Dancers Shoes

OK is another one you.
Let me know what shoes you prefer to see your dancer in.......
1.Traditional high heel- spike heel
2.Chunky platform style
Let me know what height of heel you prefer as well.
Let me know what shoes you prefer to see your dancer in.......
1.Traditional high heel- spike heel
2.Chunky platform style
Let me know what height of heel you prefer as well.
Judy, I thought that you were gone. You said in your PM that it was a one time only fantasy but you keep coming back for more.
Don't worry too much about Judy's time here. We all know there are enough people here that'll be more than happy to run her off. Shes posted her email so now she can get a mailbox full of anonymous messages. It won't take long for the cretins to do their work.… for instance, this would get my attention. really are an idiot. She has clearly stated that dancing in a strip club was a fantasy of hers that she may or may not do in the future. Quit trying to drive women that don't fawn over your sorry ass off this board...
"We all know there are enough people here that'll be more than happy to run her off. Shes posted her email so now she can get a mailbox full of anonymous messages. It won't take long for the cretins to do their work."
Ugh...this is unfortunately too true...I'll bet scat & his buddies are already on the case...
The type of shoe that a dancer wears doesn't really matter to long as she's comfortable in them & they fit her feet well.
For some reason club owners thinks that guys like them, and insist that the girls wear them.
With gentlemen such as yourself, how could she possibly leave? :)
"Well, I have to tell you...I am really enjoying this whole thing. It is very exciting for me."
Old men can do that to a woman every time. ;)
"Or as Bobby used to call you ''."
Nice pathetic try at an insult IF being called "gay" in this day & age is derogatory...the 1950s are over & done with old man. This isn't grade school either...
"But now you have even resorted to calling my buddies names."
No, I have merely stated *the truth*, which you simply can't handle.
"I do not patronize any female that posts here."
Correction: You do not "patronize" any females that don't kiss your ass here, period.
"I am still in close contact with the incredible gridget."
Who the fuck cares old man?? She's NOT your gf you moron...she's a stripper for cripes sake! Wake up!!
"How many do you know that would even give you the time of day?"
LOL...a lot more than would give a tired old man like you the time of day moron.
"I spent 15 minutes on the phone last night With TUSCL_Brother and his business partner."
Again, who cares if you're "personal best BUDDIES" with Bones...his reviews are NOT yours moron. This is like saying, "I'm friends with the captain of our high school basketball team"...whoopie! This isn't high school anymore old man!
"I even got the name of a plastic surgeon for a guy that I had never met."
Once again, who cares?? What does that have to do with anything??
"I am an old white guy but I consider USCEU13, a young black guy, to be a BUDDY."
Yea, lots of racists & homophobes have ONE black friend...please...
"They say that jealousy is the greatest form of flattery."
LMAO!! Yea scat, I soooo "wish" that I too could be a washed up old man who was such an alcoholic that he got forced out of his job (finally!) and lives alone...please...give it up moron...
...which is why they gave you the old heave-ho so deluding yourself about that moron. Right now, there is some younger & much more educated guy filling your tired old shoes at Delta very nicely tyvm. Flying on that airline got a whole lot safer the day you "retired".
"I can still kick your ass. wanna try me? Chicken shit?"
LOL...there's nothing more pathetic than an old man who's body can't cash the checks that his tired old mouth keeps're crazy old man...
We've been over & over this all before, and you can't change any of it, period.
Are you aware that the club used to go by the name Atlantis and was closed down about six months ago because they employed a sixteen year old high school girl who OD'ed on cocaine and died? The club is bad news. Since they don't serve alcohol and most of the people who go there are under age gangsters and drug dealers. Find another club to fulfill your fantasy. Get away from there before something bad happens.
You might want to try Henry the Eights South or Chapeau Vert Lounge maybe even La Chambre. Good luck and remove yourself as quickly as possible from Bada Bing.
I have called you out. CHICKEN SHIT. Afraid of a 67 yo. I have the strength but not the stamina. If you can last 3 minutes, you will have the advantage but my adrenaline is so high that it could not last a minute. I will bring a second and my own personal paramedic. Yeah this has been going on for a long time. Years. But you are just a CHICKEN SHIT ASS HOLE full of lip service. When? Where? What time?
Sums it all up and nothing more need be said.…
Hmmmm, let's see here...if I were to take your completely wild & inappropriate cyber-threat of bodily harm seriously (which, of course, is crazy), what would I gain by beating an elderly man to a pulp?? Would I get a commemorative bronze plaque from AARP?? are finally losing it's about time as well...
Hey clubber...attend many KKK meeting lying, old, racist fool?? LOL...
You are a wonderful human being.
Yes, I am, compared to most in this country.
And I am an advocate of racism when it is defined as "The belief that each race has distinct and intrinsic attributes."
And lastly, I am a fool to even try to communicate with a creature that has such a lack of intelligence.
Good point! I will "let it go". But I will prosmise you, there is one that will not!
You are a wonderful human being.
Yes, I am, compared to most in this country.
And I am an advocate of racism when it is defined as "The belief that each race has distinct and intrinsic attributes."
And lastly, I am a fool to even try to communicate with a creature that has such a lack of intelligence.
Good point! I will "let it go". But I will prosmise you, there is one that will not!
...ummmm, that's one of the basic *definitions* of racism you moron. BTW, we all know that you also agree with the likes of George Wallace on the issue of race, which also makes you a blatant racist. Thanks for making it sooo easy once again clubber...
"I am a fool to even try to communicate with a creature that has such a lack of intelligence."
You're projecting again old fool, but what else is knew...we all know who the real idiot is here...YOU...
See, what did I tell you!
As Steven sang, special!
judy, the "problem" arises here when ole scat feels that a particular female poster is gathering, in his ignorant position, "too much attention" from other members of this site. Then, scat & his buddies will go into "attack mode" and try & undermine the female's presence here. It's happened to several women here before, and it'll unfortunately happen again in the future. You haven't done anything "wrong" here at all...know that at least...
The so-called "Shelf life of dancers/female customers posting on here" is almost directly related to how much they "upset" ole scat...who absolutely MUST be the center of attention around here for some strange reason. Just ignore his's meaningless drivel from a tired, old man...
Wrong topic!
I shall return to Strip Clubbing!
At least laxplayer has got ole scat pegged on his behavior towards female posters that don't kiss his tired, old ass incessantly:
"It seems like everytime a new woman posts here, you make some snide comments and/or tell them that they'll be gone soon. Why do you seem like such a misogynist in these posts, but then in your very next post you are fawning like a 13-year old with a new crush about some other dancer who posts here?"
Just don't try & engage our resident occasional troll Dougster/Bobby-boy in any type of "meaningful" discussion...he'll bow & weave and change the subject just to stir the pot...misogynistic?? Check.
Hell, even c-guy has apparently figured out ole scat's M.O. on this subject!
"Don't worry about shadowcats posting of female posters shelf life on here. He almost always tend to make a post about that after a female has been posting on here for a week or two."
Too funny...