
Comments by Dudester (page 71)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What qualifies a girl as your favorite???
    1) (tie) Attractive + must be a good conversationalist. I could go on and on about being a conversationalist, but her interests must go beyond shopping, shoes, and her loser boyfriend. 2) Lapdance must be slow and sensual, an act of love. Caress my hair while offering me your nipples. Play with my chest and at least give me a peek of the kitty. Also important on this-she must have good hygiene and little to no perfume. 3) If discussion turns to OTC, please be honest. Don't promise something you have no intention on ever delivering.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    1st nude club experience
    Early 1980-San Diego. I had grown up in a very repressive small town. Joined the Marines in 1979, graduated boot in 1979, and went back to San Diego in 1980 to "see the sights". First, went to the Body Shop and watched nude dancers all day. They were nice to look at. At 5:30 p.m., Les Girls, next door, opened. I was surprised when two completely nude chicks met us at the door. One was barely a 7, but the other was an "OH MY GOD!!!" 10+++ Goddess. I would've paid all the money in my wallet to have her grind on me, but right after she collected dues at the door, she got dressed. I talked to her later. She told me that she was still in high school and the theatrical type of burlesque they did there appealed to her-but she was too young to perform (???).
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    RU Goal-Oriented?
    2. Goals: A)Get laid or get her hot & bothered enough (from oral sex) that she'll do OTC with me B) I stick with my financial goal
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers Shoes
    I very much prefer flats-or sneakers. I see dancers awkwardly trying to keep their balance on heels, and I just shake my head in disgust. With flat shoes they could actually maneuver on a stage (instead of holding onto the pole for balance) and dancer whose feet won't hurt will give me a more energetic lapdance.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Movie Review: GFE
    It's vitally important that Sasha and this movie succeed. In Hollywood today, there are a number of prudish actresses ( i.e.Natalie Portman, Jessica Alba, etc.) who won't strip for roles (Stripper, porn star) that demand it. Worse, there are gay directors (i.e. Richard Bey) who let them get away with this nonsense. Thirty years ago, porn films had plots (some old porn movies were quite good actually) and porn actors did crossover (mainstream and porn) roles. It's past time that we cast off the prudish actresses and their gay cohorts in favor of crossover actresses who will play a role with honesty. The endlessly blah blahing about money was quite tedious, but there was honesty in the moments when she was with her clients. This is one of the most honest films I've ever seen.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Things a stripper should not say to her customer
    Except for number 1 (like I said, happened at Dolls recently), these are things said to me by strippers. 1) I'm kind of in a hurry, my dad is over there (pointing) 2) I'm going through a herpes breakout, do you mind? 3) I just took a laxative, I might have to leave in a hurry 4) I'm actually very religious, but sticking it in will cost you three hundred 5) My boyfriend and some of his friends are going to a party at a hotel after work. If you come, you'll have to take your turn.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Did anybody catch Dateline?
    Yeah, it was a rerun-saw it before. I can't add to what Dick and Chandler said, but oh yeah, they are lying and manipulative.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Name That Hobby
    My fave-trolling for trollops
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Things You Aren't Supposed to Say to a Stripper
    6) Can you give me a lapdance after you finish with your dad? (I heard an interesting story at Houston Dolls recently). 7) Actually, I'm very religious. I don't want a lapdance, I'm just here to look. 8) Of course I still want a lapdance. I think it's cool you go to high school with my daughter. 9) Yeah, I'd love to meet your pimp later in the parking lot. 10) I'm not carrying a condom. Do you suppose we could trust each other?
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    15 years ago
    Dancer's Outfits
    I've always preferred a two piece outfit, which opens between the breasts. It should compliment her skin color.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Mother and daughter strippers.
    About a dozen years ago, I was at Heartbreakers in Alvin. A couple of times a night they do this thing where you get a mini lapdance for a buck for about 20-30 seconds. One girl, a real cutie, caught my eye. I asked her to come back after she had made her rounds. She came back, but brought a forty something woman with her. She started her lapper, which was more of her squirming than really doing anything else. During the two lappers I talked to her a little, but I noticed that her breasts were really small, and very firm. I asked her a question about a singer, and I suddenly realized that the girl was no older than 16, and possibly as young as 13. You ever get that "Oh shit, what am I doing?" thought. Just then, mom, or who ever she was, said "She's really special, isn't she? Got any plans for tonight? Just then I spotted a dancer I got a lapper from an hour earlier. I made an excuse to leave and I bailed, making a beeline for the other dancer.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Thnk twice before heading to Tijuana these days ......
    They were very young and from Chula Vista. They went looking for drugs and got in over their heads. They weren't tourists looking for a few drinks.
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    15 years ago
    If marijuana was legalized, do you think strip clubs would ban it or that the ba
    There was a guy who worked at a place I worked at who wanted to be a cop. Took him years to finally land a position. At his new job, just like his old job, nobody liked him. His fave thing to do was search every car he pulled over. One night he bit off more than he could chew. He pulled over someone who didn't want to be searched. The motorist proceeded to put the whup on him. The turd Officer called repeatedly for backup, but no one came to his aid. The motorist actually left the Officer alive, but did bite off his thumb. I don't think they ever prosecuted the motorist. Would you believe that the turd didn't lose any cockiness? He visited my workplace soon after and we got into it. I was about to put the whup on him when he ran, jumped into his patrol unit, and sped off. His supervisor arrived a minute later and asked what happened. I filled him. He said "Oh Lord, I better find him before he shoots someone."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If marijuana was legalized, do you think strip clubs would ban it or that the ba
    If I was in a place that tolerated it, I'd have to leave immediately due to random drug checks at my workplace. As it is, I have to not go to places/events that I'd like to attend-like a Floyd laser show.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    No cell phones in clubs
    I found that my cell phone doesn't work in St. James. I don't know if it's the contruction, or something they installed. Houston Dolls, a dive right down the street, phone works fine.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever had a dancer bite you on your thigh?
    A onetime ATF used to leave bitemarks on my shoulders and hickies on my neck, but it was before she quit drinking. After that, "I don't do those things anymore".
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    OTC Rules
    Hi Minnow, Yes, she still works in that club, but it's not my primary hangout, it's more of a back up than anything else (I can find pussy cheaper elsehere). As for LE, in the Cold War, while in some places I'd rather not discuss here, I learned what to say to whom, and when. Even in our heated moments, I didn't say anything that would compromise anything. When she comes in the room I'm very affectionate, but it's also a shakedown (learned that in the Cold War too). Unless she's got a microphone hidden in her cervix, I'm cool. A month after the Okla city bombing, I noticed my phone had been tapped and my mail opened (I had been linked with a militia group-I never attended meetings, but I had friends). It went on for two long years. It finally came to a head when I was having a phone conversation with my mom. She said:"You know your phone is tapped, don't you?" When I replied "Yes", she said I'm going to send you a letter. 24 hours later, the letter was in my box (not express or priority). It was ripped open, resealed, and marked "Accidentally delivered to wrong address". A week later, the phone tap was gone. I live a very boring, non explicit life. When this whole thing with ***** started, I was just boinking a really hot former co-worker. Other than paying her for our sessions, I haven't done anything illegal,and let he on this board who has not paid for nookie cast the first stone. Like I said, most likely will end tonight. I appreciate your concern. I've been in much worse spots (ever been face to face with GRU at Checkpoint Charlie?) and I've survived.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    OTC Rules
    Hi Guys, Thanks for your input. I was having doubts and you guys nailed my doubts. I have a date with her tonight, and in all likelihood, it's going to be our last date. On our last date, we had an ugly blow up over numerous issues. Truth be told, I'd be surprised if she showed. I have the stuffed animal already, but that can be quickly donated to charity (some child will cherish it). I have a cheap vase (always can be reused), money can be redeposited, and I'll hold off on paying for the room unless I'm 100% certain she'll show. So, for tonight, I'm not actually out anything. I'm not worried about my clearance, but not for the reasons one would think. When ***** left the firm, she did so with giggles behind her back. If she told my boss, she'd just get laughed at. As far as the fuzz are concerned, it's her word against mine and last I checked, johns only get busted if they proposition a female cop. Prostitution is small potatoes compared to the felony charges she's facing. What has really bothered me is her tardiness, and her two hour limit-very unprofessional. I have a couple of backups who want the same shot she has. To answer samsung, when she joined the firm, she was very vocal about being a former stripper. Before she quit, she confided (only in me) that she had resumed stripping. Her string of tardies at work did her in and made people think she had resumed stripping. To answer robofan, I've done something silly, but not stupid. Suppose you had a co-worker who looked like a contender for Miss America, and you found out she was a stripper, tell me you wouldn't be all over that (***** is a looker, and then some). She's got some serious issues and flaws, which is why tonight is most likely the last time. Lastly, when I replace *****, I'm still going to use flowers and a stuffed animal. Samsung is right, it sets the mood.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever get tired of hearing tornado sirens?
    The town I grew up in used it's big ass air raid siren for two purposes: 1) Curfew 10 p.m. every night, one quaver 2) To summon the volunteer firefighters. Three quavers = brush fire, seven = house fire, ten or more = drop what you're doing, it's really really bad (usually an orange glow in the sky). I was a volunteer firefighter. In the days before pagers, we got our message from the siren and location from the Police. At night, that siren would send shivers up my spine. It's been a proven fact for nearly 40 years now that a firefighter's blood pressure doubles the moment that he/she gets the call-which is why heart attacks kill more firefighters than anything else.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Mostly, I prefer the moaning. My present OTC gal likes to use my first name, but I think that might be an act (when she orgasms, she stiffens [but she moans on the build up]). In my most memorable ever encounter (a one night stand in San Francisco), a barely legal hottie who could've easily passed for Alyssa Milano's younger sister, squealed, grunted, screamed, and on her third orgasm actually back flopped across the bed and fell on the floor where she convulsed for a minute. The neighbors in the hotel beat on the walls more than once in this once in a lifetime ten hour encounter.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What is too much Fun?
    Depends on your budget. My OTC gal has cost me a lot, but I go through a lot of crap at work and the offset is first class pussy.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    credit card chargebacks
    We had a thread here a while back about rules for strip clubs, amongst them, never use a credit card, always use cash, budget, and never use their ATM.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Under age dancers...
    uscue13 is closest to the truth. Houston Dolls has been busted several times for having 17 year olds dance. Several other clubs in Houston have been busted for it. My OTC gal tells me one of her closest friends started at 16 in a black club.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Requesting outfits?
    Best way to have a dancer wear something is to give it to her. My OTC gal posed for a photoset for me in an outfit bought her. Mind you, this isn't cheap-there's her fee + tip, plus, when she arrives at the hotel room I have flowers and a teddy bear for her. She posed clothed, semi clothed, and then we hit the sheets for a couple of hours.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Economy has pluses and minuses here in St. Louis (East side)
    At an upscale joint here in Houston (things aren't as bad here as in many places), anyway, on the second song of the LD, she just unzipped me and went to work on Mr. Happy. Cost 160, because I let it go on for a bit.