
Comments by Dudester (page 77)

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    16 years ago
    Non-Stripclub . . . Burglar shows up for Holiday Season
    I got burgled 12 years ago. The worst part is that the burglar took a bunch of worthless items with very sentimental value.
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    16 years ago
    Be Careful Out There, People
    A robber did get the drop on me once, in a hotel parking lot. He was clever enough to have his partner out in front of me acting suspiciously. I was so concerned watching him that I didn't see the guy coming up from behind. I've been in many fights, and won most of them easily, so when the guy hit my head from behind, I thought he'd just bought himself a whole six pack of hurt. We went to the ground and when the gun went off right next to my right eye, the bullet grazing my right eyebrow, I knew it was time to fork over the wallet. Luckily, I only ended up with some scrapes and a couple of lumps.
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    16 years ago
    Strip Clubs and Big Screens
    Actually, I've gone several times just for TV. I don't have cable at home (long story). During March Mardness about ten years ago I found that St. James was the least occupied place carrying games. It was a Saturday night and the strippers were looking for guys looking at them. I was watching a team that rarely appeared in the tournament. I've also gone a couple of times for other sporting events. One night at St. James I was watching one event when a looker came up to the table. Immediately, I told her I was the event and wouldn't be interested in company/LD's. She stayed for a half hour, either feigning interest or being bored before she finally got up and left-with her eyes glazed over.
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    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    1)I don't lecture, but I am curious about the girl. If the girl tells me a little about herself, it enhances the fantasy. 2) I don't like the heels/platforms that clubs require girls to wear. If they do have to wear them on the floor, by all means take them off for the LD. I won't tell on you and I'd prefer that neither one of us gets injured. 3) Don't use force on LD's. I've had girls bang me around and bruise me. A LD should be slow and sensual. During the LD, if I get kitty in the face, I want to look at and touch the kitty-not a closeup of a thong. 4) Greetings are difficult. I prefer that a girl ask me if I want company, not instantly hit me up for a dance or start some kind of sales pitch. If I welcome you to my table and you give me GFE, I'll buy you a drink. Soon after, we'll do the dance of love. A fantasy is enhanced by seduction, not a sales pitch.
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    16 years ago
    The history of "mileage"
    I first went to strip clubs in the early 80's (1980-83) in San Diego. Even though I was a regular, the places were no mileage and a personal dance was 100% air. I didn't go again until 1989, in Houston. I went to the old Ricks (now Onyx). The "personal dance" was one way contact only and 75% air. 1992 was the next time. LD's were now full contact. I was surprised when the dancer grabbed my hands and put them on her tits. She also offered me the full menu, including take out. St. James, back then, had a couple of trailers out back where OTC was openly going on. So, mileage definitely took off right around 1990-91 in my experience.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    My worst strip club experience.
    I really had to think on this as I only had one, and didn't consider it all that important. It was my third time in the French Quarter of New Orleans and the first time I had discretionary cash. I went into that strip joint on Bourbon Street where you see the leg swinging back and forth in front. I found the place to be wanting, and the dancers onstage as well. One semi attractive gal had finished her time onstage and collected tips from a few guys in the audience. She was replaced by this overweight over the hill scraggleface. Scraggleface did her thing onstage then went around to collect tips. When she asked me for a tip I said "no". She got upset and said everyone was required to tip. I told her to go away. She went away, but returned with a mountain of a bouncer. He came at me menacingly. I have decades of martial arts experience and was once the best bare knuckles brawler in San Diego. I told tiny to stop because he didn't want "to go there". He stopped, realizing that he might be up against a challenge. I told him I was leaving. Scraggleface asked about her tip. I shot tiny a look. He told her to back off. I left without further incident.
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    16 years ago
    Limericks and other poems etc.
    Let me expand upon what how started here-the whole thing In 1492 a dago from Portales was walking down the streets of Spain a selling hot tamales (Refrain-He said the world was round oh he said it could be found oh that hypothetical masturbating son of a bitch Columbo He walked right up to the Queen of Spain demanding ships and cargo. He said I'll be a son of a bitch if I don't bring back Chicago. refrain The Queen of Spain she gave him ships they all were triple deckers The Queen of Spain she waved goodbye Columbo waved his pecker. refrain For forty days and forty nights they sailed the broad Atlantic if not for the actions of the cabin boy the crew would all go frantic refrain The cabin boy, the cabin boy that dirty little nipper he reamed his ass with pieces of glass and circumsized the skipper refrain Finally they reached the American shore and spotted an American whore within the space of twenty four hours she'd made ten thousand dollars refrain (slowly) end.
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    16 years ago
    your age and number of years "clubbing"
    47-29 years, the last 11 seriously
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    16 years ago
    Favorite "closed" club
    I also have to mention the "Roaring Twenties". It was a really tiny strip joint, also fully nude, in downtown San Diego. It had been a strip joint since the 1950's. In 1982, the longtime owner sold it to a dancer for 50k. A year later, she sold it for 13 times that in the downtown purge. It had been an ultra low mileage joint during it's existence, but on it's last day became high mileage-with the words of the owner:"What are they going to do? Shut me down? We're closing today!!!"
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    16 years ago
    Favorite "closed" club
    The Showboat in downtown San Diego. It was an all nude joint with dancers who were porn starlets between movies. It wasn't uncommon to get a real show onstage that might feature a bottle going into naughty places, or two gals really enjoying each other onstage. Once in a while a guy would be brought onstage for a bed dance (he was clothed, she wasn't). Like most of the all night theaters, adult bookstores, and strip joints in the downtown area, it went away in a redoing of downtown into something chic and tourist friendly.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Most erotic stage tip.
    I've only seen this in clubs about to be raided, but in a topless joint, if the dancer "rearranges" her thong (giving a kitty peek)-I think this is erotic and I like it. I haven't seen this in quite a long time because clubs require dancers to wear those stupid platforms, but a dancer who can actually dance-her hips move to the rhythm in conjunction with her shoulders and she has good posture. I will actually tip more when I see this. Hell, I'll pay her (20.00) to (really) dance to songs I like onstage.
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    16 years ago
    Some questions to customers from an ex dancer
    I just want to know how the majority of customers feel on certain things and know what kind of customers you are. So if you wouldn't mind answering these questions, I would appreciate it. What is your outlook on dancers all together? As a single guy, I find their service a very necessary thing in a screwed up society like ours. Most single women are single for a very good reason (they're nuts). I like the scene in the original Battlestar Galactica where Cassieopiea is talking about being a Socialator, "an honored practice that's been going on yarns." Men need fantasy and I need to be validated as a man without having to put up without all kind of nutso stuff (phone calls-"Do you like me?" puh-leez) What is your tipping style? Examples - Strict $1, what do you expect when you give a dancer a tip, etc..? Singles at the stage-15-30 seconds of attention at the stage and an opportunity to line up a LD. What do you expect out of a lapdance and VIP rooms? During the first LD, let the dancer set the tone. If she's receptive to touching-all good. If not, it'll just be one LD. If we get to ten LD's in a row (the club has no VIP room) there should be all access available. If the dancer and I already have a relationship, I expect to eat her out and her to someway gratify me. As for VIP room, for what I'm paying, it had better be anything goes. Do you pay for talking time and/or do you offer to buy drinks or will you buy the dancer a drink if she asks? Or do you refuse under all circumstances to buy a dancer a drink? If we have a couple of minutes of pleasant conversation and I welcome her presence, then by all means I'll buy her a drink. As for talking time, if the dancer wants me to pay her for talk time, she should be upfront about it, and offer a reasonable rate (40 an hour?). During the talk time, the GFE should be going on (cuddling, touching). Are you the type of customer that likes to approach dancers your self or vice-versa? I like to pick my own dancers, however, if I'm approached by a semi attractive, or attractive dancer with excellent sales technique (not hard sell), I'm not resentful. If you only like certain dancers and one you don't like approaches you, how do you react to her? I tell her 'm waiting for someone and point to a dancer onstage, or at another dancer disengaging from a customer. What kind of club attracts you and do you ask dancers for extras? If you ask for extras, what is usually the percentage that agree to extras? I prefer a club where extras are available and I avoid non extras clubs (what's the point?). Of dancers that allow kitty licking-40%, FS-10-15%. I'm not crazy about BJ's or HJ's because dancers are usually rough on little Elvis and that scares the hell out of him (he's a sensitive guy).
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    15 years ago
    She's Got the Look
    1) Resemblence to a hot celeb I fancy 2) Eyes 3) I have a certain type that really does it for me-has the Katie Holmes/young Phoebe Cates/Alyssa Milano look-cute eyes and nose, bee stung lips, porcelain complexion 4) Young cute Asian
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Does a stealing stripper always upset you?
    A looker once ripped me off for 200. I learned not to pay in advance. When I was a hotel asst. manager, I formed an alliance with the security guard for the topless joint across the street. One night, he called me over because he had a semi chaotic situation on his hands. While he dealt with one situation, I dealt with the other. A 20ish (white) stripper, on her first night got loaded. She was in no way ready to drive home. I located a cab driver I trusted, but a black stripper and her husband were trying to get her car keys away from her to "drive her car home". A tug of war broke out and I had to get ugly to get the keys. The white stripper got her keys the next day and quit that club.
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    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Music Appeal
    I dislike rap and techno (no ending/beginning). Some clubs are getting the message and playing older rock. I think adding a music criteria might be a good idea. Often in my reviews, I'll mention if the songs are long or short, or if the music is too loud.
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    16 years ago
    Where are you from?
    Oz, u de man!! I very much appreciate a worldly person. Global people are very interesting IMO. I've lived in Los Angeles, and been stationed in San Diego. I've lived in different parts of New Mexico, and been stationed in Roswell. I presently live in Texas. I did a TAD in the Marines that had me spend time in bases in San Francisco, Seattle, Alaska (Kiska), and Japan (Iwakuni, Okinawa).
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who to believe?
    I find myself sometimes at odds with other's ratings and the Palace in San Antonio is my best example. Most rate this place an 8 or 9. When I went there, the dancers either ignored me, or were rude. They gave me rancid soda, which caused me to hurl in the bathroom. The birds outside coated my car with crap. I gave the place a 1.
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    16 years ago
    Sweet Sixteen or Crazed College? . . .
    There are always exceptions. Three of the four 18 year olds I had sex with were inexperienced. The sex was rushed and they didn't understand building a rhythm. The fourth, a California girl-the best sex of my life. We went 8 hours (it was a one night stand). My first ATF was a 22 year old from California (there's just something about California girls). Always satisfying sex. My first lover, a 21 year old from California, taught me everything. She tasught me to withold while giving her repeat orgasms.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Favorite names for strip clubs.
    Sin City
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    16 years ago
    Sweet Sixteen or Crazed College? . . .
    Back before Texas changed the law (1989), I saw a sixteen year old dancing at a club. She was stunningly beautiful to look at, but spent the night in the arms of some sixty year old guy (grandpa?). Anyway, I've bedded four 18 year olds and had LD's from women 18-30. What I've learned is that 24 is the best age. They're still firm and they know what both you and her like.
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    15 years ago
    Just Asking
    1) Both 2) Both 3) Very Revealing 4) full range of beverages including milk and juices? 5) Wide menu
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    16 years ago
    Off Topic for Shadowcat . . .
    You are having a picnic by a lake, suddenly a pair of economists start drowning in the lake, do you: A) Turn up the radio so that you don't have to listen to them whine about their demise B) Move your picnic farther down the shore C) Call Rush Limbaugh to complain about economists ruining your picnic
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    16 years ago
    Stripper Jessica Biel
    I write, part time, for a celeb site. We've been tracking this story for weeks. Sometimes, we can get someone on a set to take a pic or two to confirm whether the actress shows the goods while playing a stripper. So far, the jury is out on this one. We want to believe she'll show her goodies, but with Closer in mind (Natalie Portman played a stripper, but never stripped-IN THE CLUB), we're afraid of getting burned again.
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    16 years ago
    Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto
    Actually, we are not too far from a time when people (mostly males) will take a simulated being as their mate. Upfront, there will be a huge cost, but in the long run cheaper than a human mate, and not bitchy, or annoying.
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    16 years ago
    At a topless joint, I'll gently pull down the front of her panty. If she objects,or pulls my hand away, I know she won't do extras. Once I pull down and rub their slit, the girl will stop and look over her shoulder ( a cop won't touch her down there, so she knows I'm not vice). As I insert my finger, or just as I'm about to, she'll make the offer. At a nude joint, they usually put their kitty in your face. Holding her butt and leaning forward for some DATY, she'll usually then tell me what she will/won't do.