Name That Hobby

What's in a name? Can anybody think of something catchy, yet universal to call this thing of ours?
"Strip Clubbing" is functional, but maybe could use some fine tuning. "Mongering" is interesting, and guys around here get what that is, but it doesn't necessarily fit.
So let's have it. What should this hobby be called?
"Strip Clubbing" is functional, but maybe could use some fine tuning. "Mongering" is interesting, and guys around here get what that is, but it doesn't necessarily fit.
So let's have it. What should this hobby be called?
Many, many times over. But it would be interesting to see what type of disorder the physicianistas could lay on it. "Clothing Intolerance Syndrome" or something of the like...
Good question, Wellanon, although I'm afraid "hobby" is taken, too. I kind of like "sickness". As a verb, we could say we're "getting sick" or "sicking" which could be typed as "SCing". Yeah, I like that.
I guess "clubbing" might be the simplest overall one-word description of what we do. That means "Clubber" has an advantage over all the rest of us since he built that right into his name. (However, I notice that on is Icon he uses the term "Clubber" in quite a different context)
Contributing to the community college fund for local single mothers.
"Clubber" was intended as you suggested, since I did visit many. I was in the top 10 of reviewers before I retired. The photos came much later and the one I use was just to be crude.