aren't wearing underwear." To which I replied, "and you aren't wearing underwear either. We're even." She laughed and proceeded to give me a HJ.
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    11 years ago
    Financial Paradox
    In addition to lax zoning laws in impoverished cities and city officials who are grateful for any tax paying business (including strip clubs), don't overlook the role of law enforcement. In some high crime areas, LEO is busy with more serious crimes than preventing consenting adults from having sex in the relative privacy of a strip club VIP. It is possible (however remotely), that LEO's might supplement their meager salaries with a little hush money from the adult businesses.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit VIP big enough for 3
    Toy Chest, Players and Hustler all have good sized VIP rooms. A few of the rooms at Flight Club and Penthouse are also pretty good sized. Hustler is pretty pricey.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Anyone know the story behind this one? .... Nude dancers in Battle Creek raided
    No vitriol intended Jester. The reports are inconsistent regarding what prompted the visit by the police. One report (see MLive) suggests that the officers noticed a "commotion" and did a walk through-- no mention of reports of a fight spurring a police visit, nor any reports of a violation of a noise ordinance. Other reports are inconsistent about the presence of drugs at the party-- evidently no arrests were drug related. Regardless of what prompted the visit by the police, I have concerns about police arresting people for having sex at a PRIVATE party and charging them with disorderly conduct. I also have concerns about the police breaking up a PRIVATE party (and possibly charging people with indecent exposure)because people were dancing nude. In general, I support the concept of government restraint when it comes to individual rights especially when those rights are exercised in private settings. The protection of individual rights should apply to nudity, nude dancing and having sex, as long as the party is PRIVATE and as long as all parties are consenting adults. Evidently the Masons were distraught that their building was being used for such activity but that is an issue of refining a rental agreement and taking civil (not criminal) action if there is a violation of the rental agreement.
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    11 years ago
    Anyone know the story behind this one? .... Nude dancers in Battle Creek raided
    So, let me get this straight. Police can force their way into a private party and break it up because people are dancing nude?? So does this mean that the police can break into a private home and arrest anyone who happens to be nude? I'm not sure what ordinance was violated. After all, the party was private. By the way, this police department has a very questionable track record-- several of their officers have been arrested and/or dismissed because of DUI issues.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    re: Location of a New Gentlemen's Club Question
    If I had a million dollars to invest in a strip club, I'd certainly do a lot of research on regulations that might limit the location and operation of strip clubs. That said, there are several major U.S. cities that seem to have a well deserved reputation for having overpriced and boring strip clubs--- think Chicago, Grand Rapids (MI) and San Diego. If you could find an adjoining municipality that would tolerate a high mileage club and still be accessible to these major population centers, it might have some potential. I'm also amazed at the absence of strip clubs in some medium-sized cities that house major universities --- think Gainesville, FL (U of Florida) and Tallahassee, FL (Florida State). So much talent in need of tuition support!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The shaved pussy epidemic has endangered the crabs--- thank goodness.
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    11 years ago
    blow job question
    And where do you dance? This may require an "in person" discussion.
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    11 years ago
    Most mileage on stage?
    At the shaving cream show at the Hong Kong in Tijuana, I had a similar experience as Siege031. Naked shaving cream covered dancers would go to the customers sitting at the tip rail and offer either finger or dildo in vagina for a dollar tip. My experience was mild compared to a seemingly random customer who was selected for an on stage dance by a group of four shaving cream covered dancers. They got him on the stage, handcuffed him to the dancer pole, stripped him naked and covered him with shaving cream. The four dancers took turns giving him a HJ and a BJ. One of the dancers eventually put a condom on the guy and rode him CG for a few minutes. The stage show must have lasted 30 minutes or more and they collected baskets full of shaving cream covered one dollar and five dollar bills from the 100 or so customers (some female) who watched the show from the tip rail.
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    11 years ago
    Legalized prostitution
    Legalizing prostitution would not be a panacea (I'm not naive!) but it could be a major improvement over the United State's current strategy of stings and arrests of prostitutes and their customers. Sex between consenting adults is the only perfectly legal activity that becomes illegal when money is exchanged for the service. Making prostitution illegal pushes the activity underground and, in my opinion, a) makes it more dangerous for the providers, b) makes it more dangerous for the customers, c) increases the profit motive for the pimps and organized crime, d) removes any recourse for women who are being exploited by their pimps (c and d both promote human trafficking), e) removes a possible stream of tax revenue for governments, and f) stigmatizes the providers. Legalizing prostitution would NOT solve any drug abuse problem (better solved by prevention and effective treatment) or exploitation of workers (better solved by providing an education and a viable economy that gives the workers some employment options other than prostitution). Note that the above is opinion-- testable by social experimentation but that experiment would require that some state or city be brave enough to admit that the current system does not work and to experiment with legalized and regulated prostitution --- who knows, maybe Detroit? It could certainly use the tax revenue and the club scene is already pretty lax. By the way, I have been to Tijuana. Highly recommended!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I agree with the Flight Club recommendations above. Lots of fun can be had at the Flight Club in the 150-200 price range. As Boogie implies, some will ask for more but don't be reluctant to negotiate, especially if the club is not crowded or if it is getting near the end of a shift.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit Recommendations?
    The flight club (for all the reasons mentioned above). Also within an easy drive of the cricket and worth a stop: toy chest and BTs.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit or Tijuana?
    I've been clubbing in both cities. Any serious monger should arrange for a visit to the strip clubs in both cities. I would give TJ a slight edge over Detroit, largely based on 1) the over the top sex circus feel of my favorite TJ club, Hong Kong (the lesbian shaving cream show with audience participation and penetration is worth the trip), 2) the attached hotel rooms with beds and showers, etc. and 3) the value (60-80 for a half hour visit to a hotel). Two minor down sides to TJ-- many of the dancers require the everything, including BJ, be covered and crossing the border back to the U.S. can be a hassle. Detroit has more variety of dancers (white, black, latina, a few asian) and a wide variety of clubs (some lower end such as Bogarts and Henry VII) and some higher end (Penthouse and Flight Club). On the down side, a bit more expensive than TJ and the ITC options range from a closet sized booth with a chair to small room with a couch.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Ditto what Boogieknight said-- Detroit goes for around 100 for BBBJ and up to 200 for FS-- generally top talent at those prices. Occasionally a dancer will snag a naive customer who will pay more thus inflating the price point for the rest of us.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    After hours parties at strip clubs?
    Good tales of after hours adventures. If morality laws in the U.S. weren't so overbearing, I wonder how many strip clubs might look like the after hours parties that you describe. Now that I think of it, it sounds like day in and day out business at Hong Kong and Adelitas in Tijuana.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Shorts Vs. Pants Pros and Cons
    Preferred attire: black shorts, commando style. Why black--- well lighter colors show wet spots (from me or the dancer).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    One strippers way of eliminating competition.
    I agree with Jackslash. A sex with lawyers thread should be more accurately titled "anal sex" or "beastiality."