There was a segment on Dateline NBC the other night called the stripper and the steelworker. It dealt with a stripper up in alaska who got involved in some sort of love square, not triangle, a love square. Seemingly she had agreed to marry these 3 guys at one time or another. Even lived with two of them in the same house for a while. Anyways, long story short, one of the guys ends up dead, shot, found in the woods. Seems he had a life insurance policy where she thought she was the beneficiary but he had just changed it a few days b4. Alot more to the story then i can post here, but it was interesting. I gotta say it made me nauseous at times. You can probably watch it entirely on nbc's webiste. google the strpper and the steelworker.
last commentDick, I've seen that story before on Dateline and other shows. Great, great story, although sickening. Unfolds like a trashy novel about stripper shit taken to the ultimate level. As the saying goes, if it were a novel or movie, you wouldn't believe it. The bitch even took her inspiration from an actual movie about a seductress/murderer. It has all the stock characters - the manipulative stripper, the RIL victim, the RIL patsy, the White Knight who married her after she left stripping. Anybody who follows this board will recognize them all. And see right through her whimpering, "poor little me" lies. But, man, she really was very cute in those old photos. It's amazing that she succeeded in starting a new life (in Idaho, was it?) as an innocent housewife, and incredible that she almost got away with it all. It really should be required viewing for everybody who deals with SS.
Yeah, it was a rerun-saw it before. I can't add to what Dick and Chandler said, but oh yeah, they are lying and manipulative.
Somebody with more skill and energy than me, please report exactly how (if) we can watch it thru the Internet.
I am so techologically clutzy I can't even figure out how to get streamin audio from my local radio station on the internet, even tho they tell me every single day that I can do it.
Arbeeguy, the video is at
Click the video link and the fullscreen icon and enjoy, assuming you have a fairly up-to-date computer and brower. It's about 100 minutes long, in segments that pause every 6-8 minutes or so.
I just Googled it and it came as the first hit.
To get further insights into the "minds" of strippers, also consider reading books on Narcissism generally, and Malignant Narcissism in particular. Most strippers probably have one of these. This particular stripper, apparently, crossed over to Anti Social Personality Disorder which is rather rare, even for strippers, but, undoubtedly more common among strippers than females in the general population.