
Most mileage on stage?

Monday, August 19, 2013 12:52 PM
What's the most mileage you've ever received tipping a girl on stage? Mine will probably be tame compared to rest of you guys. I had a girl lift up my shirt a little and put a dollar halfway in my boxers. She then proceeded to remove the dollar from my boxers using her mouth. Others?


  • looneylarry
    11 years ago
    I've had a girl unbutton my shirt most of the way down, then lean in and nibble on one nipple, kiss across my chest, and nibble on the other one. Took her sweet time doing it. Then did a long, thorough stripper handshake, making sure she grabbed all of it and squeezed up and down the full length a couple of times. Then she squatted down and blew and nibbled on my package, in a slow sensual way. All while I was standing next to the short stage, but in front of everybody. I became a regular customer, needless to say.
  • BossPlayer
    11 years ago
    I had a handjob one time at a dive bar
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Mine is tame also. Back when I lived in Dallas and visited the old Baby Dolls location, there was a tiny SC right next to BDs (it was actually part of the same bulding). The SC was mostly Hispanic and black dancers (where BDs was/is mostly white dancers). The small SC next door to BDs had long tables that sat around 15 or 20 people per table – there were two long tables per row and about 4 or 5 rows with each row being higher/elevated from the previous row (kind of like an auditorium classroom sitting). Anyway, the “stage dances” were on the tables you were sitting on. The dancers would make their way around the club dancing on each table and one could tip if they wanted to. Most of the time one would get a mini lap dance right there at your seat and if you tipped extra (total of 3 or 4 bucks or so); the mini LD would last longer – you could also grab T&A. I used to love the “stage dance” setup in that little club b/c it allowed you good close up contact from any dancer that you wanted to tip.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Actually, I recall in another SC in Texas; the now closed Peep N Toms in Arlington, TX. This was a smallish black SC that had 3 stages. 2 of the stages were satellite stages that were pretty low and allowed easy access to the dancers. The satellite stages were barely above knee level and the big-booty ebony dancers would get on all 4s and allow you to “get up close and personal” from behind while you were tipping them on the satellite stage. I recall how I would come up behind those big-booty ebony dancers on all 4s (the dancer that is :)) and stick my commando torpedo b/w their voluminous butt cheeks and the dancers would often reach their hand down and back b/w their legs (while on all 4 with their butts against me) and start grabbing my johnson and basically giving me an over the pants HJ while tipping a few bucks on stage – ahh the good ole days :)
  • Siege031
    11 years ago
    Its is obvious that most of you haven't been to the Hong Kong Gentlemens club down in Tijuana. Personally i have finger banged several girls on stage, used a dildo on one and a mini Louisville baseball bat on anouther. (I have pics to prove this, which were taken by the wait staff) Anouther club patron far braver than I actually took a couple licks to one dancer's pussy, all for the tune of about 3 dollars.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Kiss on the cheek & tits in the face. I don't give a shit about this kind of action. I am MOST interested in VIP action.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    I got to see a nipple once. That was awesome!
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    PT's all nude (aka centerfolds) Arura CO The 'main' stages are low tables surrounded by couches. For $2 you get a one-way but full grind mini lap right at the stage.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I've had my package groped so many times that I almost expect it anymore. The most unusual one though was the dancer at Columbia Platinum Plus that would always pull my t-shirt up and rub her bare tits on my bare chest. She is still dancing there.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    @mjx and Papi- at a lot of the Portland clubs you will get a mini lapdance on stage. I guess it varies state to stage. @Alucard- tits in your face is the most mileage you've ever got on stage? After all your years of clubbing? I just find that a little surprising. @Shadowcat, Looneylarry and Siege- I am envious!
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "@Alucard- tits in your face is the most mileage you've ever got on stage? After all your years of clubbing? I just find that a little surprising." As I said before ranukam Sir, I am MORE interested & FOCUSED entirely on what happens in the VIP room. NOT what happens on stage. I only go to the stage & offer a tip IF I want a dancer to stop by and talk prior to any backroom action.
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    I remember those stage blow jobs damn cops had to close the place
  • Corvus
    11 years ago
    I have found myself tipping less and less at the stage these days. I have my favs and spend time with them. I will tip if there is an outstanding dancer or to get a girls attention. But I also don't feel the need to stand there in front of everyone waiting on the girl to come over to me or while she rubs on me. I understand what Alucard said. But I'm not a tight wad either and appreciate the girls and their effort. So I do tip, just not as often in my regular clubs as in the past. But I also have never received any outrageous mileage while tipping at the stage. Tits in the face, some stick shifting, some light kissing. Nothing outstanding.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    I agree with mjx01 about pt all nude. I have had dancers run hands up my shorts and do a little hj action at stage
  • juiicebox69
    11 years ago
    I got som juicy pussy rite at the stage !
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    They call me Mr. Tipps
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I had one girl tell me it was her last night and she wanted to do a lap dance for me. Then she ran her hands up my shorts all the way to my underwear. I believed there were cameras in the dance rooms but in hindsite, I probably missed a good dance if she got away with that at the stage. Once or twice a dancer took my hands and put them right on her nice tits and held my hands there. Then she told me her doctor said to massage her breasts and then asked if I wanted to do that, after holding my hands on her tits what seemed like an eternity for a stage tip. One dancer using her teeth undid my belt and pulled it off my shorts. Then she did something else with it. She had everyone's attention. A porn star feature entertainer in an all nude club with a very narrow but long stage noticed all the guys were leaning over the full stage not giving her hardly any room. Then she saw me sitting back in my chair and she started looking at me. She got down on all fours. It was a low stage. As her lips approached my crotch she got a lucky but gentle grip on my dick with her teeth. I had my shorts on but wasn't expecting my dick to end up inside a porn stars mouth. I thought this wouldn't last long. However she seemed to go right then left then all around. When I thought she might be done she started to back up. She didn't let go. When she reached a certain point, I wanted to grab her and tell her to stop or let go. It was a strict club where customers couldn't touch the dancer. She probably saw a not so pleasant look on my face and finally let go. Every single guy at the stage sat back in his chair at the stage. When I went to the restroom, my white shorts were all red everywhere on the entire front half. I think I started wearing dark shorts not long after.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    I gave a busty East Asian my standard $2 that I give for being on stage and having a vag. Before I knew it she had palmed the back of my head and smacked and exquisite nipple into my gob. Naturally I pulled out and handed over the additional fiver that nice surprise so richly deserved.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I like it when a dancer puts both legs up on your shoulders and bikini area right in your face during a stage tip, in addition to a little bit of but grinding. Then I tip her a dollar. Lol, managed to do another double post, lol.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    “… I like it when a dancer puts both legs up on your shoulders …” Man – I hate that shit. I’m ~5”10 190 so I am not exactly a really big guy – so having a pair of legs (and a good part of the dancer’s weight) resting on my shoulders is annoying to me and I do not find it it sexy at all – especially when they start pulling on you with their legs and basically knocking you off balance – not sexy – kinda irritating.
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    I've had through the pants dick nibblers and package grappers, but the best was the one who would let me suck her tits in a no touch club. She would hice the act with her long hair.
  • rl27
    11 years ago
    The most that ever happened was at a dive in Cleveland called Pinky's, which closed at least over a decade ago. The lady on stage bent down, unzipped my pants and sucked my package through my underwear for a good 20 seconds, zipped me back up and then made her pitch for a private dance. Needless to say, her pitch succeeded.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I once got 60 mpg on stage.
  • Dain
    11 years ago
    I did DATY years ago in Washington DC, Pittsburgh, and San Francisco. I used the dancers' dildos on them twice in SF. I got groped in SF and LA. But off-stage, I've gotten many HJs.
  • Electronman
    11 years ago
    At the shaving cream show at the Hong Kong in Tijuana, I had a similar experience as Siege031. Naked shaving cream covered dancers would go to the customers sitting at the tip rail and offer either finger or dildo in vagina for a dollar tip. My experience was mild compared to a seemingly random customer who was selected for an on stage dance by a group of four shaving cream covered dancers. They got him on the stage, handcuffed him to the dancer pole, stripped him naked and covered him with shaving cream. The four dancers took turns giving him a HJ and a BJ. One of the dancers eventually put a condom on the guy and rode him CG for a few minutes. The stage show must have lasted 30 minutes or more and they collected baskets full of shaving cream covered one dollar and five dollar bills from the 100 or so customers (some female) who watched the show from the tip rail.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    I've had many experiences with DATY with dancers onstage at my favorite club. They are also fond of giving out lapdances to tipping customers. Miss Kitty's in Washington Park, IL, is similar, only they will do it for their whole stage set there, as long as no other customers are present. I have done DATY with at least two dancers in Kansas clubs as well.
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    I got to breast feed
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    A girl on stage rubbed her ass on on my chest while I was standung and sitting. The platform was tall and so were heels and even though I'm tall (no bs folks) she just couldn't squat to reach my groin area. Ah well I lightly (on my own accord since its super public and I don't like bouncers) fondled her breast and ass. There's benifits to tipping it seems (and being the only tipper to boot). Waiting for when a girl slaps her tits in my face. I personally don't like it but it shows she's willing to make a tipping man happy on stage
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Ranukam my brother. Boy do I envy you
  • JackFrost9
    11 years ago
    I took an Ass to the face once
  • 3LeggedMan
    11 years ago
    A few weeks ago I had a dancer tell me to turn my chair so my back was to the stage. Then she climbed over my head and down my chest until she was nibbling my wood thru the pants and running her clothed kitty all over my face. I always go stage side to tip this girl but haven't had a repeat yet.
  • Prim0
    11 years ago
    When I was working at a club, one dancer did an "Ice Cream" show. She ended by filling up the front of her g-string with ice cream and then selling spoonfuls to the customers for a dollar. She was fired for that immediately but several guys did get some of her ice cream pie. I saw Janine Lindimulder at Columbus Gold years ago...she got pretty raunchy on stage. Fully naked and all over guys pants!
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    Yep I was right, my mileage on stage is tame compared to most of you guys. Esta my brother I'm envious of you. I wish I was living in New York, I would be at Flashdancers so much!
  • MrDeuce
    11 years ago
    Once at Club Rio in Indianapolis I sat down at the stage, still somewhat aroused from a couple of private dances, to tip the dancer. She crawled down off the stage, straddled me, and gave me a lap dance that ended with an intense JIP. I think she knew exactly what she was doing and its effect on me. I tipped her $20 instead of $2 -- the only time I've ever tipped more than $2 at the stage -- and left with a big smile :)
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