Who to believe?

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb

You read a review. One guy rates it a 6. Next guy gives it a 9. I think that all of this is based upon the experiences of the reviewer. Newbies tend to rate high. First time away from May Berry? At clubs that I am familiar with, especially my favorite club, when they mention dirty deeds done with specific dancers, I don't know wether it is true or not. Usually it isn't. They just want to make themselves look good. I wish that I could post a rebuttal to some of the reviews I have seen. I have about 20 TUSCL brothers on here that I will believe any time and about 6 dancers.


last comment
avatar for giveitayank
16 yrs ago

I think it's amazing how some guys on here will give high marks to clubs because the dancers are hot and the decor ITC is upscale. They don't even seem to know what mileage is, or that it exists. Or, maybe they just don't care. But, I can tell you, that when I review a club, it is mileage first... the 1 to 10 (dancer hotness) scale second. And as far as how the decor looks... I don't care if the wall paper is pealing or how faded the 1970's wood paneling is. As long as the club is clean.

avatar for RickWood
16 yrs ago

Its hard for me to rate a club above an 8 that doesn't have at least a few beautiful women, with pleasant personalities that will join in the fun. I just can't believe a review of an air dance club that rates an 8 or up and a 7 is pushing it in my book. High mileage is required for an 8 and up.

avatar for Clubber
16 yrs ago

As long as there is subjective rating in anything, there will be variations, sometimes minor, sometimes not. We, as users of that rating, have to decide on or own, what is what.

avatar for burtreynoldsstudd
16 yrs ago

I would have to agree on the idea of newbies. I have been to a few different clubs with a friend of mine who had only ever been to one. He used to love this club but I hated most things about it and have drug him to other clubs. He has changed his stance and now hates it.

Personally, I can't rate a club on the level of mileage unless I am attracted to a girl so the mileage V attractive level go hand in hand.

avatar for Cougar289
16 yrs ago

Good question Shadow. As I ponder it I guess it saddens me some because I wish I were a newbie again. Back in the mid 90’s I remember how exciting Mitchell Bros. was for me in San Fran and how during the couch dances when she would accidentally (on purpose) touch her pussy to my face and slide down on me (no bumping and grinding or maybe just a little) that I would climax. I would have rated it a 10 every time. Today that kind of experience gets a 6 or 7 and doesn’t get close to a climax experience.

Then I was destroyed in the mid 90’s. I would frequently go to St. Louis on business and happened upon a place called the Red Garter. It was located in a very dangerous part of E. St. Louis. This club, as seedy as it looked from the outside had some fantastic looking women (and dogs also). It was officially labeled a bikini bar, but it was far from any bikini experience. But once you got in the women would move the bikini aside and insist you eat until you cum or in some cases while you were eating away another would come in and do a BJ on you. I never spent more than $25 to $30 for an hour of (very dangerous) pure delight. That club burnt down in 97 and I’ve never been to another club like it.

As I looked back on how I’ve rated the clubs since 05 that nothing gets above an 8 unless I have intercourse. Once you go to the dark side you can’t go back. I wish I could go back in time and give 10s to all those clubs that just had beautiful dancers and a mere touch would set me off. As I look at some of the 9 and 10 ratings and the description I think, how innocent and boring, but I’m envious.

As far as who to believe. I believe them all unless proven otherwise.

avatar for DandyDan
16 yrs ago

This is a nice topic. I have to agree. When you are new, it is easy to overrate a club, simply because the experience of seeing naked women in public is new. I know I was like that, or would have been had I been aware of this site way back when. I thought the first place I ever went, the Admiral Theater in Chicago, was the hottest place ever. I think about that now, and its insane. I would never go back, and its not because the girls are probably any less hot, but that it is still probably an airdance palace. But as I've gone to more clubs, and a wider variety of clubs, its easier to differentiate between the good and bad. I also think I overrate a new club the first time I go there, assuming I had a good experience. The first time I went to the Lumberyard in Des Moines, I thought that was the greatest place ever, largely because that was the first time I ever seen ladies get stripped naked. I could go back and enjoy it, but I know I wouldn't rate it as high, because I've seen other places with the ladies getting their clothes taken off, amongst other things. But sometimes, things just get old.

avatar for Dudester
16 yrs ago

I find myself sometimes at odds with other's ratings and the Palace in San Antonio is my best example. Most rate this place an 8 or 9. When I went there, the dancers either ignored me, or were rude. They gave me rancid soda, which caused me to hurl in the bathroom. The birds outside coated my car with crap. I gave the place a 1.

avatar for zorro
16 yrs ago

Like any critical review - movies, restaurants, strippers - you have to take the reviewer into account. It's not a question of believing one reviewer over another, it's whether they value what I value. I have found several reviewers here on TUSCL whose opinions seem to match my own. Also, I can usually tell by reading a review whether the "9" the reviewer gave is because the food was good or some other bullshit, or whether it's because there are hot girls and high-mileage dances. Furniture and strip-bar cuisine are never factored into my own ratings.

avatar for ShotDisc
16 yrs ago

A lot of good points are being made. I personally agree with those who don't care what the decor looks like. What do I care if the carpet is old, the couches are worn or the place hasn't been painted in forever. I go to SC's for one reason, and it isn't the wallpaper. If i visit a club for the first time, and the decor is modern and trendy, i get very suspicious. in my experience this means the club is high on hustle and plastic barbies and low on mileage and fun. some of the best places i have ever been have been the hole in the wall dives, where the dancers may not all be 9& 10's but they understand why I showed up and are willing to have some fun. As for the women, i personally prefer pretty, natural, normal sized, down to earth girls who may rate a 6 or 7 as opposed to those fake anorexic snots who may get an 8 or 9 from most guys. Very few clubs have ever gotten a 9 or 10 rating from me. Give me a Wackos in Jax over a High end "Gentlemen's Club" any day of the week.

avatar for minnow
16 yrs ago

I approach reviews like "stock picking" pundit newsletters. One must look beyond numerical grade, and read between the lines. Reading particular reviewers other reviews, if any, can also be insightful. Even if rave review, I'm still mindful of caveat "past performance doesn't guarantee future results." A report raving about wall-wall hotties on Sa. night may find something quite different on Tue. afternoon. Just because someone got bbj from Hotlips at 3pm on Tue. afternoon doesn't mean that A) I'll get the same thing from most any dancer on Thu. afternoon B) Hotlips will be there C) If Hotlips is there, she may not be someone that I'd want to get a bbj from.,etc, etc.

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
16 yrs ago

One thing that bugs me is the use of the expression "extras" for what I consider "mandatories." Like, "Hey, she sat on my lap, and grinded against me, and she let me fondle her tits, and all sorts of extras like that." Jeepers, soon they'll be saying it was noteworthy that she took her top off while she was on stage!

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
16 yrs ago

How about some "suggested guidelines" posted on the club-reviewing page where people put in their numbers here? We could make a suggestion to Founder that the input page include something like, "Suggestions: 10: don't rate anything this high unless you have attended at least 50 clubs in your lifetime; 9: this club is the best experience, among at least 25, of any club you have ever visited; 8: this is an excellent club, in terms of cleanliness, dancer quality ..." etc.

avatar for giveitayank
16 yrs ago

Some interesting points have been raised here. In summery, I think we all have one thing in common.... what used to excite us in the early years of strip clubbing, just doesn't do it for us anymore. And so now, we try to find something to keep it new and fresh. One thing that I know about myself is... I have done everything in a club, with strippers, that I would want to do with my wife in the bedroom. So, there really isn't anything new for me. And that's probably why I don't frequent clubs nearly as often as I used to.

avatar for imnumnutz
16 yrs ago

whenever i read a review that says something like, "girls all superhot, nothing but 8-10s...", I stop rite there. There is no club in the world that has nothing but 8 to 10s. In fact, in more than 20 years of clubbing, I think i've seen maybe 2 10s, and certainly no more than a couple dozen 9s. Even the best clubs, like the Vegas Rhino, feature girls that are generally 7-8s with maybe a handful of girls that are hotter, if you hit the club on a really special nite.

avatar for motown45
16 yrs ago

I think minnow hit it on the head with the whole "stock" idea which is why I appreciate it when folks flat out say that YMMV. I don't tend to go to a lot of clubs on the weekend and my experiences are probably a lot different than folks that do. I'm also glad that the listings also have the time of day because day shift, when there are less guys in a club, can be a whole different world from night shift. Honestly, I rely on the description more than the ratings. That helps me decide whether or not I'll give it a try. I will admit that I can be slanted if I had a particularly good time at a good, and a few very good dancers can make or break that. That's when I feel it's important to break it down and explain the rating.

avatar for mmdv26
16 yrs ago

This topic page, these posts right here should be mandatory reading for all newbies.

I stopped by my fav club tonight to just sit by the stage and look at previously unseen pussy. Just wanted to watch tonight. Ended up getting a dance from a new girl who got so uninhibited during her first dance, it was like she was unaware that there were even people around. Actually, I think she was f**ked up. But after 3 dances which featured lots of two-way oral, kitty play and even brief BB penetration, she calmly asked for $40 because she thought we had only done 2 dances. I paid for 3, and we agreed to dance again on Monday night when she is scheduled next.

I would rate this visit a 10. I have done similar activities in different clubs, but the expected "tip" in addition to the dance price was always much higher than it seemed worth. So, by themselves these extra's were things I had done with dancers ITC many times before, and would rate all that as probably a 7 or 8. But tonight, the way these services were delivered was so refreshing that it deserves a 10.

Note that I didn't rate the club as a 10, only my experience at the club. Had I not danced with this girl, the club would have received a 6 or 7 because the Christmas decorations looked nice.

I hope she's there Monday. Sometimes new girls tend to be gone as quickly as they appear. I need to pack a raincoat for that visit. If she's not there, maybe I'll just look at pussy.

avatar for how
16 yrs ago

All that is required is discernment while reading the reviews. It's similar to movie reviews. Roger Ebert is the guy whose reviews I most often seek, because by reading him I can best determine if I am likely to enjoy a movie. Ebert and I often disagree, and he laces his reviews with things that aggravate me; however, I know how he sees things and how he writes, so I can discern all I need from his reviews.

When reading TUSCL reviews, then, I try to filter them to my own point-of-view. I know what is important to me in a club, and if the review sheds light on that, it has value to me. Otherwise, I ignore it.

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