
Just Asking

1) Just wondering, given a choice, would you pick a topless place, a nude place, or a place that had both?

2) Private booths for lappers, couch rooms, or both?

3) Waitresses, cute costume, topless, or nude?

4) Hard Drinks/beer, soft drinks, full range of beverages including milk and juices?

5) Food offered, or I don't give a damn ?


  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    I dont even like hearing the word cop in a sentence right now after the jack joint got busted!
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    In defense of cops. They are only doing what they are ordered to do by your elected officials.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago

    I've never worried about being "PC". People these days are just to easily "offended", and to tell you the truth, I just think many do not wish to hear the truth and use "PC" as a cop out!
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "and have one idiot in attendance."

    Don't be so hard on yourself clubber...lol...
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I remember some strip clubs where I once lived had arcade games. If dancers went up on stage you didn't care about and you were sitting alone, made the time go away rather fast until things got more interesting in the club. That sure beats hoping the song ends fast so someone you're interested in goes up on stage. One club I occasionally visit even has 2 songs with nobody dancing on stage every hour while they do the 2 for one nude lap dance special in the back dance rooms. At least they do have tv's to watch.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    if arcade machines were installed in strip clubs I doubt they would accept quarters. It would be in $1 increments.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Thanks, how did Pizza do in the results? By the way, isn't the term idiot a little harsh, wouldn't A.D.D. Ignorant Responder be more P.C.?
  • BaddJack
    15 years ago
    Clubber: THAT sounds like a place I would like to go. And Idiot, ahem, gatorfan: the drinks are on me. You gotta pay your Brazilian girls yourself.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago

    1) Just wondering, given a choice, would you pick a topless place, a nude place, or a place that had both?
    I'd go club hopping believing that nude clubs are best at nude and topless clubs best in other categories.

    2) Private booths for lappers, couch rooms, or both?
    Whatever has more privacy without cameras or some guy in your face watching. If I had to choose between overhead cameras or some guy watching, I'd pick the camera since I don't see that out of the corner of my eye.

    3) Waitresses, cute costume, topless, or nude?
    Depends if the waitress is hot or not. In some clubs sometimes the waitresses also dance or used to. I like nude if she's hot, if not then she can keep her clothes on.

    4) Hard Drinks/beer, soft drinks, full range of beverages including milk and juices?
    Bottled beer and bottled water and cups of ice at reasonable prices. I think water should be free and bottled water should be cheap.

    5) Food offered, or I don't give a damn ?
    I would prefer a well cooked hamburger and fries but I only found one place that does that and that is done in an adjoining restaurant attached to a strip club.

    6) I'm adding this one.
    Arcade games entertainment for when you're bored with the dancers on stage. Sit down arcade racing games, pistol style shoot out arcade games, pinball machines, other shoot em up arcade games and a change machine for quarters.

    If one club had everything I was looking for including very reasonable high contact lap dances, I could just go and visit and stay there for several hours. If I was there for hours, I would prefer decent size and clean restroom facilities since many local clubs have a lot of room for improvement. Usually too small of a bathroom for the crowd or lacking in facilities.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Current Results:

    1) Just wondering, given a choice, would you pick a topless place, a nude place, or a place that had both?

    Topless - 3
    Nude - 9
    Both - 4
    Plus 1 idiot

    2) Private booths for lappers, couch rooms, or both?

    Booths - 6
    Couch - 0
    Booth - 10
    Still the idiot.

    3) Waitresses, cute costume, topless, or nude?

    Cute - 9
    Topless - 0
    Nude - 3
    Don't Care - 4
    Still the idiot.

    4) Hard Drinks/beer, soft drinks, full range of beverages including milk and juices?

    Hard Drink/Beer - 6
    Soft Drinks - 3
    Full Range - 7
    Idiot still here.

    5) Food offered, or I don't give a damn ?

    Food Offered - 8
    Don't give a damn - 8
    Last and least, the idiot.

    So it seems OUR club would be nude, with booths, have cute costumed waitresses, a full bar, either have food or not, and have one idiot in attendance.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    1. Both, which usually means you can toggle back and forth to get an alcoholic beverage.
    2. Private booth, couch rooms strike me as too cameraed-up.
    3. Cute, but unobstrusive.
    4. Full range of beverages to match my mood and needs.
    5. Don't go to strip clubs for food, but bar snacks are nice. I'm a big fan of munchies. Take that anyway you want.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    1. I don't have a thing against topless places, but given a choice between the two, nude wins every time.

    2. I'd much rather have a private booth, although it's nice to check out the other dancers in a couch room if your dancer turns out to be a bore.

    3. I think I prefer a cute costume, but most of the time, the places I go that have waitresses wear whatever they wore in that day, and that isn't bad most of the time.

    4.As long as there's beer, I'm happy. And if its a BYOB setup, that's better because it's nice to drink some cool import beer instead of Bud or Bud Light or whatever.

    5.I don't give a damn about food in a strip club.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    1) nude
    2) Private booths for lappers
    3) nude
    4) full range of beverages including milk and juices
    5) I don't give a damn

    "Plus, who, besides samsung1, wants the chance of pubes in your drink?"

    This isn't what goes on at the few totally nude restaurants that I've been too.

    "I have, however, been to clubs where you can tip the waitress and she'll take off her top for the next three songs."

    Where was this? I've never ever heard of a strip club that had their wait staff walk around nude or topless all the time.
  • Nude. I like to see beavers. I like full priv dances. Waitress full nude. Liquor and cocaine.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    1) nude

    2) both

    3) nude

    4) soft drinks

    5) don't give a damn about food
  • Digitech
    15 years ago
    1) Just wondering, given a choice, would you pick a topless place, a nude place, or a place that had both?
    >Nude! I love naked girls.

    2) Private booths for lappers, couch rooms, or both?
    >Hmm, does it matter? Whichever is more private.

    3) Waitresses, cute costume, topless, or nude?
    >Nude! I want as much female nudity as possible. I've never seen that though. I have, however, been to clubs where you can tip the waitress and she'll take off her top for the next three songs. So they walk around in thongs...close enough for me.

    4) Hard Drinks/beer, soft drinks, full range of beverages including milk and juices?
    >Soft drinks is fine by me. I don't drink often and always drive to clubs alone. I only drank alcohol in a SC once. It was fun though, I did shots with a dancer and then she gave me a nice BJ.

    5) Food offered, or I don't give a damn ?
    >I don't think I'd partake if they offered it. I am worried my breath would smell bad after eating. I've never tried eating at a club though. Maybe it's fun to relax and talk to hot girls with no clothes on.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Isn't it called "fuck driving home" and I dont care topless or nude along with byo or alcohol I look for mileage
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I don't care as long as the pussy is available in the back room.
  • snowtime
    15 years ago
    1) Nude
    2) Private booths
    3) Cute costume, save the nudity for the professionals. Although I have enjoyed a few topless waitresses in a few clubs.
    4) Soft drinks or BYOB. Those clubs that do not sell alcohol do not have to answer to State Liqour Board or other agency who can regulate any activity in the club. Besides, money spent on drinks could be better spent on dances.
    5) No need for food in a strip club. Not sure I would want to eat something cooked in most of the clubs I go to. I'll take the "show" at the club and do my dining elsewhere.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    Prefer alcohol to be available or BYOB. Other than that it is what it is.
  • BaddJack
    15 years ago
    Anyone else drink until they cross the level of intoxication known as "fuck dinner"?
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    Topless,both,don't care, beer/liquor and food as long as it is good
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    1) Pizza
    2) Yes
    3) College Football
    4) Corona or Blue Moon beer
    5) Blonde-hair girls

    What was the question again?
  • 4oureyes
    15 years ago
    1) My preference is for nude, but steve is right that topless places seem to attract more of the type of girl I want to see.
    2) Both
    3) Cute costumes are fine. I've seen both topless and nude, but that was in the old days (in LA anyway) when the dancers *were* the waitresses. No lap dances in those days.
    4) I really could do without the booze. All else being equal I prefer a juice bar.
    5) Food's ok, I'm just not sure I trust it, or want to pay the overhead of them providing it. Is it ever self supporting?
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    1) topless (seems to attract more girl next door types)

    2) both

    3) cute costume (Cheerleader uniforms would be nice)

    4) full bar

    5) food's a plus (getting something - pizza, wings, quesadillas, etc. - that you can share with your dancer can be fun)
  • DoctorDarby
    15 years ago
    1) Both: topless in the bar part, nude in the back area

    2) Booths with couches :-)

    3) Hot, but revealing. When there is lots of flesh on display, it's sometimes nice to just have a peek at the unavailable treats.

    4) Full bar in topless, which often allows the nudity in the other half in states or regions that have such restrictions. If there is food, then milk, juices, etc. would make sense.

    5) Food is nice for both customers and dancers. Although watching dancers eat is not always sexy, they tend to be happier when they are well-fed!
  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    1) Both

    2) Both

    3) Very Revealing

    4) full range of beverages including milk and juices?

    5) Wide menu
  • EDOG65
    15 years ago
    As long as the beer is COLD and the women are HOT and FRIENDLY I'm there! I prefer mileage over atmosphere or anything else. I'm not talking about extras. I like it when the dances like to sit and chat while we have a few drinks and don't pressure me non-stop about the LD's. Don't get me wrong, I love the LD's, but on my schedule, not hers.
  • scatterbrain
    15 years ago
    1) Both...choice is always good.
    2) Private booths...I want to be the only one she's concentrating on.
    3) Cute costumes for the waitresses... I agree with BaddJack, the fantasy is all part of the attraction.
    4) Better have a full bar (and well stocked with top end stuff), or I better have been forewarned so I can take care of it myself (BYO).
    5) Food is fine, but often not necessary...depends on my mood, but again choice is always good. Why not offer food, doesn't mean you have to order it?
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Nude with good food and full bar is available in Windsor, Ontario, but no contact. If you don't mind the long check through at the tunnel it's worth the trip. Topless only, but full contact. Guess you just can't have both. A rare trip to Windsor keeps me happy.
  • clubscanner
    15 years ago
    1) Nude.

    2) Both.

    3) I don't mind costume, but would find topless or nude interesting.

    4) full range.

    5) Food would be fine.
  • slickpeter
    15 years ago
    The only food I care about is the food served at the "Y"
  • judyjudy
    15 years ago
    This is a good post.....keep the comments coming.
  • uscue13
    15 years ago
    1)Never been to a nude place, but why not
    3)It doesn't matter, but if they'll be nude, sure, why not
    4)Hard liquor, beer
    5)Don't eat the food
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    1) nude

    2) both

    3) nude (have yet to see it though)

    4) full range (It would be nice if more places served coffee or espresso drinks)

    5) Food is what keeps me in the clubs for a longer time. This means I end up spending more money.
  • BaddJack
    15 years ago
    1) I vote for mileage over nudity. Most of the time, they go hand-in-hand, so I vote nude, but c'mon guys, how many cute snatches have you ever really seen?

    2) Both.

    3) I love cute/sexy outfits. It is part of the thrill imagining what the waitress will look like on stage next year. Plus, who, besides samsung1, wants the chance of pubes in your drink?

    4) Full range. In the midwest, nudity usually means juice and set-ups, but I like a bar where I can drink and ogle at the same time without having to figure out how to turn my 12-pack into a cooler. samsung1: nice suggestion. I am not a froo-froo coffee guy myself, but it would make a nice touch--I agree.

    5) I don't care about food, usually. I try to attain that level of intoxication known as "fuck dinner" anyway, so it makes no difference to me, as long as they keep the room cleaned up properly. Old plates and used napkins hanging around are a huge turn-off.

    Good question.
  • how
    15 years ago
    imnumnutz nailed this one.

    The choices given in the OP matter to the management, but I just want the best experience. The club setup is typically neither a detractor from that, nor a guarantee.
  • imnumnutz
    15 years ago
    I vote #5. none of that other stuff really matters to me. I want the place with the prettiest dancers (nude or otherwise) with the best attitudes.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    1) Nude.

    2) Both.

    3) Don't care.

    4) Hard Drinks/beer.

    5) I don't give a damn.
  • Chief69
    15 years ago
    A little late, but oh well

    1) Nude
    2) Private booths
    3) Don't care
    4) Full range, the more the merry, but at least beer
    5) Only eat there rarely, don't care
    6) High mileage...Having 1-5 with air dances ruins it.
  • harrydave
    15 years ago
    1) Topless, because I assume the mileage is higher

    2) I don't care. I kind of like the Roman orgy scene.

    3) Don't care.

    4) Hard drinks. I like Jack Daniels on the rocks. Also explains why I like topless joints, as they have the liquor licenses.

    5) Food? I'm too busy nibbling. Actually, I have had a great time sharing food with strippers. They will eat anything half decent. And I like to think I am half decent.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    also besides topless and nude on choice 1 there is also pastie and bikini. Some people like to go out to bikini instead of topless because they don't end up spending as much money. Also they enjoy the tease and it feels more mature. The prices are also sometimes cheaper besides the fact that you will not be as tempted to spend as much.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    samsung1 may have inadvertently brought up a good point. Do local jurisdictions have more than one type of club? It has seemed to me that all clubs are the same (nude, topless, pastie, bikini, etc.) in any one jurisdiction. Has anyone found that different, and if so, how was the jurisdiction determined? It makes me wonder, if that is the case, if competing jurisdictions could conspire to change the stripping environment.
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