Non-Stripclub . . . Burglar shows up for Holiday Season

I received an unwelcome surprise earlier today with the arrival of a burglar. Fortunately, for me, there's not much to tell. I basically just shooed him away. Surprisingly, he was driving a new car (how bad can the economy be? lol). Can't say the model cause to me most of 'em just look like clones; the price of aerodynamics .
last commentGlad to hear he just left! Christmas Eve is probably the most common day for burglaries, as many families are out visiting others leaving empty houses full of, literally in some cases, gift-wrapped goods for the thief.
Bummer you had to experience that. At least it was peaceful.
Glad you weren't injured.
Break enter dwelling of-another with-felonious-intent (at night?). All the elements. Thankyerverymuch ...
I got burgled 12 years ago. The worst part is that the burglar took a bunch of worthless items with very sentimental value.
No, it was around 10 AM or so. My next door neighbors of around 10 years got booted from their home so that has attracted some attention. He parked in their driveway.
I may be wrong, but I don't think the typical burglar is dangerous and he left quick. For years I've been saying that I'm going to make the house more secure and for years I've been putting it off. A new roof on the garage is going to take precedent and that may not even get done.
The neighbor kid thinks it is some that I know, but I didn't know this man. He was middle age and respectable looking e.g. conservative dress that looked like quality or at least he knew how to dress.
That's scary!
It's amazing that you were calm. I would have peed myself!
It probably would have been scary if I wasn't armed or if it was more intense e.g. the man just kicks in a door. The incident with the crack addict, that was intense and I ended up injured. I stepped barefoot on his broken crack pipe. Painful and sent me to the doctor's office the next morning.
Years ago a police office investigated a burglary and the officer was a big and very rough type of man. He tells me if I ever needed to shoot in self-defense to dump the body at least a few miles away. I said you must be joking? He wasn't joking, unfortunately. It is difficult for me to see taking his advice, but you don't know until the time arises. Over a year later I receive a little postcard in the mail claiming that my case was solved! A hand print had been left on a TV. Apparently as a form of dare.
Amazingly, imo, it was claimed that the name of the burglar was confidential!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had an uncle that was a cop. He told me that if I ever had to shoot an intruder to make sure the body fell inside the house. Fortunately I have never had to test his advice. I don't even have any guns anymore. I got rid of them when my kids were babies. I did not want any accidents. I got drunk with my son (30 yo)on Xmas eve. He said that I should buy a hand gun now. Before the government makes it illegal. I am thinking about it but I feel so secure in my community that I don't feel the need for one and don't want to accidentally shoot myself in the foot. If I do decide to buy one, I am thinking .45 caliber ($200). Any other advice?
A good .45 (also made in .40 & 9mm)is the springfield XD line. These are very durable, reliable little mothers. They retail in the newighborhood of $450 - $700 depending on finish, barrel legnth, capacity, and sights.
My personal gun is an XD with 5" Tactical Barrel, Trijicon Night sights and it is finished in all black. The magazines are 13 rounders! Quite large for a .45.
Shop around and find something that fits your hand and that you can shoot well.
Be safe!
And be sure to practice on the range with it so you know it's mechanisms and behavior well.