She's Got the Look

avatar for steve229

You're in a club on its busiest night, when all the ladies are uniformly hot (no fuglies need apply). In a room full of sexy women, what makes a dancer stand out for you?

For me it can be anything distinctive – a really cute smile; a pair of long, sleek, well toned legs. I once was attracted to a dancer because she had really great posture!


last comment
avatar for gatorfan
15 yrs ago

Thanks, how. Yes I think Brazilians are hot.

avatar for 10inches
15 yrs ago

really BIG natural tits especially if she is black. i'm a sucker (pun intended) for big, black tits with an onion booty

avatar for casualguy
15 yrs ago

If I'm sitting at the stage, she can get my attention by paying attention to me first of all. If she looks hot to me, I'll already be paying attention to her. Taking off her clothes instead of keeping them on expecting me to tip anyway is something I appreciate as well even if it's not the right song for that. I was at the Masters last week and visited on a Saturday night. There were several hot girls. On Saturday night one very hot blonde ended up coming back to me 3 times even though the stage was packed with around 100 guys. I noticed some dancers were just ignoring some guys at the stage who had money out. I was wondering what their problem was. I remember one dancer even ignored me but it's possible she didn't see me since I was wearing a black shirt. I walked right up to one dancer when I first arrived and scared a dancer on stage when she turned around because she didn't realize I was standing within 2 feet of her. Never saw me for a couple of seconds. I thought that was funny. While at the beach I met dancers from Hungary, Russia, Montreal, and I forget the other locations. I think I met one dancer from Raleigh and one from the local area. I didn't meet them all in the same club. At a nude club, having a nice looking pussy gets my attention. At local clubs, sitting on my lap gets my attention.

avatar for potheadpl
15 yrs ago

I like fit women. Flat abs, no cottage cheese. Fake boobs don't hurt, either. A nice manicure is a good thing. If a girl's hands are in good condition she's likely not ignoring other areas. LOL

avatar for how
15 yrs ago

gatorfan, Prince is back to being "Prince." It's actually his name, Prince Rogers Nelson. However, in his prime, he wanted to terminate his record deal with Warner Bros. and start his own label called "Paisley Park." Warner Bros. copyrighted the name "Prince," and would not allow him to use it. While the legal wrangling went on, Prince used the "Love Symbol" in place of his name. Later, he won the right to use his own name again.

avatar for gatorfan
15 yrs ago

Baddjack, good Prince(or whatever his name is these days) song "Pussy Control"

avatar for how
15 yrs ago

scat, it's not about the gymnastics. It's about the flexibility. She can spread wider; she can put her feet behind her head; etcetera...

avatar for BaddJack
15 yrs ago

Chandler inspired me. The one thing that separates her from the others is, of course, "pussy control."

'Nuff said.

avatar for chandler
15 yrs ago

I guess I'd forgotten that one. Shouldn't have doubted you, Steve.

avatar for gk
15 yrs ago

Cute smile. Great eyes contact. Come get me look. Cute ass. Nice modest 34B-C breasts. Striking color of her dancer outfit--many things can stand out, it's just how they present them.

avatar for steve229
15 yrs ago

Great responses, thanks everyone!

Prince is always cool, but I actually had in mind “The Look” from the 90’s Swedish pop music duo Roxette:

Walking like a man, hitting like a hammer She's a juvenile scam, never was a quitter Tasty like a raindrop, she's got the look When she's spinning me around, kissing is a color Her loving is a wild dog, she's got the look

She's got the look (she's got the look) She's got the look (she's got the look)

avatar for chandler
15 yrs ago

I know it's supposed to be hypothetical, but there is no such thing for me as a roomful of women who are uniformly hot. I always zero in on a small few who look the best to me and disregard all the others, whether they may rate highly by most measures or whether they're fuglies. It's totally subjective. What stands out is the same as ever for me - her face and hair and her overall sexiness and moves. Once she's got my interest, it's a matter of attitude and whether we click when we meet. If so, then it's off to the races.

BTW, Steve, ur slippin'. No Prince reference? WTF?

avatar for now_starring
15 yrs ago

Attitude, but which attitude I prefer is a day to day thing. I bought a dance from one girl just because she was giving the owner a hard time. No professionalism at all, but ended being great for a conversation. To bad she was on day shift, and I work days now so I have no idea if I will ever see her again.

avatar for lopaw
15 yrs ago

In a room full of hot sexy women, it's how she looks at ME that can help me decide where to spend my $$$ that night.

avatar for BaddJack
15 yrs ago

Good job, how. We lamented the lack of gymnasts in another post. How could I have forgotten flexibility?

avatar for shadowcat
15 yrs ago

Fuck the gymnastics. I do not want a dancer doing them on my dick. It can hurt, can smell bad from body odor. I prefer softer senious dances.

avatar for 59
15 yrs ago

Curly black hair, petite, Asian, and good conversationalist are all plusses in my book.

avatar for gatorfan
15 yrs ago

Nice face and body, sometimes a smile while on stage and a certain sexyness when they come up to my stool.

avatar for EDOG65
15 yrs ago

I look for the dancers that give you a look that makes you feel wanted and appreciated, not a fake, "Hey Sexy", look. I also tend to look for the girls that are not the hottest in the club. I like the 7-8 range dancers because they seem to work harder to please me than a 9-10 would. I like the naughty girls!!

avatar for DoctorDarby
15 yrs ago

A girl who can actually do sexy dancing to heavy, powerful rock songs gets my attention every time. If we click on the music, then there is a chance we will click when it comes time for her to dance for me. Choosing good music also suggests that there might be a functional brain in that pretty head, which is also a huge turn-on for me.

avatar for scatterbrain
15 yrs ago

Smells good, doesn't appear to be bored, doesn't appear to think her crap doesn't stink like the rest of us, and oh yes, a pair of thigh high stockings usually does the trick for me (red, preferably).

avatar for how
15 yrs ago

Another quality that would help a dancer stand out in a crowd of beauties: Flexibility!

avatar for samsung1
15 yrs ago

I agree with uscue13...if the girl looks cute but no mileage then the dance is a waste.

If all the looks were equal among the dancers then I would be judging them based off conversation or friendliness. Coming over and sitting on my lap and holding a stimulating conversation is a better way to get me to buy dances, than just coming over and asking "wanna dance?". I have turned down dance offers from 9s simply because they gave me the "wanna dance?" crap before saying any thing else.

avatar for SuperDude
15 yrs ago

A relaxed and confident attitude and smile.

avatar for clubscanner
15 yrs ago

The one who seems to be in a really good mood. This makes my visit a good experience.

avatar for uscue13
15 yrs ago

The one whose stage dances imply great mileage in the couch room. I don't want a cute girl that's going to be strictly no hands, no fun.

avatar for imnumnutz
15 yrs ago

smile and sophistication. also, i luv the thrill of the chase. I want the one who guys are standing in line to get a dance from. for me, the more unapproachable, the more desirable.

avatar for wallanon
15 yrs ago

Genuine confidence.

avatar for how
15 yrs ago

The one who acts as if I am the only one she desires always stands out in any crowd.

avatar for Clubber
15 yrs ago

Silky, long, straight, jet black hair, all else being equal.

avatar for BaddJack
15 yrs ago

Posture is a turn-on. I also like a girl with confidence who can look me in the eye without the fake "come hither" look.

Fastest turn off for me is ugly teeth. Crazy? Maybe. But that is who I am.

I also immediately pay attention to a girl that wears interesting outfits that FIT her. Another turn-off is the girl wearing stuff that is too tight, or too short, or too something.

avatar for Dudester
15 yrs ago
  1. Resemblence to a hot celeb I fancy

  2. Eyes

  3. I have a certain type that really does it for me-has the Katie Holmes/young Phoebe Cates/Alyssa Milano look-cute eyes and nose, bee stung lips, porcelain complexion

  4. Young cute Asian

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