Hint #1. Learn how this web site works before you post a question in the discussion section, especially a request for information that is readily available under the Sundowner club page.
It's simple. Click "Clubs" in the banner at the top of the home page. That will open a page where you can click on the area of the country where the Sundowner is located. Presumably you are talking about the Sundowner Strip Club that is located near Niagara Falls (but it would have helped if you had been more specific-- recall that this site has readers from all over North America and beyond). So find Canada and click on Ontario and then click on Niagara Falls. Then read the reviews of the Sundowner. If you want directions to the club, click on the map icon.
Alternatively, just insert "Sundowner" into the search box and you'll be able to find the club's page and reviews. In either case, its pretty simple. If you read the reviews and don't find what you're looking for, then a post in the discussion thread will generally be met with helpful comments.
Hint #2. Try to minimize spelling and punctuation errors and try to write in complete sentences. I'm not trying to sound like your high school English teacher but decent spelling and punctuation make it so much easier to understand your question and to respond appropriately.
"Hint #2. Try to minimize spelling and punctuation errors and try to write in complete sentences. I'm not trying to sound like your high school English teacher but decent spelling and punctuation make it so much easier to understand your question and to respond appropriately. "
OBVIOUSLY there are many current members who don't give a damned about Rule #2 or are too stupid. Let's get a Grammar Monitor!! LOL [Occasional typos acceptable]
As Electronman says - "but decent spelling and punctuation make it so much easier to understand your question and to respond appropriately" and I'll add that it helps to be taken a bit more seriously, UNLESS you wish to be seen as a COMPLETE buffoon.
Hint #1. Learn how this web site works before you post a question in the discussion section, especially a request for information that is readily available under the Sundowner club page.
It's simple. Click "Clubs" in the banner at the top of the home page. That will open a page where you can click on the area of the country where the Sundowner is located. Presumably you are talking about the Sundowner Strip Club that is located near Niagara Falls (but it would have helped if you had been more specific-- recall that this site has readers from all over North America and beyond). So find Canada and click on Ontario and then click on Niagara Falls. Then read the reviews of the Sundowner. If you want directions to the club, click on the map icon.
Alternatively, just insert "Sundowner" into the search box and you'll be able to find the club's page and reviews. In either case, its pretty simple. If you read the reviews and don't find what you're looking for, then a post in the discussion thread will generally be met with helpful comments.
Hint #2. Try to minimize spelling and punctuation errors and try to write in complete sentences. I'm not trying to sound like your high school English teacher but decent spelling and punctuation make it so much easier to understand your question and to respond appropriately.
Happy browsing on the web site.
OBVIOUSLY there are many current members who don't give a damned about Rule #2 or are too stupid. Let's get a Grammar Monitor!! LOL [Occasional typos acceptable]
As Electronman says - "but decent spelling and punctuation make it so much easier to understand your question and to respond appropriately" and I'll add that it helps to be taken a bit more seriously, UNLESS you wish to be seen as a COMPLETE buffoon.
Welcome aboard juice sock puppet #632