1st nude club experience

avatar for shadowcat
This probably goes back 40 years ago. My best friend had his own business of cleaning beer taps. He had regular customers. He said that I had to see this.He took me along as his assistant.I don't remember the name of the club but I believe that it was in Bellflower CA. It was packed. To say that it was standing room only, would be an understatement.Everybody was there to see the pussy. She came out (an 8+) and got into this swing over the stage. She was wearing a micro mini skirt. It was absolute that she was not wearing any thing below that skirt but you really could not see shit. It was too dark, etc. This was the beginning of the modern day nude strip club.


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avatar for londonguy
16 years ago
Mine was at Mons in Tampa about ten years ago, what a great club to go to for nude dances, at that time the local laws were different in the way the girls gave dances.
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
Dreamgirls, Minneapolis, mid-'90's. Went out with my best friend in high school and his buddies from college. They were all on a road trip and they swung by to pick me up.

Funny story: The night I went my younger sister had a sleepover. When my friend picked me up they asked me where we were going. I said, "Uh, guys' night out." They started snickering. They knew where I was going. Stupid me and my big mouth!

How did the night go? Don't remember (because it was so long ago, not because of alcohol or anything), but it's Deja Vu.
avatar for robofan
16 years ago
It was 1968 in the city of Detroit. I was eighteen years old with a solid phony ID. The drinking age was 21 at the time. The place is long since gone and I'm getting to old to remember the name anymore. The place started out as a go go bar where the dancers would wear small costumes and white go go boots. It eventually became a topless bar. The women were always really hot there. Even back then the dancers made a lot of money. It was a pretty small place with a half circle stage coming out along one of the walls. There was seating at the stage and tables on three sides all with a good view. I would go there at night and nurse my beers as long as I could to keep my spending down. Beer was $1.25 which was about four to five times the cost at a regular bar.

Most of the nights the dancers would only dance topless eventually getting down to bikini bottoms, no g strings yet, and high heel shoes. This one particular night I was sitting where I could see the dancers on stage and beyond that the guy at the door who checked Id's when you came in. They hadn't thought of cover charges yet either. At one point in the night I could see the manager give a nod to the guy by the door. He got up off his stool and locked the doors from the inside. I remember thinking that it was odd. The manager then nodded to the dancer and she started her dance routine. The first song she got topless. Again I thought that it was odd because they never got topless on the first song they usually waited until the third song. The second song started and she began to tease like she was going to take her bottoms off pulling them down and then back up again. When the third song started she pulled her bottoms all the way off tossed them to the side and danced the entire third song completely nude. This was the beginning of nude dancing in Detroit. I remember sitting there mesmerized with my heart pounding. At first only certain dancers would go completely nude and for what ever reason they always locked the doors. After a while they all danced nude.

For me that first night was a complete surprise and totally unexpected. That's probably why I remember it so well and why it was so erotic. I have literally seen thousands of women dance nude over the years but none are as vivid and forever etched in my memory as that first time.
avatar for DandyDan
16 years ago
My first one was at the Admiral Theater in Chicago. I remember me and one of my old high school friends who I still visit with whenever I am in the Chicago area talked about going all week. I had a job that shut down at 11pm then, so I had to get cleaned up first, but then we got in his car and we were extremely nervous, since we had no idea what to expect. I remember it cost $23 to get in, which was and still is insane, although I thought it was cool since 23 in Michael Jordan's number, even if he was in his first retirement back then. Anyway, we got some airdances and we both thought that was awesome. They very well could have been the hottest ladies I ever seen up to that time. I remember I had to get one last dance, from a girl named Rain, and then, when we left, it was pouring outside as we walked to his car. Nowadays, I doubt I could ever go back.
avatar for Dudester
16 years ago
Early 1980-San Diego. I had grown up in a very repressive small town. Joined the Marines in 1979, graduated boot in 1979, and went back to San Diego in 1980 to "see the sights".

First, went to the Body Shop and watched nude dancers all day. They were nice to look at. At 5:30 p.m., Les Girls, next door, opened. I was surprised when two completely nude chicks met us at the door. One was barely a 7, but the other was an "OH MY GOD!!!" 10+++ Goddess. I would've paid all the money in my wallet to have her grind on me, but right after she collected dues at the door, she got dressed. I talked to her later. She told me that she was still in high school and the theatrical type of burlesque they did there appealed to her-but she was too young to perform (???).
avatar for magicrat
16 years ago
Atlanta, Georgia, Tattletales in 1979 or 1980. The dancers still had hair on their pussies back then, and you had to wait for a seat at the stage as almost nobody sat at the tables. I think all they had available were table dances at $10. Blew this old country boy's mind. Unfortunately, in Atlanta little has changed on 20 years...still nude and apparently little to no action.
avatar for chandler
16 years ago
My first must not have been too memorable. I don't recall whether Deja Vu in Lansing or Million Dollar Saloon in Windsor came first. Both were soon after I began clubbing in late 1993. A few weeks later, I went to Tampa, my first good nude club experience. Back then, I thought that a nude club had to be better than a topless club, and that clubs with nude lap dances had to be the best of all worlds. Before long, I learned that all that didn't necessarily follow.
avatar for clubdude
16 years ago
1972 or 73, can't remeber anymore. However, the ddrinking age in Michigan had just been lowered to 18 in 72. So we were in this tiny little strip club in Lansing, MI (yes it was during my college years). It only had two dancers and they appeared to had been working there for awhile. I can't even rember if there were any lap dances given. What I do remeber is we had a guy with us who was 16 or 17. We were seated next to this guy who was pretty drunk. It turned out he was liqour contol agent from the State of Michigan. He was making sure the drinks had a decent alcohol content. His and ours did.
avatar for Notsosly
16 years ago
Pink Pussycat in Fort Lauderdale (pretty sure it's mentioned in the Motley Crue song Girls! Girls! Girls!). I was a senior in HS, my buddy a junior, both of us underage but with REALLY crappy fake IDs. But the PP was only 18+ so they didn't check to hard. Neither of us had ever been in one, but the girls there were hot and naked, and honestly that's all we were hoping for. Unfortunately, neither of us had shit for money, so no lap dances.
avatar for neoloki
16 years ago
1976 - Eureka, California - just graduating and traveled north to visit an aunt and try to garner an interview with an architect. Aunt fell sick and dumped me on her boyfriend, a salty old electrician. I had led a very sheltered life in a llittle migrant farm town, and, you know, "I'd never ever kissed a girl before" and this old guy apparently had because we ended up on the waterfront at a very seedy joint with a dancer named treila...several drinks later we were all best friends and my "escort" for the evening was working treila to do a late night "photo session". Seems they knew each other from some previous time and tonight didn't work out because of some boyfriend, but my eyes had been opened. Upon my return to college while unpacking, I found what was then at least a shockingly revealing photo of lovely miss treila (thanks cyrus). First strip club intrigue.
avatar for catman988
16 years ago
Orlando in the early 80's. Just two blocks off I4 near Winter Park,
not listed anymore - but if you have every seen it you will remember
it - two doom buildings side by side that looked remarkably like tits.
avatar for mmdv26
16 years ago
Probably was the first nude lap dance I ever got. Can't remember the name of the club. Near the airport in Tampa, right next to the highway, with water on the other side of the parking lot.

I think I heard that they widened the road and the club went away...Anyway, the dance was so non-contact that it was nothing to remember.

Went to Mons on the next trip to Tampa. Much better memories!!
avatar for snowtime
16 years ago
Good topic, Shadowcat. First NUDE club visit was around 1969 at a "Printer's Alley" club in Nashville,Tn. A group of us in college went to see the feature dancer "Morganna" who had made a name for herself by running on major league baseball fields and kissing a selected ballplayer. Some of you older guys will remember her as these episodes always made the newscasts. We just went to see her and were very pleasantly surprised to see her get completely nude.
The only other nude stage appearance I had seen before this was at the infamous "Gwinnett County Fair". At that time (late 60's) Gwinnett County was a mostly rural area outside Atlanta and the local authorities had a long history of allowing lude stripshows in their county fair, much to the delight of the local rednecks and some of us Atlanta high school boys. Several years ago I obtained a book detailing the long gone history of these county fair stripshows which were apparently very common in the rural U.S. during the 50's and 60's.
My first nude lapdance was in Tampa at either the Mons Venus or one of the dive clubs along Nebraska Ave. in Tampa. Memory is a little fuzzy on which club was first for me. Both were fun.
avatar for Dain
16 years ago
When I was 17, Pittsburgh still had an old burlesque theater; and the shows were complete with burlesque comedians and a live band. The girls just flashed. I still prefer bushy cunts.
avatar for chandler
16 years ago
Mmdv, it sounds like you're describing the Tanga Lounge, home of the orange stacking chair dance. Fun place. I believe it was leveled to make way for the road to be widened.
avatar for SuperDude
16 years ago
First was Jason's in Windsor, Ontario, Canada right off the tunnel from Detroit. Hit in they heyday of the "Windsor Ballet." Beautiful women from Quebec and Western Europe as well as Ontario and the rest of Canada. Clubs in Windsor are still nude, but slow. Jason's is now a male strip club, when it's open. Dancers in Detroit offer "extras" to keep customers Stateside. Escorts are legal in Windsor. Ah, if only the economy would recover.
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago
I've thought about this question since it was posted, and well, I give up. I really can't remember which was first. There are 2-4 that anyone could have been the first.
avatar for pop
16 years ago
I don't really remember the first nude club I went to. It may have been in Atlanta. I think the first true nude lap dance was at the same place mmdv26 mentioned but it was very high contact.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
16 years ago
Fantasia, Richmond Hill Ontario (just north of Toronto), early- to mid-1990s. I don't know if, "officially," or on-stage, this was a nude club or not. I can't remember, and I probably never noticed anyway, because I was too busy with my face buried in nude pussy in the private rooms.
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago
I just thought of a time back in late 1970, in the AM. I was working on a repair in a bar, behind the bar. The old barmaid kept excusing herself has she would walk by. After a while, I heard the "Excuse me", but certainly not the same voice. As I turned to let the "voice" by, there stood the PM topless barmaid. To say I was surprised would be an understatement. This bar, however, was not a strip club, just had topless barmaids in the PM.
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